Author Index: G
Author Index: G

Barriers to routine screening for intimate partner violence in health care settings in Haiti
Short-term effects of a violence-prevention curriculum on knowledge of dating violence among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Risk factors for dating violence victimization and perpetration among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Short-term effects of a violence-prevention curriculum on knowledge of dating violence among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Risk factors for dating violence victimization and perpetration among high school students in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Identifying and Promoting Healthy Food Financing Initiatives to Improve Healthy Affordable Food Access in Latino Areas
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Innovative National Promotores Latino Cancer Survivorship Outreach Program: Outcomes and Lessons Learned
Improving Quality of Life Among Latino Breast Cancer Survivors: A National Randomized Control Trial of Patient Navigators
Increasing the Pipeline: Exito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Innovative National Promotores Latino Cancer Survivorship Outreach Program: Outcomes and Lessons Learned
Improving Quality of Life Among Latino Breast Cancer Survivors: A National Randomized Control Trial of Patient Navigators
Increasing the Pipeline: Exito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training
Experiences of Stigma in Healthcare Among U.S. Trans Masculine Adults: A Gender Minority Stress Model of Substance Use to Cope with Mistreatment
HIV risk reduction via Facebook live chat for young men who have sex with men
Substance Use Patterns and Sexual Agreements among Same-Sex Male HIV Serodiscordant Couples
Relationship motivations for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among HIV-negative MSM in seroconcordant negative romantic relationships
HIV risk reduction via Facebook live chat for young men who have sex with men
Substance Use Patterns and Sexual Agreements among Same-Sex Male HIV Serodiscordant Couples
Relationship motivations for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among HIV-negative MSM in seroconcordant negative romantic relationships
"Don't [B]other These People": The Influence of Post-9/11 Public Policies and Practices on the Social Determinants of Health for Latinas and Their Families - Findings from Detroit, MI
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Does the quality of collaboration in a CBPR trial contribute to community benefit? The Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados experience
Are collaboration factors across sites in a CBPR trial related to research process outcomes? The experiences of the Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados study
Does a delayed intervention study design address community concerns with randomization? The Padres Informados, Jovenes Preparados trial
Are collaboration factors across sites in a CBPR trial related to research process outcomes? The experiences of the Padres Informados/Jovenes Preparados study
Does a delayed intervention study design address community concerns with randomization? The Padres Informados, Jovenes Preparados trial
Negotiating social and health risks in the pursuit of sexual relationships in physical and virtual spaces: A qualitative study of Black Men who have Sex Men (BMSM) in New York City
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Exergame Options for Physical Activity: Geocaching for Exercise and Activity Research
Grimes County Physical Activity and Community Engagement (PACE) Project: Increasing Access to Physical Activity in Rural Populations
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Using Community Health Workers to Increase Awareness about the Affordable Care Act in a Rural Community
MOST: A partnership approach for expanding mental health care
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Grimes County Physical Activity and Community Engagement (PACE) Project: Increasing Access to Physical Activity in Rural Populations
Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Using Community Health Workers to Increase Awareness about the Affordable Care Act in a Rural Community
MOST: A partnership approach for expanding mental health care
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Cleaning-chemical exposures and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposures to cleaning chemicals
Effects of Training on Custodians' Satisfaction and Acceptance of Environmentally Preferable Products
Reducing Prenatal and Childhood Environmental Risks among Hispanic Families along the U.S.- Mexico Border
A train the-trainer project: Equipping promotoras to empower Hispanic families in South Texas to recognize developmental milestones and warning signs of autism
Evaluation of a promotora-led intervention to build awareness of developmental milestones and warning signs of autism among families in South Texas
A train the-trainer project: Equipping promotoras to empower Hispanic families in South Texas to recognize developmental milestones and warning signs of autism
Evaluation of a promotora-led intervention to build awareness of developmental milestones and warning signs of autism among families in South Texas
Primary prevention of violence in high school pupils in Scotland: Evaluation of the Medics Against Violence programme
Effectiveness of universal school-based programmes aimed at the primary prevention of violence in secondary school-aged young people (11-18 years): Results from a systematic review
‘Can I dance in high heels with this?' Examining the experience and effectiveness of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring with a female student population
Effectiveness of universal school-based programmes aimed at the primary prevention of violence in secondary school-aged young people (11-18 years): Results from a systematic review
‘Can I dance in high heels with this?' Examining the experience and effectiveness of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring with a female student population
Health service utilization for homeless and low-income persons: A spotlight on the VA Supportive Housing (VASH) program in Los Angeles
Feasibility of the UCLA Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial (QUIT)
A Primary Care Based Screening and Brief Intervention Efficacy Trial to Reduce "Risky" Drug Use
Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use Among Patients of Community Health Centers (CHCs) in East Los Angeles and Tijuana
Screening and detection of illicit and untreated drug use among community health center patients in Los Angeles County
Feasibility of the UCLA Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial (QUIT)
A Primary Care Based Screening and Brief Intervention Efficacy Trial to Reduce "Risky" Drug Use
Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use Among Patients of Community Health Centers (CHCs) in East Los Angeles and Tijuana
Screening and detection of illicit and untreated drug use among community health center patients in Los Angeles County
Assessing and Addressing Adolescent Pregnancy Where “They” Live and Learn
Towards RESPECT: How Existing Program Data Informed the Development of a Heterosexual male approach to Social and Behavioral Change
Profiles and Patterns of Paternal Involvement in the lives of Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Mothers of Color
Beyond the Broken Bones and Knocked out Teeth: Listening Sessions as an Innovative Strategy towards assessing and addressing new trends and patterns in Adolescent Dating Violence
Towards RESPECT: How Existing Program Data Informed the Development of a Heterosexual male approach to Social and Behavioral Change
Profiles and Patterns of Paternal Involvement in the lives of Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Mothers of Color
Beyond the Broken Bones and Knocked out Teeth: Listening Sessions as an Innovative Strategy towards assessing and addressing new trends and patterns in Adolescent Dating Violence
A physiological assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Community Health Big Data - Leveraging Partnerships and Data to Improve Community Health
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Community Health Big Data - Leveraging Partnerships and Data to Improve Community Health
High prevalence of hepatitis C infection among MSM in Baltimore: The BESURE study
Experience and perceptions of urban rats among low-income residents in Baltimore, Maryland
Negative Family Treatment of Sexual Minority Women and Transmen in Viet Nam: Latent Classes and Their Predictors
Correlates of transactional sex among high-risk heterosexuals in Baltimore
Examining Diversity Across MSM Alcohol Use Outlets to Inform HIV Prevention
Experience and perceptions of urban rats among low-income residents in Baltimore, Maryland
Negative Family Treatment of Sexual Minority Women and Transmen in Viet Nam: Latent Classes and Their Predictors
Correlates of transactional sex among high-risk heterosexuals in Baltimore
Examining Diversity Across MSM Alcohol Use Outlets to Inform HIV Prevention
Predicting intention to get the HPV vaccine using the underlying behavioral, normative, and control belief constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Utilizing the Reasoned Action Approach to Examine Differences in Attitudes and Beliefs of women who have and have not received the HPV Vaccine
Assessing the underlying beliefs and perceptions of ‘Doers' vs. ;Non-doers' regarding getting the HPV vaccine
Evaluation of CBPR theory-based HIV prevention interventions: 2000-2013
Using a community-based participatory approach to examine the behavior of getting a regular mammogram among rural women; An application of Reasoned Action Approach
Utilizing the Reasoned Action Approach to Examine Differences in Attitudes and Beliefs of women who have and have not received the HPV Vaccine
Assessing the underlying beliefs and perceptions of ‘Doers' vs. ;Non-doers' regarding getting the HPV vaccine
Evaluation of CBPR theory-based HIV prevention interventions: 2000-2013
Using a community-based participatory approach to examine the behavior of getting a regular mammogram among rural women; An application of Reasoned Action Approach
Unraveling data on the sexual practices, values and perceptions of university youth from the Arab World: The Case of Lebanon
Nonmedical use of Psychoactive Prescription Drugs among adolescents: What's Waterpipe Smoking Got to do with it?
Gender Differences in Sexual Abuse and Violence among University Students: Results from the First Online Sexuality Survey in Lebanon and the Arab Region
Nonmedical use of Psychoactive Prescription Drugs among adolescents: What's Waterpipe Smoking Got to do with it?
