Author Index: Z
Author Index: Z

Decreasing barriers to data submission for multisite injury prevention programs in American Indian/ Alaska Native communities: An innovative cloud-based solution
Cloud deployment of a public domain Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system creates cost-effective, scalable informatics solution for public health researchers
Cloud deployment of a public domain Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system creates cost-effective, scalable informatics solution for public health researchers
Interactive mapping of leukemia in Missouri
Interactive mapping with cancer incidence, demographic, and behavioral risk data
How central cancer registry informatics and information technology (HIIT) systems can benefit other APHA sections
How Meaningful Use Stage 3 can impact progress one Central Cancer Registry has made in Meaningful Use Stage 2
How Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 3 may impact one central cancer registry’s progress in MU Stage 2
Interactive mapping with cancer incidence, demographic, and behavioral risk data
How central cancer registry informatics and information technology (HIIT) systems can benefit other APHA sections
How Meaningful Use Stage 3 can impact progress one Central Cancer Registry has made in Meaningful Use Stage 2
How Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 3 may impact one central cancer registry’s progress in MU Stage 2
Results of an oral health promotion pilot intervention among Sikh South Asians in New York and New Jersey using a community health worker model
Lessons learned from the development and implementation of culturally-tailored diabetes prevention interventions in the South Asian and Korean communities of New York City
Results from a community-based participatory research intervention to promote diabetes prevention among New York City Sikh Asian Indians using a community health worker model
Lessons learned from the development and implementation of culturally-tailored diabetes prevention interventions in the South Asian and Korean communities of New York City
Results from a community-based participatory research intervention to promote diabetes prevention among New York City Sikh Asian Indians using a community health worker model
Effects of economic disruptions in the economy on alcohol use and problems: Why do Blacks fare worse?
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Relative contributions of residential neighborhood and activity space recreational open space to physical activity in African American women
Community differences in availability of prepared, ready-to-eat foods in U.S. food stores
Disparities in Streetscape Environments in Communities across the United States
Real-time assessment of the food and social environments and dietary intakes in African American women
Community differences in availability of prepared, ready-to-eat foods in U.S. food stores
Disparities in Streetscape Environments in Communities across the United States
Real-time assessment of the food and social environments and dietary intakes in African American women
Sociodemographic and psychosocial factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among people living with HIV in Southeast China
Exploring relationship between female sex workers and gatekeepers in China
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
Exploring relationship between female sex workers and gatekeepers in China
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
Family Health History and Childbearing Decision-Making: A Qualitative Study of Chinese-Americans' Views
Perceptions of Family Health History Towards the Decision of Dating and Marriage among Chinese Americans: A Qualitative Study
Prenatal Genetic Testing for Autism: Abortion Decision-making among Taiwanese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Perceptions of Family Health History Towards the Decision of Dating and Marriage among Chinese Americans: A Qualitative Study
Prenatal Genetic Testing for Autism: Abortion Decision-making among Taiwanese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Genetic testing for autism: Perceptions among Taiwanese parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Shifting Desires for Children within the Context of HIV/AIDS in Rakai, Uganda from 2001-2011
Influence of ART, Orphanhood, and Education on Trends Over Time in Initiation of Sexual Intercourse among Adolescents, Rakai District, Uganda, 1994-2011
Influence of Partner Characteristics on HIV Acquisition among Youth in Rakai, Uganda
Influence of ART, Orphanhood, and Education on Trends Over Time in Initiation of Sexual Intercourse among Adolescents, Rakai District, Uganda, 1994-2011
Influence of Partner Characteristics on HIV Acquisition among Youth in Rakai, Uganda
Sociodemographic and psychosocial factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among people living with HIV in Southeast China
Condom use among female sex workers in China: Roles of gatekeepers and venues
Altruism reasons for disclosure, partner relationship quality, and impacts of HIV disclosure
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
Condom use among female sex workers in China: Roles of gatekeepers and venues
Altruism reasons for disclosure, partner relationship quality, and impacts of HIV disclosure
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
A cross sectional study of alcohol consumption and non-fatal injuries in the emergency departments in Mainland China: Data from the WHO/NIAAA collaborative study on alcohol and injury
Maladaptive drinking patterns and alcohol-related and intentional injuries: A cross-national comparison between China and South Korea
Maladaptive drinking patterns and alcohol-related and intentional injuries: A cross-national comparison between China and South Korea
Disease, social support and perceived health across the lifespan in a community representative sample
Not lost in translation: Guiding adaptations of the Youth Empowerment Solutions Curriculum
Virtual Network Characteristics and Sexual Risk Behavior among Emerging Adults in the United States
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
Not lost in translation: Guiding adaptations of the Youth Empowerment Solutions Curriculum
Virtual Network Characteristics and Sexual Risk Behavior among Emerging Adults in the United States
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
Promise of a couples' intervention in reducing alcohol and other drug use: Results from a cluster randomized trial in South Africa
Reducing alcohol abuse is critical for treating HIV infection among vulnerable Black South African women
Heterosexual HIV transmission among alcohol using serodiscordant couples may drive the epidemic in Cape Town townships: The Promise of Less Incidence
Reducing alcohol abuse is critical for treating HIV infection among vulnerable Black South African women
Heterosexual HIV transmission among alcohol using serodiscordant couples may drive the epidemic in Cape Town townships: The Promise of Less Incidence