Author Index: U
Author Index: U

Multi-site evaluation of an evidence-based HIV prevention intervention for men who have sex with men (MSM): Many man many voices (3MV)
Baseline demographic characteristics and behavioral risks of men who have sex with men accessing CDC funded HIV prevention services: Results from an analysis of participants at 22 community based organizations
Baseline demographic characteristics and behavioral risks of men who have sex with men accessing CDC funded HIV prevention services: Results from an analysis of participants at 22 community based organizations
Relationship Between Patient Centeredness and Trust in Physicians for Older Men with Prostate Cancer
Cancer incidence patterns among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in California and Hawaii, 1995-2010
Intervention targets for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients experiencing significant emotional distress
Cancer incidence patterns among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in California and Hawaii, 1995-2010
Intervention targets for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients experiencing significant emotional distress
A quantitative analysis of beliefs and behaviors associated with Black adults' participation in cancer research
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Implications for college health programming: Predictors of prescription opioid misuse in college students
Do personal values increase the odds of alcohol use and binge drinking among a college population?
Profession of Faith...or Not: Religious Affiliation and Alcohol-Related Problems among College Students
Do personal values increase the odds of alcohol use and binge drinking among a college population?
Profession of Faith...or Not: Religious Affiliation and Alcohol-Related Problems among College Students