Author Index: R
Author Index: R

13 years of Disabling Work Injuries in the U.S. (1998-2010): Direct Costs from the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
Differences in time use patterns which may explain the increased risk of injury for Multiple Job Holders compared with Single Job Holders: Findings from the American Time Use Survey
Differences in time use patterns which may explain the increased risk of injury for Multiple Job Holders compared with Single Job Holders: Findings from the American Time Use Survey
Evaluation of a nutrition program delivered to Mississippi elementary students during subsidized field trips to a community-based children's health education center Improving early infant feeding behaviors among low-resource African American teen mothers in Mississippi and the rural Southeast through social media Harnessing social media for comprehensive sex education outreach to Mississippi youth Improving early infant feeding behaviors among low-resource African American teen mothers in Mississippi and the rural Southeast through social media Harnessing social media for comprehensive sex education outreach to Mississippi youth
HIV knowledge, Testing, Stigma, Religiosity, Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors in a Sample of Rural American College and University Students
Capacity Building and Health Promotion in Haiti: Two Case Studies of Local Community Practices and Waterborne Illnesses
Syndemic factors impacting Sexual Violence against Women in Post-disaster Settings
Capacity Building and Health Promotion in Haiti: Two Case Studies of Local Community Practices and Waterborne Illnesses
Syndemic factors impacting Sexual Violence against Women in Post-disaster Settings
Successful, consistent delivery of STD and HIV-prevention education to adolescents across the urban, suburban and rural landscape in Delaware
Using the teen-as-coach model in the delivery of mental, nutritional and cardiovascular health messages to an at-risk minority adult population
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Using the teen-as-coach model in the delivery of mental, nutritional and cardiovascular health messages to an at-risk minority adult population
Effectiveness of MarketPlace Guides (MPGs) in promoting health access through the Affordable Care Act
Effectiveness of Marketplace Guides to facilitate access to health insurance in the community
Collaborative International Research: An Example of Partnership for Genetic Studies of Orofacial Clefts
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Maternal risk factors in the development of and risk of orofacial clefts in the Philippines
Comparative analysis of environmental exposures and orofacial clefts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines
Utilizing Geospatial Analysis and Adapting Evidence-based Injury Prevention to Decrease Trauma Incidence
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
Mapping Community Needs: Using visual analytics software to identify geographic areas in need of community benefit programming
Making an Impact: Do Your Community Benefit Programs Make a Difference or Merely Exist?
Mapping Community Needs: Using visual analytics software to identify geographic areas in need of community benefit programming
Spike in sex trafficking in the wake of high-profile domestic sporting events: A critical public health issue
Immigration Policy as Health Policy – Women's Voices and Intimate Partner Violence
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Immigration Policy as Health Policy – Women's Voices and Intimate Partner Violence
Mortality outcome among medically underserved women screened through a publicly funded breast cancer program, 1997-2007
Identifying and Promoting Healthy Food Financing Initiatives to Improve Healthy Affordable Food Access in Latino Areas
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
A Multi-Platform Social Media Campaign to Improve/Empower Latino Health
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Innovative National Promotores Latino Cancer Survivorship Outreach Program: Outcomes and Lessons Learned
Improving Quality of Life Among Latino Breast Cancer Survivors: A National Randomized Control Trial of Patient Navigators
Increasing the Pipeline: Exito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training
Mapping Change for Latinos with the Salud America! Healthy Change Platform
A Multi-Platform Social Media Campaign to Improve/Empower Latino Health
Working Towards Equity by Creating Safe Places for Activity: A Look at Shared-Use and the Built Environment in Latino Communities
Improving Health Through Law: Exploring the Impact of Price Disincentives on Sugary Drink Consumption and the Health of Latino Youth
Innovative National Promotores Latino Cancer Survivorship Outreach Program: Outcomes and Lessons Learned
Improving Quality of Life Among Latino Breast Cancer Survivors: A National Randomized Control Trial of Patient Navigators
Increasing the Pipeline: Exito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training
Using Extended Parallel Process Model to guide the development of a tool to assist community-dwelling older adults in rural areas prepare for disasters
Effect of road characteristics on the incidence of crashes involving farm vehicles: A matched case-control study
Evaluation of the Implementation of Anti-Bullying Legislation in Schools
Effect of road characteristics on the incidence of crashes involving farm vehicles: A matched case-control study
Evaluation of the Implementation of Anti-Bullying Legislation in Schools
Understanding Postpartum Obesity in Asian Indian (AI) Women in the County of Los Angeles
Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Depression Screening in the Los Angeles County (LAC) Medicaid Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)
Insight into barriers to weight management in postpartum obese women
Leveraging Social Media to Increase Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness in Los Angeles County (LAC)
Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Depression Screening in the Los Angeles County (LAC) Medicaid Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)
Insight into barriers to weight management in postpartum obese women
Leveraging Social Media to Increase Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness in Los Angeles County (LAC)
Where You Live Matters: Combating Asthma Morbidity by Reducing Home Environmental Triggers
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
Reducing the geographic and racial disparities of asthma among African American public housing residents: Integrating a Community Health Worker intervention into a large public housing organization to empower residents
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
Using propensity score matching to address selection bias: An application using national data on breastfeeding and early childhood development
Contribution of father'a early-life and adulthood economic position to African-American mother's pregnancy outcome: A population-based study
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Contribution of father'a early-life and adulthood economic position to African-American mother's pregnancy outcome: A population-based study
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Exiting Poverty: Globally Comparative Policy Approaches for Improved Population Health
Mapping the international evidence of the link between constitutional right-to-health guarantees and universal health coverage: A global analysis of nations' health insurance plans
Measuring and mapping policy progress to increase accountability for Women's and Children's Health
Mapping the international evidence of the link between constitutional right-to-health guarantees and universal health coverage: A global analysis of nations' health insurance plans
Measuring and mapping policy progress to increase accountability for Women's and Children's Health
Facilitating Access to Children's Eye Care and Vision Needs in an Urban Neighborhood Using Vision Screening Tools in a School-Based Health Information Exchange (HIE)
A Time Analysis of Cardiovascular STEMI Events in a Large Metropolitan County
Pediatric shopping cart injuries as determined by an EMS surveillance system
Time Matters: Stroke Treatment in San Diego County's Stroke Receiving System
Estimating the potential and likely number and cost of the uninsured post-Affordable Care Act enactment from a local health department perspective
Linking Stroke Patient Hospital Data to EMS Records: Potential for Using Prehospital Indicators to Improve Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment
Thirty Years of Trauma: The Evolution of the Trauma Patient in the San Diego County Trauma System
Wear a Helmet! Traumatic Brain Injury and Helmet Use in San Diego County
Projecting the local burden of Alzheimer's disease: A population-based model
Linking social marketing data to health outcomes at the community level
Successes from a Practice-Based Health Information Exchange (HIE) Integrating Schools and Health Clinics in an Urban Neighborhood
A Time Analysis of Cardiovascular STEMI Events in a Large Metropolitan County
Pediatric shopping cart injuries as determined by an EMS surveillance system
Time Matters: Stroke Treatment in San Diego County's Stroke Receiving System
Estimating the potential and likely number and cost of the uninsured post-Affordable Care Act enactment from a local health department perspective
Linking Stroke Patient Hospital Data to EMS Records: Potential for Using Prehospital Indicators to Improve Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment
Thirty Years of Trauma: The Evolution of the Trauma Patient in the San Diego County Trauma System
Wear a Helmet! Traumatic Brain Injury and Helmet Use in San Diego County
Projecting the local burden of Alzheimer's disease: A population-based model
Linking social marketing data to health outcomes at the community level
Successes from a Practice-Based Health Information Exchange (HIE) Integrating Schools and Health Clinics in an Urban Neighborhood
“Spatial analysis of chronic disease outcomes in Panama City, Panama “
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
Cancer Morbidity Trends in Panama: Lets Analyze 8-years of data for 20 Different Types of Cancer
Reaching the Community: A comprehensive health education intervention among the Ngäbe-Buglé of Panama
Clinical Research "Diplomado": Teaching ethical conduct of research in Central America
“Ambiente limpio es ambiente sano” (Clean environment is a healthy environment): Environmental health education in Ngäbe-Buglé Indigenous population
Cancer Morbidity Trends in Panama: Lets Analyze 8-years of data for 20 Different Types of Cancer
Trial of Dissolvable Tobacco Products by Young Adults in Three Test Markets
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Influence of contextual stressors on adolescent marijuana use in a sample of African Americans living in an urban area
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Influence of contextual stressors on adolescent marijuana use in a sample of African Americans living in an urban area
Positive sex: Exploring the sexual lives and experiences of MSM living with HIV
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Asthma and asthma-related health care quality and utilization by disability
Using Population-based Data to Examine Health Care Access and Health Status, by Disability Type
A Comparison of Two Weight Management Programs for Adults with Mobility Impairments
Disability Population: Do Differences by Disability Type Matter to Public Health?
Using Population-based Data to Examine Health Care Access and Health Status, by Disability Type
A Comparison of Two Weight Management Programs for Adults with Mobility Impairments
Disability Population: Do Differences by Disability Type Matter to Public Health?
Just-in-time training programs as a public health intervention to minimize illness and injury among lay persons and volunteers following a disaster
Protecting non-traditional responders in resilient communities from health impacts following Hurricane Sandy
Occupational health issues among non-traditional response workers following Hurricane Sandy
Protecting non-traditional responders in resilient communities from health impacts following Hurricane Sandy
Occupational health issues among non-traditional response workers following Hurricane Sandy
Increasing student water consumption during school meals: A group-randomized, controlled trial
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Evaluating the Impact of the Healthy Beverage Executive Order for City Agencies in Boston, MA
Competitive beverage availability in Boston Public Schools after implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide nutrition policy
Disease, social support and perceived health across the lifespan in a community representative sample
A Multi-year Evaluation of a School-based Childhood Obesity Prevention Program
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
A Multi-year Evaluation of a School-based Childhood Obesity Prevention Program
Community-level youth violence prevention: What does it take to move the needle?
HIV/STI Outreach, Prevention, Education (HOPE): Effects on Healthy Sexuality Knowledge, Perceived Norms, Efficacy, and Behavior
Experiences of Stigma in Healthcare Among U.S. Trans Masculine Adults: A Gender Minority Stress Model of Substance Use to Cope with Mistreatment
A matched retrospective cohort study of mental health among transgender and cisgender youth patients in care at an urban community health center
Cigarette Smoking Cessation in Adolescents & Young Adults: Associations with Sexual Orientation
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Legal protections in public accommodations settings: A critical public health issue for transgender adults in Massachusetts
Location Matters: Correlates of HIV Risk Behaviors and HIV “Hot Spots” among Transgender Residents of Massachusetts
A matched retrospective cohort study of mental health among transgender and cisgender youth patients in care at an urban community health center
Cigarette Smoking Cessation in Adolescents & Young Adults: Associations with Sexual Orientation
Correlates of substance use during sex among women living with HIV engaged in routine healthcare in 4 U.S. cities
Legal protections in public accommodations settings: A critical public health issue for transgender adults in Massachusetts
Location Matters: Correlates of HIV Risk Behaviors and HIV “Hot Spots” among Transgender Residents of Massachusetts
Syndemic Production and Sexual Compulsivity in a Cohort of Highly Sexually Active Gay and Bisexual Men
Association between substance use problems and health outcomes among HIV-positive patients in NYC
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Prevalence of substance use problems in HIV-positive patients attending comprehensive care clinics in NYC
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
Association between substance use problems and health outcomes among HIV-positive patients in NYC
Individual-Level and Event-Level Associations Between Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Prevalence of substance use problems in HIV-positive patients attending comprehensive care clinics in NYC
Partners met via sex parties have significantly greater odds for anal sex without condoms: An event-level analysis of men who have sex with men from bars/clubs,, and sex parties
Improving state childhood obesity surveillance: A review of current practice and recommendations for change
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Filling in the Gaps: State-specific childhood obesity prevalence corrected for self-report bias
Redrawing the US Obesity Landscape: Bias-corrected estimates of state-specific adult obesity prevalence
Using synthetic growth trajectories to predict childhood obesity trends at the individual and population level
Diabetes disease management and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chronic disease prevalence and Medicare Advantage market penetration: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Medicaid expenditures for children with complex healthcare needs: A care coordination model evaluation
Diabetes and related comorbidities among rural Medicare beneficiaries: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Increasing prevalence of ADHD, major depression, and conduct disorders among adolescent students in Puerto Rico, 2005-2012
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
"Don't [B]other These People": The Influence of Post-9/11 Public Policies and Practices on the Social Determinants of Health for Latinas and Their Families - Findings from Detroit, MI
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Facilitating the return-to-work of injured and ill farm workers: An online decoder for clinicians
All that we herd: Using qualitative methods to understand language, barriers, and challenges in a changing dairy industry
Beyond worker training – the role of the community health workers in sustaining safe practices in an occupational setting
A methodology to evaluate agricultural health and safety mobile applications
All that we herd: Using qualitative methods to understand language, barriers, and challenges in a changing dairy industry
Beyond worker training – the role of the community health workers in sustaining safe practices in an occupational setting
A methodology to evaluate agricultural health and safety mobile applications
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Bidirectional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Hard Drug Use in a sample of Los Angeles Based Homeless Youth (HY)
Network Influences Overtime on the Sexual Health of Homeless Youth
Exploring the Mediating Role of Network Risk Factors on the Relationship between Foster Care Experience and Methamphetamine Use
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Social Media Use and Sex Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youth with and without a History of Foster Care
Influence of “Traveling” Youth and Substance Use Behaviors in the Social Networks of Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Social network risk and resiliency factors for hard drug use among former foster care youth experiencing homelessness
Understanding the match between homeless youths' perceived network member substance use and their network members' actual substance use: A multi-level analysis
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Social network, mental health, and sexual risk behavior correlates of binge drinking among homeless youth
Network Influences Overtime on the Sexual Health of Homeless Youth
Exploring the Mediating Role of Network Risk Factors on the Relationship between Foster Care Experience and Methamphetamine Use
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Social Media Use and Sex Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youth with and without a History of Foster Care
Influence of “Traveling” Youth and Substance Use Behaviors in the Social Networks of Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Social network risk and resiliency factors for hard drug use among former foster care youth experiencing homelessness
Understanding the match between homeless youths' perceived network member substance use and their network members' actual substance use: A multi-level analysis
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Social network, mental health, and sexual risk behavior correlates of binge drinking among homeless youth
Community involvement in HIV-related policy initiatives: History, experiences, and next steps
Immigrant Latinas' sexual and reproductive health needs, priorities, and opportunities for intervention: A qualitative assessment conducted in the southeastern United States
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Preventing HIV among black men in college using a CBPR approach
Health and wellbeing: Qualitative impressions from a brief APHA-MEDICC trip to Cuba
Promoting HIV testing online among MSM through the CyBER/testing intervention: Baseline characteristics of participants and qualitative analysis of intervention delivery
Immigrant Latinas' sexual and reproductive health needs, priorities, and opportunities for intervention: A qualitative assessment conducted in the southeastern United States
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Preventing HIV among black men in college using a CBPR approach
Health and wellbeing: Qualitative impressions from a brief APHA-MEDICC trip to Cuba
Promoting HIV testing online among MSM through the CyBER/testing intervention: Baseline characteristics of participants and qualitative analysis of intervention delivery
Bidirectional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Hard Drug Use in a sample of Los Angeles Based Homeless Youth (HY)
Network Influences Overtime on the Sexual Health of Homeless Youth
Exploring the Mediating Role of Network Risk Factors on the Relationship between Foster Care Experience and Methamphetamine Use
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Social Media Use and Sex Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youth with and without a History of Foster Care
Influence of “Traveling” Youth and Substance Use Behaviors in the Social Networks of Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Social network risk and resiliency factors for hard drug use among former foster care youth experiencing homelessness
Understanding the match between homeless youths' perceived network member substance use and their network members' actual substance use: A multi-level analysis
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Social network, mental health, and sexual risk behavior correlates of binge drinking among homeless youth
Network Influences Overtime on the Sexual Health of Homeless Youth
Exploring the Mediating Role of Network Risk Factors on the Relationship between Foster Care Experience and Methamphetamine Use
Network Insights into Implementing Peer-Based HIV Prevention for Homeless Youth
Social Media Use and Sex Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youth with and without a History of Foster Care
Influence of “Traveling” Youth and Substance Use Behaviors in the Social Networks of Homeless Youth
Healthcare utilization and needs of homeless youth
