Author Index: M
Author Index: M

Opinions of adults in a conservative social ecological setting regarding the impact of community involvement on teen pregnancy, sexual communication on teen pregnancy, and the effects of teen pregnancy on life achievement
How willing are adults to discuss sexual health information with teens? Are teens willing to discuss sexual health information with adults?
How willing are adults to discuss sexual health information with teens? Are teens willing to discuss sexual health information with adults?
Age, period, and cohort effects in motor vehicle mortality trends by sex and role in crash in the United States, 1980-2010
Social inequalities trends in a large Brazilian city: Physical and social environments, health conditions and healthcare services use
Does raising the minimum legal age for cigarette purchases reduce youth access? A pilot test of New York City's new law
Social inequalities trends in a large Brazilian city: Physical and social environments, health conditions and healthcare services use
Does raising the minimum legal age for cigarette purchases reduce youth access? A pilot test of New York City's new law
Factors associated with delayed initiation of breastfeeding in Mysore, India
Factors associated with completion of colonoscopy among Haitian households in Little Haiti, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA
Factors influencing human papillomavirus vaccine decision among young Haitian women
Acceptability of medical male circumcision (MMC) among health care providers in Port-au-Price, Haiti
Factors associated with completion of colonoscopy among Haitian households in Little Haiti, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA
Factors influencing human papillomavirus vaccine decision among young Haitian women
Acceptability of medical male circumcision (MMC) among health care providers in Port-au-Price, Haiti
Perceived discrimination and binge alcohol use among African Americans in the transition to early adulthood
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Teens' Definitions and Understanding of Teen Dating Violence
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Teens' Definitions and Understanding of Teen Dating Violence
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
A controlled education intervention on proper mosquito net usage in Tanzania
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Behavioral mediators of hepatitis B screening in a randomized controlled intervention trial for Vietnamese Americans
Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Community Intervention Program for Vietnamese Americans
A Multifaceted Culturally Appropriate Intervention to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Vietnamese Americans
Health beliefs mediate the effects of a cervical cancer screening intervention on uptake of the Pap smear among Vietnamese American women
Acculturation and healthcare access are associated with screening self-efficacy among Korean American women
Coping and Stress among Breast Cancer Survivors in China
Evaluation of A Randomized Controlled Intervention Trial to Increase hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination Among Underserved Vietnamese Americans
Depression and stress as viewed by Asian American youth and parents
Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Community Intervention Program for Vietnamese Americans
A Multifaceted Culturally Appropriate Intervention to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Vietnamese Americans
Health beliefs mediate the effects of a cervical cancer screening intervention on uptake of the Pap smear among Vietnamese American women
Acculturation and healthcare access are associated with screening self-efficacy among Korean American women
Coping and Stress among Breast Cancer Survivors in China
Evaluation of A Randomized Controlled Intervention Trial to Increase hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination Among Underserved Vietnamese Americans
Depression and stress as viewed by Asian American youth and parents
Do Right!® Healthy Corner Store Network: An innovative approach to equip corner stores within underserved communities with greater access to and education of healthy, affordable foods
Do Right!® Block-by-Block pilot study: A community-driven lifestyle modification invention to help improve physical activity, healthy eating behaviors, and built environments among African Americans in Cincinnati, Ohio
Do Right!® Block-by-Block pilot study: A community-driven lifestyle modification invention to help improve physical activity, healthy eating behaviors, and built environments among African Americans in Cincinnati, Ohio
Lessons and Innovations from the Field: Community Health Workers as Frontline Interventionists Using Mobile Technology to Impact Birth Outcomes Among Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Patterns and correlates of electronic cigarette use among college students
Coital and Non-coital Sexual Behaviors and Risk Reduction Practices among College Students
Sexual Health Information Sources for College Students: Gender Differences and Associations with Sexual Healthcare Behaviors
Getting it up: Improving the HPV vaccine uptake among male college students
Coital and Non-coital Sexual Behaviors and Risk Reduction Practices among College Students
Sexual Health Information Sources for College Students: Gender Differences and Associations with Sexual Healthcare Behaviors
Getting it up: Improving the HPV vaccine uptake among male college students
Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments
Weight misperception, self-rated health status and weight loss attitudes among obese individuals: Findings from the Survey of Health of Wisconsin (SHOW)
Weight misperception, self-rated health status and weight loss attitudes among obese individuals: Findings from the Survey of Health of Wisconsin (SHOW)
Sexually Transmitted Infection Services and Adoption of Effective Contraceptive Methods
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
Predictors of coronary artery calcium and its relationship with traditional and behavioral risk factors for coronary artery disease among rural population
International trade and Public Health: An analysis of public comments on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Role of the tobacco industry in implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the WHO African region
International trade and Public Health: An analysis of public comments on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Role of the tobacco industry in implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the WHO African region
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Increases the Risk for Having a Very Low Birth Weight Infant among Mothers Exposed to Preconception Stressful Life Events
Immigrant Latinas' sexual and reproductive health needs, priorities, and opportunities for intervention: A qualitative assessment conducted in the southeastern United States
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Preventing HIV among black men in college using a CBPR approach
Promoting HIV testing online among MSM through the CyBER/testing intervention: Baseline characteristics of participants and qualitative analysis of intervention delivery
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Preventing HIV among black men in college using a CBPR approach
Promoting HIV testing online among MSM through the CyBER/testing intervention: Baseline characteristics of participants and qualitative analysis of intervention delivery
Mental Health Benefits of Familism: How eating dinner together regularly is associated with better mental health among low-income Latino families in East Los Angeles
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Technology-driven asthma data program to inform regional policy: The municipal perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Where You Live Matters: Combating Asthma Morbidity by Reducing Home Environmental Triggers
Epidemiology of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Chicago: Assessing the presence of city- and neighborhood-level disparities
Activating Deaf healthcare consumers via patient activation group classes: Results and lessons learned
Asthma CarePartners: Embedding an Innovative Community Health Worker Program into Standard Healthcare Delivery
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
Epidemiology of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Chicago: Assessing the presence of city- and neighborhood-level disparities
Activating Deaf healthcare consumers via patient activation group classes: Results and lessons learned
Asthma CarePartners: Embedding an Innovative Community Health Worker Program into Standard Healthcare Delivery
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
Lessons learned after one year of a school-based randomized control trial evaluation of a positive youth development program: Successes, challenges, and solutions
Reporting sexual behaviors using ACASI: Can Women Living with HIV be honest and comfortable or is there social desirability bias?
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
Preliminary Sexual Behavior and Academic Outcomes among Youth Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program
Reporting sexual behaviors using ACASI: Can Women Living with HIV be honest and comfortable or is there social desirability bias?
