Author Index: R
Author Index: R
How does friendship influence childhood well-being and positive behaviors?
Depression as a mediator between parental strictness of rules and self-esteem. an investigation among italian and dutch adolescents
Healthy and unhealthy correlates of sports involvement among italian adolescents? a 1 year longitudinal study
Does healthy living and positive health values influence adolescent substance use? a 1 year longitudinal investigation among italian adolescents
Depression as a mediator between parental strictness of rules and self-esteem. an investigation among italian and dutch adolescents
Healthy and unhealthy correlates of sports involvement among italian adolescents? a 1 year longitudinal study
Does healthy living and positive health values influence adolescent substance use? a 1 year longitudinal investigation among italian adolescents
Using lean process improvement to develop a perinatal system of care for Medicaid insured pregnant women
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on maternal and child health: Who benefits the most?
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on infant injury
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on maternal and child health: Who benefits the most?
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on infant injury
House bill 999: Adoption and implementation of state-mandated abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education curriculum in Mississippi public schools
Women's health efficacy in agricultural households in Bangladesh, Guatemala and Uganda: Comparing 2012 weai pilot data across three countries
Results from a three-year evaluation of parents' knowledge/attitudes towards mandated school-based health initiatives in Mississippi
Women's health efficacy in agricultural households in Bangladesh, Guatemala and Uganda: Comparing 2012 weai pilot data across three countries
Results from a three-year evaluation of parents' knowledge/attitudes towards mandated school-based health initiatives in Mississippi
Sex on the beach: An in-depth situational analysis of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, part 2: County-level case studies of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, the climax: Themes and recommendations from a study of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, part 3: A media analysis of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, part 2: County-level case studies of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, the climax: Themes and recommendations from a study of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Sex on the beach, part 3: A media analysis of school-based sexuality education changes in Florida
Overview of cdc's adoption and demonstration of adaptation prevention techniques (ADAPT-2) project: Lessons learned adapting HIV prevention interventions for high-risk adolescent and adult women
Challenges and lessons learned when adapting evidence-based HIV prevention interventions: Being guided by the teens
Efficacy of adapted personalized cognitive counseling (PCC) for high-risk, HIV-negative, episodic substance-using MSM: Findings from project echo
Challenges and lessons learned when adapting evidence-based HIV prevention interventions: Being guided by the teens
Efficacy of adapted personalized cognitive counseling (PCC) for high-risk, HIV-negative, episodic substance-using MSM: Findings from project echo
Breastfeeding in post-operative care for oral cleft patients
Industrial chemical exposure during pregnancy and risk of orofacial clefts in the democratic republic of congo
Environmental factors and risk of orofacial clefts in the democratic republic of congo
Determining feeding practices in children with or without clefts in developing countries
Industrial chemical exposure during pregnancy and risk of orofacial clefts in the democratic republic of congo
Environmental factors and risk of orofacial clefts in the democratic republic of congo
Determining feeding practices in children with or without clefts in developing countries
Time to definitive diagnosis of breast cancer in Latina and non-Hispanic white women: The six cities study
Empowering Latinas to make informed decisions about breast cancer clinical trials
Hepatocellular carcinoma disparities in latinos: Implications for research
Targeting health disparities: From laredo to the nation
Attitudes and intentions to undergo genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility among Latinas living along the US-Mexico border
Assessment of attitudes toward breast cancer genetics among five underserved special population groups
Factors associated with interest in genetic testing for breast cancer among Latina and non-hispanic white women
Navigating Latinas with breast cancer to treatment: The six cities study
Empowering Latinas to make informed decisions about breast cancer clinical trials
Hepatocellular carcinoma disparities in latinos: Implications for research
Targeting health disparities: From laredo to the nation
Attitudes and intentions to undergo genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility among Latinas living along the US-Mexico border
Assessment of attitudes toward breast cancer genetics among five underserved special population groups
Factors associated with interest in genetic testing for breast cancer among Latina and non-hispanic white women
Navigating Latinas with breast cancer to treatment: The six cities study
Understanding parents' motivation to communicate with their first-year college student about alcohol: A modification and extension of the theory of normative social behavior
Effectiveness of anti-bullying legislation in schools
Perceived threat of and communication about subsequent injury among individuals with spinal cord injury
Injury hospitalizations and associated costs between individuals with pre-existing quadriplegia versus paraplegia
Effectiveness of anti-bullying legislation in schools
Perceived threat of and communication about subsequent injury among individuals with spinal cord injury
Injury hospitalizations and associated costs between individuals with pre-existing quadriplegia versus paraplegia
Communities IMPACT diabetes center's vision health toolkit: Utilizing lay health social service providers as messengers of vision health information
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Healthy plate for a healthy weight: Engaging east harlem restaurants in the campaign against obesity and diabetes
Vision voice: An exploration of diabetes and vision loss in New York City's most affected neighborhoods
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Healthy plate for a healthy weight: Engaging east harlem restaurants in the campaign against obesity and diabetes
Vision voice: An exploration of diabetes and vision loss in New York City's most affected neighborhoods
Relationship between social support and the initiation and success of breast milk expression among mothers of premature infants at social-environmental risk
Patterns of quitting smoking during pregnancy and subtypes of preterm birth
Association between having a medical home and mental health service utilization among u.s. children with a mental health condition, 2007
Patterns of quitting smoking during pregnancy and subtypes of preterm birth
