Author Index: B
Author Index: B

Association of individual-level and neighborhood-level social capital with changes in BMI
Contribution of parental acculturation and ethnic enclaves to walking to school among Latinos
Longitudinal and cross-sectional association of park access with weight status
Association of access to parks with adolescent mental health
Link between exposures to air pollution and overweight or obesity
Contribution of parental acculturation and ethnic enclaves to walking to school among Latinos
Longitudinal and cross-sectional association of park access with weight status
Association of access to parks with adolescent mental health
Link between exposures to air pollution and overweight or obesity
ACA and implications for improving population health: Opportunities to move beyond the clinical
Applying a health lens to non-health policy-making: Building relationships and finding co-benefits
How social movements can inform and inspire the work of population health improvement
Paying for population health improvement: Health care and other private sector models
Applying a health lens to non-health policy-making: Building relationships and finding co-benefits
How social movements can inform and inspire the work of population health improvement
Paying for population health improvement: Health care and other private sector models
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
Promotoras (Community Health Workers ) Improve Heart Health among Latinos in Rural and Urban Settings
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Promotoras (Community Health Workers ) Improve Heart Health among Latinos in Rural and Urban Settings
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Identifying and Promoting Healthy Food Financing Initiatives to Improve Healthy Affordable Food Access in Latino Areas
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Moderating effects of neighborhood on Latina mother's stress and healthcare: Feeling overwhelmed is a significant barrier to healthcare among low-income Latina-mothers
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Importance of talk and place in cervical cancer prevention
Location, location, location: Individual, interpersonal and geographic predictors of Latina's health
Understanding Normative Influence of Place: A Multilevel Approach to Promoting Latinas' Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Urban Ethnic Communities
Defining neighborhood clusters in a multilevel study of barriers to cervical cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among Latinas in Los Angeles
A multi-dimensional approach to measure acculturation: Using a sample of Latina women living in Los Angeles
Emergency physician attitudes and management strategies toward chronic pain and “drug-seeking behavior”: A survey of emergency physicians
Implementation of the PECARN traumatic brain injury prediction rules using electronic health record-based clinical decision support: An interrupted time series trial
Implementation of the PECARN traumatic brain injury prediction rules using electronic health record-based clinical decision support: An interrupted time series trial
Receipt of Chronic Disease Management Information Predicts Adherence to Exercise Recommendation Among Older Adults Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure
Community Based Public Health Service Model for Testing and Remediation of Children's Vision in Underserved Populations
Relationship Between Knowledge of Cooling Centers and Seeing/Hearing Heat Warnings
Socio-demographic predictors of adherence to A1C test among diabetics, Texas
Sobering Center: An Alternative Solution to the Problem of Public Intoxication
How self-esteem and exposure to neighborhood deviant behavior influence dating violence victimization among American Indian adolescent girls
Community Based Public Health Service Model for Testing and Remediation of Children's Vision in Underserved Populations
Relationship Between Knowledge of Cooling Centers and Seeing/Hearing Heat Warnings
Socio-demographic predictors of adherence to A1C test among diabetics, Texas
Sobering Center: An Alternative Solution to the Problem of Public Intoxication
How self-esteem and exposure to neighborhood deviant behavior influence dating violence victimization among American Indian adolescent girls
You Geaux Girl!, a randomized control trial of an Web-based pregnancy prevention intervention for young African American women
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
Evaluation of syringe exchange program in Cleveland, Ohio: Preliminary findings
Assessment of risk perception and prevalence of prescription opiate use on a Midwest college campus
A Comunity based partnership to address Opiate Epidemic in Northeast Ohio
Alternative and Complementary Health Practices among Ghanaian Immmigrants in NewYork City
Sexual Behaviors and Condom Use among Behaviorally Bisexual Men in Mumbai, India: Priorities for HIV/STI Prevention
Role of Gender Transition Services in HIV prevention among male- to- femaleTransgenders in India: Preliminary findings
Assessment of risk perception and prevalence of prescription opiate use on a Midwest college campus
A Comunity based partnership to address Opiate Epidemic in Northeast Ohio
Alternative and Complementary Health Practices among Ghanaian Immmigrants in NewYork City
Sexual Behaviors and Condom Use among Behaviorally Bisexual Men in Mumbai, India: Priorities for HIV/STI Prevention
Role of Gender Transition Services in HIV prevention among male- to- femaleTransgenders in India: Preliminary findings
Using system thinking and place-based approaches to assess health system development and performance
Case studies in cross-sector health system assessment
Strategic financing and sustainability planning to support cross-sector health system development
Health systems transformation: Using systems thinking and science to assess organizational effectiveness
Case studies in cross-sector health system assessment
Strategic financing and sustainability planning to support cross-sector health system development
Health systems transformation: Using systems thinking and science to assess organizational effectiveness
Implications of School Context in an Intervention Designed to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Helpseeking
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care from the HHS Office of Minority Health: Promoting effective, cross-cultural communication to help reduce health disparities
Effective communication: The development of an e-resource for implementing communication and language assistance services in health and health care
Effective communication: The development of an e-resource for implementing communication and language assistance services in health and health care
Waterpipes and pint glasses: A mixed methods study on hookah and alcohol concurrent use among young adults
Extreme Weight Control Behaviors and Suicide Risk Among High School Students
Extreme Weight Control Behaviors and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among High School Students
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
Extreme Weight Control Behaviors and Suicide Risk Among High School Students
Extreme Weight Control Behaviors and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among High School Students
Income differences in food choice and social control of eating behaviors among southern rural women
Examining alcohol use among college students: Is it time for a new approach to identify risky drinking behavior?