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
Preliminary Sexual Behavior and Academic Outcomes among Youth Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program
Usability Testing of “The Secret of Seven Stones”, An Innovative Home-Based Online Game to Prevent HIV/STI and Pregnancy In Middle School Youth through Parent-Child Communication
Adaptation of a multimedia sexual health education program for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth
A Process Evaluation of a Food Access and Food Literacy program to Increase Fruits and Vegetables Intake Among Low-Income Families
It's Your Game...Tech: Web-based HIV, STD, and Pregnancy Prevention for Middle School Students
Adaptation of a multimedia sexual health education program for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth
A Process Evaluation of a Food Access and Food Literacy program to Increase Fruits and Vegetables Intake Among Low-Income Families
It's Your Game...Tech: Web-based HIV, STD, and Pregnancy Prevention for Middle School Students
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Do You Have CLAS?: A statewide initiative to improve knowledge of CLAS standards among providers, students and consumers
Engaging youth in the social lives of the communities – A Photo-Voice Pilot Project to promote change
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Preparation, Pipeline, Partnerships
Engaging youth in the social lives of the communities – A Photo-Voice Pilot Project to promote change
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Preparation, Pipeline, Partnerships
Association between the Neighborhoods You Live in and Violence in Baltimore, MD
Does selection of foods in the school cafeteria by 6-8 year olds translate into consumption? Results of a cafeteria observation study
Association between the Neighborhoods You Live in and Sexual and Reproductive Health in Baltimore, MD
Does selection of foods in the school cafeteria by 6-8 year olds translate into consumption? Results of a cafeteria observation study
Association between the Neighborhoods You Live in and Sexual and Reproductive Health in Baltimore, MD
Beyond Experiential Learning: Evaluation of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program through a Graduate-Level Health Services Management Course
Strengthening Early Childhood Systems by Integrating Community Oral Health Coordination (COHC) Competencies into Home Visitation (HV) Curriculum in South Carolina
Forwarding Public Oral Health with Theoretically Framed Partnerships, Planning, Programs, and Policies
Strengthening Early Childhood Systems by Integrating Community Oral Health Coordination (COHC) Competencies into Home Visitation (HV) Curriculum in South Carolina
Forwarding Public Oral Health with Theoretically Framed Partnerships, Planning, Programs, and Policies
Are drug prevention efforts fulfilling the informational needs of college students? A survey of engagement with information about topics related to marijuana and amphetamines from media, medical and interpersonal sources
Exploring uses and sources of information about nonmedical prescription drugs among university students
Effects of information seeking about amphetamines and marijuana from media and interpersonal sources on intention to engage in nonmedical drug use among college students: The mediating role of attitudes and perceived normative pressure
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
Exploring uses and sources of information about nonmedical prescription drugs among university students
Effects of information seeking about amphetamines and marijuana from media and interpersonal sources on intention to engage in nonmedical drug use among college students: The mediating role of attitudes and perceived normative pressure
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Examination of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) classification, and plans for getting home among bar-attending college students
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Intimate partner violence among delivery-related discharges in the United States and its impact on maternal-fetal pregnancy outcomes. HCUP (NIS), 2002-2009
Racial Differences in Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy
Influence of pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain on hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Adolescent Dating Violence, Disordered Eating, and Gender Differences in U.S. High Schools
Age of Sexual Debut and Physical Dating Violence Victimization: Gender differences among US High School Students
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Determinants of physical dating violence victimization among high school adolescents
Racial Differences in Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy
Influence of pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain on hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Adolescent Dating Violence, Disordered Eating, and Gender Differences in U.S. High Schools
Age of Sexual Debut and Physical Dating Violence Victimization: Gender differences among US High School Students
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Determinants of physical dating violence victimization among high school adolescents
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Food Environment Improvements Resulting from Healthy Vending Contracting: Quantifying Outcomes
A community-engaged approach to evaluation for community and academic research partners: Example from the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities
Financial problems as a contributor to suicide, before and after the global financial crisis of 2008: Findings from the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System
A community-engaged approach to evaluation for community and academic research partners: Example from the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities
Financial problems as a contributor to suicide, before and after the global financial crisis of 2008: Findings from the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System
Shifting Desires for Children within the Context of HIV/AIDS in Rakai, Uganda from 2001-2011
Influence of ART, Orphanhood, and Education on Trends Over Time in Initiation of Sexual Intercourse among Adolescents, Rakai District, Uganda, 1994-2011
Influence of Partner Characteristics on HIV Acquisition among Youth in Rakai, Uganda
Influence of ART, Orphanhood, and Education on Trends Over Time in Initiation of Sexual Intercourse among Adolescents, Rakai District, Uganda, 1994-2011
