Author Index: T
Author Index: T
Performing for prevention: Assessing the feasibility of an arts-based HIV prevention approach for adolescents in the US south
AMP!: A new approach to sexual health education for youth
College student sexual health educators comment on their participation in an arts-based intervention for high school students: A qualitative analysis
AMP!: A new approach to sexual health education for youth
College student sexual health educators comment on their participation in an arts-based intervention for high school students: A qualitative analysis
Stressors and mental health challenges faced by immigrant Chinese massage parlor workers in HIV prevention
Toward a model of culturally appropriate adaptation of HIV prevention evidence based interventions: From sista to sisterhood/chieh mei ching yi
Examining the spatial clustering of sex work venues: A comparison of HIV risk in los angeles and New York City
Toward a model of culturally appropriate adaptation of HIV prevention evidence based interventions: From sista to sisterhood/chieh mei ching yi
Examining the spatial clustering of sex work venues: A comparison of HIV risk in los angeles and New York City
Since when is binge drinking healthy? Examining the discrepancies between binge drinking and importance of health to first year fraternity and sorority pledges
Work hard, play hard: Examining the contradiction between binge drinking and exercise behavior in first-year greek-affiliated college students
Work hard, play hard: Examining the contradiction between binge drinking and exercise behavior in first-year greek-affiliated college students
How competency-based requirements have driven cultural change in public health education
Developing, implementing and monitoring a competency-based program for the master of public health
Perspectives on public health training workforce competencies in a large urban health department: A needs assessment sponsored by a public health training center
Developing, implementing and monitoring a competency-based program for the master of public health
Perspectives on public health training workforce competencies in a large urban health department: A needs assessment sponsored by a public health training center
Survival of women with triple negative breast cancer in Florida
Unlocking the potential of electronic medical records for patient-centered outcomes research – what policies are needed to facilitate clinical and administrative data sharing?
Examination of factors associated with cancer survival among complex patients using competing risk model
Unlocking the potential of electronic medical records for patient-centered outcomes research – what policies are needed to facilitate clinical and administrative data sharing?
Examination of factors associated with cancer survival among complex patients using competing risk model
Lung cancer survival is worse in Florida men compared with women
Male breast cancer in the state of Florida (1981-2009)
Are treatment disparities the missing link between institution volume, hospital teaching status and survival for women with breast cancer?
Small cell lung cancer survival disparities by socioeconomic status
Male breast cancer in the state of Florida (1981-2009)
Are treatment disparities the missing link between institution volume, hospital teaching status and survival for women with breast cancer?
Small cell lung cancer survival disparities by socioeconomic status
State variations in physical activity compliance among cancer survivors
Are outcomes worse in low volume and non-teaching hospitals for female breast cancer patients?
Lung cancer survival is worse in Florida men compared with women
Male breast cancer in the state of Florida (1981-2009)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake: Does HPV vaccine legislation work?
Insurance status and survival among female breast cancer patients in Florida
Differences in survival among rural and urban lung cancer patients in Florida, 1996-2007
Are treatment disparities the missing link between institution volume, hospital teaching status and survival for women with breast cancer?
Impact of visual function changes on mortality through changes in activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) among aging adults
Handling missing values in population-based cancer registries: Application to female breast cancer with missing hormonal status
Cost assessment of diabetic retinopathy screening in a community setting
Association of smoking intensity with survival in patients with breast cancer
Smoking prevalence among childhood cancer survivors by region: A call for action
Smoking prevalence among cancer survivors by state: A population based estimate
Female breast cancer disparities in stage at diagnosis by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
Examining geospatial clustering of late stage colorectal cancer
Small cell lung cancer survival disparities by socioeconomic status
Insurance status and survival among lung cancer patients in Florida
Older worker nutrient intake and recommendation compliance
Are outcomes worse in low volume and non-teaching hospitals for female breast cancer patients?
Lung cancer survival is worse in Florida men compared with women
Male breast cancer in the state of Florida (1981-2009)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake: Does HPV vaccine legislation work?
Insurance status and survival among female breast cancer patients in Florida
Differences in survival among rural and urban lung cancer patients in Florida, 1996-2007
Are treatment disparities the missing link between institution volume, hospital teaching status and survival for women with breast cancer?
Impact of visual function changes on mortality through changes in activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) among aging adults
Handling missing values in population-based cancer registries: Application to female breast cancer with missing hormonal status
Cost assessment of diabetic retinopathy screening in a community setting
Association of smoking intensity with survival in patients with breast cancer
Smoking prevalence among childhood cancer survivors by region: A call for action
Smoking prevalence among cancer survivors by state: A population based estimate
Female breast cancer disparities in stage at diagnosis by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
Examining geospatial clustering of late stage colorectal cancer
Small cell lung cancer survival disparities by socioeconomic status
Insurance status and survival among lung cancer patients in Florida
Older worker nutrient intake and recommendation compliance
Effects of a church-based intervention on Korean American women's health beliefs and intentions to undergo cervical cancer screening
Addressing community concerns for increasing clinical trial participation among Asian americans
Promoting cancer screening for Asian American populations
Knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors related to salt use among Chinese take-out restaurant owners and chefs in Philadelphia
Addressing community concerns for increasing clinical trial participation among Asian americans
Promoting cancer screening for Asian American populations
Knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors related to salt use among Chinese take-out restaurant owners and chefs in Philadelphia
Cesarean section rate variation across hospital referral regions in Texas: A claims analysis of privately insured population from 2008-2011
Inappropriate MRI utilization for low back pain in Texas: Variation across the state and predictive factors
Role of utilization and price in spending variation in a privately insured Texas population 2008-2011
Geographic variation in asthma admission rates across hospital referral regions in Texas: An analysis of private insurance population between 2008 and 2011
Inappropriate MRI utilization for low back pain in Texas: Variation across the state and predictive factors
Role of utilization and price in spending variation in a privately insured Texas population 2008-2011
Geographic variation in asthma admission rates across hospital referral regions in Texas: An analysis of private insurance population between 2008 and 2011
Surveillance of causes of fatal non-battle injuries among army soldiers deployed for operations enduring freedom (Afghanistan) and iraqi freedom/new dawn (Iraq), 2001-2011
Public health surveillance of trends in non-battle injury rates among army soldiers deployed to operations iraqi freedom/new dawn (OIF/OND) and enduring freedom (OEF), 2001-2011
Public health surveillance of trends in non-battle injury rates among army soldiers deployed to operations iraqi freedom/new dawn (OIF/OND) and enduring freedom (OEF), 2001-2011
Effect of walking and dietary intervention on lipid profile among adults at risks for CVD: A systematic review
Assessment of factors that predict physical activity among Oklahoma clergy: A theory of planned behavior approach
Latino transgender asylum seekers in the US: Documenting a history of social exclusion, sexual violence, and resulting post-traumatic stress disorder
Gross motor skills function and health quality of life among children with autism participating in autismoves gymnastics program
Assessment of factors that predict physical activity among Oklahoma clergy: A theory of planned behavior approach
Latino transgender asylum seekers in the US: Documenting a history of social exclusion, sexual violence, and resulting post-traumatic stress disorder
Gross motor skills function and health quality of life among children with autism participating in autismoves gymnastics program
Insurance status and disparities in health access and health status of men aged 18 to 64 in Massachusetts: An examination of data from a local-level behavioral risk factor surveillance survey (BRFSS)
Navigated care: Increasing access to health care and integrated wellness programs
Capturing community wellness through the lens of Asian youth: A photovoice project
Navigated care: Increasing access to health care and integrated wellness programs
Capturing community wellness through the lens of Asian youth: A photovoice project
Symbolic value and limitations of racial concordance in the engagement of minority populations into research
Latinos' willingness to participate in research: A national random survey
$100 versus $10,000: The timing of the great recession and heterogeneous changes along the health expenditure distribution
Latinos' willingness to participate in research: A national random survey
$100 versus $10,000: The timing of the great recession and heterogeneous changes along the health expenditure distribution
Examining the effect of adverse childhood experiences on health related quality of life
Assessing the effects of combat exposure, PTSD, and psychological factors on health-related quality of life among Vietnam veterans
Epidemiological review of global commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC)
Automated biosurveillance: Searching for aberration detection algorithms with robust detection performance
A multisite study of the prevalence of HIV using rapid testing in inpatient and outpatient mental health settings
Assessing the effects of combat exposure, PTSD, and psychological factors on health-related quality of life among Vietnam veterans
Epidemiological review of global commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC)
Automated biosurveillance: Searching for aberration detection algorithms with robust detection performance
A multisite study of the prevalence of HIV using rapid testing in inpatient and outpatient mental health settings
Improving rural health at home and abroad: A comparison of implementation efforts in the rural NC and rural Honduras
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
Long-term impact of a disaster on a rural, underserved, community's health
Long-term impacts of a disaster on overall community health: The healthcare provider perspective
Mental health concerns in a rural community post-disaster
Perspectives on emergency response from healthcare providers and community residents: Local disaster with global implications
Long-term impacts of a disaster on overall community health: The healthcare provider perspective
Mental health concerns in a rural community post-disaster
Perspectives on emergency response from healthcare providers and community residents: Local disaster with global implications
Reliability of a rating scale to measure severity of adverse healthcare events
Dissemination of evidence-based atypical antipsychotic information to nursing homes
Recent trends in antipsychotic use in US longterm care facilities
Statin use and discontinuation among nursing home residents with advanced dementia
Dissemination of evidence-based atypical antipsychotic information to nursing homes
Recent trends in antipsychotic use in US longterm care facilities
Statin use and discontinuation among nursing home residents with advanced dementia
Stressors and mental health challenges faced by immigrant Chinese massage parlor workers in HIV prevention
An examination of the association between social norms and risky alcohol use among African American men who have sex with men
Toward a model of culturally appropriate adaptation of HIV prevention evidence based interventions: From sista to sisterhood/chieh mei ching yi
Examining the spatial clustering of sex work venues: A comparison of HIV risk in los angeles and New York City
An examination of the association between social norms and risky alcohol use among African American men who have sex with men
Toward a model of culturally appropriate adaptation of HIV prevention evidence based interventions: From sista to sisterhood/chieh mei ching yi
Examining the spatial clustering of sex work venues: A comparison of HIV risk in los angeles and New York City
Assessment of breast cancer risk in Morocco
A zebrafish cloud computational resource for environmental health science research
Development of an EMR-based database for anticoagulation/anticlotting outcome research
Actionable public health information from a temporal milwaukee beach water quality database
A zebrafish cloud computational resource for environmental health science research
Development of an EMR-based database for anticoagulation/anticlotting outcome research
Actionable public health information from a temporal milwaukee beach water quality database
Differential characteristics of unintentional poisoning deaths by main drug classes
Rape in active component and reserve/ national guard servicewomen: Deployed and non-deployed environments
Unique barriers to seeking mental health care while deployed: OEF/oif servicewomen's perceptions and provider effects
Medical care post-sexual assault for u.s. servicewomen: A retrospective cross-sectional study
Rape in active component and reserve/ national guard servicewomen: Deployed and non-deployed environments
Unique barriers to seeking mental health care while deployed: OEF/oif servicewomen's perceptions and provider effects
Medical care post-sexual assault for u.s. servicewomen: A retrospective cross-sectional study
Leveling the surface for facilitating research literacy and co-production of knowledge in a Latino community-university partnership
Teen pregnancy and neighborhood norms: Connecting ethnic isolation and teen birth rates among Massachusetts Latinas
Beyond service learning: The role of undergraduate students and community residents as resources for health equity research
Teen pregnancy and neighborhood norms: Connecting ethnic isolation and teen birth rates among Massachusetts Latinas
Beyond service learning: The role of undergraduate students and community residents as resources for health equity research
Feasibility of physiologic biomontoring of occupational heat-related illness in central Florida farmworkers
Community-informed and community-based learning: Curriculum development using CBPR from and for female farm workers of Florida
Workplace exposure to fungicides: A reproductive hazard for female farmworkers in central Florida
Methodological considerations in selecting male community health workers (CHWs) in farm worker crews
Community-informed and community-based learning: Curriculum development using CBPR from and for female farm workers of Florida
Workplace exposure to fungicides: A reproductive hazard for female farmworkers in central Florida
Methodological considerations in selecting male community health workers (CHWs) in farm worker crews
Capacity and use of computerized systems to supported electronic health information exchange with pharmacies and physicians and electronic health records in residential care facilities in the US
Residential care facility's computerized capability for discharge and transfer summaries, medical provider information and electronic health records in the US
Residential care facility's computerized capability for discharge and transfer summaries, medical provider information and electronic health records in the US
Racial/ethnic disparities in prostate cancer stage of diagnosis in Florida
Racial/ethnic disparities in prostate cancer initial treatment selection in Florida
Disparities in prostate cancer treatment selection in the state of Florida: The impact of socioeconomic status and education level
Relationship between marital status and prostate cancer stage of diagnosis in Florida
Racial/ethnic disparities in prostate cancer initial treatment selection in Florida
Disparities in prostate cancer treatment selection in the state of Florida: The impact of socioeconomic status and education level
Relationship between marital status and prostate cancer stage of diagnosis in Florida
Oral health and hygiene among preschool age children from migrant and seasonal farmworker families
Food insecurity and barriers to food access among Latino migrant and seasonal farmworker families with young children
Sedentary and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among preschool-aged Latino children in farmworker families
Food insecurity and barriers to food access among Latino migrant and seasonal farmworker families with young children
Sedentary and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among preschool-aged Latino children in farmworker families
Gender differences in self efficacy and behavior outcomes among diabetic Bangladeshis in New York City
Reducing hypertension among Filipino Americans through Project Aspire community health worker intervention
A randomized control-trial community health worker intervention to improve diabetes management in the New York City Bangladeshi community
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Developing and evaluating the community empowered research training (CERT) program: Building research capacity for community-initiated and community-driven research
Diabetes among minority populations in New York City
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Reducing hypertension among Filipino Americans through Project Aspire community health worker intervention
A randomized control-trial community health worker intervention to improve diabetes management in the New York City Bangladeshi community
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Developing and evaluating the community empowered research training (CERT) program: Building research capacity for community-initiated and community-driven research
Diabetes among minority populations in New York City
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Testing a homelessness best practice in a new context: A trial of housing first in five Canadian cities
Cost offsets of housing first programs in 5 Canadian cities
Housing first with intensive case management: 12 month outcomes of the at home/chez soi randomized trial
Effectiveness of housing first with assertive community treatment in a multi-city Canadian trial: 12 month outcomes
Cost offsets of housing first programs in 5 Canadian cities
Housing first with intensive case management: 12 month outcomes of the at home/chez soi randomized trial
Effectiveness of housing first with assertive community treatment in a multi-city Canadian trial: 12 month outcomes
Improving rural health at home and abroad: A comparison of implementation efforts in the rural NC and rural Honduras
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
Dental provider experiences using a web-based clinical decision support system for tobacco use treatment
Usage of a web-based clinical decision support system for tobacco cessation counseling
Formative evaluation of a text messaging intervention to promote cessation medication adherence among tobacco-dependent persons with HIV
Usage of a web-based clinical decision support system for tobacco cessation counseling
Formative evaluation of a text messaging intervention to promote cessation medication adherence among tobacco-dependent persons with HIV
Promoting colorectal cancer screening among urban American Indians and Alaska Natives using digital stories: A culturally-appropriate clinic-based educational intervention
Adaptive reserve at community health centers: The cancer prevention and control research network (CPCRN) multi-state survey
Identifying factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers (CHCs): Development of a multi-state CHC survey
Factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers
"Sorry for laughing, but it's scary": Humor and silence as cultural codes among American Indian and Alaska Native patients discussing colorectal cancer
Adaptive reserve at community health centers: The cancer prevention and control research network (CPCRN) multi-state survey
Identifying factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers (CHCs): Development of a multi-state CHC survey
Factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers
"Sorry for laughing, but it's scary": Humor and silence as cultural codes among American Indian and Alaska Native patients discussing colorectal cancer