Monday, November 06, 2006 |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3097.0 | What’s So Right about Rights? Foundations of Health and Human Rights (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3234.0 | War and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3292.0 | Uplifting Prisoners Rights to Preserve Human Rights: Guantanamo and Beyond (Oral) |
| 3353.0 | Public Health and War: Lessons Learned and Not Learned Part I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3398.0 | Global Climate Change, Clean Energy and Human Rights (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3418.0 | Terrorism and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3426.0 | Public Health and War: Lessons Learned and Not Learned Part II (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4010.0 | Human Rights and War (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4152.0 | Health Impact of War in the Middle East (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4211.0 | Deadly Legacy of Military Toxics: Community Initiative to Document and Address Health and Environmental Impacts (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4219.0 | War, Conflict, Refugees, and Detainees: Ethical and Human Rights Issues (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4235.0 | Labor, the War in Iraq and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4330.1 | Labor, The War in Iraq and Public Health: Part 2 Taking Action, Sponsored by the Labor Caucus and the Peace Caucus (Oral) |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5133.0 | Building Peace: Initiatives and Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |