Amy J. Schulz, PhD MPH

University of Michigan
Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
1425 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI
USA 48109
3059.0 Translating findings from Community-Based Participatory Research into policy interventions to promote health: A case study of urban residential neighborhoods and depression
3213.0 Pathways to heart health: A multilevel community-based participatory intervention to promote heart health
3411.0 Partnerships for Environmental Public Health: Community Based Participatory Approaches to Research and Action
3426.0 Racial/ethnic and gender differences in youth violence: A multilevel exploration of Latino youth
4187.0 Neighborhoods Working in Partnership: Building capacity of adults and youth for policy change in Detroit - Challenges and Lessons Learned
4354.0 Walk Your Heart to Health: Results of a community health promoter training program