Author Index: L
Author Index: L

Carolina Ten Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care: Replication and scale-up
In-depth review of Donor Milk Use in the US: Findings and Recommendations for Action
Breastfeeding-friendly activities in hospitals and child care programs: Making it happen
Global Breastfeeding Support: Looking back, looking forward
In-depth review of Donor Milk Use in the US: Findings and Recommendations for Action
Breastfeeding-friendly activities in hospitals and child care programs: Making it happen
Global Breastfeeding Support: Looking back, looking forward
Improving the food environment in six vulnerable communities: Evaluation of the Food & Fitness community partnerships
Utilization of a SNAP Incentive Program for the Purchase of Fruits and Vegetables at Detroit Farmers' Markets
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Barriers and Facilitators to Use of a SNAP Incentive Program at Detroit Farmers' Market: A Qualitative Evaluation
Utilization of a SNAP Incentive Program for the Purchase of Fruits and Vegetables at Detroit Farmers' Markets
Engaging and empowering youth to address health inequities in their communities
Collaborative evaluation of community-based public health work: Methods, tools, and feedback loops of the Food & Fitness Cross-Site Evaluation
Barriers and Facilitators to Use of a SNAP Incentive Program at Detroit Farmers' Market: A Qualitative Evaluation
A social ecological approach to understanding correlates of breast health among a sample of gender non-conforming sexual minority women in Toronto, Canada
Social, systemic, familial and individual factors influencing parental acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccines for children: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
Social, systemic, familial and individual factors influencing parental acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccines for children: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
Serum Lipid Predicts Childhood Obesity Differently Across Racial/Ethnic Groups
Lower Regional Pediatric in-Hospital Mortality Albiet Racial Disparities
Environment-Anthropomorphic Interaction and Racial Disparities in Pediatric Asthma: Decomposition Analysis Using National Survey of Children's Health
Neck Circumference Predicts Racial Disparities in Asthma Severity among Patients in a Comprehensive Pediatric Center
Lower Regional Pediatric in-Hospital Mortality Albiet Racial Disparities
Environment-Anthropomorphic Interaction and Racial Disparities in Pediatric Asthma: Decomposition Analysis Using National Survey of Children's Health
Neck Circumference Predicts Racial Disparities in Asthma Severity among Patients in a Comprehensive Pediatric Center
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Utilizing Geospatial Analysis and Adapting Evidence-based Injury Prevention to Decrease Trauma Incidence
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
Mapping Community Needs: Using visual analytics software to identify geographic areas in need of community benefit programming
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
Mapping Community Needs: Using visual analytics software to identify geographic areas in need of community benefit programming
Easier access to healthy foods contributes to greater improvements in dietary quality among adults with metabolic syndrome following dietary interventions
Frequency of primary care visits and weight loss among overweight and obese adult patients at two community health centers
Association between perceived stress and obesity: Implications for community-based obesity prevention programs
Frequency of primary care visits and weight loss among overweight and obese adult patients at two community health centers
Association between perceived stress and obesity: Implications for community-based obesity prevention programs
Personal History of Violence & Discrimination and Assertive Communication with Sexual Partners
You Geaux Girl!, a randomized control trial of an Web-based pregnancy prevention intervention for young African American women
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
You Geaux Girl!, a randomized control trial of an Web-based pregnancy prevention intervention for young African American women
Verbal intimate partner violence victimization and condom/contraceptive use among African American teen women: Testing the mediating role of relationship power and depressive symptoms
"Don't [B]other These People": The Influence of Post-9/11 Public Policies and Practices on the Social Determinants of Health for Latinas and Their Families - Findings from Detroit, MI
Do social relationships protect agains adverse effects of neighborhood poverty on cumulative biologic risk?
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Social patterning of health and service utilization among Latinos: Findings from the Encuesta Buenos Vecinos
Do social relationships protect agains adverse effects of neighborhood poverty on cumulative biologic risk?
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Social patterning of health and service utilization among Latinos: Findings from the Encuesta Buenos Vecinos
Men's Prostate Awareness Church Training (M-PACT): Intervention development and preliminary baseline results for a faith-based CBPR project
Reaching men of color through the women in their lives: Lessons learned from the M-PACT Project
Issues of access: Examining psychosocial predictors of cervical cancer prevention through Pap test screening among college-age Vietnamese-American women in Los Angeles
Reaching men of color through the women in their lives: Lessons learned from the M-PACT Project
Issues of access: Examining psychosocial predictors of cervical cancer prevention through Pap test screening among college-age Vietnamese-American women in Los Angeles
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Influence of clinician counseling on contraceptive method choice among a sample of women initiating birth control
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Influence of clinician counseling on contraceptive method choice among a sample of women initiating birth control
Identifying Misclassification in Youth Self-Reported Smoking Status: Testing Different Consent Processes
Visual Acuity and Increased Mortality: The Role of Allostatic Load and Functional Status
Healthcare Costs and Utilization of Older Adults: Where Can We Intervene?
Exposed as a Child: Attitudes Towards Smoking
Smoking and Survival in Male Breast Cancer Patients
Mindful Vegetarians
Occupational Psychosocial Hazards of the Emerging U.S. Green Collar Workforce
Visual Acuity and Increased Mortality: The Role of Allostatic Load and Functional Status
Healthcare Costs and Utilization of Older Adults: Where Can We Intervene?
Exposed as a Child: Attitudes Towards Smoking
Smoking and Survival in Male Breast Cancer Patients
Mindful Vegetarians
Occupational Psychosocial Hazards of the Emerging U.S. Green Collar Workforce
Health Policy and Management Review
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Health Policy and Management-Roundtable
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Use of traditional patient navigation program strategies by Health Insurance Exchange navigator programs to reach, educate, and enroll at-risk/vulnerable populations in approved health insurance plans under the ACA
Health Policy and Management-Roundtable
Identifying and addressing potential barriers to essential design elements of state based Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the European marketplace
Governance of State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges: The impact of legislative decisions establishing business entity and governing board structure on HIE independence and accountability
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Dissemination of the OSNAP (Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity) intervention: Evidence-based strategies, low-cost resources, and partnerships for success
20 YEARS of Mentoring for Passion, Politics, Social Justice, and Public Health
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
20 YEARS of Mentoring for Passion, Politics, Social Justice, and Public Health
Out of school time nutrition & physical activity (OSNAP) initiative online course: Creating healthy spaces for kids
Quantifying how smokers value different attributes of electronic cigarettes
Social smoking and use of alternative tobacco products among adult smokers in the US
Gauging the Public Response to the CVS Caremark Voluntary Ban of Tobacco Products via Twitter
Current tobacco product use among sexual minorities in the United States: Smokeless tobacco, Snus, cigar, hookah, and pipe
Awareness of Smoking Cessation Methods among LGBT and heterosexual individuals
Social smoking and use of alternative tobacco products among adult smokers in the US
Gauging the Public Response to the CVS Caremark Voluntary Ban of Tobacco Products via Twitter
Current tobacco product use among sexual minorities in the United States: Smokeless tobacco, Snus, cigar, hookah, and pipe
Awareness of Smoking Cessation Methods among LGBT and heterosexual individuals
Assessing the landscape of vending machine content prior to the full implementation of the 100% healthy County of Los Angeles nutrition policy for vending machines in the work place
Strategies for engaging the private food sector: Lessons learned from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health's Choose Health LA Restaurants program
Adherence to Healthy Nutrition Standards and Other Healthy Food Procurement Practices within the Department of Public Works Worksite Cafeteria and Vending Machines, Los Angeles County, 2011-2013
Methods for Assessing Food Environments and Institutional Capacity to Improve Healthy Food Procurement in Food Services: Case Example from the County of Los Angeles
Voluntary strategies to promote healthier eating: The legal landscape for public health practitioners
Farmers' markets for all: Strategies to support farmers' markets in communities
Building Healthy Nutrition into the Food Service Contracting Process in the County of Los Angeles
Strategies for engaging the private food sector: Lessons learned from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health's Choose Health LA Restaurants program
Adherence to Healthy Nutrition Standards and Other Healthy Food Procurement Practices within the Department of Public Works Worksite Cafeteria and Vending Machines, Los Angeles County, 2011-2013
Methods for Assessing Food Environments and Institutional Capacity to Improve Healthy Food Procurement in Food Services: Case Example from the County of Los Angeles
Voluntary strategies to promote healthier eating: The legal landscape for public health practitioners
Farmers' markets for all: Strategies to support farmers' markets in communities
Building Healthy Nutrition into the Food Service Contracting Process in the County of Los Angeles
Breathing Clean Air is Sa'ah Naaghai Bik'eh Hozhoo (SNBH): A Navajo-centered approach to commercial smoke-free policy
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Networks Among Tribal Organizations for Clean Air Policies (NATO CAP): A place based approach to understanding commercial smoke-free policy and reducing tobacco related health disparities on the Navajo Nation
Relationships Between Alcohol Policy Strength and Adult Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol-impaired driving, sobriety checkpoints, and open container laws in the United States
Have we made progress reducing the likelihood of sales to obviously intoxicated patrons?
Developmental Trajectories of Comorbid Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young Adults
Alcohol control laws in states with state-run compared with privatized alcohol distribution systems
Alcohol-impaired driving, sobriety checkpoints, and open container laws in the United States
Have we made progress reducing the likelihood of sales to obviously intoxicated patrons?
Developmental Trajectories of Comorbid Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young Adults
Alcohol control laws in states with state-run compared with privatized alcohol distribution systems
Incorporating Movement into the Classroom: Increasing Physical Activity in Schools with Instant Recess
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
Creating Model Sexual Health Education Policies for Schools and Districts
Developing and Implementing a Successful Comprehensive School Wellness Program Using the CDC's Coordinated School Health Model
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Teens' Definitions and Understanding of Teen Dating Violence
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
“Looking for Love in the Wrong Places”: A Qualitative Exploration of How African American Teens Describe the Etiology of Dating Violence
Friends, parents, and professionals: A qualitative study of who African American teens go to for help when experiencing dating violence
“You don't have to know how to read to get health information from the Internet!”: Reducing the digital divide through a tailored multimedia Internet interface to provide Ethiopian immigrants with low-literacy skills with information on health issues they chose
“Sure you can have a fun and healthy birthday party!”: Designing a social marketing campaign to address the “normative underestimation” of parents regarding healthier birthday parties for preschool kids
“Sure you can have a fun and healthy birthday party!”: Designing a social marketing campaign to address the “normative underestimation” of parents regarding healthier birthday parties for preschool kids
Staten Island Breast Cancer Research Initiative (SIBCRI): Length of residence, critical estrogenic developmental periods, and proximity to Superfund sites and breast cancer mortality risk in older females (Ages 55 +) in Staten Island, NY
Staten Island Breast Cancer Research Initiative: Length of residence on Staten Island, puberty, and breast cancer mortality risk with proximity to Richmond County, New York active and archived EPA Superfund sites
Staten Island Breast Cancer Research Initiative: Length of residence on Staten Island, puberty, and breast cancer mortality risk with proximity to Richmond County, New York active and archived EPA Superfund sites
Stroke Rates Decline Yet Burden of Stroke Remains High for African Americans
Children Eating Well (CHEW) for Health: Nutrition Education Training Partnership between College of Agriculture and Preventive Medicine
Hot Spot Analysis of the Spatial Differences Between Drug Attributed and Alcohol Attributed Mortality in the US
Children Eating Well (CHEW) for Health: Nutrition Education Training Partnership between College of Agriculture and Preventive Medicine
Hot Spot Analysis of the Spatial Differences Between Drug Attributed and Alcohol Attributed Mortality in the US
Are drug prevention efforts fulfilling the informational needs of college students? A survey of engagement with information about topics related to marijuana and amphetamines from media, medical and interpersonal sources
Exploring uses and sources of information about nonmedical prescription drugs among university students
Effects of information seeking about amphetamines and marijuana from media and interpersonal sources on intention to engage in nonmedical drug use among college students: The mediating role of attitudes and perceived normative pressure
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
Exploring uses and sources of information about nonmedical prescription drugs among university students
Effects of information seeking about amphetamines and marijuana from media and interpersonal sources on intention to engage in nonmedical drug use among college students: The mediating role of attitudes and perceived normative pressure
Does personality predict information seeking about drugs? Using the Big 5 to profile personality traits of college students who actively seek information about marijuana
A randomized controlled trial comparing three alternative and complementary health practices for the treatment of chronic pain
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, psycho-educational PTSD treatment program
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, preventive stress and anger management workshop
Psychometric properties of Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of military active duty service members
Evaluation capacity building for integrative medicine programs
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, clinical PTSD treatment program
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, psycho-educational PTSD treatment program
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, preventive stress and anger management workshop
Psychometric properties of Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of military active duty service members
Evaluation capacity building for integrative medicine programs
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, clinical PTSD treatment program
Cultural Consensus and Environmental Risk Behavior: Using Transdisciplinary Research to Investigate Health Risk Behaviors of First-Time Mothers
From design to dissemination: Communicating science in the aftermath of disasters
When investments in science = advancing community resilience: US Gulf Coast in focus
Lessons and Innovations from the Field: Community Health Workers as Frontline Interventionists Using Mobile Technology to Impact Birth Outcomes Among Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast
Female breast cancer in Suriname: Defining disparities in breast cancer care through the lens of a upper middle income country
Global approach for comparing the mortality rate from natural disasters and its relationship to the income level and development indices of the countries
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
From design to dissemination: Communicating science in the aftermath of disasters
When investments in science = advancing community resilience: US Gulf Coast in focus
Lessons and Innovations from the Field: Community Health Workers as Frontline Interventionists Using Mobile Technology to Impact Birth Outcomes Among Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast
Female breast cancer in Suriname: Defining disparities in breast cancer care through the lens of a upper middle income country
Global approach for comparing the mortality rate from natural disasters and its relationship to the income level and development indices of the countries
Methods and Successes in Health Promotion for Low-income, First-time Mothers in the Louisiana Gulf Coast: Community Health Workers Add the Human Element in Maternal Child Health Mobile Technology
Navigating a different adolescent sexual landscape: Reflections of LGBTQ young adults on their planning and experiences of first sex
Perceived impact of parental and school messages about non-heterosexuality on the sexual lives of LGBTQ adolescents: A retrospective qualitative study with LGBTQ Young adults
Perceived impact of parental and school messages about non-heterosexuality on the sexual lives of LGBTQ adolescents: A retrospective qualitative study with LGBTQ Young adults
Community involvement in HIV-related policy initiatives: History, experiences, and next steps
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
A near peer approach to sexual health education: Findings from a North Carolina high school theater-based intervention
Youth Empowered Advocating for Health: Youth-driven research and advocacy for improving community health
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Using the Multidimensional Assessment of Partnerships Tool to Evaluate Change in Community-Academic Partnerships
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
A near peer approach to sexual health education: Findings from a North Carolina high school theater-based intervention
Youth Empowered Advocating for Health: Youth-driven research and advocacy for improving community health
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
Using the Multidimensional Assessment of Partnerships Tool to Evaluate Change in Community-Academic Partnerships
SESSION ABSTRACT - Incorporating health into housing decisions: Potential health implications for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Assessing the Health Impacts of Public Housing for Low Income Elderly and Disabled Residents – An HIA for a Proposed Federal Designated Housing Rule
Making health a routine consideration in public policymaking: Health impact assessment of federal housing policy
Assessing the Health Impacts of Public Housing for Low Income Elderly and Disabled Residents – An HIA for a Proposed Federal Designated Housing Rule
“A local public health agency investigation into an increase in community-acquired legionellosis June-September 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Lessons from the frontlines”
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
A investigation of low level chemical contamination of drinking water at an elementary school by a local public health authorities: Assessing the unexpected!
