Monday, December 12, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon |
| 3057.0 | School Wellness Policies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3134.0 | Threats in School-from Violence to Rabies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Mon |
| 3161.0 | School Health Posters: ATOD, HIV and Sexuality Education (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3222.0 | Support for Sexuality Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Mon |
| 3229.0 | APHA Student Assembly Poster Session I (Poster) |
| 3230.0 | APHA Student Assembly Poster Session II (Poster) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3314.0 | Critical Elements in Planning School Prevention Programs (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Mon |
| 3324.0 | From High School through College: The ABC's of Alcohol Use and Abuse Poster Session (Poster) |
| 3326.0 | College Students, Youth, and Tobacco Poster Session (Poster) |
| 3345.0 | School Health Posters: Nutrition and Physical Activity (Poster) |
| 3346.0 | School Health Posters: Obesity Prevention (Poster) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3371.1 | Beyond ABC and Abstinence-Only: The Politics of HIV Prevention (organized by HIV/AIDS Section in Collaboration with amfAR and SIECUS) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4033.0 | HIV Risk among Adolescents: Issues and Responses (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4060.0 | Healthy School Nutrition Environments (Oral) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Tue |
| 4070.0 | Promoting Tobacco-Free Environments at School and in the Home Poster Session (Poster) |
| 4074.0 | Who's Smoking? Tobacco Use Trends among Adolescents and Young Adults Poster Session (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4161.0 | Roundtable-Innovative School Health Strategies and Programs (Roundtable) |
| 4162.0 | Research and Theory for Effective School Health Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4195.0 | U.S. Patterns of Club Drug Use (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Tue |
| 4286.0 | School Health Posters: School Safety, Violence and Asthma (Poster) |
| 4287.0 | School Health Posters: Innovative Programs and School Health Services (Poster) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4292.0 | Tobacco Use in Young Adults (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4296.0 | Student Assembly Late Breaker: Current Topics in Student Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4334.0 | Promoting Health in College Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4336.0 | Young Adults' Challenge to Health Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed |
| 5025.0 | Emerging Issues in Tobacco Control (Oral) |
| 5028.0 | Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Substance Use (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5050.0 | Teenage Driver Safety (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5072.0 | Children and Young Adults as Health Education Opportunities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5074.0 | College as a Laboratory for Health Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5077.0 | Use of Mentors and School Nurses to Improve the Health of Children (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5114.0 | School Safety and Youth Violence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5139.0 | Abstinence-only vs Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed |
| 5145.0 | Books, Booze, and Broken Lives: Drinking on Campus (Roundtable) |
| 5187.0 | Reducing Children's TV Time to Reduce the Risk of Childhood Obesity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5192.0 | Asthma: An Important School Health Issue (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5193.0 | Youth Sexual Health Programs (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |