Building a Culture of Health Community by Community
Building a Culture of Health Community by Community

Monday, November 17, 2014: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
In a nation that spends more on health care than other industrialized nations, but suffers lower life expectancy and worse health outcomes than its peers, how can we build a culture of health? How can we overcome the challenges that occur when health is unequally influenced by differences in income, education, ethnicity and where a person lives? While it could be easy to become discouraged as one faces these challenges, it is helpful to focus on bright spots, on communities who have taken it upon themselves to work together to improve the places where people live, so that all can benefit from healthier environments. As part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) call to build a culture of health, the RWJF Culture of Health Prize finds and spotlights communities who are excelling in the following areas:
HARNESSING THE COLLECTIVE POWER OF LEADERS, PARTNERS, AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS by listening to diverse voices, inspiring each other and developing strategies for buy-in, decision-making, and coordinated action among groups.
IMPLEMENTING A STRATEGIC APPROACH TO IMPROVING HEALTH THAT FOCUSES ON MULTIPLE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HEALTH including health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment.
ADDRESSING PROBLEMS THAT DISPROPORTIONATELY AFFECT VULNERABLE POPULATIONS such as ethnic minorities and those with limited English skills, income and/or education, and creating opportunities for all members of the community to make choices allowing them to live a long, healthy life.
DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE, LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS TO SHARED COMMUNITY PRIORITIES including planning and implementing policy, systems, and environmental changes that target populations rather than individuals.
SECURING AND MAKING THE MOST OF AVAILABLE RESOURCES including innovative strategies to make the most of financial resources and individual and organizational expertise dedicated to programs and policies that are improving the health of the community.
MEASURING AND SHARING RESULTS including setting achievable goals and engaging in thoughtful and regular monitoring of strategies to improve health and the impact those strategies are having on health measures.
This session will feature dynamic leaders from three of the six 2014 RWJF Culture of Health Prize winning communities who will share their stories and inspire audience members with real-life, can-do strategies in a fashion that truly results in a healthier community for all. Because the prize winners will not be identified until their official announcement at the Aspens Idea Festival, Spotlight Health in June, 2014, this proposal can’t identify the specific speakers or communities until later this summer. Speakers will be selected based on the strength of their community’s story, diversity from across the nation, and ability to deliver their message in a manner that is informative and inspiring to others.
The prize winners will be selected from the following finalists: Brownsville, TX; Bexar County, TX; Buncombe County, NC; Canton, OH; Durham County, NC; East Baton Rouge Parish, LA; Franklin County, ME; Sitka, AK; Spokane County, WA; Taos Pueblo Tribal Community, NM; Van Buren County, IA; Williamson, WV. Georges Benjamin serves on the selection committee and recommended submission of this abstract via this mechanism.
This session will move the discussion about building a culture of health from the conceptual to the real. It promises to provide content that will be directly applicable to local communities who are on a journey towards health. A similar session held at last year’s APHA meeting attracted over 150 participants.
Session Objectives: Describe six characteristics of a healthy community and how they influence health improvement.
Describe specific strategies that Prize winning communities used to build a culture of health in their community.
Identify at least one strategy the attendee will take back to their community to further their work to build a culture of health.
Abbey Cofsky, MPH
Abbey Cofsky, MPH
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: APHA
Endorsed by: American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: APHA