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![]() 3251.0 Student Best : Outstanding Research in Health EducationMonday, October 27, 2008: 12:30 PM
Each year the School Health Education and Services (SHES) Section selects, from among the many qualified student abstracts submitted for presentation, research that is deemed outstanding. This session will draw attention to and recognize for award, student papers on the results of an exploratory study done among adolescents aged 9-13 to assess the outcome of the “VERB Summer Scorecard (VSS),”program, a community based media campaign to promote physical activity among adolescents during the summer month; a needs assessment undertaken in California to evaluate the importance for culturally and contextually appropriate Spanish language water safety, first aid and CPR training for Mexican immigrants; a study done to examine the number of smoking households and the prevalence of asthma among school children enrolled in 19 schools in a central Kentucky county; and findings from the administration of the “2006 UCLA Ashe Center on-line Student Survey” administered to ascertain students’ mental health (e.g., anxiety, worry, depression) and extent of involvement in campus-life activities.
Session Objectives: Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to (1) Recognize statistically significant differences between participants and non-participants of the “VERB Summer School Card (VSS)” summer teen activity program designed to promote greater activity among participants compared to non-participants; (2) Articulate the results of a needs assessment done in California to evaluate the importance for culturally appropriate Spanish language water safety, first aid and CPR training for Mexican immigrants to prevent drowning accidents among children and adolescents; (3) Describe the results of a study done to assess the number of smoking households and the prevalence of asthma among school children enrolled in 19 schools in a central Kentucky county; and (4) Discuss the results of the “UCLA Ashe Center On-Line Student Survey” indicating students experienced mental health problems affecting their education, wellbeing and involvement in campus life activities.
Daniel D. Adame, PhD, CHES
12:45 PM
1:00 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: School Health Education and Services
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: School Health Education and Services