Association between having a medical home and mental health service utilization among u.s. children with a mental health condition, 2007
Piloting a community-based intervention for caregivers of Korean American cancer survivorship
Marhaba: Key informant interview findings from a study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among muslim women in New York city
Reducing the risk of falls in community-dwelling elderly with dementia
Marhaba: Key informant interview findings from a study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among muslim women in New York city
Reducing the risk of falls in community-dwelling elderly with dementia
Partnering with the Adventist development and relief agency (ADRA) to access needs in northern Laotian villages
Using a community participatory approach to assess health through a water, sanitation and hygiene sustainability project
Using a community-based participatory approach to build sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure to improve health status of northern laotians
Building sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure to improve health status of northern laotians
Using a community participatory approach to assess health through a water, sanitation and hygiene sustainability project
Using a community-based participatory approach to build sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure to improve health status of northern laotians
Building sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure to improve health status of northern laotians
Sustaining a risk reduction and safety practices intervention model: A randomized control study Examining the effects of transferring the community health worker model to an occupational agricultural setting
An earthquake in the midwest: OSHA enforcement reveals faults in the world of agricultural safety
An earthquake in the midwest: OSHA enforcement reveals faults in the world of agricultural safety
Lenses of health disparities and inequities in San Diego county
EMS surveillance to determine trends in intentional injury
Heat index spatial surveillance integral to a public health services seasonal heat response plan, county of San Diego, California
An emergency medical services surveillance system: The daily situational awareness tool (DSAT)
Emergency department visitation for mental health related issues in San Diego county
Non-natural deaths in San Diego county: A comparison of older adults to the general population
Unintentional injuries among children and adolescents: A decade of trends
EMS surveillance to determine trends in intentional injury
Heat index spatial surveillance integral to a public health services seasonal heat response plan, county of San Diego, California
An emergency medical services surveillance system: The daily situational awareness tool (DSAT)
Emergency department visitation for mental health related issues in San Diego county
Non-natural deaths in San Diego county: A comparison of older adults to the general population
Unintentional injuries among children and adolescents: A decade of trends
Using lean process improvement to develop a perinatal system of care for Medicaid insured pregnant women
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Hooking up: Attitudes that inform decision making around casual sex behavior within a college population
Sexual health among bisexual men in Mumbai, India
How communication about STI status affects sexual behavior decision-making
Youth development professionals: An untapped sex education resource
Sexual identity among behaviorally bisexual men: Implications for HIV/STI and sexual health
"not a legitimate sexual orientation": Attitudes toward bisexual men and women as a risk factor for HIV/AIDS
Impact of stigma on HIV prevention behaviors among HIV-infected individuals seeking HIV care in Kenya
Dual method use at last sexual encounter: An episode-level analysis from a nationally representative survey of US men and women
Alone in the United States: Loneliness and HIV risk behavior among rural MSM
Talk about testing: What sexual partners discuss in relations to STI status and why
Sexual health among bisexual men in Mumbai, India
How communication about STI status affects sexual behavior decision-making
Youth development professionals: An untapped sex education resource
Sexual identity among behaviorally bisexual men: Implications for HIV/STI and sexual health
"not a legitimate sexual orientation": Attitudes toward bisexual men and women as a risk factor for HIV/AIDS
Impact of stigma on HIV prevention behaviors among HIV-infected individuals seeking HIV care in Kenya
Dual method use at last sexual encounter: An episode-level analysis from a nationally representative survey of US men and women
Alone in the United States: Loneliness and HIV risk behavior among rural MSM
Talk about testing: What sexual partners discuss in relations to STI status and why
“healthy monday”: Driving universities to ask, “what the health?”
“man up monday” - the day dedicated to sexual health
“a university, a health department, and a pharmaceutical company walk into a health clinic…”: A successful public-private partnership
"man up monday" – encouraging habitual thinking about sexual health
Monday campaigns – raising health online through grassroots movements
Mondays: Helping smokers quit and stay quit
It's monday - “man up” and get tested
“healthy monday” - raising health in the workplace
“man up monday” - the day dedicated to sexual health
“a university, a health department, and a pharmaceutical company walk into a health clinic…”: A successful public-private partnership
"man up monday" – encouraging habitual thinking about sexual health
Monday campaigns – raising health online through grassroots movements
Mondays: Helping smokers quit and stay quit
It's monday - “man up” and get tested
“healthy monday” - raising health in the workplace
Acculturation and childhood obesity among immigrant nigerian children in northern California
Knowledge, attitude, and lifestyle practices on primary prevention of dementia
Single mothers' efforts to reduce their under-five child mortality: Influence of poverty &hunger, education and women empowerment
Knowledge, attitude, and lifestyle practices on primary prevention of dementia
Single mothers' efforts to reduce their under-five child mortality: Influence of poverty &hunger, education and women empowerment
Support and promote the public health education profession through certification
Keeping current in health education: Processes to verify practice of health education specialists
Global quality assurance of health education specialists: Considerations in certification
Significance of national standards and accreditation in certification programs
How to advocate for health education, while marketing the ches and mches credentials
Keeping current in health education: Processes to verify practice of health education specialists
Global quality assurance of health education specialists: Considerations in certification
Significance of national standards and accreditation in certification programs
How to advocate for health education, while marketing the ches and mches credentials
Role of landlords in creating healthy homes: Section 8 landlord perspectives on healthy housing practices
Translating chw asthma interventions from research to sustainability (please note, this presentation is envisioned as an entire oral session with four presenters)
Evaluation of air quality in Boston housing authority multi-unit developments pre- and post-implementation of portfolio-wide smoking prohibition
Youth engagement in public awareness and policy addressing low-cost cigars in Boston
Translating chw asthma interventions from research to sustainability (please note, this presentation is envisioned as an entire oral session with four presenters)
Evaluation of air quality in Boston housing authority multi-unit developments pre- and post-implementation of portfolio-wide smoking prohibition
Youth engagement in public awareness and policy addressing low-cost cigars in Boston
Quantitative research in adult transgender: A conceptually-informed review
Stigma, syndemics and HIV risk in transgender women
Comparing in-person and online recruited respondents in the national transgender discrimination survey: Implications of data collection methods for transgender health research in the u.s
Stigma, syndemics and HIV risk in transgender women
Comparing in-person and online recruited respondents in the national transgender discrimination survey: Implications of data collection methods for transgender health research in the u.s
Implementation of two policy initiatives in conjunction with creation of a policy guiding framework: Community based prevention marketing for policy development
Adapting community based prevention marketing to a web-based learning platform for community coalition uptake: Lessons learned from design-to-development
Adapting community based prevention marketing to a web-based learning platform for community coalition uptake: Lessons learned from design-to-development
Exposure-response relationship between the number of anal sex partners and prevalent HIV, HSV-2 and syphilis infections among men who have sex with men
Race differences: Identification of community dwelling women at risk for poor health outcomes using walking speed- The osteoarthritis-initiative (OAI) study
Race differences: Identification of community dwelling women at risk for poor health outcomes using walking speed- The osteoarthritis-initiative (OAI) study
Cost-effectiveness of a sugar-sweetened beverage excise tax in the United States
Impact and cost-effectiveness of childcare center policy changes on BMI and healthcare costs in the United States
Potential impact of eliminating the tax subsidy of food and beverage television advertising directed at children and adolescents on BMI, dalys and healthcare costs in the United States
Impact and cost-effectiveness of childcare center policy changes on BMI and healthcare costs in the United States
Potential impact of eliminating the tax subsidy of food and beverage television advertising directed at children and adolescents on BMI, dalys and healthcare costs in the United States
Enhancing expertise of community partners to promote equity in CBPR: Collaborative research capacity building training for community-based organizations: A community perspective
Influence of discrimination within an anti-immigrant sociopolitical context on cumulative biological risk for latinos in detroit, MI
Community voices: Community partner perspectives on benefits, challenges, facilitating factors and lessons learned from community-based participatory research partnerships
Using an environmental justice framework to examine cumulative effects of particulate matter and access to antioxidant rich foods on blood pressure
Walk your heart to health: Predictors of participation in a community-based walking group intervention in low to moderate income urban communities
Enhancing capacity of community organizations to engage in equitable research partnerships
Influence of discrimination within an anti-immigrant sociopolitical context on cumulative biological risk for latinos in detroit, MI
Community voices: Community partner perspectives on benefits, challenges, facilitating factors and lessons learned from community-based participatory research partnerships
Using an environmental justice framework to examine cumulative effects of particulate matter and access to antioxidant rich foods on blood pressure
Walk your heart to health: Predictors of participation in a community-based walking group intervention in low to moderate income urban communities
Enhancing capacity of community organizations to engage in equitable research partnerships
Sustaining a risk reduction and safety practices intervention model: A randomized control study Examining the effects of transferring the community health worker model to an occupational agricultural setting
An earthquake in the midwest: OSHA enforcement reveals faults in the world of agricultural safety
A local perspective on a global challenge: Health and safety perceptions and practices of immigrant workers in Wisconsin's dairy industry
Farm mapping to assist, protect and prepare emergency responders: The farm mapper project
An earthquake in the midwest: OSHA enforcement reveals faults in the world of agricultural safety
A local perspective on a global challenge: Health and safety perceptions and practices of immigrant workers in Wisconsin's dairy industry
Farm mapping to assist, protect and prepare emergency responders: The farm mapper project
A randomized control-trial community health worker intervention to improve diabetes management in the New York City Bangladeshi community
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Improving retention and data collection rates for a community health worker intervention to promote diabetes prevention among koreans in New York City
Poor mental health and cigarette smoking among Asian American populations in New York City
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Improving retention and data collection rates for a community health worker intervention to promote diabetes prevention among koreans in New York City
Poor mental health and cigarette smoking among Asian American populations in New York City
Results of an intervention to promote diabetes prevention among New York City Koreans using a community health worker model
Gender differences in self efficacy and behavior outcomes among diabetic Bangladeshis in New York City
Results of a pilot study to promote diabetes prevention among New York City South Asian women using a community health worker model
Reducing hypertension among Filipino Americans through Project Aspire community health worker intervention
Diabetes risk factors among taxi drivers in New York City
Gender differences in self efficacy and behavior outcomes among diabetic Bangladeshis in New York City
Results of a pilot study to promote diabetes prevention among New York City South Asian women using a community health worker model
Reducing hypertension among Filipino Americans through Project Aspire community health worker intervention
Diabetes risk factors among taxi drivers in New York City
Repeat gonorrhea infections, sexual addiction and impulsivity in women
Concurrent partners of high-risk African American women and heterosexual anal sex
Predictors of emergency room use: Are they gender-specific?
Contextual factors that contribute to HIV risk reduction among out-of-treatment substance users
Concurrent partners of high-risk African American women and heterosexual anal sex
Predictors of emergency room use: Are they gender-specific?
