Author Index: P
Author Index: P

Developing a typology of the Latino immigrant sex industry in a new receiving community to aid in HIV prevention efforts
Economic vulnerability of recent Latino immigrants and its impact on sexual solicitation at day laborer employment sites
Development of a tailored mHealth platform to improve HIV testing and linkage to care in a new immigrant receiving community
Economic vulnerability of recent Latino immigrants and its impact on sexual solicitation at day laborer employment sites
Development of a tailored mHealth platform to improve HIV testing and linkage to care in a new immigrant receiving community
Implications of School Context in an Intervention Designed to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Helpseeking
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Place matters: Tailoring health literate program materials to communities through formative research
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Identifying barriers and strategies to increase older male participation in evidence-based health promotion programs
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Does Message Frame Influence Colorectal Cancer Screening Intentions among African Americans
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Does Message Frame Influence Colorectal Cancer Screening Intentions among African Americans
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
Conducting quasi-experimental evaluation research in the real world: Evaluating the community transformation grant's smoke-free multi-unit housing initiative
Impact of smoke-free laws on hotels and motels: Keeping the light on
Should casinos go smoke-free? Why prohibiting smoking may result in a big payoff
Impact of smoke-free laws on hotels and motels: Keeping the light on
Should casinos go smoke-free? Why prohibiting smoking may result in a big payoff
IDecide/Decido Decision Aid: The role of community health workers in the development and delivery of a tailored, interactive, web-based decision aid to low-income Latino and African American adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes who received care at a federally qualified health center in Detroit
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Baby steps toward health equity: Accounting for the health of NHPIs using SEER and the PI Health Study
Cancer incidence patterns among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in California and Hawaii, 1995-2010
Prevalence of obesity and chronic obesity-related diseases in US Pacific Islanders
Building a diverse public health pathway to reducing health disparities: Future Public Health Leaders Program
Cancer incidence patterns among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in California and Hawaii, 1995-2010
Prevalence of obesity and chronic obesity-related diseases in US Pacific Islanders
Building a diverse public health pathway to reducing health disparities: Future Public Health Leaders Program
Evaluation of the public health system response to Hurricane Sandy in the NY metro area
Understanding the Health System Impact of the Spillover Effect After a Major Disaster
Assessing the Use of Online Social Networks by Public Health Agencies during Large Scale Disasters
Challenging structural foundations: How well do buildings, health systems, and public health pearls of wisdom hold up against hurricanes and other disasters?
Understanding the Health System Impact of the Spillover Effect After a Major Disaster
Assessing the Use of Online Social Networks by Public Health Agencies during Large Scale Disasters
Challenging structural foundations: How well do buildings, health systems, and public health pearls of wisdom hold up against hurricanes and other disasters?
Alcohol and drug use during or before risky sexual behaviors among substance use disorder treatment seekers
Relationship between housing status and HIV sexual risk behaviors among people in substance use disorder treatment
Age difference in the trends of smoking among California adults: Results from the California Health Interview Survey 2001-2011
Changes in Readiness for HIV Testing: Results of a Randomized Trial in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers
Associations between sexual risk behaviors and substance use among treatment seeking adults
Relationship between housing status and HIV sexual risk behaviors among people in substance use disorder treatment
Age difference in the trends of smoking among California adults: Results from the California Health Interview Survey 2001-2011
Changes in Readiness for HIV Testing: Results of a Randomized Trial in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers
Associations between sexual risk behaviors and substance use among treatment seeking adults
Experiences of Stigma in Healthcare Among U.S. Trans Masculine Adults: A Gender Minority Stress Model of Substance Use to Cope with Mistreatment
Psychological Distress among Transgender Individuals: The Impact of Gender Discrimination, Victimization, Social Support, and Knowledge of Legal Protection
Psychological Distress among Transgender Individuals: The Impact of Gender Discrimination, Victimization, Social Support, and Knowledge of Legal Protection
Models of Prenatal Care in a Long-term Post-disaster Recovery Area
Public Health and Social Justice Challenges Facing New Orleans
Healthy Start: Description of a Safety Net for Perinatal Support During Disaster Recovery
NOLA for LIFE: Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Comprehensive Murder Reduction Strategy
Using a collective impact model to promote physical and nutritional fitness: The Fit NOLA Partnership
Health in One Generation: Lessons from the City of New Orleans Health Department
Public Health and Social Justice Challenges Facing New Orleans
Healthy Start: Description of a Safety Net for Perinatal Support During Disaster Recovery
NOLA for LIFE: Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Comprehensive Murder Reduction Strategy
Using a collective impact model to promote physical and nutritional fitness: The Fit NOLA Partnership
Health in One Generation: Lessons from the City of New Orleans Health Department