Cryptococcosis-Related Mortality, 2000-2010
Does the receipt of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits predicted greater consumption of soda in a public health clinic population?
Increasing access to clinical preventive services for hard-to-reach Asian communities through faith-based organization networks
Does the receipt of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits predicted greater consumption of soda in a public health clinic population?
Increasing access to clinical preventive services for hard-to-reach Asian communities through faith-based organization networks
Technology-driven asthma data program to inform regional policy: The municipal perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Impact of a technology-driven asthma program on symptoms, control and self-management: The clinical perspective
Exploring drivers of asthma in Louisville with spatially-explicit, real-time data: The environmental perspective
Technology-driven asthma data can support surveillance efforts: The public health perspective
Rural and Urban Cape Verde: Differences in the prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk factors in an African country
Eligibility for PrEP among members of a HIV-negative MSM Portuguese Cohort
Effect of neighborhood socioeconomic context in prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in women delivering in Portugal
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: The 6-months results of a community-directed treatment intervention in Caxito, Angola
Forgone healthcare and intimate partner violence: A study in six European urban centres
Late HIV presentation in men who have sex with men in Portugal: Are there target groups for testing promotion?
Eligibility for PrEP among members of a HIV-negative MSM Portuguese Cohort
Effect of neighborhood socioeconomic context in prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in women delivering in Portugal
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: The 6-months results of a community-directed treatment intervention in Caxito, Angola
Forgone healthcare and intimate partner violence: A study in six European urban centres
Late HIV presentation in men who have sex with men in Portugal: Are there target groups for testing promotion?
Assessing the Impact of AlcoholEdu on Student Drinking Behavior: A Qualitative Examination
Yoga-Related Injuries: Are Injuries Resulting in Discontinued Practice Common?
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Alcohol and Energy Drinks: An Examination of High-Risk Drinking and Driving Behaviors among College Students
Energy Drink Use Motivations among Prescription Stimulant Misusers
Yoga-Related Injuries: Are Injuries Resulting in Discontinued Practice Common?
Psychometric Properties of a Single-item Assessing Drunkenness to Identify Hazardous Drinking: A Replication Study
Alcohol and Energy Drinks: An Examination of High-Risk Drinking and Driving Behaviors among College Students
Energy Drink Use Motivations among Prescription Stimulant Misusers
Factors that reduce the value of health care received by residents of rural areas: Findings from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports
Highlighting cancer healthcare disparities experienced by African Americans in the U.S. from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQR-DR)
Highlighting cancer healthcare disparities experienced by African Americans in the U.S. from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQR-DR)
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Perceptions of clinical trial participation in African American cancer patients: An in-depth qualitative analysis
Utilizing gaze patterns and EKG measurements to analyze responses to a “dirty bomb” decision aid in disadvantaged people with limited literacy: How can we make communication materials better?
Utilizing gaze patterns and EKG measurements to analyze responses to a “dirty bomb” decision aid in disadvantaged people with limited literacy: How can we make communication materials better?
Do Young Indian Girls Have a Nutritional Disadvantage Compared with Boys? Regression Models Examining Disparities in Breastfeeding and Food Consumption among Indian Siblings
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Financing universal health coverage: Effects of alternative tax structures on public health systems in 89 low- and middle-income countries
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Financing universal health coverage: Effects of alternative tax structures on public health systems in 89 low- and middle-income countries
Exploring the determinants of risky sexual behavior among ethnically diverse university students: The student behavioral health survey
Identifying barriers and strategies to increase older male participation in evidence-based health promotion programs
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
Identifying barriers and strategies to increase older male participation in evidence-based health promotion programs
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
Psychological Factors and Decisional Balance to Use Condoms among Young Gay and Bisexual Men: Differences across Race and Ethnicity
Virtual Network Characteristics and Sexual Risk Behavior among Emerging Adults in the United States
Psychosocial obstacles to smoking cessation attempts among young sexual minority women
Getting Comfortable while Getting Tested: YMSM's Reflections on HIV/STI testing sites in Southeast Michigan
Role of Housing Vacancy on the HIV/STI risk behaviors of young men who have sex with men
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Virtual Network Characteristics and Sexual Risk Behavior among Emerging Adults in the United States
Psychosocial obstacles to smoking cessation attempts among young sexual minority women
Getting Comfortable while Getting Tested: YMSM's Reflections on HIV/STI testing sites in Southeast Michigan
Role of Housing Vacancy on the HIV/STI risk behaviors of young men who have sex with men
“I have your results”: Delivering evaluation data to HIV/STI testing sites regarding issues of LGBT sensitivity and inclusivity
Legal options for ARV price reduction in Mexico
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Implementation of Native STAND to Reduce Risky Behaviors in American Indian Teens
Accomplishments of a Decade-long Training Support Program for American Indian and Alaska Native Health Researchers
Monitoring the Abuse of Drugs in two Northwest tribal communities. A descriptive overview of adults entering community-based treatment programs
Accomplishments of a Decade-long Training Support Program for American Indian and Alaska Native Health Researchers
Monitoring the Abuse of Drugs in two Northwest tribal communities. A descriptive overview of adults entering community-based treatment programs
Local Health Department Environmental Health expenditures and their impact health: Findings from the Public Health Activities and Services Tracking (PHAST) Study
Local Health Department Communicable Disease Control expenditures and their impact health: Findings from the Public Health Activities and Services Tracking (PHAST) Study
Local Health Department Communicable Disease Control expenditures and their impact health: Findings from the Public Health Activities and Services Tracking (PHAST) Study
Prevalence and Impact of Substance Abuse Disorder on Women's Use of Perinatal Health Services, Obstetric Experiences, and Birth Outcomes among Singleton Deliveries in Massachusetts: 2003-2007
Analyzing State and County Rates of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC) before and after Revision of ACOG Guidelines
Disparities in Infertility Drug and ART Use among Primiparous Mothers in 28 States in 2011
Analyzing State and County Rates of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC) before and after Revision of ACOG Guidelines
Disparities in Infertility Drug and ART Use among Primiparous Mothers in 28 States in 2011
Mall walking: Evaluating the evidence to create an Evidence-Informed Mall Walking Program Resource Guide
Dissemination and implementation of EnhanceFitness in YMCA-affiliated sites: The early adopter experience
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Dissemination and implementation of EnhanceFitness in YMCA-affiliated sites: The early adopter experience
Champions of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-affiliated sites: Marketers, recruiters, and believers
Enhancing adoption of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Implementation and maintenance of EnhanceFitness at YMCA-Affiliated sites: Strategies for success
Beyond Strength: Participant and Instructor Perspectives on the Benefits of EnhanceFitness
Health in All Policies in California's Rural Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
Higher risk of death among rural dual-eligible Medicare beneficiaries
Home Alone: Discharge Without Post-Acute Care among Medicare Stroke Patients
Home Health Post Stroke: Rural and African American Medicare Beneficiaries Less Likely to Have Rehabilitation Specialist Visits
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures
Home Alone: Discharge Without Post-Acute Care among Medicare Stroke Patients
Home Health Post Stroke: Rural and African American Medicare Beneficiaries Less Likely to Have Rehabilitation Specialist Visits
Electronic health record process of care functionalities not associated with lower cost per discharge for three coronary surgical procedures
Results from a Brief Intervention to Promote Smoke-Free Homes among 2-1-1 Clients
Smoke-free policies in homes and cars among U.S. adults: What exceptions exist regarding types of tobacco product and marijuana emissions, locations within the home, and situational factors?
How U.S. adults describe various tobacco products and marijuana: The successes and failures of tobacco industry marketing and public health
Smoke-free policies in homes and cars among U.S. adults: What exceptions exist regarding types of tobacco product and marijuana emissions, locations within the home, and situational factors?
How U.S. adults describe various tobacco products and marijuana: The successes and failures of tobacco industry marketing and public health
Knowledge, Benefits, and Concerns about the Affordable Care Act for Individuals Across the Lifespan
Assessing Community Members' Knowledge and Sources of Information about the Affordable Care Act: A Telephone Survey
Decision Making After a Fall: Preliminary Findings Examining the Experiences of Older Women and their Sources of Information
Assessing Community Members' Knowledge and Sources of Information about the Affordable Care Act: A Telephone Survey
Decision Making After a Fall: Preliminary Findings Examining the Experiences of Older Women and their Sources of Information
High blood pressure and comorbid health disparities among an African American church population
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
High blood pressure and comorbid health disparities among an African American church population
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Development of a mobile healthy food purchasing intervention for Latinos
Using a Community Engagement Approach to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Healthy Habits Program on Function and Health in Chinese Older Adults
Prevalence of hypertension in urban, semi-urban, and rural communities in a South Asian population
Using a Community Engagement Approach to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Healthy Habits Program on Function and Health in Chinese Older Adults
Prevalence of hypertension in urban, semi-urban, and rural communities in a South Asian population
"Don't [B]other These People": The Influence of Post-9/11 Public Policies and Practices on the Social Determinants of Health for Latinas and Their Families - Findings from Detroit, MI
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Diabetes disease management and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Prevalence and Impact of Substance Abuse Disorder on Women's Use of Perinatal Health Services, Obstetric Experiences, and Birth Outcomes among Singleton Deliveries in Massachusetts: 2003-2007
Gestational diabetes mellitus: A case study of failure modes and innovation for diabetes prevention among women
Gestational diabetes mellitus: A case study of failure modes and innovation for diabetes prevention among women
Importance of choosing the appropriate baseline adjustment when comparing groups with pre-post data
Estimating and Testing Significance of Change in Prevalence of a Trait When Some Change may be Attributable to Regression to the Mean
Analyzing doubly repeated measures: Area under the curve and mixed model approaches
Estimating and Testing Significance of Change in Prevalence of a Trait When Some Change may be Attributable to Regression to the Mean
Analyzing doubly repeated measures: Area under the curve and mixed model approaches
Bullying and Suicidal Behaviors among Middle School Adolescents: Does Reporting Bullying Impact the Suicidal Behaviors?
Factors Associated with Intent-to-Use Contraceptives among Woman aged 15-49 Years in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Association of Husband/Partner's Influence in Health Care Decision Making with Woman's Intent-to-Use Contraception in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Impact of Reporting Bullying on Suicidal Behaviors among High School Aged Adolescents
Factors Associated with Intent-to-Use Contraceptives among Woman aged 15-49 Years in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Association of Husband/Partner's Influence in Health Care Decision Making with Woman's Intent-to-Use Contraception in Mozambique: Results from a 2011 Nationally Representative Sample
Impact of Reporting Bullying on Suicidal Behaviors among High School Aged Adolescents
Identifying barriers and strategies to increase older male participation in evidence-based health promotion programs
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
‘EnhanceFitness' an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program: Factors Influencing the Participation of Older Women
Translating Evidence-Based Programs into Community-Based Settings: The Role of Fidelity Observations
Implementation of Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs in Community-Based Settings of South Florida: Lessons Learned
Evaluation of Community Based Diabetes Self-Management Program in South Florida from Year 2008 - 2012
Geographical Variation in the Supply of Nurse Practitioners in United States
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Do service innovations influence the adoption of Electronic Health Records? New evidence from long-term care sector
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Do service innovations influence the adoption of Electronic Health Records? New evidence from long-term care sector
Performance and quality improvement: Essential functions of any public health organization
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals – Improving to better meet public health workforce needs
Demonstrating a Framework for Aligning Public Health and Healthcare Efforts to Address Community Health Challenges
Integrating and Focusing Local Resources to Impact Community Health: Using a Driver Diagram to Facilitate Effective Collaboration between Health Care and Public Health Focusing on Antibiotic Stewardship
Why do people work in public health? Results and implications of a worker recruitment and retention study
What Matters in Recruiting Public Health Employees: Strategies in Filling Workforce Gaps
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals – Improving to better meet public health workforce needs
Demonstrating a Framework for Aligning Public Health and Healthcare Efforts to Address Community Health Challenges
Integrating and Focusing Local Resources to Impact Community Health: Using a Driver Diagram to Facilitate Effective Collaboration between Health Care and Public Health Focusing on Antibiotic Stewardship
Why do people work in public health? Results and implications of a worker recruitment and retention study
What Matters in Recruiting Public Health Employees: Strategies in Filling Workforce Gaps
“A local public health agency investigation into an increase in community-acquired legionellosis June-September 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Lessons from the frontlines”
“Putting on the blitz: An intensive outreach and screening drive in response to a cluster of syphilis cases in Milwaukee, WI"
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
“Putting on the blitz: An intensive outreach and screening drive in response to a cluster of syphilis cases in Milwaukee, WI"
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
Sexually Transmitted Infection Services and Adoption of Effective Contraceptive Methods
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
Associations between maternal characteristics and the prevalence of gastroschisis in Southern California
Utilizing geographic information system (GIS) and statistical analysis to assess the relationship between the built environment and gastroschisis in the Inland Empire Region of Southern California
Utilizing geographic information system (GIS) and statistical analysis to assess the relationship between the built environment and gastroschisis in the Inland Empire Region of Southern California
Use of a driving simulator to assess risk of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes
Experimental Effects of Passenger Pressure and Norms on Simulated Risky Driving Among Teenage Males
Motorcycle Crash Helmet Use and Injuries Following Repeal of Michigan's Motorcycle Helmet Law
Impact of Michigan's text messaging restriction on motor vehicle crashes
Experimental Effects of Passenger Pressure and Norms on Simulated Risky Driving Among Teenage Males
Motorcycle Crash Helmet Use and Injuries Following Repeal of Michigan's Motorcycle Helmet Law
Impact of Michigan's text messaging restriction on motor vehicle crashes
CROSS- Border Wild Polio VIRUS Transmission in CORE Group Polio Project Areas in Ethiopia
Knowledge and practice of health workers, health extension workers and community volunteer surveillance focal persons towards AFP case detection and reporting in pastoralist and semipastoralist areas of Ethiopia
Knowledge and practice of health workers, health extension workers and community volunteer surveillance focal persons towards AFP case detection and reporting in pastoralist and semipastoralist areas of Ethiopia
High school peer-to-peer development and deployment of media interventions to increase self-awareness: Violence prevention for the win
Public health serendipity in action within communities: Impactful gains from holistic mentoring of our dual role teachers while in graduate school (and beyond)
Is the Law's long shadow on deinstitulization implicated in any way, shape or form with today's explosive outbreak of violence?
Public health serendipity in action within communities: Impactful gains from holistic mentoring of our dual role teachers while in graduate school (and beyond)
Is the Law's long shadow on deinstitulization implicated in any way, shape or form with today's explosive outbreak of violence?
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
“Cango Lyec Project – Healing the Elephant”: The HIV related vulnerabilities of the formerly abducted in post-conflict Northern Uganda
“The Cango Lyec Project - Healing the Elephant-”: Women at Risk – HIV Risk Differences between Men and Women in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda
Cedar Project: The effects of childhood maltreatment on HIV risk among young Indigenous people who use drugs in three Canadian cities
“The Cango Lyec Project - Healing the Elephant-”: Women at Risk – HIV Risk Differences between Men and Women in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda
Cedar Project: The effects of childhood maltreatment on HIV risk among young Indigenous people who use drugs in three Canadian cities
More than Just Bus Fare: Critical Theory and GIS to Deconstruct Prenatal Care Travel among Low-income Urban Mothers
Translational Health Disparities Research Group: How One Nurse Practitioner Faculty Makes a difference Locally and Globally
Sexual Transmitted Infections Training: Peer Role Playing Exceeds Standardized Patient Simulation for Learning Communication Skills
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Translational Health Disparities Research Group: How One Nurse Practitioner Faculty Makes a difference Locally and Globally
Sexual Transmitted Infections Training: Peer Role Playing Exceeds Standardized Patient Simulation for Learning Communication Skills
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Assessing feasibility and community readiness to implement evidence-based obesity prevention policies in Native American reservations
Evidence that a Smoke-free Policy at a Tribal Casino could Increase Patronage and Improve the Health of American Indians
Utilizing a Community-Based Participatory Research Curriculum as a Framework to Build Tribal Research Capacity
A model for publishing with community partners as part of community-based participatory research: Case studies from Native American tribal communities
Engaging in Community-Based Participatory Policy Work with Native American Tribal Communities to Address Obesity: The THRIVE Study
Documentary as a tool for community-based participatory policy work: The THRIVE study
Evidence that a Smoke-free Policy at a Tribal Casino could Increase Patronage and Improve the Health of American Indians
Utilizing a Community-Based Participatory Research Curriculum as a Framework to Build Tribal Research Capacity
A model for publishing with community partners as part of community-based participatory research: Case studies from Native American tribal communities
Engaging in Community-Based Participatory Policy Work with Native American Tribal Communities to Address Obesity: The THRIVE Study
Documentary as a tool for community-based participatory policy work: The THRIVE study
Impact of a community-based behavior intervention on health status of older Latinas
Factors impacting the implementation of evidence-based wellness programs in Illinois senior centers
Examining physical activity levels and attitudes to physical activity in older Mexican women following six-month lifestyle intervention program
Factors impacting the implementation of evidence-based wellness programs in Illinois senior centers
Examining physical activity levels and attitudes to physical activity in older Mexican women following six-month lifestyle intervention program
Protective behaviors and risk factors for caries among a New York City daycare population, 2012-2013
Association between area-level poverty and HIV diagnoses, and differences by sex, New York City 2010-2011
Higher neighborhood-level poverty is associated with higher ambulatory care-sensitive hospitalization rates for New York City residents
Association between area-level poverty and HIV diagnoses, and differences by sex, New York City 2010-2011
Higher neighborhood-level poverty is associated with higher ambulatory care-sensitive hospitalization rates for New York City residents
Characterizing Latino Health Networks using community based participatory research
Post Discharge Needs of Mild Stroke and TIA Patients: The DESERVE Trial
Household Structure and Weak Social Networks Increase Risk of Recurrent Vascular Events
Results of Citywide Intervention Among African-Americans to Improve Stroke Preparedness and ED Arrival Time
Post Discharge Needs of Mild Stroke and TIA Patients: The DESERVE Trial
Household Structure and Weak Social Networks Increase Risk of Recurrent Vascular Events
Results of Citywide Intervention Among African-Americans to Improve Stroke Preparedness and ED Arrival Time
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Age-period-cohort models of 1984 to 2010 cannabis trends in the US National Alcohol Surveys
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Age-period-cohort models of 1984 to 2010 cannabis trends in the US National Alcohol Surveys
High blood pressure and comorbid health disparities among an African American church population
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Diabetes Intervention Strategies for Implementation in African American Church-Community Settings: Ratings on Importance and Feasibility
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Methods of the 2014 Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Successes and Challenges of Collaborating with Schools and School Food Service Providers: Lessons Learned from the Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Treating the whole child: How SBHCs can be used to improve nutrition and other preventative habits
Successes and Challenges of Collaborating with Schools and School Food Service Providers: Lessons Learned from the Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Treating the whole child: How SBHCs can be used to improve nutrition and other preventative habits
Co-occurrence of Alcohol Use Disorder and Symptoms of Drug Use Disorder Among Immigrant Groups Living in both Sides of the US-Mexico Border
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Border effects on alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region
Alcohol use patterns and alcohol problems of Mexicans and Mexican-origin adults around the US-Mexico border
Understanding Idioms of Distress Using Ethnography and Community Based Participatory Research
Capacity and needs for mental health anti-stigma programs: Results from a statewide survey of community partners
Using Needs Assessments to Target Culturally-Relevant Stigma Reduction: A Statewide Evaluation
Capacity and needs for mental health anti-stigma programs: Results from a statewide survey of community partners
Using Needs Assessments to Target Culturally-Relevant Stigma Reduction: A Statewide Evaluation
North Birmingham Community Plan Health Impact Assessment: A Case-Study of Community, Trans-disciplinary and Trans-Agency Collaboration
Neighborhood Quality of Life and Health (NQOLH) Rankings: The Atlanta Dashboard
Customizing the Built Environment and Public Health Clearinghouse to meet Community Needs
Neighborhood Quality of Life and Health (NQOLH) Rankings: The Atlanta Dashboard
Customizing the Built Environment and Public Health Clearinghouse to meet Community Needs
Identifying priority health disparities and relevant health promotion strategies among an African American church-community population: Findings from a health needs assessment survey in faith-community settings
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
A health needs assessment process in the African American faith community to develop a church-based multilevel health promotion intervention
Body image and body satisfaction among overweight postpartum African American and Latina women in the B’more Fit for Healthy Babies weight loss intervention
Classroom instruction vs. use of technology to train peer community health advisors in African American churches: Impact on intervention fidelity
Classroom instruction vs. use of technology to train peer community health advisors in African American churches: Impact on intervention fidelity
Role of Black men's displacement due to incarceration & gentrification on sexual HIV risk: Developing the Psychosocial Impact of Displacement scale
Healthography and Black Heterosexual Men's Sexual HIV Risk: The Role of Neighborhood Context
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
“It's Crazy Out There. You Gotta Strap Up”: Black Heterosexual Men's Discursive Constructions of Sexual HIV Risk and Condom Use
Healthography and Black Heterosexual Men's Sexual HIV Risk: The Role of Neighborhood Context
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
“It's Crazy Out There. You Gotta Strap Up”: Black Heterosexual Men's Discursive Constructions of Sexual HIV Risk and Condom Use
Pilot evaluation of men who have sex with men's ability to self-administer rapid HIV tests and interpret test results, Atlanta, Georgia, 2013
Stigma and recent HIV testing among a nationwide survey of U.S. internet-using men who have sex with men
Binge Drinking is associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors in MSM - 20 U.S. cities
Stigma and recent HIV testing among a nationwide survey of U.S. internet-using men who have sex with men
Binge Drinking is associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors in MSM - 20 U.S. cities
HPV and HPV Vaccination: Recognizing and Identifying Opportunities to Develop Materials for College Students
A quantitative analysis of beliefs and behaviors associated with Black adults' participation in cancer research
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
It's My Time: A theory-based communication campaign for Cervical Cancer-Free South Carolina
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Identifying the need for developing new frameworks for partnerships in community based research: An assessment of federally qualified health centers in South Carolina
A quantitative analysis of beliefs and behaviors associated with Black adults' participation in cancer research
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
It's My Time: A theory-based communication campaign for Cervical Cancer-Free South Carolina
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Cervical cancer prevention knowledge and abnormal Pap test experiences among HIV-positive women
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Cervical cancer prevention beliefs and screening behaviors among low-income women in the United States
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Identifying the need for developing new frameworks for partnerships in community based research: An assessment of federally qualified health centers in South Carolina
A Formative Evaluation of a Healthy Heroes: A Photo Comic Book Based Community Obesity Prevention Program
Systematic review of the role of yoga in improving pregnancy outcomes
Empathy and Social Dominance as Predictors of Rater's Scoring Severity of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Performing a Gross Motor Skills Test
Systematic review of the role of yoga in improving pregnancy outcomes
Empathy and Social Dominance as Predictors of Rater's Scoring Severity of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Performing a Gross Motor Skills Test
Effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of falling and fall-related injuries among young and middle-age adults
Differences in time use patterns which may explain the increased risk of injury for Multiple Job Holders compared with Single Job Holders: Findings from the American Time Use Survey
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Differences in time use patterns which may explain the increased risk of injury for Multiple Job Holders compared with Single Job Holders: Findings from the American Time Use Survey
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Sexually Transmitted Infection Services and Adoption of Effective Contraceptive Methods
Operationalizing Resilience-Building and Life Course Planning with Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in California
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Students: Creating Alternatives to the School-to-Prison-Pipeline
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
School Health Center Evaluation with a "Twist" of Quality
Operationalizing Resilience-Building and Life Course Planning with Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in California
California Family Planning Providers' Challenges to Same Day Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision
Potential Role of Family Planning in an Era of Health Care Reform: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Needs and Insurance Eligibility
Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Students: Creating Alternatives to the School-to-Prison-Pipeline
Characteristics of the Undocumented Young Adults Eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and Policy Solutions to Improve Access
Where have all the teens gone? Decline in adolescent female participation in California's family planning program following cuts in outreach funding
School Health Center Evaluation with a "Twist" of Quality
Examining Knowledge, Attitudes and Sexual Practices Towards HIV/AIDS Among Senior Secondary School Students in Nigeria: A Public Health Analysis
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Evidence that a Smoke-free Policy at a Tribal Casino could Increase Patronage and Improve the Health of American Indians
A model for publishing with community partners as part of community-based participatory research: Case studies from Native American tribal communities
Tobacco Control in Indian Country
A model for publishing with community partners as part of community-based participatory research: Case studies from Native American tribal communities
Tobacco Control in Indian Country
Listening to Your Audience: Effectively Reaching Rural Adult Low-SES Smokers with Personalized Counseling, Mobile-Optimized Website, and Updated Branding
Tailoring tobacco prevention messaging to reach rural teens with conservative values in Vermont and Virginia
Methods of an innovative social branding program to reach rural teens in Vermont & Virginia
Tailoring tobacco prevention messaging to reach rural teens with conservative values in Vermont and Virginia
Methods of an innovative social branding program to reach rural teens in Vermont & Virginia
Combining Social Innovation, Business Principles, and Public Health to Address Healthy School Food in New Orleans Public Schools
Treating the whole child: How SBHCs can be used to improve nutrition and other preventative habits
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Teens' Definitions and Understanding of Teen Dating Violence
Incorporating Movement into the Classroom: Increasing Physical Activity in Schools with Instant Recess
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
GRoW!! Creating a healthy community culture
Treating the whole child: How SBHCs can be used to improve nutrition and other preventative habits
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Teens' Definitions and Understanding of Teen Dating Violence
Incorporating Movement into the Classroom: Increasing Physical Activity in Schools with Instant Recess
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
GRoW!! Creating a healthy community culture
Using MCH surveillance data in the evaluation design of an intervention to reduce disparities in preterm birth in Newark, NJ
Maternal health providers' perceptions of the social determinants of preterm birth among African American women in Newark, New Jersey
Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait® Community Program: A multi-level intervention to reduce racial disparities in preterm birth in Newark, New Jersey
Maternal health providers' perceptions of the social determinants of preterm birth among African American women in Newark, New Jersey
Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait® Community Program: A multi-level intervention to reduce racial disparities in preterm birth in Newark, New Jersey
Tools for collaboration: Integrating health into planning at a metropolitan planning organization
Improving lactation policy in California schools: Local efforts leading the way
Developing a comprehensive school physical activity program for schools in disadvantaged communities
Next steps in electronic BMI surveillance: Modeling missing data from electronic health record-based surveillance
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
Regional collaboration for healthy communities: Integrating public health principles in local and regional planning and decision-making
Improving lactation policy in California schools: Local efforts leading the way
Developing a comprehensive school physical activity program for schools in disadvantaged communities
Next steps in electronic BMI surveillance: Modeling missing data from electronic health record-based surveillance
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
Regional collaboration for healthy communities: Integrating public health principles in local and regional planning and decision-making
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age at Sexual Debut among Sexual Minorities
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Mediational Analysis