Contextual factors that contribute to HIV risk reduction among out-of-treatment substance users
Pro-pregnancy attitudes, history of pregnancy, and contraceptive service utilization influence homeless youths' effective contraception use
Middle school sexting and sexual activity
Homeless youths' use of the internet for HIV information and testing locations
Recent substance use & mental disorder symptoms among homeless youth
Homelessness and sexual identity among middle school students
A two way street: Prevalence of cyberbullying among middle school students
HIV risk among homeless adults transitioning to permanent supportive housing
Substantial differences in risk behaviors of homeless youth in two large networks of homeless youth in los angeles
Sexual trauma and PTSD symptoms among female homeless youth
Benefits of pet ownership among homeless youth
Intimate partner violence and the social networks of female homeless youth
Middle school sexting and sexual activity
Homeless youths' use of the internet for HIV information and testing locations
Recent substance use & mental disorder symptoms among homeless youth
Homelessness and sexual identity among middle school students
A two way street: Prevalence of cyberbullying among middle school students
HIV risk among homeless adults transitioning to permanent supportive housing
Substantial differences in risk behaviors of homeless youth in two large networks of homeless youth in los angeles
Sexual trauma and PTSD symptoms among female homeless youth
Benefits of pet ownership among homeless youth
Intimate partner violence and the social networks of female homeless youth
Examining the role of place and community-based participatory research (CBPR) in the development and implementation of health interventions for latinos: A qualitative systematic review
Does social support buffer the relationship between stressors and alcohol use?: Findings from immigrant sexual minority latinos in North Carolina
Si no hay bebidas, no hay fiesta: A qualitative exploration of alcohol use among immigrant sexual minority latinos in North Carolina
Does social support buffer the relationship between stressors and alcohol use?: Findings from immigrant sexual minority latinos in North Carolina
Si no hay bebidas, no hay fiesta: A qualitative exploration of alcohol use among immigrant sexual minority latinos in North Carolina
Public health impact of local immigration enforcement policies: Assessing barriers to health services among immigrant latinos in North Carolina
A social network intervention to improve the sexual health and promote HIV testing among Latino sexual minorities
Hombres: Por un cambio: Intervention process and outcome findings
HIV treatment delays among immigrant latinos: Testing a model for social influence and trust
A social network intervention to improve the sexual health and promote HIV testing among Latino sexual minorities
Hombres: Por un cambio: Intervention process and outcome findings
HIV treatment delays among immigrant latinos: Testing a model for social influence and trust
Pro-pregnancy attitudes, history of pregnancy, and contraceptive service utilization influence homeless youths' effective contraception use
Middle school sexting and sexual activity
Homeless youths' use of the internet for HIV information and testing locations
Latina mothers living with HIV: Psychological distress and multidimensional challenges in the process of acculturation
Recent substance use & mental disorder symptoms among homeless youth
Homelessness and sexual identity among middle school students
A two way street: Prevalence of cyberbullying among middle school students
Development of a social network website to prevent HIV in a young adult homeless population
HIV risk among homeless adults transitioning to permanent supportive housing
Substantial differences in risk behaviors of homeless youth in two large networks of homeless youth in los angeles
Sexual trauma and PTSD symptoms among female homeless youth
Benefits of pet ownership among homeless youth
Intimate partner violence and the social networks of female homeless youth
Middle school sexting and sexual activity
Homeless youths' use of the internet for HIV information and testing locations
Latina mothers living with HIV: Psychological distress and multidimensional challenges in the process of acculturation
Recent substance use & mental disorder symptoms among homeless youth
Homelessness and sexual identity among middle school students
A two way street: Prevalence of cyberbullying among middle school students
Development of a social network website to prevent HIV in a young adult homeless population
HIV risk among homeless adults transitioning to permanent supportive housing
Substantial differences in risk behaviors of homeless youth in two large networks of homeless youth in los angeles
Sexual trauma and PTSD symptoms among female homeless youth
Benefits of pet ownership among homeless youth
Intimate partner violence and the social networks of female homeless youth
Understanding travel burden among women suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus: A mixed methods approach
Environmental injustice in the lowcountry: An analysis of disparities in air toxic exposure and cancer risks in Charleston, South Carolina
Using community-engaged research to inform development of an environmental health survey
Environmental injustice in the lowcountry: An analysis of disparities in air toxic exposure and cancer risks in Charleston, South Carolina
Using community-engaged research to inform development of an environmental health survey
Supporting Rwanda's national community health program: Insights from a community partner organization
Local understandings of reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Adapting the partners in health community-based model of “accompaniment” to Rwanda's community health worker program
“we don't know what's in our bodies”: Adolescent perspectives on reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Local understandings of reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Adapting the partners in health community-based model of “accompaniment” to Rwanda's community health worker program
“we don't know what's in our bodies”: Adolescent perspectives on reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
What keeps me out of care? perspectives of PLWHA in rural South Carolina
Potential challenges with using mhealth interventions among medically underserved middle-aged women living with HIV
Healthcare provider sharing/explaining and HIV-positive women's understanding of cancer health information about abnormal pap test results
Potential challenges with using mhealth interventions among medically underserved middle-aged women living with HIV
Healthcare provider sharing/explaining and HIV-positive women's understanding of cancer health information about abnormal pap test results
Improving rural health at home and abroad: A comparison of implementation efforts in the rural NC and rural Honduras
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
A call to action: Integrating public health into physician assistant education to improve rural health
Autism and gestational exposures to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen
Developing and evaluating the community empowered research training (CERT) program: Building research capacity for community-initiated and community-driven research
Strategies to reach and implement the vision of health equity (STRIVE) project: Adapting and culturally tailoring evidence-based strategies for Asian americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to reach and implement the vision of health equity (STRIVE) project: Adapting and culturally tailoring evidence-based strategies for Asian americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander communities
National standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health and health care from the HHS office of minority health: A blueprint for advancing health equity
Pioneering the use of e-learning tools to train promotores de salud: A partnership between the HHS office of minority health and the USDA food and nutrition service
Healthcare utilization varies by race/ethnicity among low-income Baltimore residents with the same insurance coverage
Pioneering the use of e-learning tools to train promotores de salud: A partnership between the HHS office of minority health and the USDA food and nutrition service
Healthcare utilization varies by race/ethnicity among low-income Baltimore residents with the same insurance coverage
Driving on speed: Sleeplessness and amphetamine use among long-haul truck drivers, 1950-1973
Occupational health internship program (OHIP): Ten years on – still shaping the future of OHS
From agricultural fields to urban asphalt:The role of worker education to promote California's heat illness prevention standard
Occupational health internship program (OHIP): Ten years on – still shaping the future of OHS
From agricultural fields to urban asphalt:The role of worker education to promote California's heat illness prevention standard
Gender differences in self efficacy and behavior outcomes among diabetic Bangladeshis in New York City
Marhaba: Key informant interview findings from a study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among muslim women in New York city
A randomized control-trial community health worker intervention to improve diabetes management in the New York City Bangladeshi community
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Marhaba: Key informant interview findings from a study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among muslim women in New York city
A randomized control-trial community health worker intervention to improve diabetes management in the New York City Bangladeshi community
Community health worker interventions as a way to increase physical activity among three distinct Asian American subgroups in New York City
Obesity among adolescents by race/ethnicity and disability: Analysis of state surveillance data from 2001 to 2010
Outcomes of strength and balance exercise program and a walking program among older adults with intellectual disabilities
Accuracy of the estimated obesity rate from informant-reported weight and height in adults with intellectual disabilities
Outcomes of strength and balance exercise program and a walking program among older adults with intellectual disabilities
Accuracy of the estimated obesity rate from informant-reported weight and height in adults with intellectual disabilities
We're not low income latinos - we are rural mexicans living in san jose, California: Implications for health education when priority populations define themselves
Economies of abundance in lean times: Lessons learned from a thriving and sustainable school-university partnership
Cough sjsu--utilizing campus clubs to mobilize and organize the college community for a clean air campus
Mckinley moves! a unique and sustainable school-university partnership for physical activity and health
Economies of abundance in lean times: Lessons learned from a thriving and sustainable school-university partnership
Cough sjsu--utilizing campus clubs to mobilize and organize the college community for a clean air campus
Mckinley moves! a unique and sustainable school-university partnership for physical activity and health
Development of researchers in minority health and health disparities
Mujer sana, familia fuerte: A promotoras-led cervical cancer prevention project for Latinas in the United States
Telenovelas impact on the public health arena and implications for public health messaging and sustainability. “sin verguenza”, a four-part telenovela miniseries tackles shame and stigma in the Latino community as part of a routine HIV testing campaign
Mujer sana, familia fuerte: A promotoras-led cervical cancer prevention project for Latinas in the United States
Telenovelas impact on the public health arena and implications for public health messaging and sustainability. “sin verguenza”, a four-part telenovela miniseries tackles shame and stigma in the Latino community as part of a routine HIV testing campaign
A socioecological model of sexual risk and resilience among gay/bisexual young men in Kenya: Avenues for prevention
Exploring the emerging role of re-usable sanitary napkins in sexual and reproductive health programming: A community-based approach to improving the lives and holistic well-being of Kenyan women
Exploring the emerging role of re-usable sanitary napkins in sexual and reproductive health programming: A community-based approach to improving the lives and holistic well-being of Kenyan women
Identifying factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers (CHCs): Development of a multi-state CHC survey
Factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers
Exploring factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in FQHCs: A qualitative study
Factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in community health centers
Exploring factors influencing implementation of evidence-based practices for cancer prevention and control in FQHCs: A qualitative study
A path analysis of combat-acquired traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder and their relative associations with post-deployment binge drinking
Alcohol use and HIV related behaviors: Results from a nationally representative sample of women
Impact of community residence on HIV transmission: Voices from African American women in Massachusetts
Testing the use of novel patient financial incentives to improve breast cancer screening rates
Alcohol use and HIV related behaviors: Results from a nationally representative sample of women
Impact of community residence on HIV transmission: Voices from African American women in Massachusetts
Testing the use of novel patient financial incentives to improve breast cancer screening rates
To share or not to share and with whom? Personal responses to consumer genetic testing
Attitudes about regulating consumer genetic testing services: Views from users
Short-term psychological benefits to consumer genetic testing: Findings from the pgen study
Social aspects of sharing consumer genetic testing information online
No easy explanation for divergent attitudes regarding the medical utility of consumer genetic testing: Findings from the pgen study
Reactions to mock genetic tests predict consumer health behaviors in response to their own genetic test results
Interest in genetic test feedback for risk of obesity: Findings from the pgen study
Attitudes about regulating consumer genetic testing services: Views from users
Short-term psychological benefits to consumer genetic testing: Findings from the pgen study
Social aspects of sharing consumer genetic testing information online
No easy explanation for divergent attitudes regarding the medical utility of consumer genetic testing: Findings from the pgen study
Reactions to mock genetic tests predict consumer health behaviors in response to their own genetic test results
Interest in genetic test feedback for risk of obesity: Findings from the pgen study
Injuries associated with strollers and carriers among children in the US, 1990-2010
Mouthguard bites (Behavior, Impulsivity, Theory Evaluation Study): What drives mouthguard use among high school basketball and baseball/softball athletes
Development of a child-resistant spray-bottle for household cleaning products
Carbon monoxide detector use: Results of a randomized controlled trial in a pediatric emergency department
Skateboarding-related injuries treated in US emergency departments, 1990-2008
Distribution and evaluation of a carbon monoxide detector intervention in two settings: Pediatric emergency department and urban community
Mouthguard bites (Behavior, Impulsivity, Theory Evaluation Study): What drives mouthguard use among high school basketball and baseball/softball athletes
Development of a child-resistant spray-bottle for household cleaning products
Carbon monoxide detector use: Results of a randomized controlled trial in a pediatric emergency department
Skateboarding-related injuries treated in US emergency departments, 1990-2008
Distribution and evaluation of a carbon monoxide detector intervention in two settings: Pediatric emergency department and urban community
Quality of care and preadmissions for high risk juvenile onset diabetic children: The impact of Medicaid managed care
Medicaid managed care impacts on quality of care and readmissions for high risk diabetic children
Planning and policy development for providing quality of care and reducing admissions for high risk diabetic children: The impact of Medicaid managed care
Medicaid managed care impacts on quality of care and readmissions for high risk diabetic children
Planning and policy development for providing quality of care and reducing admissions for high risk diabetic children: The impact of Medicaid managed care
Determining the effectiveness of a decision aid for use in recruiting patients to a colon cancer vaccine trial
Using health information technology as a tool for systems change and racial equity in cancer care: Phase I of accure
Collaborating to address medical systems changes in cancer care with community initiation and accountability
Using health information technology as a tool for systems change and racial equity in cancer care: Phase I of accure
Collaborating to address medical systems changes in cancer care with community initiation and accountability
Translating chw asthma interventions from research to sustainability (please note, this presentation is envisioned as an entire oral session with four presenters)
Rethinking local health department (LHD) roles in the safety net under health care reform: The central role of community health workers (CHWs)
Rethinking local health department (LHD) roles in the safety net under health care reform: The central role of community health workers (CHWs)
Knowledge of daily calorie recommendations is associated with lower consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
Evaluation of a public health media counter-advertising campaign about sugary drinks in los angeles county, 2012
Lessons learned and impact simulations of local obesity prevention strategies in los angeles county
Evaluation of a public health media counter-advertising campaign about sugary drinks in los angeles county, 2012
Lessons learned and impact simulations of local obesity prevention strategies in los angeles county
Introducing medical menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: Operations research study to test feasibility of introducing & acceptability of menstrual regulation with medication in Bangladesh
Maternal and perinatal death review at the facility: An innovative approach to collect and analyze data on maternal and neonatal deaths in Bangladesh
Maternal and perinatal death review at the facility: An innovative approach to collect and analyze data on maternal and neonatal deaths in Bangladesh
Demographics of hard to reach populations in California and outreach strategies
Health care use among limited english proficiency enrollees with chronic conditions: Findings from California's low income health program
Using microsimulation model to predict language barriers and access to health care under the Affordable Care Act
Racial and ethnic disparities in coverage after the Affordable Care Act
Health care use among limited english proficiency enrollees with chronic conditions: Findings from California's low income health program
Using microsimulation model to predict language barriers and access to health care under the Affordable Care Act
Racial and ethnic disparities in coverage after the Affordable Care Act
Northern Thailand's ethnic minority HIV awareness: Challenges & realities high for HIV-risk communities with limited access to services
HIV testing access & uptake barriers of thai and ethnic minorities in northern Thailand
HIV awareness and information gaps among thai & ethnic minorities in northern Thailand
Thai & ethnic minority HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) awareness in northern Thailand
Nature of HIV stigma & discrimination in northern Thailand: Public health & human rights implications
Health information's role in achieving the right to health
HIV testing access & uptake barriers of thai and ethnic minorities in northern Thailand
HIV awareness and information gaps among thai & ethnic minorities in northern Thailand
Thai & ethnic minority HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) awareness in northern Thailand
Nature of HIV stigma & discrimination in northern Thailand: Public health & human rights implications
Health information's role in achieving the right to health
Time trends in characteristics of US Αrmy Βasic Τrainees: A descriptive analysis to support identification of risk factors for training-related injuries
Understanding the associations between unemployment, Medicaid, social welfare programs, and suicides, 1999-2009
A comparison of new drugs approved by the EMA and the FDA in 1999-2011
Understanding the associations between the labor market, Medicaid, the US healthcare industry, and health outcomes, 1999-2009
Regulation of medical devices in the european union and USA: The case of coronary drug-eluting stents
Understanding the associations between unemployment, Medicaid, social welfare programs, and suicides, 1999-2009
A comparison of new drugs approved by the EMA and the FDA in 1999-2011
Understanding the associations between the labor market, Medicaid, the US healthcare industry, and health outcomes, 1999-2009
Regulation of medical devices in the european union and USA: The case of coronary drug-eluting stents
A randomized trial of a community health worker led intervention using HPV self-sampling to increase cervical cancer screening among minority women: Preliminary findings
A case study on differences on cervical cancer screening knowledge and prevention practices among Latinas at two sites in a community-based participatory randomized control trial in south Florida
Supporting Florida community health workers through policy: Turning collaboration into action
A case study on differences on cervical cancer screening knowledge and prevention practices among Latinas at two sites in a community-based participatory randomized control trial in south Florida
Supporting Florida community health workers through policy: Turning collaboration into action
Effects of ethnicity, race, and income on the stage of breast cancer at diagnosis among women in south Florida
Quality of reporting of pediatric randomized control trials: The effectiveness of the consort guidelines
Predictors of endoscopy use in medically underserved communities of north miami-dade county--- Florida, United States, 2009-2010
Quality of reporting of pediatric randomized control trials: The effectiveness of the consort guidelines
Predictors of endoscopy use in medically underserved communities of north miami-dade county--- Florida, United States, 2009-2010
We're not low income latinos - we are rural mexicans living in san jose, California: Implications for health education when priority populations define themselves
Economies of abundance in lean times: Lessons learned from a thriving and sustainable school-university partnership
Bringing tequio, sencilles, and humilidad to silicon valley: Acting globally and thinking locally for health
Mckinley moves! a unique and sustainable school-university partnership for physical activity and health
Economies of abundance in lean times: Lessons learned from a thriving and sustainable school-university partnership
Bringing tequio, sencilles, and humilidad to silicon valley: Acting globally and thinking locally for health
Mckinley moves! a unique and sustainable school-university partnership for physical activity and health
Seven years of a occupational health community-based participatory research project in Lawrence, Massachusetts to reduce falls and silica exposure among hispanic construction workers
Changing construction contractors attitudes and safety practices to improve safety climate for hispanic construction workers
Changing construction contractors attitudes and safety practices to improve safety climate for hispanic construction workers
Risk of pelvic inflammatory disease among u.s. active duty females 12 months following recruit training
Translating evidence to support sound public health policy decisions: An evidence-based public health course in action
Impact of cervical cancer screening by race/ethnicity on u.s. active duty service women, 2000-2011
Risk analysis of pelvic inflammatory disease among u.s. military recruits, 2001-2012
Do chlamydia recruit screening programs reduce pelvic inflammatory disease in u.s. servicewomen?
