3155.0 Award Winning Health Education and Promotion Materials

Monday, November 9, 2009: 10:30 AM
Winners from the PHEHP Health Education Materials Contest present their award-winning health education, promotion and communication materials in categories of Printed Materials, Electronic Materials, and Other Materials. These winners were selected from a competitive pool of materials by a panel of expert health education and promotion professionals from the PHEHP section. Each presenter provides an overview of the health issue, theory, target population, development, implementation, and evaluation of the health material.
Session Objectives: 1) Apply innovative health education concepts to the development of health education, promotion and communication materials. 2) Identify how to tailor health education, promotion and communication materials to specific target populations.
Kira J. McGroarty, MPH, CHES

10:30 AM
Don't be silent about smoking
Erin Sinisgalli, MPH, CHES
10:50 AM
Prostate cancer screening: Making the best choice
Randi M. Williams, MPH, Kathryn L. Taylor, PhD, Caroline Dorfman, BA, Elizabeth Kassan, BA, Sara N. Red, BA, David L. Dawson, BA, William Tuong, Elizabeth R. Parker, BA, Janet Ohene-Frempong, MS, Kimberly M. Davis, PhD, Alex H. Krist, MD, MPH, Steven Woolf, MD, Mark D. Schwartz, PhD, Cheryl Manning and Catherine Swinson
11:10 AM
A multimedia diabetes education program (MDEP) using plain language and clear concepts
Namratha R. Kandula, MD, MPH, Sara Glass, BS, Phyllis Nsiah-Kumi, MD, MPH, Gregory Makoul, PhD, Josh Sager, BA, Charles Zie, BA, Quinn Stephens, BA and David W. Baker, MD, MPH
11:30 AM
Smart Bites: Swipe. $ave. Win
Marilyn Gardner, PhD, Leah Ashwill, BS, Danita Kelley, PhD and Karen Mason, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Endorsed by: Community Health Workers SPIG

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)