Associations between caregiving intensity and caregiver burden in "sandwiched" caregivers: Results from the new National Study of Caregiving
Adverse Childhood Experiences and HIV/STIs: A Mediational Analysis
Do You Have CLAS?: A statewide initiative to improve knowledge of CLAS standards among providers, students and consumers
Engaging youth in the social lives of the communities – A Photo-Voice Pilot Project to promote change
Raising Awareness, Improving Skills: A Strategy to Address Health Disparities among Southeast Asians in Connecitcut
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Preparation, Pipeline, Partnerships
Engaging youth in the social lives of the communities – A Photo-Voice Pilot Project to promote change
Raising Awareness, Improving Skills: A Strategy to Address Health Disparities among Southeast Asians in Connecitcut
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Preparation, Pipeline, Partnerships
Smart Choice Health Insurance: Results of a multi-state health insurance literacy program
Development and results of an older adult health communication program using the theory of planned behavior
Development of coordinator competencies for the Stanford chronic disease management program in Maryland
Development and results of an older adult health communication program using the theory of planned behavior
Development of coordinator competencies for the Stanford chronic disease management program in Maryland
Neighborhood Crime Moderates Effect of a Physical Activity Intervention in Children
Impact of Neighborhood Spatial Scale on Associations Among Neighborhood Physical and Social Environment Measures
Neighborhood correlates of active transportation to school among U.S. school-aged children: Results from ISCOLE-US
An Exploration of School Environment Characteristics and Policies to Support Active Transportation to School
Impact of Neighborhood Spatial Scale on Associations Among Neighborhood Physical and Social Environment Measures
Neighborhood correlates of active transportation to school among U.S. school-aged children: Results from ISCOLE-US
An Exploration of School Environment Characteristics and Policies to Support Active Transportation to School
Safety Net Partners: Collaborating to Create and Support Person-Centered Health Homes to Address the Needs of High Risk Community Members
Can't We Just Talk to Each Other? Advancing Clinical Information Systems to Support Integrated Care
Managed Care as a Catalyst to Improvement: How Managed Care Plans Support Population Health, Integrated Care and Systems Change
Can't We Just Talk to Each Other? Advancing Clinical Information Systems to Support Integrated Care
Managed Care as a Catalyst to Improvement: How Managed Care Plans Support Population Health, Integrated Care and Systems Change
Community Building Community: The distinct benefits of community partners building other communities' capacity to conduct health research
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Community exchange of “best practices” to conduct a multi-level, mixed methods health assessment across two counties: Faith-Academic Initiative for Transforming Health (FAITH) in the Delta
Counting Communities: A Unique Approach to Community Health Assessment of a Large Suburban County, Nassau County NY
Social factors that contribute to health disparities in a suburban community: A health needs assessment
Collaborate to Motivate: An academic-government partnership to promote a comprehensive worksite wellness initiative
Social factors that contribute to health disparities in a suburban community: A health needs assessment
Collaborate to Motivate: An academic-government partnership to promote a comprehensive worksite wellness initiative
Lessons learned after one year of a school-based randomized control trial evaluation of a positive youth development program: Successes, challenges, and solutions
Lo Que Pasó, Pasó (What happened, happened): Latina women's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about unintended pregnancy
Preliminary Sexual Behavior and Academic Outcomes among Youth Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program
Barriers to achieving routine HPV vaccination among adult men who have sex with men
Associations between social determinants of health and pregnancy among young people: A systematic review
Lo Que Pasó, Pasó (What happened, happened): Latina women's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about unintended pregnancy
Preliminary Sexual Behavior and Academic Outcomes among Youth Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program
Barriers to achieving routine HPV vaccination among adult men who have sex with men
Associations between social determinants of health and pregnancy among young people: A systematic review
Negotiating Peril: The Lived Experience of Rural, Low Income Women Exposed to IPV during Pregnancy and Postpartum
"Timing impacts how prenatal psychosocial context affects birth outcomes"
DOVE- A Nurse Home Visitation Intervention to Reduce Violence Against Pregnant Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial
"Timing impacts how prenatal psychosocial context affects birth outcomes"
DOVE- A Nurse Home Visitation Intervention to Reduce Violence Against Pregnant Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Importance of choosing the appropriate baseline adjustment when comparing groups with pre-post data
Estimating and Testing Significance of Change in Prevalence of a Trait When Some Change may be Attributable to Regression to the Mean
Analyzing doubly repeated measures: Area under the curve and mixed model approaches
Estimating and Testing Significance of Change in Prevalence of a Trait When Some Change may be Attributable to Regression to the Mean
Analyzing doubly repeated measures: Area under the curve and mixed model approaches