3391.0 Student Assembly Late Breaker Poster II

Monday, October 31, 2011: 4:30 PM
Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, PhD, DO, MPH, CPH
Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, PhD, DO, MPH, CPH

Board 2
Determinants of sexual decision-making and safer sex among Latino Women: A Narrative Review
Kristina Rodriguez, MPH Candidate and Amar Kanekar, MPH, CHES, CPH, PhD
Board 3
: Assessing the Outcomes of an Occupational Health and Safety Training among Spanish-Speaking Immigrant Day Laborers through the Mid-west
Alfreda Holloway-Beth, BA, MS, PHD candidate, Emily Ahonen, MPH, PhD, Joseph Zanoni, PhD, MILR and Linda Forst, MD, PhD
Board 4
Examining the Prevalence of Misdiagnosis among Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Martinique Free, MPH and Shanell McGoy, MPH, PhD Candidate
Board 7
A risk analysis of vector borne disease in Mobile County, Alabama using GIS and remote sensing
Josh Stodghill, Medical Student, Walt Clark, Student intern, Charles White, Student Intern, Christopher Frederick, Student Intern, Melinda Bottenfield, Student Intern and Alyson Cederholm, Student Intern
Board 8
Predictors of cesarean delivery in South Carolina births 2006-2008
Pavun Patel, MSCR, Grishma Patel, Quyen Huynh, MSCR, Doug Call, PhD PMP, Daniela Nitcheva, PhD, Melissa Johnson, PharmD, MHS, AAHIVE and Melissa Holland, PharmD, MSCR
Board 10
Physician-patient communication among HIV-positive drug abusers
Madeleine Goldstein, Allan Rodriguez, MD, Gabriel A. Cardenas, MPH, Yves Jeanty, MPH and Lisa Metsch, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: APHA-Student Assembly

See more of: APHA-Student Assembly