Pelvic inflammatory disease: The impact of recruit chlamydia screening policies on female active duty US service members
Effectiveness of chlamydia screening policies on pelvic inflammatory disease among female u.s. military recruits
Translating evidence to support sound public health policy decisions: An evidence-based public health course in action
Impact of cervical cancer screening by race/ethnicity on u.s. active duty service women, 2000-2011
Risk analysis of pelvic inflammatory disease among u.s. military recruits, 2001-2012
Do chlamydia recruit screening programs reduce pelvic inflammatory disease in u.s. servicewomen?
Pelvic inflammatory disease: The impact of recruit chlamydia screening policies on female active duty US service members
Effectiveness of chlamydia screening policies on pelvic inflammatory disease among female u.s. military recruits
Using lean process improvement to develop a perinatal system of care for Medicaid insured pregnant women
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Developing and implementing a process, context, and outcome evaluation of a statewide community health worker alliance
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on maternal and child health: Who benefits the most?
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on infant injury
Utilization of health and community services among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
Prenatal care to primary care: Understanding medical and psychosocial risk in Medicaid- insured pregnant women for transition to primary care
Developing and implementing a process, context, and outcome evaluation of a statewide community health worker alliance
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on maternal and child health: Who benefits the most?
Effects of a Medicaid home visiting perinatal program on infant injury
“If it happens, it happens” vs. “It was planned”: Conceptualizing the ways people approach the possibility of pregnancy
Perceived ideal circumstances for childbearing across groups of different social position
Varied priorities and changing attitudes towards traditional parenting partnerships in a diverse New York city sample
For or against same-sex marriage and meanings ascribed to “family” among heterosexual adults
Perceived ideal circumstances for childbearing across groups of different social position
Varied priorities and changing attitudes towards traditional parenting partnerships in a diverse New York city sample
For or against same-sex marriage and meanings ascribed to “family” among heterosexual adults
Public/private partnership to address healthcare associated infections
A View from the Health Policy Commission
Risk management and improvement science – lessons learned from Massachusetts' response to the New England compounding center multi-state fungal meningitis outbreak
Leveraging serious reportable events to drive regulatory quality improvement initiatives at the Massachusetts department of public health
Aligning quality agendas to drive system-wide transformation
Insurance type and racial and ethnic disparities in ED mortality among trauma patients in Massachusetts (2008-2010)
A View from the Health Policy Commission
Risk management and improvement science – lessons learned from Massachusetts' response to the New England compounding center multi-state fungal meningitis outbreak
Leveraging serious reportable events to drive regulatory quality improvement initiatives at the Massachusetts department of public health
Aligning quality agendas to drive system-wide transformation
Insurance type and racial and ethnic disparities in ED mortality among trauma patients in Massachusetts (2008-2010)
Strategies for implementing and evaluating SEPA-reads (Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Education Addressing Disconnects in Cardiovascular Communication)
Evaluating a comprehensive health literacy training program and a peer activation model
Teaching cultural humility and competency: The integration of self into the process
Medical-legal partnership: Innovative collaboration in a new healthcare environment
Evaluating a comprehensive health literacy training program and a peer activation model
Teaching cultural humility and competency: The integration of self into the process
Medical-legal partnership: Innovative collaboration in a new healthcare environment
Meta salud: Building binational collaboration with community health workers for prevention of chronic disease
Parent ambassador program: A model for expanding the public health workforce to effect school wellness plans
Everyday violence of immigration related ethno-racial profiling and mistreatment: A mixed methods approach to understanding immigration policy as a structural determinants of health
Diabetes disparities in Latino adults in US-Mexico border: Are social context-related stressors contributing?
New frontiers in global health leadership: Building strong health systems to respond to non-communicable diseases – a versatile training toolkit for professionals and graduate students
Influence of housing characteristics on air infiltration of agricultural pesticides into farmworkers' homes
Parent ambassador program: A model for expanding the public health workforce to effect school wellness plans
Everyday violence of immigration related ethno-racial profiling and mistreatment: A mixed methods approach to understanding immigration policy as a structural determinants of health
Diabetes disparities in Latino adults in US-Mexico border: Are social context-related stressors contributing?
New frontiers in global health leadership: Building strong health systems to respond to non-communicable diseases – a versatile training toolkit for professionals and graduate students
Influence of housing characteristics on air infiltration of agricultural pesticides into farmworkers' homes
Condom use, love and trust: An event level examination among men who have sex with men from latin america, Spain, and Portugal
Examination of group sex behaviors among men who have sex with men in the United States
Event specific examination of alcohol consumption and sexual behavior among college students in the United States
Examination of group sex behaviors among men who have sex with men in the United States
Event specific examination of alcohol consumption and sexual behavior among college students in the United States
Strategies for reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising on cable television in the United States
D'Oh! Homer never has a hangover and Marge always takes him back: Content analysis of alcohol messages on popular television shows
Building a better mousetrap? analysis of one alcohol company's effort at a more restrictive voluntary advertising placement standard
D'Oh! Homer never has a hangover and Marge always takes him back: Content analysis of alcohol messages on popular television shows
Building a better mousetrap? analysis of one alcohol company's effort at a more restrictive voluntary advertising placement standard
Physical and health work conditions for brazilian dental surgeons and their satisfaction with public job
Factors that influence the quality of life of individuals with HIV/AIDS attended on the specialized brazilian service
Promotion of breastfeeding: Benefits of participation pregnant in groups in health education
Factors that influence the quality of life of individuals with HIV/AIDS attended on the specialized brazilian service
Promotion of breastfeeding: Benefits of participation pregnant in groups in health education
Community voices: Community partner perspectives on benefits, challenges, facilitating factors and lessons learned from community-based participatory research partnerships
A community-driven national agenda for research equity and impact
Walk your heart to health: Predictors of participation in a community-based walking group intervention in low to moderate income urban communities
Enhancing capacity of community organizations to engage in equitable research partnerships
A community-driven national agenda for research equity and impact
Walk your heart to health: Predictors of participation in a community-based walking group intervention in low to moderate income urban communities
Enhancing capacity of community organizations to engage in equitable research partnerships
Defining the empowerment process with Asian survivors of domestic violence: Lessons learned in navigating cultural competency in research and methods
Research capacity building in diverse communities: The art of community engaged pedagogy
Using feminist scholarship to build an academic-community research partnership
Research capacity building in diverse communities: The art of community engaged pedagogy
Using feminist scholarship to build an academic-community research partnership
Brave new world: The story of one hospital's transition to a new and improved electronic scheduling system and how this change will lead to more patient-centered care
When the levee breaks: How metropolitan hospital center accommodated a flood of patients in the aftermath of hurricane sandy and several hospital closures in downtown manhattan
Strengthening the links of care: How the implementation of care teams in an outpatient setting has improved workflow and allowed staff to provide better and more comprehensive care
When the levee breaks: How metropolitan hospital center accommodated a flood of patients in the aftermath of hurricane sandy and several hospital closures in downtown manhattan
Strengthening the links of care: How the implementation of care teams in an outpatient setting has improved workflow and allowed staff to provide better and more comprehensive care
Community perceptions of health disparities: Results from an evaluation of a faith-based coalition
Results from a community initiative using a NYC department of health toolkit to increase the availability of healthy foods in corner stores
Evaluation of faith-based health programming in the bronx: Successes and challenges
Diabetes among minority populations in New York City
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Results from a community initiative using a NYC department of health toolkit to increase the availability of healthy foods in corner stores
Evaluation of faith-based health programming in the bronx: Successes and challenges
Diabetes among minority populations in New York City
An immigrant diabetes disadvantage in New York ethnic enclaves?
Using a community capacity tool to measure capacity building in two low-income neighborhoods in los angles as part of a community based participatory research project
Prevalence of undiagnosed chronic disease among self-described healthy latinos
Impact of menu labeling on parents and their children in four diverse los angeles communities
Prevalence of undiagnosed chronic disease among self-described healthy latinos
Impact of menu labeling on parents and their children in four diverse los angeles communities
Health impact assessment of siting public housing units following a natural disaster
Geographic information systems and weighted cumulative impact scoring: A model for quantifying potential health impacts
Using focus groups in a health impact assessment to understand social factors influencing health
Geographic information systems and weighted cumulative impact scoring: A model for quantifying potential health impacts
Using focus groups in a health impact assessment to understand social factors influencing health
Self-reported prescription pain pill, sedative, or tranquilizer use among females in 11 provincial capitals in Afghanistan—findings from the Afghanistan national urban drug use study (ANUDUS)
Opioid use and correlative risk factors among adult male and female residents of Kabul, Afghanistan national urban drug use study (ANUDUS)
Opioid use and correlative risk factors among adult male and female residents of Kabul, Afghanistan national urban drug use study (ANUDUS)
Feasibility of physiologic biomontoring of occupational heat-related illness in central Florida farmworkers
Effect of a multimodal intervention on pesticide safety among indigenous farmworkers in Oregon
Workplace exposure to fungicides: A reproductive hazard for female farmworkers in central Florida
Effect of a culturally-sensitive pesticide safety training on pesticide exposure and DNA damage levels among indigenous farmworkers in Oregon
Effect of a multimodal intervention on pesticide safety among indigenous farmworkers in Oregon
Workplace exposure to fungicides: A reproductive hazard for female farmworkers in central Florida
Effect of a culturally-sensitive pesticide safety training on pesticide exposure and DNA damage levels among indigenous farmworkers in Oregon
Relationship of acetaminophen and alcohol usage to renal dysfunction: An opportunity for health promotion/ education in chiropractic
Early diagnosis of kidney disease: The role of acetaminophen and alcohol consumption, other predispositions
Should chiropractors screen for prostate cancer: Controversy, risk and benefits of prostate-specific antigen test
Early diagnosis of kidney disease: The role of acetaminophen and alcohol consumption, other predispositions
Should chiropractors screen for prostate cancer: Controversy, risk and benefits of prostate-specific antigen test
Since when is binge drinking healthy? Examining the discrepancies between binge drinking and importance of health to first year fraternity and sorority pledges
Work hard, play hard: Examining the contradiction between binge drinking and exercise behavior in first-year greek-affiliated college students
Work hard, play hard: Examining the contradiction between binge drinking and exercise behavior in first-year greek-affiliated college students
Supporting Rwanda's national community health program: Insights from a community partner organization
Local understandings of reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Adapting the partners in health community-based model of “accompaniment” to Rwanda's community health worker program
“we don't know what's in our bodies”: Adolescent perspectives on reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Local understandings of reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district
Adapting the partners in health community-based model of “accompaniment” to Rwanda's community health worker program
“we don't know what's in our bodies”: Adolescent perspectives on reproductive health and family planning in Rwanda's southern kayonza district