Author Index: H
Author Index: H

Results from a Brief Intervention to Promote Smoke-Free Homes among 2-1-1 Clients
Healthy Homes/Healthy Families: Results from a Coaching Intervention RCT to Prevent Weight Gain in Low-Income Rural Women
Home environments and physical activity among low-income overweight and obese women in southwest Georgia
Strengthening Bridges: A Navigation program for survivors of breast and gynecological cancers post treatment
Healthy Homes/Healthy Families: Results from a Coaching Intervention RCT to Prevent Weight Gain in Low-Income Rural Women
Home environments and physical activity among low-income overweight and obese women in southwest Georgia
Strengthening Bridges: A Navigation program for survivors of breast and gynecological cancers post treatment
Community clinic readiness for health care reform
Does recognition as patient-centered medical home and behavioral health integration improve care delivery in the safety net? Evidence from early expansion of Medicaid in California
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Does recognition as patient-centered medical home and behavioral health integration improve care delivery in the safety net? Evidence from early expansion of Medicaid in California
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part2: Public Health Nurses' Confidence in Their Skills and Simulated Patients' Readiness to Change
Exploring Patterns of the Body Mass Index Trajectory in Japanese Children
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part1: Perceptions of Public Health Nurses -
Exploring Patterns of the Body Mass Index Trajectory in Japanese Children
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part1: Perceptions of Public Health Nurses -
HIV Incidence in a New Generation of YMSM: Lessons from the P18 Cohort Study
Intimate partner violence as a determinant of sex risk and substance use in a new generation of urban young men who have sex with men
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Intimate partner violence as a determinant of sex risk and substance use in a new generation of urban young men who have sex with men
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Facilitators and barriers to successful implementation of in-school physical activity policy in the Mississippi Delta
Influence of race/ethnicity and alcohol use on high blood pressure and diabetes
A process evaluation of the brief alcohol screening intervention for college students program
Tallahatchie Wellness! A successful community based participatory research approach to develop a community-university partnership to improve health in a Mississippi Delta community
Influence of race/ethnicity and alcohol use on high blood pressure and diabetes
A process evaluation of the brief alcohol screening intervention for college students program
Tallahatchie Wellness! A successful community based participatory research approach to develop a community-university partnership to improve health in a Mississippi Delta community
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
MCH Service Delivery Profile of LHDs: Relationship with the Performance of the Essential Public Health Services"
Exploring Nativity Differences in Breastfeeding Behaviors Among Middle-Class Black Women: A Qualitative Study
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Exploring Nativity Differences in Breastfeeding Behaviors Among Middle-Class Black Women: A Qualitative Study
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Community Health Worker Perspectives on Recruitment and Retention of Recent Immigrant Women in a Randomized Clinical Trial
Knowledge, perception, and decision-making about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Korean American women
Mental Health among Asian and non-Hispanic White workers in California
Knowledge, perception, and decision-making about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Korean American women
Mental Health among Asian and non-Hispanic White workers in California
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Not just any drinking water: A health impact assessment introducing public health issues in local political discussions about inequalities regarding water and sanitation infrastructures
Beyond political divide: A unified vision to develop strategies and policies for a comprehensive community wellbeing plan
Beyond political divide: A unified vision to develop strategies and policies for a comprehensive community wellbeing plan
Psychological Factors and Decisional Balance to Use Condoms among Young Gay and Bisexual Men: Differences across Race and Ethnicity
Multiple Health Needs of Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and Transgender Women in Western Kenya: Initial Findings and Future Directions
Experiences of Pleasure & Satisfaction in a Sample of Young Black Same-Gender Loving Men (YBSGLM)
Substance Use and First Same-sex Sexual Experiences (FSSSE) in Young Black Same Gender Loving Adolescents (YBSGLAs)
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Multiple Health Needs of Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and Transgender Women in Western Kenya: Initial Findings and Future Directions
Experiences of Pleasure & Satisfaction in a Sample of Young Black Same-Gender Loving Men (YBSGLM)
Substance Use and First Same-sex Sexual Experiences (FSSSE) in Young Black Same Gender Loving Adolescents (YBSGLAs)
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Community Building Community: The distinct benefits of community partners building other communities' capacity to conduct health research
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Lessons and Innovations from the Field: Community Health Workers as Frontline Interventionists Using Mobile Technology to Impact Birth Outcomes Among Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Toxic Paint Removers: Safer Choices
Using digital storytelling to prevent palm tree worker fatalities
Methylene Chloride in Paint Strippers: An Unacceptable Risk
Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP): Eleven years on – still shaping the future of OHS
Preventing palm tree worker fatalities: The California FACE program
Using digital storytelling to prevent palm tree worker fatalities
Methylene Chloride in Paint Strippers: An Unacceptable Risk
Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP): Eleven years on – still shaping the future of OHS
Preventing palm tree worker fatalities: The California FACE program
Concurrent Sexual Partnership Patterns and Characteristics Among Young Heterosexual Adults at Increased HIV Risk
Examining the Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Women and Infants in Oregon: Collaboration between Academic Public Health and the Practice Community
Can Young Adults Accurately Report Sexual Partnership Dates? Results from the Project on Partner Dynamics
Perceived Partner Non-Monogamy and Incident Sexual Partnership Concurrency: Results from The Project on Partner Dynamics (POPD)
Examining the Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Women and Infants in Oregon: Collaboration between Academic Public Health and the Practice Community
Can Young Adults Accurately Report Sexual Partnership Dates? Results from the Project on Partner Dynamics
Perceived Partner Non-Monogamy and Incident Sexual Partnership Concurrency: Results from The Project on Partner Dynamics (POPD)
Neighborhood crime, intimate partner violence, and mental health in pregnant women in a disaster recovery environment
Models of Prenatal Care in a Long-term Post-disaster Recovery Area
Feasibility of linking maternal study data to offspring vital records data: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Area of residence as a predictor of perceived exposure to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill among reproductive-aged women
Models of Prenatal Care in a Long-term Post-disaster Recovery Area
Feasibility of linking maternal study data to offspring vital records data: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Area of residence as a predictor of perceived exposure to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill among reproductive-aged women
Cross-site evaluation of different community efforts to improve diabetes self-management among African-American women
Participatory evaluation of a Nashville community program to enhance physical activity and care among African-American women with type 2 diabetes
Health wise women diabetes self-management project in Washington D.C
A Community-based participatory evaluation of a diabetes and health disparities initiative among Boston public housing residents
Preparing the workforce for public health and development efforts in the African region
Participatory evaluation of a Nashville community program to enhance physical activity and care among African-American women with type 2 diabetes
Health wise women diabetes self-management project in Washington D.C
A Community-based participatory evaluation of a diabetes and health disparities initiative among Boston public housing residents
Preparing the workforce for public health and development efforts in the African region
Lessons and Innovations from the Field: Community Health Workers as Frontline Interventionists Using Mobile Technology to Impact Birth Outcomes Among Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Accessible Mammography and Women with Disabilities: Outcomes from Ohio Statewide Trainings and Accessibility Assessments
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
A two year measure of bicycle and pedestrian practices and preferences in a medium sized southern city: Recommendations for education, advocacy, and policy
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
Empowerment-washing: A Critical Systematic Review of Community Health Worker Participation in Program Planning and Case Study of an Non-Governmental Organization's Experience
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Community Building Community: The distinct benefits of community partners building other communities' capacity to conduct health research
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Exploring Nativity Differences in Breastfeeding Behaviors Among Middle-Class Black Women: A Qualitative Study
Partnering for social change: An iterative participatory community health assessment in Chicago's Little Village
Findings from a participatory community health assessment tailored to a predominately immigrant community
Use of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Environmental Justice Work: Lessons Learned from an HIA Evaluation in Two Chicago Neighborhoods
Partnering for social change: An iterative participatory community health assessment in Chicago's Little Village
Findings from a participatory community health assessment tailored to a predominately immigrant community
Use of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Environmental Justice Work: Lessons Learned from an HIA Evaluation in Two Chicago Neighborhoods
A quantitative analysis of beliefs and behaviors associated with Black adults' participation in cancer research
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Identifying the need for developing new frameworks for partnerships in community based research: An assessment of federally qualified health centers in South Carolina
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Identifying the need for developing new frameworks for partnerships in community based research: An assessment of federally qualified health centers in South Carolina
Role of Black men's displacement due to incarceration & gentrification on sexual HIV risk: Developing the Psychosocial Impact of Displacement scale
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
“It's Crazy Out There. You Gotta Strap Up”: Black Heterosexual Men's Discursive Constructions of Sexual HIV Risk and Condom Use
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
“It's Crazy Out There. You Gotta Strap Up”: Black Heterosexual Men's Discursive Constructions of Sexual HIV Risk and Condom Use
A trend analysis of childhood asthma on hospital discharges and emergency department visits from 2000-2011
Building Capacity through a Senior Chronic Disease Epidemiologist Model
Geographic disparities in smoking and COPD mortality
Estimating Prostate Cancer Care Cost in the US: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2008-2011
Building Capacity through a Senior Chronic Disease Epidemiologist Model
Geographic disparities in smoking and COPD mortality
Estimating Prostate Cancer Care Cost in the US: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2008-2011
IDecide/Decido Decision Aid: The role of community health workers in the development and delivery of a tailored, interactive, web-based decision aid to low-income Latino and African American adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes who received care at a federally qualified health center in Detroit
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Mediators and moderators of the effectiveness of a community health worker intervention that improved dietary outcomes in pregnant Latina women
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Mediators and moderators of the effectiveness of a community health worker intervention that improved dietary outcomes in pregnant Latina women
Unmet Needs and Health Services Appraisal: The Role of Disability Type and Service Delivery Approach
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on the Health Services Appraisal and Access of Adults with Disabilities
Use of preventive wellness office visits among Medicaid members with disabilities: Analysis of Medicaid billing data
A comparison of health and behavioral outcomes of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) who moved to a Community Integrated Living Arrangement or remained at a State Operated Developmental Center
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on the Health Services Appraisal and Access of Adults with Disabilities
Use of preventive wellness office visits among Medicaid members with disabilities: Analysis of Medicaid billing data
A comparison of health and behavioral outcomes of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) who moved to a Community Integrated Living Arrangement or remained at a State Operated Developmental Center
Breathing Clean Air is Sa'ah Naaghai Bik'eh Hozhoo (SNBH): A Navajo-centered approach to commercial smoke-free policy
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Positive sex: Exploring the sexual lives and experiences of MSM living with HIV
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
“Spatial analysis of chronic disease outcomes in Panama City, Panama “
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Geographic Disparities in Treatment of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP): A Clinical Chart Review of Pediatric Cases in Panama from 2003-2013
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Geographic Disparities in Treatment of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP): A Clinical Chart Review of Pediatric Cases in Panama from 2003-2013
Labor Policies Promoting Population Health: Where does Latin America Stand?
Exiting Poverty: Globally Comparative Policy Approaches for Improved Population Health
Mapping the international evidence of the link between constitutional right-to-health guarantees and universal health coverage: A global analysis of nations' health insurance plans
Measuring and mapping policy progress to increase accountability for Women's and Children's Health
Exiting Poverty: Globally Comparative Policy Approaches for Improved Population Health
Mapping the international evidence of the link between constitutional right-to-health guarantees and universal health coverage: A global analysis of nations' health insurance plans
Measuring and mapping policy progress to increase accountability for Women's and Children's Health
Incorporating quality assurance measures in program planning and implementation to increase the impact of community-based programs in underserved communities
My Brother's Keeper Approach to Advancing Health Equity
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
My Brother's Keeper Approach to Advancing Health Equity
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
Association between financial life event stressors and risk of low birth weight among African Americans and Whites: An analysis of Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) surveys
Evaluation of health insurance application and enrollment assistance services in securing a medical home or usual source of care among Children's Health Outreach Initiatives (CHOI) clients in Los Angeles County: A longitudinal cohort analysis
Evaluation of health insurance application and enrollment assistance services in securing a medical home or usual source of care among Children's Health Outreach Initiatives (CHOI) clients in Los Angeles County: A longitudinal cohort analysis
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Applying the Ethics Framework to Participants' Own Projects
Story Writing and Sharing Exercises and Debriefing Part 1
Review of Digital Storytelling Methods (with Video Examples)
Story Writing and Sharing Exercises and Debriefing Part 2
"Hear Our Stories": Young Parenting Women in Holyoke, MA Speak Out
Story Writing and Sharing Exercises and Debriefing Part 1
Review of Digital Storytelling Methods (with Video Examples)
Story Writing and Sharing Exercises and Debriefing Part 2
"Hear Our Stories": Young Parenting Women in Holyoke, MA Speak Out
Health Disparities and Geographic Technology to Understand Adolescent Injury
Ethics of research using electronic medical record data, geographical information systems (GIS) and visualization technology methods
A Nursing/ Engineering Collaboration for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation in Rural Cameroon
Ethics of research using electronic medical record data, geographical information systems (GIS) and visualization technology methods
A Nursing/ Engineering Collaboration for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation in Rural Cameroon
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, psycho-educational PTSD treatment program