Influence of Partner Characteristics on HIV Acquisition among Youth in Rakai, Uganda
Non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among crystal methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men (MSM): An individual- and event-level analysis
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Improving clinic efficiency through tablet-based electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO)
PrEP Acceptability, Access and Predicted User Behaviors in US Male Sex Workers: Implications for Effectiveness
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Improving clinic efficiency through tablet-based electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO)
PrEP Acceptability, Access and Predicted User Behaviors in US Male Sex Workers: Implications for Effectiveness
Medicaid expansions and public health spending: Cross-subsidies, complementarities, and crowd out
Perspectives from an Expansion State
A Longitudinal Analysis of Local Health Department Efficiency
Geographic Variation in the Delivery of High-Value Public Health Services: Exploring Causes and Consequences
Perspectives from an Expansion State
A Longitudinal Analysis of Local Health Department Efficiency
Geographic Variation in the Delivery of High-Value Public Health Services: Exploring Causes and Consequences
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Perceived Need for Mental Health Care
Sexual orientation, relationship status, and mental health/substance use morbidity: Results from the California Quality of Life Surveys
Increasing Acupuncture Utilization As An Adjunct Treatment in African American Breast Cancer Survivors
Mental health correlates of sexual orientation concealment and disclosure in the California Quality of Life Survey
Sexual orientation, relationship status, and mental health/substance use morbidity: Results from the California Quality of Life Surveys
Increasing Acupuncture Utilization As An Adjunct Treatment in African American Breast Cancer Survivors
Mental health correlates of sexual orientation concealment and disclosure in the California Quality of Life Survey
Factors Associated with Intent-to-Use Contraceptives among Woman aged 15-49 Years in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Association of Husband/Partner's Influence in Health Care Decision Making with Woman's Intent-to-Use Contraception in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Association of Husband/Partner's Influence in Health Care Decision Making with Woman's Intent-to-Use Contraception in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Receptivity to hosting tobacco cessation programs in transitional shelters for the homeless
Mental Health Benefits of Familism: How eating dinner together regularly is associated with better mental health among low-income Latino families in East Los Angeles
Did eliminating flavored milk at a Los Angeles County local school district result in a decline in students selecting milk?
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Prices for healthy food vary by store type in low-income areas, but vary less for junk food
Using GIS to map the geographical distribution of tobacco use policies; implications for local health department strategic planning
Mental Health Benefits of Familism: How eating dinner together regularly is associated with better mental health among low-income Latino families in East Los Angeles
Did eliminating flavored milk at a Los Angeles County local school district result in a decline in students selecting milk?
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Prices for healthy food vary by store type in low-income areas, but vary less for junk food
Using GIS to map the geographical distribution of tobacco use policies; implications for local health department strategic planning
Challenges in homeless health care: Improving reproductive health services for homeless women
Pathways to Abortion Services in South Carolina: Identifying patient-centered perspectives to inform evaluation of Provide, Inc.'s Referrals for Unintended Pregnancy Training Program
Gestational diabetes mellitus: A case study of failure modes and innovation for diabetes prevention among women
Pathways to Abortion Services in South Carolina: Identifying patient-centered perspectives to inform evaluation of Provide, Inc.'s Referrals for Unintended Pregnancy Training Program
Gestational diabetes mellitus: A case study of failure modes and innovation for diabetes prevention among women
Collaborating for safety in local food production: San Diego's culinary garden agreement
Tools for collaboration: Integrating health into planning at a metropolitan planning organization
Improving lactation policy in California schools: Local efforts leading the way
Developing a comprehensive school physical activity program for schools in disadvantaged communities
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
Regional collaboration for healthy communities: Integrating public health principles in local and regional planning and decision-making
Tools for collaboration: Integrating health into planning at a metropolitan planning organization
Improving lactation policy in California schools: Local efforts leading the way
Developing a comprehensive school physical activity program for schools in disadvantaged communities
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
Regional collaboration for healthy communities: Integrating public health principles in local and regional planning and decision-making
Successes and Challenges of Collaborating with Schools and School Food Service Providers: Lessons Learned from the Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Incorporating Movement into the Classroom: Increasing Physical Activity in Schools with Instant Recess
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
Incorporating Movement into the Classroom: Increasing Physical Activity in Schools with Instant Recess
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
“A local public health agency investigation into an increase in community-acquired legionellosis June-September 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Lessons from the frontlines”
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Second century of the Canadian Public Health Association: New ways of advocating for action on the determinants of health
Are long-term education and early pregnancy outcomes associated with child hunger distinct from other poverty outcomes?
Impact of a Basic Income program on Canadian seniors' health and mental health
Are long-term education and early pregnancy outcomes associated with child hunger distinct from other poverty outcomes?
Impact of a Basic Income program on Canadian seniors' health and mental health
A train the-trainer project: Equipping promotoras to empower Hispanic families in South Texas to recognize developmental milestones and warning signs of autism
Evaluation of a promotora-led intervention to build awareness of developmental milestones and warning signs of autism among families in South Texas
Evaluation of a promotora-led intervention to build awareness of developmental milestones and warning signs of autism among families in South Texas
Reporting Guideline for Trials of Social and Psychological Interventions: CONSORT-SPI
Examining and predicting network relationships in a longitudinal study of a community health partnership
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Examining and predicting network relationships in a longitudinal study of a community health partnership
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Relationship Between Limited Health Literacy and Self-Rated “Poor Health” In Older Chinese Immigrant Adults
Increased Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity in a Health Educator-Led Intervention among Older Chinese American Immigrants
A Social Network Family-Focused Intervention to Promote Smoking Cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese Male Smokers: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
Increased Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity in a Health Educator-Led Intervention among Older Chinese American Immigrants
A Social Network Family-Focused Intervention to Promote Smoking Cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese Male Smokers: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
Geography of Sexual Violence News Coverage: A National & Regional Assessment of Where, and How, Violence Prevention is Covered in News Media
Fast-food fights in sleepy villages and urban jungles: The importance of community characteristics and policy purpose in debates over fast-food zoning
Three communities, three soda tax debates: What can advocates learn from news coverage of recent soda tax proposals?
Fast-food fights in sleepy villages and urban jungles: The importance of community characteristics and policy purpose in debates over fast-food zoning
Three communities, three soda tax debates: What can advocates learn from news coverage of recent soda tax proposals?
High Rates of Risks for HIV and other STIs among Sexual Minority Women in Jackson, Mississippi
Heavy alcohol consumption and vaginal shedding of HIV-1
Individual and Sexual Network Related HIV and STI Risk among Sexual Minority Men in Jackson, Mississippi
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
Heavy alcohol consumption and vaginal shedding of HIV-1
Individual and Sexual Network Related HIV and STI Risk among Sexual Minority Men in Jackson, Mississippi
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
Do social relationships protect agains adverse effects of neighborhood poverty on cumulative biologic risk?
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Science Informing Community, Community Informing Science
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Science Informing Community, Community Informing Science
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Alcohol and drug use during or before risky sexual behaviors among substance use disorder treatment seekers
Relationship between housing status and HIV sexual risk behaviors among people in substance use disorder treatment
Changes in Readiness for HIV Testing: Results of a Randomized Trial in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers
Associations between sexual risk behaviors and substance use among treatment seeking adults
Relationship between housing status and HIV sexual risk behaviors among people in substance use disorder treatment
Changes in Readiness for HIV Testing: Results of a Randomized Trial in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers
Associations between sexual risk behaviors and substance use among treatment seeking adults
High degree of interest in long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in two Chinese cities
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Pharmacy-based HIV Testing vs Over-the-counter HIV Tests: Preferences of Gay and Bisexual Men
Understanding STD Screening and Management in Indiana Community Health Centers
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Measuring Accreditation Activity and Progress: Findings from a survey of Indiana local health departments
Understanding STD Screening and Management in Indiana Community Health Centers
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Measuring Accreditation Activity and Progress: Findings from a survey of Indiana local health departments
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Trauma, PTSD and incarceration history in a nationally representative sample of African Americans
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Stress and Coping among African Americans at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Trauma, PTSD and incarceration history in a nationally representative sample of African Americans
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Stress and Coping among African Americans at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Which benefit should we emphasize? Health or energy? An analysis of perceived advantages of eating fruit and vegetables
How do we engage health professionals in supporting exclusive breastfeeding by mothers of young infants? A behavior analysis using the Reasoned Action Approach
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
Using a community-based participatory approach to examine the behavior of getting a regular mammogram among rural women; An application of Reasoned Action Approach
How do we engage health professionals in supporting exclusive breastfeeding by mothers of young infants? A behavior analysis using the Reasoned Action Approach
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
Using a community-based participatory approach to examine the behavior of getting a regular mammogram among rural women; An application of Reasoned Action Approach
Network Influences Overtime on the Sexual Health of Homeless Youth
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Communicating health disparity data: America’s Health Rankings disparity visualization tools
State Level Variation in Hospital Death Rates and Hospice Utilization
Smoking, physical inactivity, and obesity among seniors: Geographic variation and their association with health status
SESSION ABSTRACT – America's Health Rankings Senior Report: Measuring the State of Senior Health
State Level Variation in Hospital Death Rates and Hospice Utilization
Smoking, physical inactivity, and obesity among seniors: Geographic variation and their association with health status
SESSION ABSTRACT – America's Health Rankings Senior Report: Measuring the State of Senior Health
State Approaches to Providing Medicaid Long-term Services and Supports to Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Career Path for a Successful Gerontology Researcher
Relation between Federal Policy Iniatives and Medicaid HCBS for Older Adults and Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Costs of Obesity in Older Adults with Disabilities
Career Path for a Successful Gerontology Researcher
Relation between Federal Policy Iniatives and Medicaid HCBS for Older Adults and Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Costs of Obesity in Older Adults with Disabilities
Non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among crystal methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men (MSM): An individual- and event-level analysis
A matched retrospective cohort study of mental health among transgender and cisgender youth patients in care at an urban community health center
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Location Matters: Correlates of HIV Risk Behaviors and HIV “Hot Spots” among Transgender Residents of Massachusetts
A matched retrospective cohort study of mental health among transgender and cisgender youth patients in care at an urban community health center
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Location Matters: Correlates of HIV Risk Behaviors and HIV “Hot Spots” among Transgender Residents of Massachusetts
Promise of a couples' intervention in reducing alcohol and other drug use: Results from a cluster randomized trial in South Africa
Evaluation of provider-led, healthy weight program for lesbian and bisexual women over 40 in the San Francisco Bay Area
Heterosexual HIV transmission among alcohol using serodiscordant couples may drive the epidemic in Cape Town townships: The Promise of Less Incidence
Evaluation of provider-led, healthy weight program for lesbian and bisexual women over 40 in the San Francisco Bay Area
Heterosexual HIV transmission among alcohol using serodiscordant couples may drive the epidemic in Cape Town townships: The Promise of Less Incidence
Malaria and anemia prevalence and nutritional status in Tanzania's Mvomero District: Baseline results of a cluster-randomized health experiment
More than a means to an end: Spatial data architecture for a complex field-based malaria intervention trial
Using spatial analysis to choose pilot neighborhoods for diabetes intervention in Durham, NC
Virtually there: Using web-based training to build GIS capacity for public health professionals
More than a means to an end: Spatial data architecture for a complex field-based malaria intervention trial
Using spatial analysis to choose pilot neighborhoods for diabetes intervention in Durham, NC
Virtually there: Using web-based training to build GIS capacity for public health professionals
WV GENOME Evaluation of the Surgeon General's Diabetes Risk Family Health History Tool in Rural Patients
A theoretical approach to how males and females differ in their attractiveness
Is the entire Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II necessary to measure acculturation in Mexican-American health research studies?
Diabetes Community Outreach Project: Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Screening, Education and Care in Rural India
A theoretical approach to how males and females differ in their attractiveness
Is the entire Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II necessary to measure acculturation in Mexican-American health research studies?
Diabetes Community Outreach Project: Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Screening, Education and Care in Rural India
Dissemination and implementation of EnhanceFitness in YMCA-affiliated sites: The early adopter experience
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Reentry and reunification: Investigating the influence of children in the reentry experience of mothers released from short-term jail stay
Resources for reentry: Investigating the biopsychosocial needs of mothers of young children released from jail
Building a bridge for community-academic engagement: The maternal and child health research consortium
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Resources for reentry: Investigating the biopsychosocial needs of mothers of young children released from jail
Building a bridge for community-academic engagement: The maternal and child health research consortium
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Omaha System as a Structured Approach to Public Health Nursing Education
Visualization of Patterns in Public Health Nurse Intervention Data
Development of a Visual Literacy Standard to Promote Health Literacy using the Omaha System
Improving medication management through health informatics information technology: The feasibility of representing pharmaceutical care services information using the Omaha System
Healthography in the BSN Curriculum: Points, Polygons and Planning
Development and Validation of Omaha System Guideline for Integrative Nursing to Translate Evidence-based Practice and Improve Population Health
Visualization of Patterns in Public Health Nurse Intervention Data
Development of a Visual Literacy Standard to Promote Health Literacy using the Omaha System
Improving medication management through health informatics information technology: The feasibility of representing pharmaceutical care services information using the Omaha System
Healthography in the BSN Curriculum: Points, Polygons and Planning
Development and Validation of Omaha System Guideline for Integrative Nursing to Translate Evidence-based Practice and Improve Population Health
Predicting Reported Job Risks Among Latino Day Laborers: A Structural Equation Model
Investigating the Risk of First Occupational Injury by Treated Psychiatric Disorder Episodes of Care
Prevalence and Incidence of Psychiatric Disorder Treated Episodes in an Occupational Cohort: Sociodemographic and Work Trends across a 6 Year Period
Investigating the Risk of First Occupational Injury by Treated Psychiatric Disorder Episodes of Care
Prevalence and Incidence of Psychiatric Disorder Treated Episodes in an Occupational Cohort: Sociodemographic and Work Trends across a 6 Year Period
Strategies for engaging the private food sector: Lessons learned from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health's Choose Health LA Restaurants program
Voluntary strategies to promote healthier eating: The legal landscape for public health practitioners
Farmers' markets for all: Strategies to support farmers' markets in communities
Voluntary strategies to promote healthier eating: The legal landscape for public health practitioners
Farmers' markets for all: Strategies to support farmers' markets in communities
Smoking, smoking cessation behaviors and health-related quality of life among low income diabetic patients
Using interactive voice response to improve disease management in diabetic smokers: A systematic review
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology to Access Accessibility of Smoking Cessation Class Attendance for Patients in Louisiana Public Hospitals
Tobacco cessation practices and beliefs among clinicians in a public hospital system
Measuring the Impact of Group Class Counseling on Long-Term Quit Status among Louisiana's Public Hospital Patients
Using interactive voice response to improve disease management in diabetic smokers: A systematic review
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology to Access Accessibility of Smoking Cessation Class Attendance for Patients in Louisiana Public Hospitals
Tobacco cessation practices and beliefs among clinicians in a public hospital system
Measuring the Impact of Group Class Counseling on Long-Term Quit Status among Louisiana's Public Hospital Patients
Waterpipes and pint glasses: A mixed methods study on hookah and alcohol concurrent use among young adults
Improving How We Deliver Tobacco Cessation Programs: Findings from an Intervention for People with Disabilities
Evaluation of a Newly Developed Tobacco Cessation Program for People with Disabilities
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
Improving How We Deliver Tobacco Cessation Programs: Findings from an Intervention for People with Disabilities
Evaluation of a Newly Developed Tobacco Cessation Program for People with Disabilities
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
Local Strategies and Perspectives in Implementing a National Multilingual Communications Campaign to Address Hepatitis B in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities in the United States
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Social media as a content and information dissemination tool for coalitions working with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities
Implementing Evidence-Based Violence Prevention Strategies in Real World Settings
Not lost in translation: Guiding adaptations of the Youth Empowerment Solutions Curriculum
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
Not lost in translation: Guiding adaptations of the Youth Empowerment Solutions Curriculum
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
From physical and functional to identity enhancing and life-fulfilling: Physiotherapists', stroke survivors', and carers' perspectives of physical activity after stroke
“Art helped me to find out that I could do it again”: Experiences of stroke survivors, artists and healthcare staff of an arts based creative engagement intervention as part of in-patient rehabilitation
“Art helped me to find out that I could do it again”: Experiences of stroke survivors, artists and healthcare staff of an arts based creative engagement intervention as part of in-patient rehabilitation
Cleaning-chemical exposures and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
Increasing prevalence of ADHD, major depression, and conduct disorders among adolescent students in Puerto Rico, 2005-2012
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Influence of the “sex talk” on sexual perceptions
Successful smoking cessation: Does quitting for good mean sacrificing LGBTQ identity?
I can't smoke here? An investigation of smoke free polices and practices in substance abuse treatment facilities
An Overview of Substance Use and Protective Factors in Rural Adolescents
Direct effects and interactions of individual characteristics, peers, parents, schools, and community influences on rural adolescent substance use and school connectedness
Between the blurred lines of sex education: Formal versus informal sex information & the sexuality of emerging adults
“Oh, baby like it raw”: Hip-hop culture, contemporary representations of African American women, and HIV
Successful smoking cessation: Does quitting for good mean sacrificing LGBTQ identity?
I can't smoke here? An investigation of smoke free polices and practices in substance abuse treatment facilities
An Overview of Substance Use and Protective Factors in Rural Adolescents
Direct effects and interactions of individual characteristics, peers, parents, schools, and community influences on rural adolescent substance use and school connectedness
Between the blurred lines of sex education: Formal versus informal sex information & the sexuality of emerging adults
“Oh, baby like it raw”: Hip-hop culture, contemporary representations of African American women, and HIV
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Patterns and correlates of electronic cigarette use among college students
Coital and Non-coital Sexual Behaviors and Risk Reduction Practices among College Students
Sexual Health Information Sources for College Students: Gender Differences and Associations with Sexual Healthcare Behaviors
Getting it up: Improving the HPV vaccine uptake among male college students
Coital and Non-coital Sexual Behaviors and Risk Reduction Practices among College Students
Sexual Health Information Sources for College Students: Gender Differences and Associations with Sexual Healthcare Behaviors
Getting it up: Improving the HPV vaccine uptake among male college students
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
“Pero solo tengo una pareja” (But I only have one partner): Myths and misconceptions regarding cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV) among women in Panama City, Panama
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
Perception and Acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination among Women in Panama City, Panama
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Prevalence of hypertension in urban, semi-urban, and rural communities in a South Asian population
Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD)
BabySteps to Health: Use of Behavior Change Theory in Obesity and Dental Caries Prevention for Very Young Children
Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD)
BabySteps to Health: Use of Behavior Change Theory in Obesity and Dental Caries Prevention for Very Young Children
Reasons for CRC screening non-adherence among African Americans in primary care
Using concept mapping to explore strategies for smoking cessation for women with experiences of homelessness and serious mental illness
A collectivist approach to cervical cancer screening among Latinas: The Sisters in Health Study
Using concept mapping to explore strategies for smoking cessation for women with experiences of homelessness and serious mental illness
A collectivist approach to cervical cancer screening among Latinas: The Sisters in Health Study