Author Index: C
Author Index: C

Working Together on the Success of the ACA: A National Plan of Outreach, Education, and Enrollment for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders – the Community Health Center Perspective
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Place matters: Tailoring health literate program materials to communities through formative research
Designing an evidence- and community-based green and open space at an urban health and wellness center to improve health outcomes
Healthy SMART Schools program: Healthy School Meals Realized through Technology
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Designing an evidence- and community-based green and open space at an urban health and wellness center to improve health outcomes
Healthy SMART Schools program: Healthy School Meals Realized through Technology
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Health, economic and social disparities among people with physical disabilities and people without disabilities in the United States
Evaluation of an information-based health promotion intervention to increase physical activity for people with physical disabilities
Determinants of Health For People Who Are Paralyzed
Evaluation of an information-based health promotion intervention to increase physical activity for people with physical disabilities
Determinants of Health For People Who Are Paralyzed
Using a collective impact model to promote physical and nutritional fitness: The Fit NOLA Partnership
Building a Quality Improvement Program at a Local Health Department: New Orleans' Experience
CHIP 2.0 – Reinvigorating partnerships and effectively revising community health improvement plans
Community Health Improvement process
Building a Quality Improvement Program at a Local Health Department: New Orleans' Experience
CHIP 2.0 – Reinvigorating partnerships and effectively revising community health improvement plans
Community Health Improvement process
“Spatial analysis of chronic disease outcomes in Panama City, Panama “
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Do Young Indian Girls Have a Nutritional Disadvantage Compared with Boys? Regression Models Examining Disparities in Breastfeeding and Food Consumption among Indian Siblings
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Successful, consistent delivery of STD and HIV-prevention education to adolescents across the urban, suburban and rural landscape in Delaware
Using the teen-as-coach model in the delivery of mental, nutritional and cardiovascular health messages to an at-risk minority adult population
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Using the teen-as-coach model in the delivery of mental, nutritional and cardiovascular health messages to an at-risk minority adult population
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Cure Violence's (CV) public education campaign: How to amplify indivdiual and community change outcomes via an indicated media campaign
An analysis of urban violence some of Chicago's most volatile micro-communities
Cure Violence: How the Intervention Works to Reduce Individual and Community Levels of Violence
Epidemiology of Violence
An analysis of urban violence some of Chicago's most volatile micro-communities
Cure Violence: How the Intervention Works to Reduce Individual and Community Levels of Violence
Epidemiology of Violence
Health in All Policies in California's Rural Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
Healthy Planning, Healthy Communities: How Partnerships Lead to Results
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
Healthy Planning, Healthy Communities: How Partnerships Lead to Results
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
Alcohol Use, Sexual Risk Behavior, and HIV among People Living in Russia: A Systematic Review
Effects of a mass media HIV-risk reduction strategy on HIV-related stigma and knowledge among African-American adolescents
Regional Differences in HIV-Related Stigma among African American Adolescents in the Northeastern & Southeastern US
Effects of a mass media HIV-risk reduction strategy on HIV-related stigma and knowledge among African-American adolescents
Regional Differences in HIV-Related Stigma among African American Adolescents in the Northeastern & Southeastern US
Place matters: Tailoring health literate program materials to communities through formative research
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Access to Transportation for Chittenden County Vermont Senior Citizens
Family, Social, and Sexual Health Education in Elementary Aged Children
Factors Leading to Adolescent Drug Abuse in Winooski Vermont
Nutrition as the Foundation for Good Health: Evaluating the Impact of Food Programs on Health
Happy Feet: Podiatric Evaluation of the Burlington Vermont Homeless Population
Ensuring Access to Dental Care for Pregnant Women in Vermont
Creating an Online CME Module: Early Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Barriers to Access, Disclosure, and Identification in Healthcare for Potentially Trafficked Youth in Vermont
Family, Social, and Sexual Health Education in Elementary Aged Children
Factors Leading to Adolescent Drug Abuse in Winooski Vermont
Nutrition as the Foundation for Good Health: Evaluating the Impact of Food Programs on Health
Happy Feet: Podiatric Evaluation of the Burlington Vermont Homeless Population
Ensuring Access to Dental Care for Pregnant Women in Vermont
Creating an Online CME Module: Early Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Barriers to Access, Disclosure, and Identification in Healthcare for Potentially Trafficked Youth in Vermont
Improving the food environment in six vulnerable communities: Evaluation of the Food & Fitness community partnerships
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Comparative data in access to care, health knowledge and screening practices among Cuban and Haitian women in South Florida
High Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence Rates when Pairing CHWs with FIT among Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Lessons learned on integrating a CHW-led research project on cervical cancer screening in 2 safety-net clinics
Is greater acculturation associated with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among Hispanic immigrants in South Florida?
High Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence Rates when Pairing CHWs with FIT among Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Lessons learned on integrating a CHW-led research project on cervical cancer screening in 2 safety-net clinics
Is greater acculturation associated with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among Hispanic immigrants in South Florida?
Two paths to tobacco point of sale research: The City of New Orleans and the State of California
A physiological assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Combining Social Innovation, Business Principles, and Public Health to Address Healthy School Food in New Orleans Public Schools
Methods of the 2014 Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Community Health Big Data - Leveraging Partnerships and Data to Improve Community Health
A physiological assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Combining Social Innovation, Business Principles, and Public Health to Address Healthy School Food in New Orleans Public Schools
Methods of the 2014 Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Community Health Big Data - Leveraging Partnerships and Data to Improve Community Health
Participants' Satisfaction with Initial Contact and Examination Visit: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
Development and evaluation of a culturally-tailored clinic-based breast cancer risk reduction intervention for Latinas
Improving Research Readiness in Community Health Workers: Identifying Relevant Research Competencies
Development and evaluation of a culturally-tailored clinic-based breast cancer risk reduction intervention for Latinas
Improving Research Readiness in Community Health Workers: Identifying Relevant Research Competencies
From idea to proof of concept: How to create an impactful HIV/STD/teen pregnancy-focused motion comic for young people
Using Motion Comics to address health literacy among young people
Successes and Challenges Recruiting Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Adolescents for an HIV/STI- Focused Motion Comic Study
Why we should use motion comics to educate adolescents on reproductive health
Using Motion Comics to address health literacy among young people
Successes and Challenges Recruiting Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Adolescents for an HIV/STI- Focused Motion Comic Study
Why we should use motion comics to educate adolescents on reproductive health
Exergame Options for Physical Activity: Geocaching for Exercise and Activity Research
Grimes County Physical Activity and Community Engagement (PACE) Project: Increasing Access to Physical Activity in Rural Populations
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Social Marketing Activities by Health Systems in Texas
Using Community Health Workers to Increase Awareness about the Affordable Care Act in a Rural Community
MOST: A partnership approach for expanding mental health care
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Grimes County Physical Activity and Community Engagement (PACE) Project: Increasing Access to Physical Activity in Rural Populations
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Social Marketing Activities by Health Systems in Texas
Using Community Health Workers to Increase Awareness about the Affordable Care Act in a Rural Community
MOST: A partnership approach for expanding mental health care
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Participatory cross case analysis of five community-based research ethics review processes
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Cleaning-chemical exposures and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
A two year measure of bicycle and pedestrian practices and preferences in a medium sized southern city: Recommendations for education, advocacy, and policy
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
Smoking, smoking cessation behaviors and health-related quality of life among low income diabetic patients
Using interactive voice response to improve disease management in diabetic smokers: A systematic review
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology to Access Accessibility of Smoking Cessation Class Attendance for Patients in Louisiana Public Hospitals
Tobacco cessation practices and beliefs among clinicians in a public hospital system
Measuring the Impact of Group Class Counseling on Long-Term Quit Status among Louisiana's Public Hospital Patients
Using interactive voice response to improve disease management in diabetic smokers: A systematic review
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology to Access Accessibility of Smoking Cessation Class Attendance for Patients in Louisiana Public Hospitals
Tobacco cessation practices and beliefs among clinicians in a public hospital system
Measuring the Impact of Group Class Counseling on Long-Term Quit Status among Louisiana's Public Hospital Patients
State preemption of smoke-free air laws are inhibiting adolescent and adult quitting behaviors
Employment Impacts of Alcohol Taxes
Outdoor Advertising for Foods and Beverages: What's Being Advertised and to Whom?
Impact of Street Advertising on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Weight Among Youth
Physical activity-oriented zoning and walkable community associations with adolescent obesity
Community differences in availability of prepared, ready-to-eat foods in U.S. food stores
Social and Health Effects of Changes in Alcohol Prices: Findings and Tools from a Research Collaborative
Employment Impacts of Alcohol Taxes
Outdoor Advertising for Foods and Beverages: What's Being Advertised and to Whom?
Impact of Street Advertising on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Weight Among Youth
Physical activity-oriented zoning and walkable community associations with adolescent obesity
Community differences in availability of prepared, ready-to-eat foods in U.S. food stores
Social and Health Effects of Changes in Alcohol Prices: Findings and Tools from a Research Collaborative
Sleep and the housing and neighborhood environment of urban Latino adults living in low-income housing: The AHOME Study
Combining Clinical and Population-Level Data to Understand the Health of Neighborhoods
Bronx-CATCH: Linking primary care with local public health agencies and community partners to promote healthy behaviors of patients and communities in Bronx, NY
Combining Clinical and Population-Level Data to Understand the Health of Neighborhoods
Bronx-CATCH: Linking primary care with local public health agencies and community partners to promote healthy behaviors of patients and communities in Bronx, NY
Evaluation of the public health system response to Hurricane Sandy in the NY metro area
Understanding the Health System Impact of the Spillover Effect After a Major Disaster
Assessing the Use of Online Social Networks by Public Health Agencies during Large Scale Disasters
Challenging structural foundations: How well do buildings, health systems, and public health pearls of wisdom hold up against hurricanes and other disasters?
Understanding the Health System Impact of the Spillover Effect After a Major Disaster
Assessing the Use of Online Social Networks by Public Health Agencies during Large Scale Disasters
Challenging structural foundations: How well do buildings, health systems, and public health pearls of wisdom hold up against hurricanes and other disasters?
Update on Marketing Efforts by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. to Promote CHES and MCHES
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Value of the CHES and MCHES Certification Study: A Cross-Sectional Examination of Current CHES/MCHES Perspectives
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Value of the CHES and MCHES Certification Study: A Cross-Sectional Examination of Current CHES/MCHES Perspectives
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Reciprocal relationship between unhealthy eating behaviors and depressive emotions: Ten-year follow-up from childhood to adolescence
Relationships between wave non-response and substance use in a 11-year follow-up study– results from marginal event-specific Cox model
Gender Difference in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Role of Parents
Relationships between wave non-response and substance use in a 11-year follow-up study– results from marginal event-specific Cox model
Gender Difference in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Role of Parents
A Pacific regional response to human trafficking in the Western Pacific: Lessons learned from public health and medical outreach
Network of Health Professionals Combatting Human Trafficking- HEAL Trafficking
Domestic minor sex trafficking: Utilizing an identification tool to screen for commercial sexual exploitation of children in a community health center
Opening access for Burmese and Karen immigrant and refugee populations in California: A blueprint for integrated health service expansion to emerging Asian communities
Network of Health Professionals Combatting Human Trafficking- HEAL Trafficking
Domestic minor sex trafficking: Utilizing an identification tool to screen for commercial sexual exploitation of children in a community health center
Opening access for Burmese and Karen immigrant and refugee populations in California: A blueprint for integrated health service expansion to emerging Asian communities
Association between financial life event stressors and risk of low birth weight among African Americans and Whites: An analysis of Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) surveys
Prenatal Counseling on Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination among Pregnant Women in Los Angeles County: Findings from the 2010 LAMB Project
Prenatal Counseling on Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination among Pregnant Women in Los Angeles County: Findings from the 2010 LAMB Project
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Asthma-obesity comorbidity in middle school aged children in rural southeastern US: Implications for targeted school-based behavioral intervention development
A Snatch of the Beginning Story of a Rural Community Trans-Agency Collaboration Addressing Pediatric Chronic Disease Management in Rural and Medically Underserved Georgia
A Snatch of the Beginning Story of a Rural Community Trans-Agency Collaboration Addressing Pediatric Chronic Disease Management in Rural and Medically Underserved Georgia
Differences among Latino heterosexual and sexual minority clients in residential substance use treatment: A preliminary study
Implementation and integration of a naloxone-based opioid overdose response protocol in organizations serving opioid users: A qualitative study
Evaluation of GoogleMaps Engine as a Tool for HIV Outreach in Difficult to Reach Communities
Implementation and integration of a naloxone-based opioid overdose response protocol in organizations serving opioid users: A qualitative study
Evaluation of GoogleMaps Engine as a Tool for HIV Outreach in Difficult to Reach Communities
Racial Differences in Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy
Influence of pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain on hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Adolescent Dating Violence, Disordered Eating, and Gender Differences in U.S. High Schools
Age of Sexual Debut and Physical Dating Violence Victimization: Gender differences among US High School Students
Intimate partner violence and unwanted pregnancy among Latina and Asian American women
Determinants of physical dating violence victimization among high school adolescents
Influence of pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain on hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Adolescent Dating Violence, Disordered Eating, and Gender Differences in U.S. High Schools
Age of Sexual Debut and Physical Dating Violence Victimization: Gender differences among US High School Students
Intimate partner violence and unwanted pregnancy among Latina and Asian American women
Determinants of physical dating violence victimization among high school adolescents
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Pilot evaluation of men who have sex with men's ability to self-administer rapid HIV tests and interpret test results, Atlanta, Georgia, 2013
Stigma and recent HIV testing among a nationwide survey of U.S. internet-using men who have sex with men
Binge Drinking is associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors in MSM - 20 U.S. cities
Stigma and recent HIV testing among a nationwide survey of U.S. internet-using men who have sex with men
Binge Drinking is associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors in MSM - 20 U.S. cities
Random-pairing bootstrap and mutual informational correlation: A novel approach for assessing contamination in health behavioral intervention trials
Stochastic Cusp Catastrophe Model and its Sample Size Determination in Social Behavior Research
Untangle Structural and Random Zeros in Statistical Modelling
Stochastic Cusp Catastrophe Model and its Sample Size Determination in Social Behavior Research
Untangle Structural and Random Zeros in Statistical Modelling
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Prevalence and Impact of Substance Abuse Disorder on Women's Use of Perinatal Health Services, Obstetric Experiences, and Birth Outcomes among Singleton Deliveries in Massachusetts: 2003-2007
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Prevalence and Impact of Substance Abuse Disorder on Women's Use of Perinatal Health Services, Obstetric Experiences, and Birth Outcomes among Singleton Deliveries in Massachusetts: 2003-2007
Are drug prevention efforts fulfilling the informational needs of college students? A survey of engagement with information about topics related to marijuana and amphetamines from media, medical and interpersonal sources
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Mobile HBV Vaccine Clinic: Innovative community partnerships to improve vaccination rates among API adults in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Mobile HBV Vaccine Clinic: Innovative community partnerships to improve vaccination rates among API adults in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Family Health History and Childbearing Decision-Making: A Qualitative Study of Chinese-Americans' Views
Perceptions of Family Health History Towards the Decision of Dating and Marriage among Chinese Americans: A Qualitative Study
Prenatal Genetic Testing for Autism: Abortion Decision-making among Taiwanese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Autism Genetic Testing: A Qualitative Study about the Information Needs among Taiwanese Parents having Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Perceptions of Family Health History Towards the Decision of Dating and Marriage among Chinese Americans: A Qualitative Study
Prenatal Genetic Testing for Autism: Abortion Decision-making among Taiwanese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Autism Genetic Testing: A Qualitative Study about the Information Needs among Taiwanese Parents having Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Resource Utilization Associated with Pediatric Cancer Hospitalizations in Nebraska, 2000-2011
Measuring the Costs of Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives for Local Health Departments in Nebraska
Rural-urban differences in the prevalence, severity, and resource utilization of preventable hospitalizations
Measuring the Costs of Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives for Local Health Departments in Nebraska
Rural-urban differences in the prevalence, severity, and resource utilization of preventable hospitalizations
Does recognition as patient-centered medical home and behavioral health integration improve care delivery in the safety net? Evidence from early expansion of Medicaid in California
Pent-up demand in an early Medicaid expansion program: Findings from the Low Income Health Program in California
Disenrollment under ACA: Lessons learned from a health care coverage initiative in California
Pent-up demand in an early Medicaid expansion program: Findings from the Low Income Health Program in California
Disenrollment under ACA: Lessons learned from a health care coverage initiative in California
Cleaning-chemical exposures and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Persistent Eldercare Responsibility and Association with Reported Family Work Conflict among Manufacturing Sector Employees
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Persistent Eldercare Responsibility and Association with Reported Family Work Conflict among Manufacturing Sector Employees
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Drinking patterns and alcohol-related injury in the emergency department in three Asian countries
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Drinking patterns and alcohol-related injury in the emergency department in three Asian countries
Trust in physicians and its link to intermediate diabetic outcomes
Diabetes Connect: Recruitment methods and strategies for a peer support intervention among African Americans with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Connect: African American men's perceptions of the community health worker model for diabetes care
Role of ancillary staff in perceived discrimination in medical care
Diabetes Connect: Developing a Mobile Health Intervention to Link Diabetes Community Health Workers with Primary Care
Diabetes Connect: Recruitment methods and strategies for a peer support intervention among African Americans with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Connect: African American men's perceptions of the community health worker model for diabetes care
Role of ancillary staff in perceived discrimination in medical care
Diabetes Connect: Developing a Mobile Health Intervention to Link Diabetes Community Health Workers with Primary Care
Factors associated with pre-pregnancy dental cleaning among women in West Virginia: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2009-2010
A Multilevel Analysis of Factors Associated with HIV Testing and Receipt of Test Results among Women in sub-Saharan Africa
Adolescent Pregnancy and Smoking in West Virginia: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2005-2010
A Multilevel Analysis of Factors Associated with HIV Testing and Receipt of Test Results among Women in sub-Saharan Africa
Adolescent Pregnancy and Smoking in West Virginia: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2005-2010
Geography of Sexual Violence News Coverage: A National & Regional Assessment of Where, and How, Violence Prevention is Covered in News Media
Fast-food fights in sleepy villages and urban jungles: The importance of community characteristics and policy purpose in debates over fast-food zoning
Three communities, three soda tax debates: What can advocates learn from news coverage of recent soda tax proposals?
Fast-food fights in sleepy villages and urban jungles: The importance of community characteristics and policy purpose in debates over fast-food zoning
Three communities, three soda tax debates: What can advocates learn from news coverage of recent soda tax proposals?
Identifying Vulnerable Asian Americans under Health Care Reform: Working in Small Businesses and Health Care Coverage
Working Together on the Success of the ACA: A National Plan of Outreach, Education, and Enrollment for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders - the Community-Based Organization Perspective
Working Together on the Success of the ACA: A National Plan of Outreach, Education, and Enrollment for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders - the Community-Based Organization Perspective
Academic-public partnerships: A new paradigm for diabetes research and practice
Association between primary care provider medical home characteristics and emergency department visits and hospitalizations among Medicaid patients
Helping communities help themselves:The roles of peer health leaders in a farmer's market to provide culturally tailored nutrition and diabetes education
Association between primary care provider medical home characteristics and emergency department visits and hospitalizations among Medicaid patients
Helping communities help themselves:The roles of peer health leaders in a farmer's market to provide culturally tailored nutrition and diabetes education
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Serum retinol-binding protein 4 linked adolescent cardiometabolic risk components to metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance
Insulin resistance associated with the intake of fructose-containing beverages among adolescents
Prevalence of myopia and unmet needs of vision care among children and adolescents in rural and underserved areas of Taiwan
Insulin resistance associated with the intake of fructose-containing beverages among adolescents
Prevalence of myopia and unmet needs of vision care among children and adolescents in rural and underserved areas of Taiwan
Development and Validation of Health-related Self Efficacy Scale (HrSES) : A Study of Community Health Survey Questionnaire, Republic of Korea
Factors associated with the rise and fall of bone mineral density in reproductive-age women: Data from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Factors associated with the rise and fall of bone mineral density in reproductive-age women: Data from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Community Health Worker Perspectives on Recruitment and Retention of Recent Immigrant Women in a Randomized Clinical Trial
Knowledge, perception, and decision-making about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Korean American women
Physical health and psychological distress among Asians and Whites in California
Mental Health among Asian and non-Hispanic White workers in California
Knowledge, perception, and decision-making about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Korean American women
Physical health and psychological distress among Asians and Whites in California
Mental Health among Asian and non-Hispanic White workers in California
IDecide/Decido Decision Aid: The role of community health workers in the development and delivery of a tailored, interactive, web-based decision aid to low-income Latino and African American adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes who received care at a federally qualified health center in Detroit
Mediators and moderators of the effectiveness of a community health worker intervention that improved dietary outcomes in pregnant Latina women
Mediators and moderators of the effectiveness of a community health worker intervention that improved dietary outcomes in pregnant Latina women
Framework and methodology to monitor and asses likely gentrification/displacement impacts from transit-oriented development (TOD)
Linking built environment to health implications by geographic and socioeconomic distribution: An environmental justice analysis from an integrated transportation and land use plan in the Southern California Region
Linking built environment to health implications by geographic and socioeconomic distribution: An environmental justice analysis from an integrated transportation and land use plan in the Southern California Region
For Movie Buffs: Developing impactful public health advertisements for young people using references from cinema
On Wings of Hope- Reproductive and Sexual Health Projects for in-school and out of school adolescents
Resource and Support Systems for Community Health Workers Increases Demand for Quality Services and Community Participation in Uttarakhand
On Wings of Hope- Reproductive and Sexual Health Projects for in-school and out of school adolescents
Resource and Support Systems for Community Health Workers Increases Demand for Quality Services and Community Participation in Uttarakhand
Development and Validation of Health-related Self Efficacy Scale (HrSES) : A Study of Community Health Survey Questionnaire, Republic of Korea
Factors associated with the rise and fall of bone mineral density in reproductive-age women: Data from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Factors associated with the rise and fall of bone mineral density in reproductive-age women: Data from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
State preemption of smoke-free air laws are inhibiting adolescent and adult quitting behaviors
Physical activity-oriented zoning and walkable community associations with adolescent obesity
Driven to support: Individual and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies
Physical activity-oriented zoning and walkable community associations with adolescent obesity
Driven to support: Individual and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies
Working Together on the Success of the ACA: A National Plan of Outreach, Education, and Enrollment for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders - the Community-Based Organization Perspective
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Impacts of a computer and Internet skills training program on communication and social connectedness among low-income older adults
Racial Disparities in HRQoL in Community Residing People with Depressive Disorders
Kane County Illinois Farmland Protection Ordinance Health Impact Assessment Project: Evaluation Results
Racial Disparities in HRQoL in Community Residing People with Depressive Disorders
Kane County Illinois Farmland Protection Ordinance Health Impact Assessment Project: Evaluation Results
Breathing Clean Air is Sa'ah Naaghai Bik'eh Hozhoo (SNBH): A Navajo-centered approach to commercial smoke-free policy
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Evaluation of the Multi-level Adelante Intervention to Address Risk Behaviors among Latino Immigrant Youth: Challenges and Solutions
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
A two year measure of bicycle and pedestrian practices and preferences in a medium sized southern city: Recommendations for education, advocacy, and policy
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
Assessment of child and youth knowledge and practice regarding bicycle and helmet ownership, bicycle use, and associated injuries in Northwest Louisiana: Implications for education and injury reduction
You Geaux Girl!, a randomized control trial of an Web-based pregnancy prevention intervention for young African American women
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Effects of state transgender legal protections on perceived community stigma and mental health
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Sexual orientation, relationship status, and mental health/substance use morbidity: Results from the California Quality of Life Surveys
Increasing Acupuncture Utilization As An Adjunct Treatment in African American Breast Cancer Survivors
Mental health correlates of sexual orientation concealment and disclosure in the California Quality of Life Survey
Increasing Acupuncture Utilization As An Adjunct Treatment in African American Breast Cancer Survivors
Mental health correlates of sexual orientation concealment and disclosure in the California Quality of Life Survey
Local Strategies and Perspectives in Implementing a National Multilingual Communications Campaign to Address Hepatitis B in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities in the United States
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Mobile HBV Vaccine Clinic: Innovative community partnerships to improve vaccination rates among API adults in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Mobile HBV Vaccine Clinic: Innovative community partnerships to improve vaccination rates among API adults in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Measurement matters in rural-urban health disparities: Regional variation in obesity-rurality associations in older adult based on choice of rurality scale
Explaining outliers: Sociodemographic and environmental determinants of unexpectedly high life expectancy in California census tracts
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Emerging caregiver burden domains in the new National Study of Caregiving: Results, reliability, and applications
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Explaining outliers: Sociodemographic and environmental determinants of unexpectedly high life expectancy in California census tracts
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Emerging caregiver burden domains in the new National Study of Caregiving: Results, reliability, and applications
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
What do women know about breast density? Results from a population survey of Virginia women
Understanding How Concentrated Disadvantage affects BMI and Breast Cancer Risk for Women Living in Poor Urban Neighborhoods
Improving child health using the TEACH model in a FQHC
Training the next generation of community health practitioners through a new interdisciplinary undergraduate course
Understanding How Concentrated Disadvantage affects BMI and Breast Cancer Risk for Women Living in Poor Urban Neighborhoods
Improving child health using the TEACH model in a FQHC
Training the next generation of community health practitioners through a new interdisciplinary undergraduate course
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Accessible Mammography and Women with Disabilities: Outcomes from Ohio Statewide Trainings and Accessibility Assessments
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
Increasing prevalence of ADHD, major depression, and conduct disorders among adolescent students in Puerto Rico, 2005-2012
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
Functionality and Quality of Life among Youth with Disabilities: An Examination of Multivariate Differences
Service Provider'sService Provider's Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to the School-Community Transition among Youth with Disabilities
Effects of Power Training on Individuals with Cerebral Palsy- Preliminary Results from a Pilot Study
"It All Goes Back to the Services": A Rural/Urban Comparison of Barriers and Facilitators to Disability Services
Service Provider'sService Provider's Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to the School-Community Transition among Youth with Disabilities
Effects of Power Training on Individuals with Cerebral Palsy- Preliminary Results from a Pilot Study
"It All Goes Back to the Services": A Rural/Urban Comparison of Barriers and Facilitators to Disability Services
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Chain, the
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Chain, the
Factors Associated with Breastfeeding Support among Congolese Immigrants in Texas
Factors associated with health insurance coverage and health insurance knowledge among Congolese immigrants and African Americans in Illinois
Children born into HIV-affected families:Maternal HIV illness and its impact on child well-being and development in Haiti
Factors associated with health insurance coverage and health insurance knowledge among Congolese immigrants and African Americans in Illinois
Children born into HIV-affected families:Maternal HIV illness and its impact on child well-being and development in Haiti
Role of Race and Ethnicity on Support for Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing in South Florida
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Evaluating patients' willingness to utilize health information technology (HIT): Use of patient portals in underserved communities
Smokefree Housing Initiative in Broward County, Florida – A story of success
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Evaluating patients' willingness to utilize health information technology (HIT): Use of patient portals in underserved communities
Smokefree Housing Initiative in Broward County, Florida – A story of success
Participatory cross case analysis of five community-based research ethics review processes
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Empowerment-washing: A Critical Systematic Review of Community Health Worker Participation in Program Planning and Case Study of an Non-Governmental Organization's Experience
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Racial/Ethnic and Sex Disparities in HIV Infection among persons who inject drugs in New York City, 1990 to 2012
Public housing relocations and relocaters' health: Post-relocation improvements in neighborhood conditions are associated with reductions in depressive symptoms, substance misuse, and biobehavioral HIV risk in a cohort of African-American adults
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
Public housing relocations and relocaters' health: Post-relocation improvements in neighborhood conditions are associated with reductions in depressive symptoms, substance misuse, and biobehavioral HIV risk in a cohort of African-American adults
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
Evaluating Telephone Outreach in Enrolling Former Department of Energy Workers in a Free Medical Screening Program
Solvent Exposure Associated with Hearing Loss in Department of Energy Workers
Role of community based organizations in disaster preparedness for immigrant day laborers: An effective model for protecting worker safety and health
Solvent Exposure Associated with Hearing Loss in Department of Energy Workers
Role of community based organizations in disaster preparedness for immigrant day laborers: An effective model for protecting worker safety and health
A Time Analysis of Cardiovascular STEMI Events in a Large Metropolitan County
Pediatric shopping cart injuries as determined by an EMS surveillance system
Time Matters: Stroke Treatment in San Diego County's Stroke Receiving System
Estimating the potential and likely number and cost of the uninsured post-Affordable Care Act enactment from a local health department perspective
Linking Stroke Patient Hospital Data to EMS Records: Potential for Using Prehospital Indicators to Improve Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment
Thirty Years of Trauma: The Evolution of the Trauma Patient in the San Diego County Trauma System
Wear a Helmet! Traumatic Brain Injury and Helmet Use in San Diego County
Projecting the local burden of Alzheimer's disease: A population-based model
Linking social marketing data to health outcomes at the community level
Pediatric shopping cart injuries as determined by an EMS surveillance system
Time Matters: Stroke Treatment in San Diego County's Stroke Receiving System
Estimating the potential and likely number and cost of the uninsured post-Affordable Care Act enactment from a local health department perspective
Linking Stroke Patient Hospital Data to EMS Records: Potential for Using Prehospital Indicators to Improve Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment
Thirty Years of Trauma: The Evolution of the Trauma Patient in the San Diego County Trauma System
Wear a Helmet! Traumatic Brain Injury and Helmet Use in San Diego County
Projecting the local burden of Alzheimer's disease: A population-based model
Linking social marketing data to health outcomes at the community level
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
Resident and healthcare provider perspectives on the long-term impact of an environmental disaster on a rural community's health and well-being
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Resident and healthcare provider perspectives on the long-term impact of an environmental disaster on a rural community's health and well-being
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Role of Race and Ethnicity on Support for Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing in South Florida
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Bringing Food System Planners and Practitioners to the Roundtable: Using Large Maps and Strategy Matrices as Tools for Successful Collaboration and Collective Impact
Community-Based Participatory Approach to Successful Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Policy Implementation in South Florida
Bringing Food System Planners and Practitioners to the Roundtable: Using Large Maps and Strategy Matrices as Tools for Successful Collaboration and Collective Impact
Next Generation Disaster Management Experts: Field Experience with a Global Perspective
Exploring the Effects of Chronic Illness and Minor Depression among Caregivers
Pathways in The Villages: An analysis of alcohol consumption and stress utilizing structural equation modeling
Perceptions of safety in an active retirement community
Language of Sexual Aggression Online: Implications for Future Intimate Partner Violence Research Among Older Adult Women
Exploring the Effects of Chronic Illness and Minor Depression among Caregivers
Pathways in The Villages: An analysis of alcohol consumption and stress utilizing structural equation modeling
Perceptions of safety in an active retirement community
Language of Sexual Aggression Online: Implications for Future Intimate Partner Violence Research Among Older Adult Women
Association between sex trading as a minor and later sex trading among females in drug court
Prevalence of STIs and evaluation of syndromic treatment approaches among pregnant women in semi-urban Haiti
Patterns of and resasons for prescription drug use and misuse among younger adults in St.Louis: Focus group findings
Utilization, Satisfaction, and Self-Reported Barriers to Obtaining Health Services: Voices of Community Residents through HealthStreet, a Community-Based Site
Prevalence of STIs and evaluation of syndromic treatment approaches among pregnant women in semi-urban Haiti
Patterns of and resasons for prescription drug use and misuse among younger adults in St.Louis: Focus group findings
Utilization, Satisfaction, and Self-Reported Barriers to Obtaining Health Services: Voices of Community Residents through HealthStreet, a Community-Based Site
IBCLCs' perspectives on the diverse roles of healthcare providers in breastfeeding support
Recommendations for design of a batterers intervention program for female offenders
Fathers involvement: Good or Bad, how does it impact child outcomes?
Language of Sexual Aggression Online: Implications for Future Intimate Partner Violence Research Among Older Adult Women
Recommendations for design of a batterers intervention program for female offenders
Fathers involvement: Good or Bad, how does it impact child outcomes?
Language of Sexual Aggression Online: Implications for Future Intimate Partner Violence Research Among Older Adult Women
Preventing Falls and Injuries through Physical Activity in Middle-Aged Adults
Effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of falling and fall-related injuries among young and middle-age adults
13 years of Disabling Work Injuries in the U.S. (1998-2010): Direct Costs from the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
Examining Sedentary Work and Weight Gain Prospectively: Evidence from NLSY79
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Impact of shift starting time on sleep duration, sleep quality, and alertness prior to injury in the People's Republic of China
Effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of falling and fall-related injuries among young and middle-age adults
13 years of Disabling Work Injuries in the U.S. (1998-2010): Direct Costs from the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
Examining Sedentary Work and Weight Gain Prospectively: Evidence from NLSY79
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Impact of shift starting time on sleep duration, sleep quality, and alertness prior to injury in the People's Republic of China
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Identifying and Promoting Healthy Food Financing Initiatives to Improve Healthy Affordable Food Access in Latino Areas
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Increasing student water consumption during school meals: A group-randomized, controlled trial
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Driven to support: Individual and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies
Worksite wellness policies within hospitals
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Driven to support: Individual and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies
Worksite wellness policies within hospitals
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Decreasing barriers to data submission for multisite injury prevention programs in American Indian/ Alaska Native communities: An innovative cloud-based solution
Cloud deployment of a public domain Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system creates cost-effective, scalable informatics solution for public health researchers
Cloud deployment of a public domain Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system creates cost-effective, scalable informatics solution for public health researchers
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Parental Monitoring Effects on Sexual Health Outcomes in Young African-American Males
Early Sexual Debut: Does It Really Matter?
Association between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine awareness and receipt and annual visit to a dental professional among young adults in the United States
Sexual Health Assessment of Young Appalachian MSM
Parental Monitoring Impacts Arrest and Incarceration History in a Population of Young, African-American Males in New Orleans
Early Sexual Debut: Does It Really Matter?
Association between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine awareness and receipt and annual visit to a dental professional among young adults in the United States
Sexual Health Assessment of Young Appalachian MSM
Parental Monitoring Impacts Arrest and Incarceration History in a Population of Young, African-American Males in New Orleans
Evaluation of the Multi-level Adelante Intervention to Address Risk Behaviors among Latino Immigrant Youth: Challenges and Solutions
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
Applying health service utilization models to the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Advancing theory-based evaluation
Using quality measures to monitor and evaluate the impact of a pharmacy carve-in implemented through an 1115(a) demonstration waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Impacts of Medicaid policy change on quality of care for aged and disabled population
A pragmatic approach to guide the design of a mixed methods evaluation of a Medicaid 1115(a) waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Using quality measures to monitor and evaluate the impact of a pharmacy carve-in implemented through an 1115(a) demonstration waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Impacts of Medicaid policy change on quality of care for aged and disabled population
A pragmatic approach to guide the design of a mixed methods evaluation of a Medicaid 1115(a) waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Evaluation of Behavioral Economics Strategies to Assess the Impact on School Food Choices in Los Angeles Unified School District, California for School-Year 2013-14
Toxoplasmosis Mortality, Associated Medical Conditions, and Productivity Losses in the United States, 2000-2010: A Matched Case-Control Analysis
Local-level program planning for health marketing campaigns should be coupled to food environment interventions, as population sodium knowledge and choosing healthy foods remain low in residents of Los Angeles County, California
Toxoplasmosis Mortality, Associated Medical Conditions, and Productivity Losses in the United States, 2000-2010: A Matched Case-Control Analysis
Local-level program planning for health marketing campaigns should be coupled to food environment interventions, as population sodium knowledge and choosing healthy foods remain low in residents of Los Angeles County, California
Waterpipes and pint glasses: A mixed methods study on hookah and alcohol concurrent use among young adults
Adolescent birth: Understanding the consequences and benefits as perceived by nulliparous and parous adolescents
Rural residents' perceptions of HIV/AIDS service quality, access to care and health disparities: Findings from a Public Health Training Center's needs assessment
"Endo-whatever": Can confusion or clarity be predicted from perceived health literacy?
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Adolescent birth: Understanding the consequences and benefits as perceived by nulliparous and parous adolescents
Rural residents' perceptions of HIV/AIDS service quality, access to care and health disparities: Findings from a Public Health Training Center's needs assessment
"Endo-whatever": Can confusion or clarity be predicted from perceived health literacy?
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Investigating connectivity of interventions for poor birth outcomes through network interpolation
Diabetes Self-Management Education at a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Relationship of Socioeconomic and Racial Factors, Both Individual and Community-Level, to Infant Birth Weight
Lutterman Award Winner for Best Graduate and Professional Student Research: Postpartum Depression is not just a Problem Early On
Diabetes Self-Management Education at a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Relationship of Socioeconomic and Racial Factors, Both Individual and Community-Level, to Infant Birth Weight
Lutterman Award Winner for Best Graduate and Professional Student Research: Postpartum Depression is not just a Problem Early On
A survey study of barriers to and enablers for prehospital pain management in children
Prehospital trauma triage decision-making: What really happens between the 911 call and the hospital
Identification of an Optimal Scale to Detect High-risk Older Adult Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in the EMS Setting
Prehospital trauma triage decision-making: What really happens between the 911 call and the hospital
Identification of an Optimal Scale to Detect High-risk Older Adult Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in the EMS Setting
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
A physiological assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
Environmental Vulnerability and Community Resilience along the Gulf of Mexico Coast: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Assessing Community Health Needs and Assets in Four Louisiana Gulf Parishes
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
Environmental Vulnerability and Community Resilience along the Gulf of Mexico Coast: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Assessing Community Health Needs and Assets in Four Louisiana Gulf Parishes
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis