The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

Gerontological Health

NOTE: Sessions listed in italics have been organized by another section, SPIG, or caucus but are endorsed by Gerontological Health.

Click here to view business meetings and social events

Monday, November 11, 2002

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon
3005.0Collaborative/Partnership Projects (Oral)
3034.0Clinical Issues and Quality of Life (Poster)
3035.0Innovations in Long-term Care (Poster)
3036.0Clinical and Cultural Issues in Caring for Older Adults (Poster)
3037.0Consumer Perspectives on Health Care for Older Adults (Poster)
3037.1Prevention among Older Adults (Poster)
3037.2Current Issues in Health and Health Care for Older Adults (Poster)
3060.0Meeting the Public Health Education Needs of Diverse Communities (Poster)
3074.0Women's Health: An View Across the Lifespan (Poster)
3075.0Menopause-Life Transition and Gateway (Oral)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon
3105.0The Long-term Care Continuum: Informal and Formal Caregiving (Oral)
3106.0Special Session: Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (Oral)
3106.1The Archstone Award for Program Innovation (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon
3141.0Issues in Health Disparities (Oral)
3165.0The Aetna "Older Women and Public Health" Award Session (Oral)
3203.0Employing Lay Health Advisors as Change Agents in Community-Based Health Promotion Programs (Poster)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon
3241.0Medicare Reform under "W" (Panel Discussion)
3242.0Caring for a frail elderly population in a managed care environment - lessons from the PACE program (Oral)
3249.0Older Adults and Injury (Oral)
3261.0Womens Health Contributed Papers: Promoting Screening in Vulnerable Populations of Women: Role of Provider-Patient Communication (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon
3298.0One size does not fit all: Tailor-made cancer prevention efforts for Asian and Pacific Islander communities (Poster)
3308.0Gerontological Health Awards Session (Panel Discussion)
3339.0History session: "Live from the City of Sisterly & Brotherly Love: The Founding Mothers and Fathers of Public Health & Social Justice" (Oral)
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon
3358.0Using Health Communication and Social Marketing to Reach Diverse Racial/Ethnic Populations (Oral)
3359.0Health Communications (Oral)
3361.0Outreach Strategies in Cancer Prevention (Oral)

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue
4035.0Cognitive and Emotional Health among Older Adults (Oral)
4035.1National Efforts in Promoting Physical Activity in Older Adults (Panel Discussion)
4035.2Appropriateness of Minimum Nurse Staffing Ratios in Nursing Homes: Phase II CMS Final Report (Oral)
4036.0Medicaid and Public Health (Oral)
4046.0Topics In Aging Among LGBT Populations (Oral)
4058.0Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health Treatment (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue
4122.0Changing Demographics and Implications for Public Health (Oral)
4127.0Consumer-directed Care (Oral)
4128.0Models of Community-based Care: Keeping Elders in Their Homes (Oral)
4129.0Managed Care and Public Health (Oral)
4130.0Staff Development in Public Health (Oral)
4131.0Overcoming Barriers to Care: Meeting Consumer Expectations (Roundtable)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue
4176.0Health Communications in Native Communities (Oral)
4177.1Cultural boundaries, not cultural barriers: Contextual strategies for breast and cervical cancer intervention among Asian American and Pacific Islander women (Oral)
4193.0Linking the Aging and Public Health Networks To Do Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention: The Aging States Project (Oral)
4194.0Access to Health Care among Older Adults (Oral)
4223.0Health Communication Tools You Can Use (Oral)
4230.0What Difference Does Universal Health Care Make?: Experiences in the U.S. and Canada (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue
4261.0Communicating about Health Issues with Older Adults (Roundtable)
4262.0Quality in Nursing Home Care (Oral)
4263.0Strategies for Health Promotion and Healthy Aging (Oral)
4265.0Use of Health Information to Improve Decision-making (Oral)
4266.0Emerging Issues in Public Health (Roundtable)
4283.0Medical Care Section Solicited Papers #4: The Challenges of Medical Care in Late Life (Oral)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed
5030.0Ethnicity and Aging (Oral)
5031.0International Issues in Health Care for Older Adults (Oral)
5065.0Advances in Reaching Special Populations for the Prevention, Control and Management of Diabetes (Poster)
5074.0Older Women: Sex, Violence, and Brittle Bones (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed
5081.0Tobacco Control Research in Targeted Populations (Oral)
5104.0The Importance of Social Supports to the Health and Well-being of Older Adults (Oral)
5105.0Physiological and Pharmacological Health Issues among Older Adults (Oral)
5106.0Clinical Issues and Disease Management (Oral)
5141.0Clinical Service Providers and Interfaces with the Community (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed
5167.0Self-Care for Chronic Diseases among Older Adults (Oral)
5168.0Planning for and Caring during the End of Life (Oral)
5203.0Networking With The Community To Promote Social Work Public Health Programs (Oral)

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA