Monday, December 12, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon |
| 3021.0 | Local Area Health Survey Data (Oral) |
| 3024.0 | Environmental Health Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3045.0 | Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3046.0 | Psychiatric Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3059.0 | Statistical and Modeling Techniques for Health Outcomes Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3114.0 | Evaluation of Injury Surveillance Data (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3124.0 | Rema Lapouse Award Lecture (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3137.0 | Measurement Issues: Race and Ethnicity (Oral) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Mon |
| 3148.0 | Systems Issues in Public Health (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3225.0 | Healthy People 2010: 2005 Midcourse Review Data Results and Methodological Issues (Oral) |
| 3225.1 | Design and Analysis of Community-Randomized Intervention Studies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Mon |
| 3233.0 | Health Investigations And Assessments Across The Map (Poster) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3288.0 | Annual Exploration of Injury Data Issues (Roundtable) |
| 3317.0 | Innovations in Biostatistical Methods and Applications (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3365.0 | Epidemiology Awards (Oral) |
| 3386.0 | Survey Research and Quantitative Methods for Health Care Services and Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4022.0 | Manipulating Evidence: Safeguarding the Integrity of Science (Oral) |
| 4023.0 | Infectious Disease Surveillance (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4024.0 | Epidemiologic Methods (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4031.0 | New Directions for Quality Improvement (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4046.0 | Evidence-based Practice for Mental Health Services Consumers with Criminal Justice System Involvement (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4062.0 | Evaluating Individual and Census Tract Characteristics on Birth Outcomes--a Multi-level Approach (Oral) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Tue |
| 4089.0 | Injury Surveillance and Data Issues Posters (Poster) |
| 4094.0 | GIS Systems, Statistical Software, and Data Resources -- Posters I (Poster) |
| 4095.0 | Statistical Advances and Applications -- Posters II (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4123.0 | Measurement Issues: Prevalence and Enumeration (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4124.0 | Surveillance Issues and Methodology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4125.0 | Local, State and Federal Response - Katrina: Part I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4132.0 | Evidence-based Public Health Practice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4133.0 | Public Health Informatics (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4147.0 | Real-world Applications of Evidence-based Practices for Persons in the Justice System (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4218.0 | Exposure Assessment And Compromised Air Quality (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4221.0 | Local, State and Federal Response- Katrina: Part II (Oral) |
| 4228.0 | Information Technology for Better Health Care (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4239.0 | Martha May Eliot Forum: The Evidence Base for Medicaid's Maternal and Child Health Services (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4259.0 | Lowell Reed Lecture, Spiegelman and Statistics Section Awards (Oral) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4340.0 | Annual Statistical Methodology Session: Marginal Structural Models for Causal Inference (Oral) |
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |
8:30 AM-9:30 AM Wed |
| 5020.0 | Surveillance and Community Assessment in Maternal and Child Health (Poster) |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed |
| 5068.0 | Innovative Methodologies to Conduct Behavioral Surveillance of STD Risk Behaviors (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5079.0 | Factor Analysis: Developments and Applications (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5098.0 | What and Who's Evidence Makes for Sound Policy? (Oral) |
| 5125.0 | Evidence-based Practices in Mental Health Treatment: Looking Forward from a Historical Perspective (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5141.0 | Measurement Issues: Validity and Reliability (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed |
| 5163.0 | Continuous Quality Improvement (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5180.0 | Quantitative Methods in OSH (Oral) |
| 5193.1 | Statistical Software and Science (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |