Monday, November 8, 2004 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon |
| 3005.0 | Alcohol Problems Among Ethnic Minorities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3015.0 | The Relationship Between Asthma and the Environment (Oral) |
| 3016.0 | Confronting Myths and Fears of Cancer in the Minority Belief Systems (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3017.0 | Methodological Techniques and Tools Utilized in Health Care Planning, Policy Development and Evaluation-I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3018.0 | Moving Medicaid and Medicare to Managed Care (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3019.0 | The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3038.0 | Hot Topics in Aging and Health (Poster) |
| 3039.0 | Current Issues in Health and Health Care for Older Adults (Poster) |
| 3045.0 | Health Disparities and Drug Abuse Research Within an Environmental Framework (Oral) |
| 3056.0 | The Diabetes Challenge (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3059.0 | Adolescent Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity (Oral) |
| 3062.0 | Studies on Disparities in Insurance Coverage and Diversity in Service Provision (Ethnic and Racial Disparities Contributed Papers #1) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3065.0 | Findings from the National Latino and Asian American Study (Oral) |
| 3077.0 | Strong Women, Good Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3080.1 | Economic Disparities (Oral) |
| 3084.0 | Panel: Environmental Contributions to Mental Disorder for African Americans (Oral) |
| 3089.0 | State-level Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3105.0 | Stop! You are Making Me Sick! Improving Public Health through Political and Social Change (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3108.0 | Methodological Techniques and Tools Utilized in Health Care Planning, Policy Development and Evaluation-II (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3109.0 | Giving Our Children a Healthy Start (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3110.0 | Medicaid and Managed Care: Reaching and Serving Those In Need (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3111.0 | Allies Against Asthma Coalitions: Improving Ways to Implement and Integrate Asthma Interventions (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3116.1 | Integrity of Science: How Political Agendas Impact Public Health (Oral) |
| 3132.2 | Latino Health Initiative: A Model for Change (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3134.0 | The Role of Families and Providers in Identifying and Managing Children With Asthma (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3146.0 | Difference and Inequality: Mobilizing for Change (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3155.0 | Politics and Publics: Tobacco Industry Issues Management (Oral) |
| 3166.0 | Innovative Programs for Refugees and Immigrants (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3168.0 | Reducing Health Disparities Through Partnerships, Prevention and Insurance (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3169.0 | Reaching for the Goal of Universal Health Insurance (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3170.0 | Addressing Depression in Communities of Color in Los Angeles: Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Healthy African American Families (HAAF) Project (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3171.0 | Community Benefit Today: Perspectives (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3173.1 | STEPS to a Healthier US Initiative: National and Community-Level Strategies to Address Chronic Disease (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3175.0 | Built Environment Institute I: Exploring the Connections Between the Built Environment and Obesity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3202.0 | Environmental Exposure: Morbidity and Mortality Consequences for Latino Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3204.0 | Barriers to Care and Evidenced Based Research in Maternity Health Services (Poster) |
| 3205.0 | Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Posters: Assessing Risk Factors, Enhancing Protective Factors (Poster) |
| 3224.0 | Improving Reproductive Health Program Quality and Outcomes (Oral) |
| 3231.0 | Environmental Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3233.0 | Obesity Prevention in School Settings (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3234.0 | Asthma and School Indoor Air Quality (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3236.0 | Race, Class, and Hierarchy: A Closer Look at Health Inequalities (Oral) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3244.0 | APHA Special Session on Medicare Drug Benefit, Part I (Panel Discussion) |
| 3252.0 | GIS Facilitating Health Planning and Evaluation (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3253.0 | Environment as Social Capital Affecting Health Status (Oral) |
| 3254.0 | Partnerships: Expanding the Community's Capacity for Planning and Evaluation (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3258.0 | Built Environment Institute II: Community Design and Health Impact: Toward the Full Integration of Walking and Biking as Alternative Modes of Transportation (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3262.0 | Multilevel Approaches to STD Epidemiology & Prevention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3277.0 | Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition: Evidence-based Clinical Care, Innovative Programs, Policy Implementation, and Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3278.0 | Systems of Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Ensuring Access and Quality (Oral) |
| 3280.1 | Systems to Improve Maternal and Child Health (Roundtable) |
| 3284.0 | Urban Health Contributed Papers (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3294.0 | Health for All: Promoting Health in Special Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3295.0 | Primary Prevention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3303.0 | Access to Care: Diverse Needs of Diverse Women (Oral) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3321.0 | Healthy Lifestyles for Cardiovascular Health and Smoking Prevention (Poster) |
| 3322.0 | Opportunities for Healthy Behaviors and Providing Preventive Services (Poster) |
| 3323.0 | HIV/AIDS: Testing, Prevention and Service (Poster) |
| 3324.0 | Developing a Community-based Infrastructure for Assessment, Planning, and/or Evaluation-I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3325.0 | Exploring Effective Methods To Reach Children At Risk (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3326.0 | Academic Partnerships Working Together with Community Agencies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3327.0 | A Community-City-University Collaboration for Healthy Public Housing (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3328.0 | Environmental Justice and Community-Based Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3329.1 | Health Indicators and Methods of Capacity Building: Disparities in Vulnerable Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3331.0 | Addressing Environmental Health Disparities in Environmental Public Health Tracking (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3333.0 | Built Environment Institute III: Building Health Back Into Community - Toward he Creation of a More Sustainable and Less Toxic Built Environment, Part I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3339.0 | HIV/AIDS Section Panel Session: Reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act (Panel Discussion) |
| 3353.0 | Terrorism and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon |
| 3372.0 | Funding for State and Local Tobacco Control Programs: Issues and Responses (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3374.0 | Environmental Factors and Obesity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3375.0 | HIV/AIDS Among Youth and Adolescents (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3385.0 | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Tuesday, November 9, 2004 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4009.0 | Screening and Brief Intervention: Translating Research Findings into Policy Change (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4011.0 | APHA Special Session on Medicare Drug Benefit, Part II (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4023.0 | Evaluation of Programs for Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4024.0 | Using Methodological Tools as a Framework for Services and Planning (Poster) |
| 4025.0 | Collaborative Methodologies for Improving Infrastructure, Planning and Bioterrorism Preparedness (Poster) |
| 4026.0 | Outcome-based Evaluations Of Innovative Programs in Planning, Policy Development, or Service Delivery (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4027.0 | Developing A Community-based Infrastructure For Assessment, Planning, And Evaluation-II (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4034.0 | Built Environment Institute IV: School Environments - Not Just Little Offices (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4039.0 | Environmental Strategies to Address the Obesity Crisis (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4043.0 | Cultural Competency/Diversity: Cultural Sensitivity in Primary Health Care (Oral) |
| 4044.0 | Access to HIV/AIDS Testing, Treatment, and Health Care Services (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4046.0 | Child and Adolescent Injuries (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4052.0 | Enhancing Interactions In A Home Visiting Environment: Lessons From Evidence-Based Practice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4070.0 | The Struggle to Maintain or Expand Access to Safe Abortion Services in the U.S (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4074.0 | Parents as Partners in Health Promotion (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4078.0 | Cultural Diversity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4083.0 | Information and GIS Systems for Public Health Practice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4084.0 | New Horizons in Vision Screening and Testing (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4085.0 | Midlife Health and Wellness (Oral) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4090.0 | Revolutions in Public Health: The Academic Health Department (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4103.0 | Quitting Tobacco: What Works and Who It Works For (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4106.0 | Native Women Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4113.0 | Race, Culture, Behavior and the Environment: A National Debate on Causes of Health Disparities (Oral) |
| 4117.0 | Creative Approaches to Eliminating Racial and Ethinic Disparaties in Health (Poster) |
| 4118.0 | Partnerships for Improving Health Services (Poster) |
| 4119.0 | Promoting Children's Health In Adverse Physical And Social Environments (Poster) |
| 4120.0 | Approaching Asthma Through Multiple Venues (Oral) |
| 4121.0 | Building Community-based Infrastructure: The President's Initiative to Expand Health Centers (Oral) |
| 4122.0 | Community-Based Participatory Approaches to Genetics Education in Underserved Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4124.0 | Translating Research into Changes in Policy and Decision-Making at the Federal, State and Local Level (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4130.0 | The Obesity Epidemic: Food Policy, Community Design, Toxic Chemicals & Other Environmental Contributors (Oral) |
| 4131.0 | Home Interventions to Reduce Asthma Morbidity in Children: Early Findings from HUD’s Healthy Homes Initiative (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4137.0 | Empowering Youth with Nutrition and Physical Activity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4138.0 | Health Communication Strategies to Prevent Obesity and Chronic Diseases (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4139.0 | Do Best Practice Physical Activity Programs Provided by Community-Based Organizations Have A Measurable Impact on the Health and Well-Being of Participants? (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4142.0 | Cultural Competency/Diversity: The Final Frontier in U.S. Healthcare: Academic Preparedness From a Multicultural Point of View (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4144.0 | HIV/AIDS Community Planning, Programming, and Interventions (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4160.0 | Mental Health Issues in Primary and Chronic Medical Care (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4170.0 | Roundtable: Innovative School Health Strategies and Programs (Roundtable) |
| 4177.0 | Incarcerated HIV+ Women: What Do They Need? (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4179.0 | Child Abuse and Substance Abuse: The Unmentionable Connection (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4180.0 | Smokefree Policies and Litigation (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4181.0 | Club Drugs: Current Issues and Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4182.1 | Health Care Disparities that Impact Native Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4190.0 | Myths, Models and Prevalance Data on Homeless Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4192.0 | Public/Private Partnerships Working Together to Eliminate Disparaties in Health Care (Oral) |
| 4193.0 | Cancer: Identification and Prevention Strategies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4194.0 | Eliminating Health Disparities: Findings From Research Conducted By HBCU Investigators (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4195.1 | Built Environment Institute VI: Discussions on Direct and Indirect Influences of a School’s Built Environment on Health and Physical Activity (Roundtable) |
| 4197.0 | Community-based Advocacy to Reduce Environmental Asthma Triggers (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4198.0 | Emerging Linkages Between Environmental Exposure and Chronic Illness in Children (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4204.0 | Spotlight on the Youth Obesity Epidemic (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4206.0 | Exploring the Social Environment of Older Adults (Oral) |
| 4207.0 | Disabilities and The Environment: Overcoming Barriers (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4208.0 | Cultural Competency/Diversity: Understanding Diversity From a Community Perspective (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4210.0 | Human Rights and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4222.0 | The Effects of the State Children's Health Insurance Program Expansion on Access to Care and Use of Services (Medical Care Section Solicited Session #4) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4223.0 | Studies Evaluating Aspects of Primary Care (Health Services Research Contributed Papers #2) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4245.0 | Risk Behaviors and HIV, and Hepatitis A, B and C Virus Infections among Young Adult IDUs: CIDUS-III/Drug Users Intervention Trial (DUIT) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4246.0 | Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising: Evidence and Community Action (Oral) |
| 4248.0 | Eliminating Tobacco Sales at Pharmacies: Using Research, Ethics, Economics, Education and Law to Achieve an Attainable Public Health Goal (Oral) |
| 4256.0 | Obesity, Diabetes and Nutrition: Addressing Lifestyles and Environmental Issues (Roundtable) |
| 4257.0 | Adolescents: Living In And Creating Unhealthy Environments (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4258.0 | Community-Based Research of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health: Guiding Policy and Practice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4259.0 | Developing Unique Community-Based Infrastructures for Assessments (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4266.1 | Built Environment Institute VII: Building Health Back into Community - Toward the Creation of a More Sustainable and Healthful, Less Toxic Built Environment, Part II (Roundtable) |
| 4272.0 | School Environment: Changing Food and Physical Activity Choices (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4274.0 | Planning for and Caring during the End of Life (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4278.0 | Obesity As An Epidemic Challenge (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4288.0 | Community Partnerships to Address Environmental Disparities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4294.0 | Provider / Family Interaction to Improve Child Health (Poster) |
| 4301.0 | Mental Health and Medical Comorbidity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4312.0 | Community Approaches to Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4313.0 | Protecting our Children (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4314.0 | Real Work in Real Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4316.0 | Health Promotion in Our Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Tue |
| 4337.0 | Disparities and Diabetes (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4339.0 | Vulnerable Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed |
| 5002.0 | Alcohol and Aging, Treatment Coverage, Injury and Suicide (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5004.0 | Successes in State and Local Tobacco Control Programs (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5011.0 | Understanding Social, Mental and Institutional Issues in Communities of Color (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5013.0 | Interventions, Evaluations and Research Issues and Findings Among Homeless Populations (Poster) |
| 5015.0 | Culture and Health Promotion Among Refugees and Immigrants (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5016.0 | Risks and Resources for Refugee and Immigrant Health (Poster) |
| 5017.0 | Needs Assessment for Policy Development and Improving Programs (Oral) |
| 5018.0 | Reducing Environmental Triggers of Asthma Through Policy Change: Strengthening Communities and Building Linkages (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5019.0 | Health Planning Today: A Way Forward (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5020.0 | Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities for Engaging African American/Black Men in Prevention and Healthcare (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5025.0 | Traditional and Emerging Environmental Issues in the Community (Poster) |
| 5026.0 | Disparities in Vulnerable Populations: Responses in Home, School, and Community Settings (Poster) |
| 5027.0 | Strengthening the Infrastructure: Environmental Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5028.0 | Built Environment Institute IX: Built Environment and Weather Influences on Environmental Public Health (Poster) |
| 5030.0 | Environmental Injustices: Highlights of Community Efforts To Reduce Health Disparities (Poster) |
| 5030.1 | Built Environment Institute X: Housing Quality and Environmental Justice Issues in the Built Environment (Poster) |
| 5041.0 | Health Implications of Environmental Concerns in Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5054.0 | Family Violence and Injury Prevention (Poster) |
| 5055.0 | Strategies for Encouraging Mothers of Diverse Backgrounds to Initiate and Continue Breastfeeding (Poster) |
| 5058.0 | Healthy Child Care America: Building Child Care Health Consultant Networks and Supporting Social-Emotional Development of Children in Child Care Settings (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5062.0 | Studies on Disparities in Perceptions and Use of Services (Ethnic and Racial Disarities Contributed Papers #3) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5074.0 | Empowering Communities to Face Emerging Environmental Health Challenges (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5078.0 | Student Session: Public Health and the Environment (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5080.0 | Community and Social Justice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5082.0 | Cultural Competency and Women's Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5094.0 | Certificate of Need Challenges: Efficient Management in a Competitive Marketplace (Oral) |
| 5095.0 | Politics and Public Health: Powerful Partners (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5096.0 | The Wait is Over – The First Edition of the Guide to Community Preventive Services: Overview and Implications for Public Health Professionals (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5098.0 | Evaluating Community-Based Public Health Projects (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5109.0 | Diversity Over the Life Course: Race, Ethnicity and Aging (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5119.0 | Innovative Strategies to Promote Access to Services (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5121.0 | Determinants of Maternal and Infant Health: Interventions to Improve Outcomes (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5133.0 | Teen Pregnancy Prevention In the U.S.: Current Challenges and Promising Approaches (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5134.0 | Prostate Cancer: Men, Women, and Special Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5137.0 | Clinical Issues in Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5141.0 | Maternal, Child, and Family Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5142.0 | Quantitative Methods for Health Care Services and Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5143.0 | Addressing Healthy People 2010 Objectives: Vision Care, Chiropractic Health Care and Podiatric Health Care (organized jointly by VC, CHC, PHC) (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed |
| 5150.0 | The Synergism of Violence and Substance Abuse (Oral) |
| 5151.0 | HIV/TB: Testing and Prevention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5152.0 | Innovative and Collaborative Health Literacy Initiatives in New York City (Oral) |
| 5153.0 | Using Policy for Program Development and Planning (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5161.0 | Using Community-Based Research to Improve the Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5163.0 | Mobilizing Communities: Improving Nutrition and Increasing Physical Activity among Older Adults (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5168.0 | HIV/AIDS Section Panel Session: Caregivers' Perspectives of the Elements of Care that Support Pediatric HIV Antiretroviral Adherence (Panel Discussion)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5176.0 | Community Responses to Improve Maternal and Child Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5185.0 | Emergency Contraception: Challenges and Opportunites as Availabitiy Increases (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5186.0 | Can WE Work with THEM? Developing New Partnerships to Address Reproductive Health Care (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5188.0 | Reaching Out to Rural Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5189.0 | Honoring Our Elders: Health Promotion for Older Adults (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5195.0 | Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Interventions (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |