Miriam Labbok, MD, MPH, FACPM, IBCLC, FABM

Professor and Director
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute, Department of Maternal Child Health, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Chapel Hill, NC
USA 27599-7445

3148.0 Systematic review of community breastfeeding support in developing countries: Building on past progress
3417.0 Can the Ten Step breastfeeding support practices be supported in settings serving low wealth populations without the goal of BFHI achievement?
4132.0 Life-time burden and costs of not breastfeeding in the US
4267.0 What do parents need to know about safe sleep and breastfeeding?
4383.0 Discovering Women's Understanding of Infant Formula Advertising
4383.0 Experiences with limiting pacifier use during the hospital stay: A multi-site qualitative study of nursing staff members and medical providers
5020.0 Provider Training and Breastfeeding: Impact of the Carolina Child Care Ten Steps and job-aids
5038.0 Interstate Collaborative of the Ten Steps
5073.0 Carolina Child Care Ten Steps: Creating breastfeeding-supportive child care