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, preventive stress and anger management workshop
Evaluation capacity building for integrative medicine programs
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, clinical PTSD treatment program
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, preventive stress and anger management workshop
Evaluation capacity building for integrative medicine programs
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, clinical PTSD treatment program
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Examining the spatial relationships between faith-based organizations, HIV/AIDS prevalence, and related services in Florida
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
A qualitative assessment on the acceptability of a mobile application to improve management of mental health care for adolescent and young adult primary care patients
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
A qualitative assessment on the acceptability of a mobile application to improve management of mental health care for adolescent and young adult primary care patients
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Negotiating social and health risks in the pursuit of sexual relationships in physical and virtual spaces: A qualitative study of Black Men who have Sex Men (BMSM) in New York City
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Association between Obesity and History of Abuse among American Indians in Rural California
Contributions of American Indian Cancer Caregivers in Cancer Pain Management
Workplace Smoke-free Policy: Unintended Consequences Encountered at Northern Plains Reservations
Sources of HPV Information and Message Barriers Reported among American Indian College Students
Contributions of American Indian Cancer Caregivers in Cancer Pain Management
Workplace Smoke-free Policy: Unintended Consequences Encountered at Northern Plains Reservations
Sources of HPV Information and Message Barriers Reported among American Indian College Students
Role of Race and Ethnicity on Support for Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing in South Florida
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Evaluating patients' willingness to utilize health information technology (HIT): Use of patient portals in underserved communities
Public health and an existential model of administration: Relevance, meaning, and decision making within public health administrative action
Smokefree Housing Initiative in Broward County, Florida – A story of success
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Evaluating patients' willingness to utilize health information technology (HIT): Use of patient portals in underserved communities
Public health and an existential model of administration: Relevance, meaning, and decision making within public health administrative action
Smokefree Housing Initiative in Broward County, Florida – A story of success
Serum Lipid Predicts Childhood Obesity Differently Across Racial/Ethnic Groups
Lower Regional Pediatric in-Hospital Mortality Albiet Racial Disparities
Environment-Anthropomorphic Interaction and Racial Disparities in Pediatric Asthma: Decomposition Analysis Using National Survey of Children's Health
Neck Circumference Predicts Racial Disparities in Asthma Severity among Patients in a Comprehensive Pediatric Center
Lower Regional Pediatric in-Hospital Mortality Albiet Racial Disparities
Environment-Anthropomorphic Interaction and Racial Disparities in Pediatric Asthma: Decomposition Analysis Using National Survey of Children's Health
Neck Circumference Predicts Racial Disparities in Asthma Severity among Patients in a Comprehensive Pediatric Center
Men's Prostate Awareness Church Training (M-PACT): Intervention development and preliminary baseline results for a faith-based CBPR project
Reaching men of color through the women in their lives: Lessons learned from the M-PACT Project
Classroom instruction vs. use of technology to train peer community health advisors in African American churches: Impact on intervention fidelity
Reaching men of color through the women in their lives: Lessons learned from the M-PACT Project
Classroom instruction vs. use of technology to train peer community health advisors in African American churches: Impact on intervention fidelity
En Familia: An intergenerational health literacy program for Latino families
Cochlear Implant University: Supporting high school and college students with cochlear implants transition to higher education
Dientes Fuertes, Vida Sana: A culturally competent program to prevent primary tooth decay in low-income Latino children
Cochlear Implant University: Supporting high school and college students with cochlear implants transition to higher education
Dientes Fuertes, Vida Sana: A culturally competent program to prevent primary tooth decay in low-income Latino children
Barriers to routine screening for intimate partner violence in health care settings in Haiti
Short-term effects of a violence-prevention curriculum on knowledge of dating violence among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Risk factors for dating violence victimization and perpetration among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Short-term effects of a violence-prevention curriculum on knowledge of dating violence among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Risk factors for dating violence victimization and perpetration among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
An online alternative to measuring food environments
New York City Green Carts: Who really uses them?
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
New York City Green Carts: Is the program alleviating food deserts?
Physical activity, fruit & vegetable intake, and health related quality of life among older Chinese, Hispanics, and Blacks in New York City
New York City Green Carts: Who really uses them?
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
New York City Green Carts: Is the program alleviating food deserts?
Physical activity, fruit & vegetable intake, and health related quality of life among older Chinese, Hispanics, and Blacks in New York City
Driving under the influence of alcohol among persons aged 16 or older in the US: A descriptive analysis
Mental Health Treatment Disparities for Major Depressive Episodes Experienced by Adults Aged 18 or Older in the United States
Exploring Past Year Arrest among Adults in the United States: Characteristics of and Association with Mental Illness and Substance Use
Examining the relationship of past year delinquent behavior and the initiation of marijuana and cocaine in past month among youths aged 12 to 17 in the US
Mental Health Treatment Disparities for Major Depressive Episodes Experienced by Adults Aged 18 or Older in the United States
Exploring Past Year Arrest among Adults in the United States: Characteristics of and Association with Mental Illness and Substance Use
Examining the relationship of past year delinquent behavior and the initiation of marijuana and cocaine in past month among youths aged 12 to 17 in the US
Development and testing of tools for measuring social media active level (SMactive) and engagement level (SMengage)
SocialMedia-graphy: Do Asians live or born in the U.S. utilize social media differently? - Implications for social media health interventions
Health communication via social media – Are our audience ready yet? – Preliminary findings from an online social media survey among a highly educated sample
Most frequently used sources of health information vs. trust level - Do middle- and older-age adults in Taiwan trust the sources of health information they seek most often?
SocialMedia-graphy: Do Asians live or born in the U.S. utilize social media differently? - Implications for social media health interventions
Health communication via social media – Are our audience ready yet? – Preliminary findings from an online social media survey among a highly educated sample
Most frequently used sources of health information vs. trust level - Do middle- and older-age adults in Taiwan trust the sources of health information they seek most often?
Development and testing of tools for measuring social media active level (SMactive) and engagement level (SMengage)
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Successful smoking cessation: Does quitting for good mean sacrificing LGBTQ identity?
Measuring perceived HIV stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and young adults – Pilot testing an assessment tool on corresponding HIV stigma items
Innovative programming – Building academic-community partnership via service-learning projects for developing and implementing theory- and evidence-based health promotion programs
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
“3D” barriers towards HIV prevention – Distancing, Discrimination, & Disclosure concerns – Pilot test a “3D” scale suite among people living with HIV/AIDS and young adults
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Time spent online and online health-seeking related behaviors
SocialMedia-graphy: Do Asians live or born in the U.S. utilize social media differently? - Implications for social media health interventions
Evaluation of a peer-led youth camp program (Camp Sizanani) on HIV prevention and youth development in South Africa
Health communication via social media – Are our audience ready yet? – Preliminary findings from an online social media survey among a highly educated sample
Most frequently used sources of health information vs. trust level - Do middle- and older-age adults in Taiwan trust the sources of health information they seek most often?
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Successful smoking cessation: Does quitting for good mean sacrificing LGBTQ identity?
Measuring perceived HIV stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and young adults – Pilot testing an assessment tool on corresponding HIV stigma items
Innovative programming – Building academic-community partnership via service-learning projects for developing and implementing theory- and evidence-based health promotion programs
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
“3D” barriers towards HIV prevention – Distancing, Discrimination, & Disclosure concerns – Pilot test a “3D” scale suite among people living with HIV/AIDS and young adults
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Time spent online and online health-seeking related behaviors
SocialMedia-graphy: Do Asians live or born in the U.S. utilize social media differently? - Implications for social media health interventions
Evaluation of a peer-led youth camp program (Camp Sizanani) on HIV prevention and youth development in South Africa
Health communication via social media – Are our audience ready yet? – Preliminary findings from an online social media survey among a highly educated sample
Most frequently used sources of health information vs. trust level - Do middle- and older-age adults in Taiwan trust the sources of health information they seek most often?
Diabetes disease management and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Investigatory Research on the Distribution and Accessibility of Physicians with Environmental Expertise in the Gulf of Mexico
Risk Communication around Disasters: The Importance of Environmental Health Literacy
Risk Perception about Hydraulic Fracturing in Eastern States
Building and Nurturing a Citizen Science Network with fishermen and fishing communities post DWH Oil Disaster
Risk Communication around Disasters: The Importance of Environmental Health Literacy
Risk Perception about Hydraulic Fracturing in Eastern States
Building and Nurturing a Citizen Science Network with fishermen and fishing communities post DWH Oil Disaster
Conducting quasi-experimental evaluation research in the real world: Evaluating the community transformation grant's smoke-free multi-unit housing initiative
Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments
Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Academic-public partnerships: A new paradigm for diabetes research and practice
Association between primary care provider medical home characteristics and emergency department visits and hospitalizations among Medicaid patients
Comparing total Medicare costs for patients receiving primary care in Federally Funded Health Centers, physician offices and outpatient clinics
Association between primary care provider medical home characteristics and emergency department visits and hospitalizations among Medicaid patients
Comparing total Medicare costs for patients receiving primary care in Federally Funded Health Centers, physician offices and outpatient clinics
Serum retinol-binding protein 4 linked adolescent cardiometabolic risk components to metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance
Insulin resistance associated with the intake of fructose-containing beverages among adolescents
Effectiveness of a workplace oral health promotion intervention program on oral health status for employees in Taiwan
Insulin resistance associated with the intake of fructose-containing beverages among adolescents
Effectiveness of a workplace oral health promotion intervention program on oral health status for employees in Taiwan
Impact of a School-Based Architectural Renovation for Healthy Eating on Student Perceptions and Experiences of the School Food Environment
Increased Metabolic Risk among Asian vs. Non-Hispanic White Adults in the United States: NHANES 2011-2012
You are what you do: Employees of different occupations need more customized workplace wellness programs
Increased Metabolic Risk among Asian vs. Non-Hispanic White Adults in the United States: NHANES 2011-2012
You are what you do: Employees of different occupations need more customized workplace wellness programs
Prenatal Genetic Testing for Autism: Abortion Decision-making among Taiwanese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Autism Genetic Testing: A Qualitative Study about the Information Needs among Taiwanese Parents having Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Autism Genetic Testing: A Qualitative Study about the Information Needs among Taiwanese Parents having Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Framework and methodology to monitor and asses likely gentrification/displacement impacts from transit-oriented development (TOD)
Linking built environment to health implications by geographic and socioeconomic distribution: An environmental justice analysis from an integrated transportation and land use plan in the Southern California Region
Linking built environment to health implications by geographic and socioeconomic distribution: An environmental justice analysis from an integrated transportation and land use plan in the Southern California Region
HIV and primary care: A mentoring model expands access to quality HIV care
State of HIV Primary Care Integration: Results of a National Provider Survey
Building Sustainable Service Delivery Across the HIV Care Continuum: Community Based Organizations Connecting to the Dynamic Healthcare Landscape
Expanding access to quality HIV care through a unique HIV primary care training and certificate program
State of HIV Primary Care Integration: Results of a National Provider Survey
Building Sustainable Service Delivery Across the HIV Care Continuum: Community Based Organizations Connecting to the Dynamic Healthcare Landscape
Expanding access to quality HIV care through a unique HIV primary care training and certificate program
Technology-driven asthma data program to inform regional policy: The municipal perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Evaluating efficacy of Advancing Nutrition and Dietary Outcomes (ANDO) behavioral intervention program to promote healthy lifestyle changes in patients with obesity, pre-diabetes and other obesity-related chronic conditions
Examining the Effectiveness of Medicaid Family Planning Expansion in Connecticut
Project DASH “Divas Against the Spread of HIV/AIDS”: A pilot exploration on HIV risk and prevention among African American HIV+ Women and their Adolescent Daughters
Examining the Effectiveness of Medicaid Family Planning Expansion in Connecticut
Project DASH “Divas Against the Spread of HIV/AIDS”: A pilot exploration on HIV risk and prevention among African American HIV+ Women and their Adolescent Daughters
Does the quality of collaboration in a CBPR trial contribute to community benefit? The Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados experience
Are collaboration factors across sites in a CBPR trial related to research process outcomes? The experiences of the Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados study
Does a delayed intervention study design address community concerns with randomization? The Padres Informados, Jovenes Preparados trial
Are collaboration factors across sites in a CBPR trial related to research process outcomes? The experiences of the Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados study
Does a delayed intervention study design address community concerns with randomization? The Padres Informados, Jovenes Preparados trial
Making the case for clearly defining tobacco use in areca (betel) nut chewers
Comparison of management costs of headache according to pattern of care: The North Carolina state health plan for teachers and state employees, 2000-2009
Prevalence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning teens in Hawaii and disparities in mental health risk behaviors
Comparison of management costs of headache according to pattern of care: The North Carolina state health plan for teachers and state employees, 2000-2009
Prevalence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning teens in Hawaii and disparities in mental health risk behaviors