3165.0 Promising nutrition and physical activity interventions and methodologies

Monday, November 8, 2010: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Board 1
Association between physical activity, diet, television/video viewing, computer use, and weight status among U.S. adolescents
Tasha Peart, DrPH, Eduardo Velasco, PhD, Yvonne L. Bronner, ScD, Deborah Rohm-Young, PhD and Mian B. Hossain, PhD
Board 2
Investigating Children's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Using Ecological Momentary Assessment with Mobile Phones
Genevieve Fridlund Dunton, PhD, MPH, Yue Liao, MPH, Stephen S. Intille, PhD, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Jennifer Wolch, PhD and Mary Ann Pentz, PhD
Board 3
Internet Weight-Management Information-Seeking Behavior and Diet, Weight, and Physical Activity Outcomes
James B. Weaver, PhD MPH, Sabrina Harper, MS, Jennifer Harris, BS and Dawn Beatrice Griffin, PhD, MSPH, CHES
Board 4
Assessing the community food environment: Results from a food store reliability study
Leah Rimkus, MPH, RD, Hongyuan Gao, MA, Dianne C. Barker, MHS, Christopher M. Quinn, BA and Frank J. Chaloupka, PhD
Board 5
Effectiveness of a structured physical activity community based intervention for children who are overweight
Urmi Bhaumik, MBBS, MS, DSc, Brandy Cruthird, AFAA, Deborah Dickerson, BA, Christine Locke Healey, MPH and Shari Nethersole, MD
Board 7
Use of the Sesame Street Healthy Habits for Life Resource Kit Among License-Exempt Childcare Providers
Conrado Bárzaga, MD, Christine Aque, MPH, MA and Reena John, MPH
Board 8
Building effective partnerships: The role of lay leaders in the implementation of a faith-based health promotion program with low-income families
Annie Hardison-Moody, MTS, Carolyn Dunn, PhD, David Hall, MPH, MDiv, Lorelei Jones, MEd, Jimmy Newkirk and Cathy Thomas, MAEd, CHES
Board 9
Do compensatory dietary changes while reducing sodium intake lead to worse overall diet in veterans with uncontrolled blood pressure (BP)?
Lily Mundy, BS, Iris Lin, MPA, Jennifer P. Friedberg, PhD, Anna Khesin, Stuart R. Lipsitz, ScD and Sundar Natarajan, MD, MSc
Board 10
2007 soda and sweetened beverage consumption among children and adults in California: What factors really make a difference
Angie Keihner, MS, Amanda Linares, MS, Patrick Mitchell, DrPH, MPH and Sharon Sugerman, MS, RD, FADA

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Food and Nutrition
Endorsed by: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices, Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, School Health Education and Services, Physical Activity

See more of: Food and Nutrition