Participatory cross case analysis of five community-based research ethics review processes
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Ethics and integrity issues considered by community-based research ethics review processes
Promising practices and recommendations for community-based research ethics review processes: Findings from a national collaborative study
Taking it to the next level: Practical approaches for evaluating the community risks and benefits of research
Negotiating social and health risks in the pursuit of sexual relationships in physical and virtual spaces: A qualitative study of Black Men who have Sex Men (BMSM) in New York City
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Negotiating social and health risks in the pursuit of sexual relationships in physical and virtual spaces: A qualitative study of Black Men who have Sex Men (BMSM) in New York City
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Living in a disadvantaged neighborhood is associated with behavior problems among young children with cognitive delay
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Syndemic Production and Sexual Compulsivity in a Cohort of Highly Sexually Active Gay and Bisexual Men
HIV risk reduction via Facebook live chat for young men who have sex with men
Association between substance use problems and health outcomes among HIV-positive patients in NYC
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Prevalence of substance use problems in HIV-positive patients attending comprehensive care clinics in NYC
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
HIV risk reduction via Facebook live chat for young men who have sex with men
Association between substance use problems and health outcomes among HIV-positive patients in NYC
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Prevalence of substance use problems in HIV-positive patients attending comprehensive care clinics in NYC
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
HPV vaccination among young adult sexual minority women in the United States
Evaluating the stage of change model to a cervical cancer screening intervention among Ohio Appalachian women
Opening Remarks -- Electra Paskett
HPV vaccination among Hispanic females in the United States: Results from the National Immunization Survey-Teen
Acceptability of HPV self-testing among young adult lesbian and bisexual women in the United States
Evaluating the stage of change model to a cervical cancer screening intervention among Ohio Appalachian women
Opening Remarks -- Electra Paskett
HPV vaccination among Hispanic females in the United States: Results from the National Immunization Survey-Teen
Acceptability of HPV self-testing among young adult lesbian and bisexual women in the United States
Muslim Americans Reaching for Health and Building Alliances (MARHABA): A study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among Muslim women in New York City
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Evaluation of health insurance application and enrollment assistance services in securing a medical home or usual source of care among Children's Health Outreach Initiatives (CHOI) clients in Los Angeles County: A longitudinal cohort analysis
Prenatal Counseling on Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination among Pregnant Women in Los Angeles County: Findings from the 2010 LAMB Project
Prenatal Counseling on Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination among Pregnant Women in Los Angeles County: Findings from the 2010 LAMB Project
Knowledge, Benefits, and Concerns about the Affordable Care Act for Individuals Across the Lifespan
Establishing Innovative Partnerships for Effective Communication about the Affordable Care Act: The Use of Community Forums
Assessing Community Members' Knowledge and Sources of Information about the Affordable Care Act: A Telephone Survey
Establishing Innovative Partnerships for Effective Communication about the Affordable Care Act: The Use of Community Forums
Assessing Community Members' Knowledge and Sources of Information about the Affordable Care Act: A Telephone Survey
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Navigating the Therapeutic Landscape: An investigation of social capital and responses to depression among women in western Kenya
Integration of HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) into Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Factors influencing quality of HTC and links to client outcomes
Role of Women in Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Decision Making among Men in Tanzania
Integration of HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) into Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Factors influencing quality of HTC and links to client outcomes
Role of Women in Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Decision Making among Men in Tanzania
Diabetes disease management and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Using the teen-as-coach model in the delivery of mental, nutritional and cardiovascular health messages to an at-risk minority adult population
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Bidirectional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Hard Drug Use in a sample of Los Angeles Based Homeless Youth (HY)
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Alcohol Outlet Density, Family Relationships and Alcohol Use in an Urban Black Population in Philadelphia Public Housing Communities
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Alcohol Outlet Density, Family Relationships and Alcohol Use in an Urban Black Population in Philadelphia Public Housing Communities
Pathways to Leadership: MCH Leadership Competencies and Leadership at the Federal Level
Cross Cutting
Framing the Future of Education for Public Health: Recommendations for the 21st Century Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree
Pathways in The Villages: An analysis of alcohol consumption and stress utilizing structural equation modeling
Cross Cutting
Framing the Future of Education for Public Health: Recommendations for the 21st Century Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree
Pathways in The Villages: An analysis of alcohol consumption and stress utilizing structural equation modeling
Dissemination and implementation of EnhanceFitness in YMCA-affiliated sites: The early adopter experience
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Implications of School Context in an Intervention Designed to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Helpseeking
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Measurement matters in rural-urban health disparities: Regional variation in obesity-rurality associations in older adult based on choice of rurality scale
Explaining outliers: Sociodemographic and environmental determinants of unexpectedly high life expectancy in California census tracts
Emerging caregiver burden domains in the new National Study of Caregiving: Results, reliability, and applications
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Explaining outliers: Sociodemographic and environmental determinants of unexpectedly high life expectancy in California census tracts
Emerging caregiver burden domains in the new National Study of Caregiving: Results, reliability, and applications
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Empowerment-washing: A Critical Systematic Review of Community Health Worker Participation in Program Planning and Case Study of an Non-Governmental Organization's Experience
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Sleep and the housing and neighborhood environment of urban Latino adults living in low-income housing: The AHOME Study
IUDs as EC? Limited Awareness and High Reported Acceptability: Evidence from Argentina
Physician acceptability of the Intrauterine Device as Emergency Contraception in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Attitudes on abortion among women in Chile: Evidence from population-based data 2006-2013
IUDs as EC? Limited Awareness and High Reported Acceptability: Evidence from Argentina
Physician acceptability of the Intrauterine Device as Emergency Contraception in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Attitudes on abortion among women in Chile: Evidence from population-based data 2006-2013
Systematic interventions for male participation facilitated significant increased male sterilization acceptors
Urban Health Initiative's Experiences with Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)
Antenatal family planning counselling and immediate post partum IUCD service increased overall IUCD and contraceptive Use
Urban Health Initiative's Experiences with Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)
Antenatal family planning counselling and immediate post partum IUCD service increased overall IUCD and contraceptive Use
Psychosocial obstacles to smoking cessation attempts among young sexual minority women
Getting Comfortable while Getting Tested: YMSM's Reflections on HIV/STI testing sites in Southeast Michigan
Role of Housing Vacancy on the HIV/STI risk behaviors of young men who have sex with men
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Getting Comfortable while Getting Tested: YMSM's Reflections on HIV/STI testing sites in Southeast Michigan
Role of Housing Vacancy on the HIV/STI risk behaviors of young men who have sex with men
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Place matters: Tailoring health literate program materials to communities through formative research
Designing an evidence- and community-based green and open space at an urban health and wellness center to improve health outcomes
Healthy SMART Schools program: Healthy School Meals Realized through Technology
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Designing an evidence- and community-based green and open space at an urban health and wellness center to improve health outcomes
Healthy SMART Schools program: Healthy School Meals Realized through Technology
Improving Mental and Physical Health through an Integrative Health and Health Literacy Program: The Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Creating an integrative health team: How to tailor an integrative health program to prevent chronic disease in low-income communities
Berkshire Health Systems-Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program
Using Mixed Methods to Examine Distracted Driving in an Occupational Population
Health Impact Assessment: A Method to Advance Injury and Violence Prevention
SESSION ABSTRACT - Incorporating health into housing decisions: Potential health implications for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Residential Sprinklers for a Safer Tomorrow: What Every Public Health Professional Needs to Know about the Technology and Public Opinion
Lessons Learned from HIAs conducted in the U.S. From 1999 to 2010
Health Impact Assessment: A Method to Advance Injury and Violence Prevention
SESSION ABSTRACT - Incorporating health into housing decisions: Potential health implications for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Residential Sprinklers for a Safer Tomorrow: What Every Public Health Professional Needs to Know about the Technology and Public Opinion
Lessons Learned from HIAs conducted in the U.S. From 1999 to 2010
Blended Learning in Public Health - Strategies, Outcomes, and Early Lessons Learned
Improving How We Deliver Tobacco Cessation Programs: Findings from an Intervention for People with Disabilities
Evaluation of a Newly Developed Tobacco Cessation Program for People with Disabilities
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Improving How We Deliver Tobacco Cessation Programs: Findings from an Intervention for People with Disabilities
Evaluation of a Newly Developed Tobacco Cessation Program for People with Disabilities
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Development of Targeted Training for Occupational Health Nurses as their Organization's Respiratory Protection Program Administrator
When violence is “part of the job:” Effects on workers, research approaches, and researchers
Contextual Considerations: What Gets Reported as Workplace Violence in Hospitals?
When violence is “part of the job:” Effects on workers, research approaches, and researchers
Contextual Considerations: What Gets Reported as Workplace Violence in Hospitals?
California Health Interview Survey: Meeting the demand for population-based health data on AA NHPIs
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Perceived Need for Mental Health Care
Place Matters. Data Matters. AA & NHPI Hotspots
Contribution of parental acculturation and ethnic enclaves to walking to school among Latinos
AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition: California Healthography through a web-based dissemination tool
Does income inequality make us sick?
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Perceived Need for Mental Health Care
Place Matters. Data Matters. AA & NHPI Hotspots
Contribution of parental acculturation and ethnic enclaves to walking to school among Latinos
AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition: California Healthography through a web-based dissemination tool
Does income inequality make us sick?
Community clinic readiness for health care reform
Does recognition as patient-centered medical home and behavioral health integration improve care delivery in the safety net? Evidence from early expansion of Medicaid in California
Pent-up demand in an early Medicaid expansion program: Findings from the Low Income Health Program in California
Disenrollment under ACA: Lessons learned from a health care coverage initiative in California
Community Health Centers’ Readiness for Health Care Reform
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Does recognition as patient-centered medical home and behavioral health integration improve care delivery in the safety net? Evidence from early expansion of Medicaid in California
Pent-up demand in an early Medicaid expansion program: Findings from the Low Income Health Program in California
Disenrollment under ACA: Lessons learned from a health care coverage initiative in California
Community Health Centers’ Readiness for Health Care Reform
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Understanding the County-level Variability in the Prevalence of Diagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in the Medicare Population across the United States (US)
Kidney Awareness Registry and Education (KARE) study: Impact of a primary care chronic kidney disease (CKD) registry on CKD management in a safety-net setting
Kidney Awareness Registry and Education (KARE) study: Impact of a primary care chronic kidney disease (CKD) registry on CKD management in a safety-net setting
Two paths to tobacco point of sale research: The City of New Orleans and the State of California
Perceptions of Secondhand Smoke Exposure in the Absence of a Comprehensive Smoking Ban: Findings from Focus Groups of Young Adults in New Orleans
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
Environmental Vulnerability and Community Resilience along the Gulf of Mexico Coast: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Assessing Community Health Needs and Assets in Four Louisiana Gulf Parishes
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Crescent City Beacon Community: Innovations in chronic care management and transitions of care
Perceptions of Secondhand Smoke Exposure in the Absence of a Comprehensive Smoking Ban: Findings from Focus Groups of Young Adults in New Orleans
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
Environmental Vulnerability and Community Resilience along the Gulf of Mexico Coast: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Assessing Community Health Needs and Assets in Four Louisiana Gulf Parishes
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Crescent City Beacon Community: Innovations in chronic care management and transitions of care
Higher risk of death among rural dual-eligible Medicare beneficiaries
Rural children are more likely to live in unhealthy or unsafe housing
Home Health Post Stroke: Rural and African American Medicare Beneficiaries Less Likely to Have Rehabilitation Specialist Visits
A population-based analysis of the association between health insurance coverage and psychological health, and the influence of other mediating factors among young adults in the United States who have been a victim of a violent crime
Dual disparities: The intersection of geography with race and ethnicity
Food insecurity and medication scrimping among U.S. adults with diabetes
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures
Rural children are more likely to live in unhealthy or unsafe housing
Home Health Post Stroke: Rural and African American Medicare Beneficiaries Less Likely to Have Rehabilitation Specialist Visits
A population-based analysis of the association between health insurance coverage and psychological health, and the influence of other mediating factors among young adults in the United States who have been a victim of a violent crime
Dual disparities: The intersection of geography with race and ethnicity
Food insecurity and medication scrimping among U.S. adults with diabetes
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures