Author Index: E
Author Index: E

Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Educating MPH students about tobacco related health equity
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
End of Life Issues Affecting the Latino Community: A Public Health Approach
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Faith initiative
Chicago Southside Cancer Disparities Initiative (CSCDI): Placed-based public health education for community-based learners
End of Life Issues Affecting the Latino Community: A Public Health Approach
Do Young Indian Girls Have a Nutritional Disadvantage Compared with Boys? Regression Models Examining Disparities in Breastfeeding and Food Consumption among Indian Siblings
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Evaluation of the Multi-level Adelante Intervention to Address Risk Behaviors among Latino Immigrant Youth: Challenges and Solutions
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice
Planning and Implementation of the Multi-level Adelante Positive Youth Development Intervention: Lessons Learned
Integration of HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) into Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Factors influencing quality of HTC and links to client outcomes
Role of Women in Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Decision Making among Men in Tanzania
Moving men through the decision making process for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC): An analysis of early versus late adopters
Role of Women in Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Decision Making among Men in Tanzania
Moving men through the decision making process for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC): An analysis of early versus late adopters
E-Cigarettes: Emerging Issues for State Public Health
Advancing Health Equity in Minnesota – Changing the Narrative About What Creates Health
Effort to create a collaboration between the Big 10 Universities and their state health departments to address health equity issues in their states and in the region
Advancing Health Equity in Minnesota – Changing the Narrative About What Creates Health
Effort to create a collaboration between the Big 10 Universities and their state health departments to address health equity issues in their states and in the region
High school peer-to-peer development and deployment of media interventions to increase self-awareness: Violence prevention for the win
Public health serendipity in action within communities: Impactful gains from holistic mentoring of our dual role teachers while in graduate school (and beyond)
Is the Law's long shadow on deinstitulization implicated in any way, shape or form with today's explosive outbreak of violence?
Public health serendipity in action within communities: Impactful gains from holistic mentoring of our dual role teachers while in graduate school (and beyond)
Is the Law's long shadow on deinstitulization implicated in any way, shape or form with today's explosive outbreak of violence?
Using a Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) and existing demographic datasets to ensure high impact of community-level interventions for persons with disabilities
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on the Health Services Appraisal and Access of Adults with Disabilities
Development of a Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) for Measuring Accessibility and Inclusion of Physical Activity and Food Environments
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on the Health Services Appraisal and Access of Adults with Disabilities
Development of a Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) for Measuring Accessibility and Inclusion of Physical Activity and Food Environments
Care coordination and receipt of disease management support in adults with chronic conditions
High asthma self-efficacy is associated with less ambulatory care sensitive utilization and missed work in adults with asthma
Learning to manage: An analysis of the receipt of diabetes self-management education in US adults
High asthma self-efficacy is associated with less ambulatory care sensitive utilization and missed work in adults with asthma
Learning to manage: An analysis of the receipt of diabetes self-management education in US adults
Development of an observational tool to assess availability, portion size, and marketing of beverages in stores and fast food restaurants: NEMS-B
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets using the newly developed NEMS-B tool
Correlation between the beverage environment at fast food restaurants (using NEMS-B) and beverages purchased
Implementing Action Items from the Public Health Road Map: A Capstone Experience
Missouri and Alzheimer's disease: An assessment of public health departments
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
Health information seeking and confidence to manage health: Differences by race
Health information seeking and confidence to manage health among those with a chronic condition
Missouri and Alzheimer's disease: An assessment of public health departments
For the Sake of All: Engaging cross-sector audiences to address health disparities in St. Louis, Missouri
Health information seeking and confidence to manage health: Differences by race
Health information seeking and confidence to manage health among those with a chronic condition
Latino Youth Speak Health: Using Photovoice to Improve Patient-Provider Relationships and Reduce Health Disparities
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
CBPR to prevent HIV within racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities: Successes with long-term sustainability
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Measuring Implicit Bias Among Health Care Providers Toward Latino Adolescents: Intervention Research Methods to Reduce Health Disparities
Envisioning Health: A Trans-disciplinary, Community-Engaged Visual Intervention for Healthcare Providers on Implicit Bias toward Latino/a Immigrant Youth
A Brief Scale to Measure Problematic Sexually Explicit Media Consumption: Psychometric Properties of the Obsessive Compulsive Pornography Consumption (OCPC) Scale among Men who have Sex with Men
Comparison of alcohol-related problems between college and non-college young adult populations
Relationships Between Alcohol Policy Strength and Adult Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol-impaired driving, sobriety checkpoints, and open container laws in the United States
Have we made progress reducing the likelihood of sales to obviously intoxicated patrons?
Developmental Trajectories of Comorbid Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young Adults
Qualitative matching of alcohol outlets using virtual geographic imaging technology
Responsible beverage service training for bar managers and servers: A new approach to training and implementation
Alcohol control laws in states with state-run compared with privatized alcohol distribution systems
Consumption of Gay Sexually Explicit Media among Men who have Sex with Men in the U.S
Comparison of alcohol-related problems between college and non-college young adult populations
Relationships Between Alcohol Policy Strength and Adult Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol-impaired driving, sobriety checkpoints, and open container laws in the United States
Have we made progress reducing the likelihood of sales to obviously intoxicated patrons?
Developmental Trajectories of Comorbid Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young Adults
Qualitative matching of alcohol outlets using virtual geographic imaging technology
Responsible beverage service training for bar managers and servers: A new approach to training and implementation
Alcohol control laws in states with state-run compared with privatized alcohol distribution systems
Consumption of Gay Sexually Explicit Media among Men who have Sex with Men in the U.S
Empowerment-washing: A Critical Systematic Review of Community Health Worker Participation in Program Planning and Case Study of an Non-Governmental Organization's Experience
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Forging Sustainable Programs Through Strengthening Local Leadership: A Case Study of Local-International Collaboration Among Community Health Non-Profits Working in San Ramón, Nicaragua
Colorectal cancer screening promotion and provision by Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees
Results from a Brief Intervention to Promote Smoke-Free Homes among 2-1-1 Clients
Building Grantees' Capacity to Implement Evidence-based Approaches for Cancer Control within the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP)
Results from a Brief Intervention to Promote Smoke-Free Homes among 2-1-1 Clients
Building Grantees' Capacity to Implement Evidence-based Approaches for Cancer Control within the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP)
Recommendations to address information gaps on Asian American health: Results from project AXIS (Asian American Exchange and Information Source)
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project: Qualitative findings about the process of implementing evidence-based strategies in local AANHPI communities
Participants' Satisfaction with Initial Contact and Examination Visit: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
Development and evaluation of a culturally-tailored clinic-based breast cancer risk reduction intervention for Latinas
Improving Research Readiness in Community Health Workers: Identifying Relevant Research Competencies
Development and evaluation of a culturally-tailored clinic-based breast cancer risk reduction intervention for Latinas
Improving Research Readiness in Community Health Workers: Identifying Relevant Research Competencies
Who you know: Network models of disease
Compartmental Complexity: Variations of the SIR model
Practical modeling: Model structure and equation design
Public Health Dashboard powered by Digital Disease Detection for Local Epidemiologists: A Gastrointestinal illness case study
Mulitscale Modeling of HIV Transmission Dynamics
Compartmental Complexity: Variations of the SIR model
Practical modeling: Model structure and equation design
Public Health Dashboard powered by Digital Disease Detection for Local Epidemiologists: A Gastrointestinal illness case study
Mulitscale Modeling of HIV Transmission Dynamics
Assessing and Addressing Adolescent Pregnancy Where “They” Live and Learn
Profiles and Patterns of Paternal Involvement in the lives of Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Mothers of Color
Beyond the Broken Bones and Knocked out Teeth: Listening Sessions as an Innovative Strategy towards assessing and addressing new trends and patterns in Adolescent Dating Violence
Profiles and Patterns of Paternal Involvement in the lives of Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Mothers of Color
Beyond the Broken Bones and Knocked out Teeth: Listening Sessions as an Innovative Strategy towards assessing and addressing new trends and patterns in Adolescent Dating Violence
How do governors communicate transportation priorities? A qualitative analysis of governors' State of the State addresses
Collective Efforts to study Physical Activity Policy: A Decade of PAPRN
Facilitators and barriers to municipal officials' participation in local transportation policies
Development of Toolkits to Promote Physical Activity: Collaboration of Research and Practice
Collective Efforts to study Physical Activity Policy: A Decade of PAPRN
Facilitators and barriers to municipal officials' participation in local transportation policies
Development of Toolkits to Promote Physical Activity: Collaboration of Research and Practice