Media advocacy: How to make public health matter in media
Media advocacy: How to make public health matter in media

Monday, November 17, 2014: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Interested in learning how to work effectively with the news media to deliver public health messages to journalists, decision makers and other target audiences? During this session, a panel of influential journalists will share inside strategies for pitching stories to media outlets and other tips for generating news coverage of your issue or organization. Learn about the role of media advocacy, the importance of developing messages that resonate with the public and how you can help put issues front and center in a policy agenda at the federal, state or local level. Hear first-hand from those who cover health news how to best communicate your public health messages through the media. Topics: Converging newsrooms, competing health issues, pitching the media, forecasting ACA implementation coverage, role of aggregation in news reporting.
Session Objectives: Describe strategies for pitching stories to media outlets and other tips for generating news coverage of your health issue or organization. Demonstrate best practices for communicating public health messages through the media.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: APHA
Endorsed by: Food and Nutrition
See more of: APHA