Do Right!® Healthy Corner Store Network: An innovative approach to equip corner stores within underserved communities with greater access to and education of healthy, affordable foods
Do Right!® Block-by-Block pilot study: A community-driven lifestyle modification invention to help improve physical activity, healthy eating behaviors, and built environments among African Americans in Cincinnati, Ohio
Do Right!® Block-by-Block pilot study: A community-driven lifestyle modification invention to help improve physical activity, healthy eating behaviors, and built environments among African Americans in Cincinnati, Ohio
Personal, SES, and location factors contributing to severe injuries due to suicide attempts in Omaha, Nebraska
Foreign Born Physician Interstate Migration and Minority Population Distribution
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Foreign Born Physician Interstate Migration and Minority Population Distribution
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Social smoking and use of alternative tobacco products among adult smokers in the US
Tobacco industry strategies to promote the benefits of nicotine: Evidence from previously secret industry documents
Loose cigarette purchasing among young adults in New York City
Effects of smokefree laws and alcohol use on smoking and quit attempts among US adults: New innovations are needed for young adults and minority smokers
Tobacco Industry Strategies Promoting Flavored Little Cigars and Cigarillos
Alternative tobacco product use among young adult bar patrons: A six city study
Effect of warning labels and “endorsements” on perceived risk of alternative tobacco products among non-smokers
Reducing young adult tobacco use in California, Nevada and New Mexico; A promising new model
Tobacco industry strategies to promote the benefits of nicotine: Evidence from previously secret industry documents
Loose cigarette purchasing among young adults in New York City
Effects of smokefree laws and alcohol use on smoking and quit attempts among US adults: New innovations are needed for young adults and minority smokers
Tobacco Industry Strategies Promoting Flavored Little Cigars and Cigarillos
Alternative tobacco product use among young adult bar patrons: A six city study
Effect of warning labels and “endorsements” on perceived risk of alternative tobacco products among non-smokers
Reducing young adult tobacco use in California, Nevada and New Mexico; A promising new model
Evolution of ‘medical missions' into short-term experiential education in global health: Implications for learners and practitioners
A framework for categorizing short-term medical experiences abroad by local partnership engagement model
Assessing the adequacy of sexual health among adolescent Haitians in batey communities surrounding La Romana, The Dominican Republic
A framework for categorizing short-term medical experiences abroad by local partnership engagement model
Assessing the adequacy of sexual health among adolescent Haitians in batey communities surrounding La Romana, The Dominican Republic
Effectiveness of the State Legislation on School Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity:The Case of Mississippi
Pharmacological treatment for diabetes and cognitive impairment in older diabetic adults
Impact of Gender, Individual/Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status (SES), and Race/Ethnicity on Body Mass Index Trajectories among the U.S. Middle-aged and Older Adults
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
Patient and Clinician Characteristics That Predict the Likelihood of Chlamydia Screening among Women in the US
Pharmacological treatment for diabetes and cognitive impairment in older diabetic adults
Impact of Gender, Individual/Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status (SES), and Race/Ethnicity on Body Mass Index Trajectories among the U.S. Middle-aged and Older Adults
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
Patient and Clinician Characteristics That Predict the Likelihood of Chlamydia Screening among Women in the US
Using Electronic Medical Record Information for Quality Improvement of Malaria Diagnosis and Management in Uganda
Assessing acceptability and uptake of a community-informed disaster risk reduction training program in Delmas, Haiti
Assessment to Implementation: Reflections from a 3-Year Community-Academic Partnership to Improve Disaster Risk Reduction in Delmas, Haiti
Assessing acceptability and uptake of a community-informed disaster risk reduction training program in Delmas, Haiti
Assessment to Implementation: Reflections from a 3-Year Community-Academic Partnership to Improve Disaster Risk Reduction in Delmas, Haiti
Implications of School Context in an Intervention Designed to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Helpseeking
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Effect of a Randomized Anti-Stigma School-Based Intervention on Received and Delivered Problem Behaviors
Longitudinal evaluation of anti-stigma interventions with sixth grade students: A 2 x 2 x 2 pre post-test factorial randomized controlled study
Parental Health and Well-Being of Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities in the US
Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) and clinical performance in community health centers
Assistive Technology Needs and Difficulties in Activities of Daily Living among Children with Developmental Disabilities in the United States
Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) and clinical performance in community health centers
Assistive Technology Needs and Difficulties in Activities of Daily Living among Children with Developmental Disabilities in the United States
Public housing relocations and relocaters' health: Post-relocation improvements in neighborhood conditions are associated with reductions in depressive symptoms, substance misuse, and biobehavioral HIV risk in a cohort of African-American adults
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
How do individual psycho-social characteristics of high risk offenders interact with different urban environments to determine reentry outcomes?
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Providing wrap-around services to the highest risk ex-offender populations in the most violent crime areas of New Orleans: Re-entry Outcomes of 484 target offenders
Effects of state transgender legal protections on perceived community stigma and mental health
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Importance of Family: Can Being “Out” to Family Buffer the Association Between LGBTQ-Specific Victimization and Lifetime Suicide Attempts?
A systematic review of mental illness in the transgender community
Characteristics and Outcomes of Trauma in Patients with Developmental Disabilities in Massachusetts 2008-2011
Easier access to healthy foods contributes to greater improvements in dietary quality among adults with metabolic syndrome following dietary interventions
Association between perceived stress and obesity: Implications for community-based obesity prevention programs
Easier access to healthy foods contributes to greater improvements in dietary quality among adults with metabolic syndrome following dietary interventions
Association between perceived stress and obesity: Implications for community-based obesity prevention programs
Sociodemographic and psychosocial factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among people living with HIV in Southeast China
Condom use among female sex workers in China: Roles of gatekeepers and venues
Exploring relationship between female sex workers and gatekeepers in China
Personal network correlates of amphetamine-type stimulant use among female sex workers in China
Altruism reasons for disclosure, partner relationship quality, and impacts of HIV disclosure
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
Impact of teacher depression on the school loneliness of children affected by HIV/AIDS: A multilevel study in rural China
Risk and Protective Factors for Alcohol Use Among high-risk Adolescent Alcohol Users: A Longitudinal Study
Condom use among female sex workers in China: Roles of gatekeepers and venues
Exploring relationship between female sex workers and gatekeepers in China
Personal network correlates of amphetamine-type stimulant use among female sex workers in China
Altruism reasons for disclosure, partner relationship quality, and impacts of HIV disclosure
Factors influencing fertility desire among people living with HIV in Guangxi, China
Impact of teacher depression on the school loneliness of children affected by HIV/AIDS: A multilevel study in rural China
Risk and Protective Factors for Alcohol Use Among high-risk Adolescent Alcohol Users: A Longitudinal Study
Reporting sexual behaviors using ACASI: Can Women Living with HIV be honest and comfortable or is there social desirability bias?
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
Achieving group cohesion and comfort with novel technologies: The experience of women living with HIV in a video group intervention
Women Living with HIV for Many Years Learn Important Lessons from Participation in an Innovative Technology-Based Effective Behavioral Intervention
A social ecological approach to understanding correlates of breast health among a sample of gender non-conforming sexual minority women in Toronto, Canada
Social, systemic, familial and individual factors influencing parental acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccines for children: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
Social, systemic, familial and individual factors influencing parental acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccines for children: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
Evolution of ‘medical missions' into short-term experiential education in global health: Implications for learners and practitioners
A framework for categorizing short-term medical experiences abroad by local partnership engagement model
Assessing the adequacy of sexual health among adolescent Haitians in batey communities surrounding La Romana, The Dominican Republic
A framework for categorizing short-term medical experiences abroad by local partnership engagement model
Assessing the adequacy of sexual health among adolescent Haitians in batey communities surrounding La Romana, The Dominican Republic
Effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of falling and fall-related injuries among young and middle-age adults
Examining Sedentary Work and Weight Gain Prospectively: Evidence from NLSY79
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Impact of shift starting time on sleep duration, sleep quality, and alertness prior to injury in the People's Republic of China
Examining Sedentary Work and Weight Gain Prospectively: Evidence from NLSY79
Duration of slip-resistant shoe usage and the rate of slipping in limited-service restaurant workers: Results from a prospective and crossover study
Impact of shift starting time on sleep duration, sleep quality, and alertness prior to injury in the People's Republic of China
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Quality Improvement Strategies: Bridging Geographical Needs of Diverse Medicaid Recipients Served by CHW Primary Care Practice
Factors associated with prescription opiate use among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
A Healthography approach: Mapping maternal and child health data to more effectively target local needs
Lessons learned by a state Medicaid agency after reimbursement of SBIRT for pregnant clients
CHW HeART: South Carolina's Medicaid Response to Bridging Health and Geographical Disparities with Community Health Workers
Impact of a public-private partnership to improve the health of mothers and newborns by decreasing early elective deliveries
Factors associated with prescription opiate use among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
A Healthography approach: Mapping maternal and child health data to more effectively target local needs
Lessons learned by a state Medicaid agency after reimbursement of SBIRT for pregnant clients
CHW HeART: South Carolina's Medicaid Response to Bridging Health and Geographical Disparities with Community Health Workers
Impact of a public-private partnership to improve the health of mothers and newborns by decreasing early elective deliveries
Developing a comprehensive school physical activity program for schools in disadvantaged communities
Next steps in electronic BMI surveillance: Modeling missing data from electronic health record-based surveillance
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
Next steps in electronic BMI surveillance: Modeling missing data from electronic health record-based surveillance
Assessing gaps in employer-offered clinical services for prevention and management of chronic disease in San Diego County
From the ground up: Assessing and building the data capacity of community-based agencies in the Mission Promise Neighborhood collaborative
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on a Community Clinic serving immigrant Latinos: The role of health policy, community needs, and gentrification on sustainability
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on a Community Clinic serving immigrant Latinos: The role of health policy, community needs, and gentrification on sustainability
Reciprocal relationship between unhealthy eating behaviors and depressive emotions: Ten-year follow-up from childhood to adolescence
Relationships between wave non-response and substance use in a 11-year follow-up study– results from marginal event-specific Cox model
Gender Difference in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Role of Parents
Relationships between wave non-response and substance use in a 11-year follow-up study– results from marginal event-specific Cox model
Gender Difference in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Role of Parents
Differences among Latino heterosexual and sexual minority clients in residential substance use treatment: A preliminary study
Implementation and integration of a naloxone-based opioid overdose response protocol in organizations serving opioid users: A qualitative study
Evaluation of GoogleMaps Engine as a Tool for HIV Outreach in Difficult to Reach Communities
Implementation and integration of a naloxone-based opioid overdose response protocol in organizations serving opioid users: A qualitative study
Evaluation of GoogleMaps Engine as a Tool for HIV Outreach in Difficult to Reach Communities
Risk Communication In the Face of Scientific Uncertainty: When Every Second Counts
Closing Remarks I -- Nicole Lurie
Closing Remarks II -- Nicole Lurie
Special Session on Science Preparedness - Key Note
A Visionary Science Preparedness System to Consider
Reviewing Responses to National Incidents and new Opportunities for timely research to better understand health impacts and resiliency
Closing Remarks I -- Nicole Lurie
Closing Remarks II -- Nicole Lurie
Special Session on Science Preparedness - Key Note
A Visionary Science Preparedness System to Consider
Reviewing Responses to National Incidents and new Opportunities for timely research to better understand health impacts and resiliency
An examination of the need for diversifying the health professions workforce in rural Nebraska
Assessing health literacy levels of Spanish speaking Hispanic patients at federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in the Midwest
Influence of Perceived Discrimination on Depression in Latinos in the Midwest
Means by which urban and rural Hispanics in Nebraska access health and medication information
Assessing health literacy levels of Spanish speaking Hispanic patients at federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in the Midwest
Influence of Perceived Discrimination on Depression in Latinos in the Midwest
Means by which urban and rural Hispanics in Nebraska access health and medication information
Health in All Policies in California's Rural Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
California Health in All Policies Task Force: From a start-up to an established institution
A controlled education intervention on proper mosquito net usage in Tanzania
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines