Author Index: X
Author Index: X
Survival of women with triple negative breast cancer in Florida
Unlocking the potential of electronic medical records for patient-centered outcomes research – what policies are needed to facilitate clinical and administrative data sharing?
Examination of factors associated with cancer survival among complex patients using competing risk model
Unlocking the potential of electronic medical records for patient-centered outcomes research – what policies are needed to facilitate clinical and administrative data sharing?
Examination of factors associated with cancer survival among complex patients using competing risk model
Colorectal cancer prevention efficacy of primary care physician-performed vs. specialist-performed colonoscopies at one endoscopy center
Primary care physician (PCP)-performed colonoscopy screening: Does PCP procedure experience affect performance quality?
Assessment of an innovative colonoscopy protocol using a 2-person technique and propofol sedation in ensuring high quality screening colonoscopies by trained primary care physicians
Colonoscopy screening among Americans with a family history of colorectal cancer
Primary care physician (PCP)-performed colonoscopy screening: Does PCP procedure experience affect performance quality?
Assessment of an innovative colonoscopy protocol using a 2-person technique and propofol sedation in ensuring high quality screening colonoscopies by trained primary care physicians
Colonoscopy screening among Americans with a family history of colorectal cancer
Alcohol policy scale and binge drinking among u.s. adults
General and youth-specific state alcohol control policies and drinking among high school-aged youth
State alcohol policies environment and remission from alcohol dependence
State alcohol control policies and alcohol-impaired driving in the United States
An alcohol policy scale to characterize the alcohol policy environment in u.s. states
General and youth-specific state alcohol control policies and drinking among high school-aged youth
State alcohol policies environment and remission from alcohol dependence
State alcohol control policies and alcohol-impaired driving in the United States
An alcohol policy scale to characterize the alcohol policy environment in u.s. states