“I'm not homeless, I'm houseless”: Self-identification of being homeless and accessing shelter/housing services
Network Processes and Heavy Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth
Social network risk and resiliency factors for hard drug use among former foster care youth experiencing homelessness
Understanding the match between homeless youths' perceived network member substance use and their network members' actual substance use: A multi-level analysis
Violence experiences, mental health, and substance use of homeless youth Juggalos
Social network, mental health, and sexual risk behavior correlates of binge drinking among homeless youth
Assessing environmental determinants and perceptions of cancer risk: Opportunities for community-engaged interventions
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
Elucidating the association between perceived cancer risk, neighborhood environment, and risk-reducing health behaviors among African Americans in at-risk communities
Using community-based participatory research as a mechanism to identify and assess the social and physical features that may contribute to poor health outcomes in North Charleston, South Carolina
An assessment of community environmental health and perceived cancer risks: A study in Metropolitan Charleston
What is the Raise 5 Project?
Raise 5 Edutainment: Effectively educating while entertaining to reduce substance abuse and HIV risky behaviors among African-American college students
Sixty, sexy and vulnerable: Exploring the impact of early gender socialization on HIV/AIDS risk-taking behaviors among older African-American women
Raise 5 Edutainment: Effectively educating while entertaining to reduce substance abuse and HIV risky behaviors among African-American college students
Sixty, sexy and vulnerable: Exploring the impact of early gender socialization on HIV/AIDS risk-taking behaviors among older African-American women
Accessible Mammography and Women with Disabilities: Outcomes from Ohio Statewide Trainings and Accessibility Assessments
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
Combating Smoking Disparities among Those With and Without Disabilities: Using Data to Drive Policy Change
Public Health Needs Assessment: Health Status and Disparities Identified among People with Disabilities in Ohio
Recommendations to address information gaps on Asian American health: Results from project AXIS (Asian American Exchange and Information Source)
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE): Using evidence-based strategies to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Using a collective impact approach to address structural barriers to physical activity, nutrition, and weight management in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Charging Forward: Lessons Learned from the Implementation of the In-Person Assistor/Navigator Program for the NY State of Health Benefit Exchange within the Asian Pacific American Community
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Muslim Americans Reaching for Health and Building Alliances (MARHABA): A study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among Muslim women in New York City
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Muslim Americans Reaching for Health and Building Alliances (MARHABA): A study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among Muslim women in New York City
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Prevalence and Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening among Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
A critical step in developing evidence-informed strategies: Focus groups with youth and young adults with disabilities and their families
Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD)
Comparing the Health Profile of Older Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to the General Population
A critical step in developing evidence-informed strategies: Focus groups with youth and young adults with disabilities and their families
Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD)
Comparing the Health Profile of Older Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to the General Population
Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Asthma and Food Allergy in Chicago Public Schools
A community-engaged approach to evaluation for community and academic research partners: Example from the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities
Barriers to Chronic Disease Reporting and Verification in Chicago Public Schools
A community-engaged approach to evaluation for community and academic research partners: Example from the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities
Barriers to Chronic Disease Reporting and Verification in Chicago Public Schools
Self reported acceptance and preference for home based HIV testing among heterosexuals living in high risk areas
Determination of HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection in Louisiana 2002-2012 through state disease registry matching
Using a street outreach survey for syphilis messaging and HIV/STD prevention in Louisiana
Hepatitis C Prevalence Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in New Orleans
Demographic and Behavioral Risk Profile of Injection Drug Using Subgroups in New Orleans
Determination of HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection in Louisiana 2002-2012 through state disease registry matching
Using a street outreach survey for syphilis messaging and HIV/STD prevention in Louisiana
Hepatitis C Prevalence Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in New Orleans
Demographic and Behavioral Risk Profile of Injection Drug Using Subgroups in New Orleans
Assessing the landscape of vending machine content prior to the full implementation of the 100% healthy County of Los Angeles nutrition policy for vending machines in the work place
Adherence to Healthy Nutrition Standards and Other Healthy Food Procurement Practices within the Department of Public Works Worksite Cafeteria and Vending Machines, Los Angeles County, 2011-2013
Developing an index of exposure to obesity-related community interventions and policies
Using a multi-pronged evaluation plan to examine the reach, impact, and effectiveness of comprehensive SNAP-Ed nutrition education and obesity prevention programming strategies in Los Angeles County, 2013
Applying a Novel Systems Science Approach to Understand Child Obesity Trends in Los Angeles County, 2002-2011
Adherence to Healthy Nutrition Standards and Other Healthy Food Procurement Practices within the Department of Public Works Worksite Cafeteria and Vending Machines, Los Angeles County, 2011-2013
Developing an index of exposure to obesity-related community interventions and policies
Using a multi-pronged evaluation plan to examine the reach, impact, and effectiveness of comprehensive SNAP-Ed nutrition education and obesity prevention programming strategies in Los Angeles County, 2013
Applying a Novel Systems Science Approach to Understand Child Obesity Trends in Los Angeles County, 2002-2011
Promotoras (Community Health Workers ) Improve Heart Health among Latinos in Rural and Urban Settings
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
“You Are the Voice of Your Child, If You Don't Speak up, No One Will Hear Your Son”: Latino and African American Parents' Perceptions on Access to Care for Children with Autism
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
“You Are the Voice of Your Child, If You Don't Speak up, No One Will Hear Your Son”: Latino and African American Parents' Perceptions on Access to Care for Children with Autism
Experience of sexuality education and sexual health knowledge among HIV+ gay men and other men who have sex with men in Puerto Rico
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Trends in emerging prevention practices in a sample of HIV+ gay men and other men who have sex with men in Puerto Rico
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Trends in emerging prevention practices in a sample of HIV+ gay men and other men who have sex with men in Puerto Rico
Increasing prevalence of ADHD, major depression, and conduct disorders among adolescent students in Puerto Rico, 2005-2012
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
HPV vaccine knowledge and practice among adolescents in Puerto Rico
Sensation seeking as a risk factor for drinking and driving among secondary school students in Puerto Rico
Energy drinks to “get high”: A modality in substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents, 2012-13
“He Beat You in the Blood”: Knowledge and Beliefs about the Transmission of Traits among Latinos from Mexico and Central America
Youth farmworker safety and health: A North Carolina pilot study
Paid employment and domestic responsibilities in association with well-being among Latina immigrant workers
Youth farmworker safety and health: A North Carolina pilot study
Paid employment and domestic responsibilities in association with well-being among Latina immigrant workers
Consistency and Accuracy of Messages Regarding the Female Condom for Vaginal Use on U.S. Department of Health Websites
Inconsistencies by the U.S. Departments of Health Websites Regarding Anal Use of the Female Condom
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Inconsistencies by the U.S. Departments of Health Websites Regarding Anal Use of the Female Condom
Adding to the HIV Prevention Toolkit: High Interest in a Long-Acting Injectable Formulation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Cohort of Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC
Availability, price and volumes of anti-malarial medicines and malaria diagnostics between zones with and without artemisinin resistance in Cambodia
A comprehensive picture of the antimalarial medicine market in five countries: Findings from Cambodia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Uganda
A comprehensive picture of the antimalarial medicine market in five countries: Findings from Cambodia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Uganda
A gender and rights-based sexual health promotion program for adolescents: Short-term outcomes of the Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Sexuality Education Initiative
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
Searching for Equity with Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Promotoras de Salud as Agents of Change in Places that Matter: Urban vs Rural Differences
Preliminary outcomes for a housing placement intervention for HIV-positive homeless individuals living in New York City
Successes and challenges to door-to-door recruitment of homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS residing in single room occupancy shelters in New York City
Housing stability and HIV health among HIV-positive homeless persons placed into supportive versus independent housing
Successes and challenges to door-to-door recruitment of homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS residing in single room occupancy shelters in New York City
Housing stability and HIV health among HIV-positive homeless persons placed into supportive versus independent housing
Mobilizing State Action to Prevent Prescription Opioid Misuse, Abuse and Overdose
Improving Systems: Lessons Learned in Facilitating a State Health Department Learning Collaborative
E-Cigarettes: Emerging Issues for State Public Health
Strategically Promoting Policies and Initiatives to Improve the Health of Older Adults and their Communities
Improving Systems: Lessons Learned in Facilitating a State Health Department Learning Collaborative
E-Cigarettes: Emerging Issues for State Public Health
Strategically Promoting Policies and Initiatives to Improve the Health of Older Adults and their Communities
Local Health Departments as Partners in School Health: A State-Wide Assessment of Collaboration for Coordinated School Health
Implementation of Priority Actions for School Health: A State Level Profile of the Role of Local Health Departments
Addressing Educationally Relevant Health Disparities: The Partnership of Local Health Departments and Public Schools
Implementation of Priority Actions for School Health: A State Level Profile of the Role of Local Health Departments
Addressing Educationally Relevant Health Disparities: The Partnership of Local Health Departments and Public Schools
Applying health service utilization models to the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Advancing theory-based evaluation
Using quality measures to monitor and evaluate the impact of a pharmacy carve-in implemented through an 1115(a) demonstration waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Impacts of Medicaid policy change on quality of care for aged and disabled population
A pragmatic approach to guide the design of a mixed methods evaluation of a Medicaid 1115(a) waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Using quality measures to monitor and evaluate the impact of a pharmacy carve-in implemented through an 1115(a) demonstration waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program: Impacts of Medicaid policy change on quality of care for aged and disabled population
A pragmatic approach to guide the design of a mixed methods evaluation of a Medicaid 1115(a) waiver: The Texas healthcare transformation and quality improvement program
Positive sex: Exploring the sexual lives and experiences of MSM living with HIV
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Examining patient/provider communication among a national sample of young men who have sex with men
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Daily diary examination of internet use, sexual behavior, and sexual health among gay and bisexually identified men
Relationship dynamics and sexual health of sero-discordant MSM couples
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Examining patient/provider communication among a national sample of young men who have sex with men
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Daily diary examination of internet use, sexual behavior, and sexual health among gay and bisexually identified men
Relationship dynamics and sexual health of sero-discordant MSM couples
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
To screen or not to screen for suicide? Opinions of adolescent medical inpatients and the nurses who treat them
A Qualitative Study of Social Support Needs of Military Parents of Very Young Children: A First Step in Facilitating Access
Characterizing the spousal cycle of deployment: A qualitative study
A Qualitative Study of Social Support Needs of Military Parents of Very Young Children: A First Step in Facilitating Access
Characterizing the spousal cycle of deployment: A qualitative study
A Model for Coordination of Mental Health Care for Transitioning Serice Members
A Systematic Process Improvement Approach for Small Practices to Overcome Barriers to ICD-10 Conversion
When mental health diagnosis isn't enough: The need for comprehensive data to understand suicide risk in the military
A Systematic Process Improvement Approach for Small Practices to Overcome Barriers to ICD-10 Conversion
When mental health diagnosis isn't enough: The need for comprehensive data to understand suicide risk in the military
Public housing relocations and relocaters' health: Post-relocation improvements in neighborhood conditions are associated with reductions in depressive symptoms, substance misuse, and biobehavioral HIV risk in a cohort of African-American adults
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
Geographic variations in racial/ethnic disparities in HIV among injection drug users in the United States
Extending Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) through Partnership Development, Capacity Building and Innovative Strategies: The Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center (Detroit URC)
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Facilitators and Barriers to the integration of CHWs in a Safety Net Clinic: Perspectives from the clinical team
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Index hospitalization predictors of subsequent readmission for acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia in North Carolina Medicare enrollees
Projected impact of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program on Medicare prospective inpatient payments in North Carolina
An examination of 30-day readmissions by demographic groups and hospital characteristics in North Carolina Medicare enrollees
Projected impact of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program on Medicare prospective inpatient payments in North Carolina
An examination of 30-day readmissions by demographic groups and hospital characteristics in North Carolina Medicare enrollees
Exploring the determinants of risky sexual behavior among ethnically diverse university students: The student behavioral health survey
HIV risk behaviors persist among migrant workers in south Florida
Increasing response rates to an online behavioral survey offered to students attending a large minority-serving university: The Student Behavioral Health Survey (SBHS-Web)
HIV risk behaviors persist among migrant workers in south Florida
Increasing response rates to an online behavioral survey offered to students attending a large minority-serving university: The Student Behavioral Health Survey (SBHS-Web)
Health in All Policies in California's Rural Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
A Framework for Understanding the Role of Public Health in Climate Action
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples and Lessons Learned
A Framework for Understanding the Role of Public Health in Climate Action
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples from California's Rural CA4Health Community Transformation Grant Funded Communities
Implementing Health in All Policies: Examples and Lessons Learned
A physiological assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Methods of the 2014 Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Successes and Challenges of Collaborating with Schools and School Food Service Providers: Lessons Learned from the Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Measuring tobacco,alcohol, and food in New Orleans' retail environment
Assessing the Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol Point of Sale Environment in New Orleans: Findings from a Mixed Methods Study
An Assessment of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Using Personal Air Sampling and Exhaled Breath Analysis
Methods of the 2014 Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Successes and Challenges of Collaborating with Schools and School Food Service Providers: Lessons Learned from the Healthy School Food Collaborative Evaluation
Methods Beyond Plate Waste: Evaluating School Climate, Policy, and Student Satisfaction
Impact of Menu Labeling on Adolescents in Four Diverse Los Angeles Communities
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Prices for healthy food vary by store type in low-income areas, but vary less for junk food
Community health workers coach low-income Latino residents of East L.A. to reduce their risk of heart disease by adopting the high-satiation lifestyle recommendations
Prices for healthy food vary by store type in low-income areas, but vary less for junk food
Mental Health Benefits of Familism: How eating dinner together regularly is associated with better mental health among low-income Latino families in East Los Angeles
Partnerships in Capacity Building: The Collaborative Formation of The Healthy Environments and Active Living (H.E.A.L.) Initiative -- A Faith-Based Obesity and Diabetes Pilot Intervention
Partnerships in Capacity Building: The Collaborative Formation of The Healthy Environments and Active Living (H.E.A.L.) Initiative -- A Faith-Based Obesity and Diabetes Pilot Intervention
Who supports taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages? Factors associated with support for taxes and pro-tax messages in a US State
Role of interlocal collaboration in public health emergency preparedness
An Analysis of Legal Responses to Health Claims on Foods and Beverages Marketed to Children
A case study of the military's Integrated Disability Evaluation System: Utilizing the political process to advance the public's health
Applying the Haddon Matrix to Decision Engineering for Hospital Disaster Preparedness
Local Public Health Agency Workers' Efficacy Perceptions Toward Hurricane Sandy Recovery Activities
Role of interlocal collaboration in public health emergency preparedness
An Analysis of Legal Responses to Health Claims on Foods and Beverages Marketed to Children
A case study of the military's Integrated Disability Evaluation System: Utilizing the political process to advance the public's health
Applying the Haddon Matrix to Decision Engineering for Hospital Disaster Preparedness
Local Public Health Agency Workers' Efficacy Perceptions Toward Hurricane Sandy Recovery Activities
Strengthening Research Collaborations and Developing a Centralized Registry in an Urban, Low-Resource Hospital to Explore Predictors of Maternal Mortality and Identify Health Services Research Priorities
Collaborative Development of a Departmental Database in an Urban, Low-Resource Hospital to Explore Predictors of Maternal Mortality and to Propose Targeted Health Service Research Interventions
Collaborative Development of a Departmental Database in an Urban, Low-Resource Hospital to Explore Predictors of Maternal Mortality and to Propose Targeted Health Service Research Interventions