Gender Differences in Sexual Abuse and Violence among University Students: Results from the First Online Sexuality Survey in Lebanon and the Arab Region
Using Mixed Methods to Examine Distracted Driving in an Occupational Population
Measuring and Evaluating Injury and Violence Prevention Capacity: The Base Integration Component (BIC) of the CDC Core Violence Injury Prevention Program (Core VIPP)
Residential Sprinklers for a Safer Tomorrow: What Every Public Health Professional Needs to Know about the Technology and Public Opinion
Safety strategy use among women seeking temporary protective orders: The relationship between violence experienced, strategy effectiveness, and risk perception
Measuring and Evaluating Injury and Violence Prevention Capacity: The Base Integration Component (BIC) of the CDC Core Violence Injury Prevention Program (Core VIPP)
Residential Sprinklers for a Safer Tomorrow: What Every Public Health Professional Needs to Know about the Technology and Public Opinion
Safety strategy use among women seeking temporary protective orders: The relationship between violence experienced, strategy effectiveness, and risk perception
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
Relationship Between Limited Health Literacy and Self-Rated “Poor Health” In Older Chinese Immigrant Adults
Increased Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity in a Health Educator-Led Intervention among Older Chinese American Immigrants
A Social Network Family-Focused Intervention to Promote Smoking Cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese Male Smokers: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
Increased Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity in a Health Educator-Led Intervention among Older Chinese American Immigrants
A Social Network Family-Focused Intervention to Promote Smoking Cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese Male Smokers: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
Let's Talk about Alzheimer's/Hablemos del Alzheimer - Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior of Hispanic caregivers about Alzheimer's Disease
Buena Salud (Good Health) Americas, Community Initiatives for Cardiovascular Health in the Americas
Understanding and Taking Action to promote the safe use of acetaminophen among Hispanics – Know Your Dose Campaign
Buena Salud (Good Health) Americas, Community Initiatives for Cardiovascular Health in the Americas
Understanding and Taking Action to promote the safe use of acetaminophen among Hispanics – Know Your Dose Campaign
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Incorporating quality assurance measures in program planning and implementation to increase the impact of community-based programs in underserved communities
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
Understanding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 'Riskscapes' of Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the Southeastern United States (U.S.)
Health Impact Assessment: A Method to Advance Injury and Violence Prevention
SESSION ABSTRACT - Incorporating health into housing decisions: Potential health implications for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Assessing the Health Impacts of Public Housing for Low Income Elderly and Disabled Residents – An HIA for a Proposed Federal Designated Housing Rule
SESSION ABSTRACT - Incorporating health into housing decisions: Potential health implications for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Assessing the Health Impacts of Public Housing for Low Income Elderly and Disabled Residents – An HIA for a Proposed Federal Designated Housing Rule
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Evaluation of the California FreshWorks Fund Initiative: Are stores providing healthier food?
Development of an observational tool to assess availability, portion size, and marketing of beverages in stores and fast food restaurants: NEMS-B
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Development of an observational tool to assess availability, portion size, and marketing of beverages in stores and fast food restaurants: NEMS-B
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Effects of state transgender legal protections on perceived community stigma and mental health
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Home Alone: Discharge Without Post-Acute Care among Medicare Stroke Patients
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
A population-based analysis of the association between health insurance coverage and psychological health, and the influence of other mediating factors among young adults in the United States who have been a victim of a violent crime
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Stress, Coping, & Oppression - Prevention & Education (SCOPE) Project: Psychological health, discrimination and coping factors among collegiate black men
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Home Alone: Discharge Without Post-Acute Care among Medicare Stroke Patients
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
A population-based analysis of the association between health insurance coverage and psychological health, and the influence of other mediating factors among young adults in the United States who have been a victim of a violent crime
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Stress, Coping, & Oppression - Prevention & Education (SCOPE) Project: Psychological health, discrimination and coping factors among collegiate black men
Conducting quasi-experimental evaluation research in the real world: Evaluating the community transformation grant's smoke-free multi-unit housing initiative
Impact of smoke-free laws on hotels and motels: Keeping the light on
Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments
Impact of smoke-free laws on hotels and motels: Keeping the light on
Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments
Using a web portal to identify public health fieldwork preceptors and research collaborators in northeast Pennsylvania
Sequential Self Assessments of student competencies validated by preceptors and employers: Moving from partially met to met
Findings of a community health needs assessment (CHNA) with a Latino population living in the Oxnard Plain, California
Sequential Self Assessments of student competencies validated by preceptors and employers: Moving from partially met to met
Findings of a community health needs assessment (CHNA) with a Latino population living in the Oxnard Plain, California
Navigating a different adolescent sexual landscape: Reflections of LGBTQ young adults on their planning and experiences of first sex
Perceived impact of parental and school messages about non-heterosexuality on the sexual lives of LGBTQ adolescents: A retrospective qualitative study with LGBTQ Young adults
Perceived impact of parental and school messages about non-heterosexuality on the sexual lives of LGBTQ adolescents: A retrospective qualitative study with LGBTQ Young adults
Social capital is associated with home smokefree rules in California households in 2012
Effects of smokefree laws and alcohol use on smoking and quit attempts among US adults: New innovations are needed for young adults and minority smokers
Social capital and civic engagement do not attenuate the relationship between tobacco and food insecurity in Mexican and Mexican-Americans in California
Effects of smokefree laws and alcohol use on smoking and quit attempts among US adults: New innovations are needed for young adults and minority smokers
Social capital and civic engagement do not attenuate the relationship between tobacco and food insecurity in Mexican and Mexican-Americans in California
Primary prevention of violence in high school pupils in Scotland: Evaluation of the Medics Against Violence programme
Sexual assault on campus: Prevalence, perceived vulnerability and alcohol
A mixed methods proof of concept study to examine the willingness of people in Scotland to intervene if they witness or overhear violence
Making the link: Training veterinary professionals to recognise and respond to human and animal victims of domestic abuse
‘Can I dance in high heels with this?' Examining the experience and effectiveness of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring with a female student population
Sexual assault on campus: Prevalence, perceived vulnerability and alcohol
A mixed methods proof of concept study to examine the willingness of people in Scotland to intervene if they witness or overhear violence
Making the link: Training veterinary professionals to recognise and respond to human and animal victims of domestic abuse
‘Can I dance in high heels with this?' Examining the experience and effectiveness of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring with a female student population
Menthol Cigarette Smoking among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adults in the United States
Current tobacco product use among sexual minorities in the United States: Smokeless tobacco, Snus, cigar, hookah, and pipe
Awareness of Smoking Cessation Methods among LGBT and heterosexual individuals
Current tobacco product use among sexual minorities in the United States: Smokeless tobacco, Snus, cigar, hookah, and pipe
Awareness of Smoking Cessation Methods among LGBT and heterosexual individuals
Perceptions and personal residential segregation experiences: Developing a culturally appropriate racial composition measure among medically underserved patients
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
Colorectal Cancer Screening and Young African-American Men: Male Role Norms, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions
Relationship between expressive writing and health outcomes: A meta-analysis
Impact of Male Role Norms on Young African-American Men's Attitudes toward Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screening
Relationship between expressive writing and health outcomes: A meta-analysis
Impact of Male Role Norms on Young African-American Men's Attitudes toward Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screening
Segmentation of a Medicare Advantage population using the Diabetes Complications Severity Index (DCSI)
Facilitating access to free diabetic retinal exams with a novel geospatial approach in a national Medicare Advantage population with diabetes
Diabetes disease progression among a Medicare Advantage population – a retrospective analysis
Call Me Maybe: Lessons from recruitment strategies for a diabetes self-care program for a Medicare Advantage population
Facilitating access to free diabetic retinal exams with a novel geospatial approach in a national Medicare Advantage population with diabetes
Diabetes disease progression among a Medicare Advantage population – a retrospective analysis
Call Me Maybe: Lessons from recruitment strategies for a diabetes self-care program for a Medicare Advantage population
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Increasing student water consumption during school meals: A group-randomized, controlled trial
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Conflict, Peace, and Public Health in Syria: Addressing the Humanitarian Crisis
Human rights impact assessments: Documementing how private sector investments impact international health
Extracting wealth, undermining health: The impact of oil, gas and mining on global health
Extractive Industries and Environmental Health: Impacts, Advocacy and Community Solutions
Human rights impact assessments: Documementing how private sector investments impact international health
Extracting wealth, undermining health: The impact of oil, gas and mining on global health
Extractive Industries and Environmental Health: Impacts, Advocacy and Community Solutions
National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care from the HHS Office of Minority Health: Promoting effective, cross-cultural communication to help reduce health disparities
Promoting Healthy Choices and Community Change: An E-Learning Program for Promotores de Salud
Promoting Healthy Choices and Community Change: An E-Learning Program for Promotores de Salud
A Model for Coordination of Mental Health Care for Transitioning Serice Members
A Systematic Process Improvement Approach for Small Practices to Overcome Barriers to ICD-10 Conversion
When mental health diagnosis isn't enough: The need for comprehensive data to understand suicide risk in the military
A Systematic Process Improvement Approach for Small Practices to Overcome Barriers to ICD-10 Conversion
When mental health diagnosis isn't enough: The need for comprehensive data to understand suicide risk in the military
Improving the food environment in six vulnerable communities: Evaluation of the Food & Fitness community partnerships
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Race-Specific Patterns and Determinants of Alcohol Use among a Sample of Men Who Have Sex with Men
Where do Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM in NYC Live, Socialize and Have Sex? A Spatial Analysis of Neighborhoods by Race/Ethnicity
Social Discrimination and Sexual HIV Acquisition Risk Behavior among Urban MSM
Where do Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM in NYC Live, Socialize and Have Sex? A Spatial Analysis of Neighborhoods by Race/Ethnicity
Social Discrimination and Sexual HIV Acquisition Risk Behavior among Urban MSM
Alcohol (and Other Drugs) in Public Health Research
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Age-period-cohort models of 1984 to 2010 cannabis trends in the US National Alcohol Surveys
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Age-period-cohort models of 1984 to 2010 cannabis trends in the US National Alcohol Surveys
You Geaux Girl!, a randomized control trial of an Web-based pregnancy prevention intervention for young African American women
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Development of an observational tool to assess availability, portion size, and marketing of beverages in stores and fast food restaurants: NEMS-B
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Reporting sexual behaviors using ACASI: Can Women Living with HIV be honest and comfortable or is there social desirability bias?
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
How Can Prescription Monitoring Programs Prevent Overdose?: A national survey of Prescription Monitoring and Injury Prevention Program Coordinators
Synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and illicitly synthesized opioids: Use prevalence, risk perception, and risk reduction behaviors among people who use internet drug discussion forums
Chronic pain disparities and addiction: Medical and nonmedical prescription opioid use among people with substance use disorder ageing with HIV, cancer, and diabetes
Synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and illicitly synthesized opioids: Use prevalence, risk perception, and risk reduction behaviors among people who use internet drug discussion forums
Chronic pain disparities and addiction: Medical and nonmedical prescription opioid use among people with substance use disorder ageing with HIV, cancer, and diabetes
Medical Mistrust Among Family Members of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Increasing breast cancer screening among the sub-population of women with intellectual disabilities who live with their families
Evaluating a mammography promotion intervention for women with intellectual disabilities and their families
“I don't really talk about woman stuff”: Reproductive health needs experiences of women with intellectual disabilities and participatory research
Increasing breast cancer screening among the sub-population of women with intellectual disabilities who live with their families
Evaluating a mammography promotion intervention for women with intellectual disabilities and their families
“I don't really talk about woman stuff”: Reproductive health needs experiences of women with intellectual disabilities and participatory research
Developing a typology of the Latino immigrant sex industry in a new receiving community to aid in HIV prevention efforts
Economic vulnerability of recent Latino immigrants and its impact on sexual solicitation at day laborer employment sites
Development of a tailored mHealth platform to improve HIV testing and linkage to care in a new immigrant receiving community
"The stress will kill you": Prisoner reentry as experienced by family members and the urgent need for support services
Effective Dissemination of Qualitative Research and Community-based Participatory Research
Economic vulnerability of recent Latino immigrants and its impact on sexual solicitation at day laborer employment sites
Development of a tailored mHealth platform to improve HIV testing and linkage to care in a new immigrant receiving community
"The stress will kill you": Prisoner reentry as experienced by family members and the urgent need for support services
Effective Dissemination of Qualitative Research and Community-based Participatory Research
Influence of Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Factors on Fear of Crime among Adolescents
Safer Cyberspace Throughthrough Legal Intervention: A Comparative Evaluation of Cyberbullying Legislation
Home meal delivery and neighborhood safety for older adults: Do community resources help older people in need feel more or less safe?
Safer Cyberspace Throughthrough Legal Intervention: A Comparative Evaluation of Cyberbullying Legislation
Home meal delivery and neighborhood safety for older adults: Do community resources help older people in need feel more or less safe?
Negotiating social and health risks in the pursuit of sexual relationships in physical and virtual spaces: A qualitative study of Black Men who have Sex Men (BMSM) in New York City
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
How Black men who have sex with men in New York City understand, talk about, and engage with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Syndemic Production and Sexual Compulsivity in a Cohort of Highly Sexually Active Gay and Bisexual Men
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
Mobile Phones and the Prevention of Child Maltreatment: Innovation & Implications
Evidence-Based Programs and Child Maltreatment: How can we get the “most juice from the squeeze”?
Factors Promoting & Obstructing Access to Additional Services in an Adult Felony-Level Drug Court
Meeting the needs of families at high-risk for child maltreatment: The braiding of two evidence-based curricula
Evidence-Based Programs and Child Maltreatment: How can we get the “most juice from the squeeze”?
Factors Promoting & Obstructing Access to Additional Services in an Adult Felony-Level Drug Court
Meeting the needs of families at high-risk for child maltreatment: The braiding of two evidence-based curricula
An Ethics Framework for Digital Storytelling as a Multi-Purposed Public Health Method
Questions and Discussion
Course Overview
Promoting the Dignity of parenting Youth: Digital Storytelling and Organizing as Tools to engage young parenting Latinas
"Hear Our Stories": Young Parenting Women in Holyoke, MA Speak Out
Questions and Discussion
Course Overview
Promoting the Dignity of parenting Youth: Digital Storytelling and Organizing as Tools to engage young parenting Latinas
"Hear Our Stories": Young Parenting Women in Holyoke, MA Speak Out
Mental Health Benefits of Familism: How eating dinner together regularly is associated with better mental health among low-income Latino families in East Los Angeles
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Asthma and Food Allergy in Chicago Public Schools
Empowering and educating high-prevalence Chicago communities on asthma: A student-engaged media-based participatory research team
Barriers to Chronic Disease Reporting and Verification in Chicago Public Schools
Exposure to community violence and caregiver stress: An investigation of multiple social determinants of childhood asthma severity
Empowering and educating high-prevalence Chicago communities on asthma: A student-engaged media-based participatory research team
Barriers to Chronic Disease Reporting and Verification in Chicago Public Schools
Exposure to community violence and caregiver stress: An investigation of multiple social determinants of childhood asthma severity
Driven to support: Individual and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies
Worksite wellness policies within hospitals
Relationship Between Social, Neighborhood Factors and Physical Activity in a Low-Income African American Inner-City Neighborhood
Heavy alcohol consumption and vaginal shedding of HIV-1
Food Access, consumption and shopping patterns in two low income neighborhoods in New Orleans
Changes in neighborhood residents' fruit and vegetable purchases after the opening of new supermarkets in New Orleans
Worksite wellness policies within hospitals
Relationship Between Social, Neighborhood Factors and Physical Activity in a Low-Income African American Inner-City Neighborhood
Heavy alcohol consumption and vaginal shedding of HIV-1
Food Access, consumption and shopping patterns in two low income neighborhoods in New Orleans
Changes in neighborhood residents' fruit and vegetable purchases after the opening of new supermarkets in New Orleans
Where You Live Matters: Combating Asthma Morbidity by Reducing Home Environmental Triggers
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
“You don't have to know how to read to get health information from the Internet!”: Reducing the digital divide through a tailored multimedia Internet interface to provide Ethiopian immigrants with low-literacy skills with information on health issues they chose
“Sure you can have a fun and healthy birthday party!”: Designing a social marketing campaign to address the “normative underestimation” of parents regarding healthier birthday parties for preschool kids
“Sure you can have a fun and healthy birthday party!”: Designing a social marketing campaign to address the “normative underestimation” of parents regarding healthier birthday parties for preschool kids