Affiliation Index: D
Affiliation Index: D

D'Youville College
Daito Bunka University
Dakota County Public Health Department
Dale Jarvis and Associates, LLC
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie University, Faculty of Health Professions
Dallas Cochlear Implant Program
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
HIV testing and immigrants to the US from sub Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America: Are we missing important groups to target for outreach and intervention?
Religion, Fatalism, and Cancer Control: Findings from a qualitative study among Hispanic Catholic parishioners
Worry, Media Use, and Knowledge as Predictors of Preventive Behaviors during A Public Health Emergency: A Case Study of 2009/2010 A(H1N1) Pandemic
“The work just wears you down”: A feasibility and needs assessment of worksite health promotion programs for low-wage shift workers
Religion, Fatalism, and Cancer Control: Findings from a qualitative study among Hispanic Catholic parishioners
Worry, Media Use, and Knowledge as Predictors of Preventive Behaviors during A Public Health Emergency: A Case Study of 2009/2010 A(H1N1) Pandemic
“The work just wears you down”: A feasibility and needs assessment of worksite health promotion programs for low-wage shift workers
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Center for Community-Based Research
Danya International
Danya International, Inc.
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
Datalys Center for Sports Injury Research and Prevention, Inc
David Geffen School of Medicine
Minority Stress, Alcohol Use, and Recovery in Middle-Aged Gay Men
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Minority Stress, Alcohol Use, and Recovery in Middle-Aged Gay Men
Developing an index of exposure to obesity-related community interventions and policies
Feasibility of the UCLA Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial (QUIT)
Transgender patients: Prejudice and training needs among trainees in 6 U.S. Emergency Medicine residency programs
Co-occurring Chronic Conditions among Multi-Ethnic Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast Cancer and Diabetes: Survivorship Impact in Medically Underserved Latinas
Motivational Interviewing training to improve communication with transition-age youth with developmental disabilities and their families
Developing an index of exposure to obesity-related community interventions and policies
Feasibility of the UCLA Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial (QUIT)
Transgender patients: Prejudice and training needs among trainees in 6 U.S. Emergency Medicine residency programs
Co-occurring Chronic Conditions among Multi-Ethnic Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast Cancer and Diabetes: Survivorship Impact in Medically Underserved Latinas
Motivational Interviewing training to improve communication with transition-age youth with developmental disabilities and their families
David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine
Smoking cessation at bladder cancer diagnosis: Many patients might benefit from this teachable moment
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Predictors of Knowledge of the Harmfulness of Tobacco Use in Bladder Cancer Survivors
Incorporation of tobacco screening into urologic care in the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Davidson College
DB Consulting
DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority
de Beaumont Foundation
De Sales University
Deakin University
deBeaumont Foundation
Philanthropy's Role in Advocacy and Policy Change
The ACA and Philanthropy: Strategies to Support Implementation
The Next Transformation in American Healthcare: Aligning Health and Healthcare
Practical Playbook: A Tool to Facilitate Integration and Progress Upstream
Infrastructural and Governance Characteristics of local health departments associated with their use of health informatics
The ACA and Philanthropy: Strategies to Support Implementation
The Next Transformation in American Healthcare: Aligning Health and Healthcare
Practical Playbook: A Tool to Facilitate Integration and Progress Upstream
Infrastructural and Governance Characteristics of local health departments associated with their use of health informatics
Debra Guthmann Ed.D. Consultant
Debrecen-Nyiregyhaza University
Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
Deisell & Regional Medical Center
Deisell & The Regional Medical Center
Delaware Department of Education
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Delaware Department of Services for Children
Delaware General Health District
Delaware Psychiatric Center
Deloitte Consulting
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Denison University
Denver Health
Denver Health and Hospital Authority
Denver Housing Authority
Denver Public Health
Denver Public Health Department
Department for Public Health
Department of Health and Hospitals Louisiana Office of Public Health STD/HIV Program
Department of Agriculture
Department of Applied Behavioral Science, University of Kansas
Analyzing the Effects of Different Signs to Increase the Availability of Van Designated Accessible Parking Spaces
An Experimental Analysis of an Online and In Person Training on Self-Advocacy Skills for Requesting ADA Accommodations
Use of the Community Tool Box to build capacity within Centers for Independent Living
An Experimental Analysis of an Online and In Person Training on Self-Advocacy Skills for Requesting ADA Accommodations
Use of the Community Tool Box to build capacity within Centers for Independent Living
Department of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of Iowa
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy
Department of Communication at Tel-Aviv Univerity
Department of Community & Behavioral Health College of Public Health
Department of Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health
Department of Defense
Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Department of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Department of Health and Hospitals
Department of Health and Hospitals Louisiana Office of Public Health STD/HIV Program
Determination of HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection in Louisiana 2002-2012 through state disease registry matching
Using a street outreach survey for syphilis messaging and HIV/STD prevention in Louisiana
Hepatitis C Prevalence Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in New Orleans
Missed Opportunities for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
Demographic and Behavioral Risk Profile of Injection Drug Using Subgroups in New Orleans
Using a street outreach survey for syphilis messaging and HIV/STD prevention in Louisiana
Hepatitis C Prevalence Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in New Orleans
Missed Opportunities for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
Demographic and Behavioral Risk Profile of Injection Drug Using Subgroups in New Orleans
Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Public Health
Department of Health and Human Services
Leading Health Indicators Demonstration
Education Materials on Multiple Chronic Conditions for the Healthcare Workforce: What Exists and What is Needed?
Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Health Interview Study Project: Community Engagement Strategies to Educate Stakeholders and Promote the Project
Promoting positive health outcomes among justice-involved individuals through timely care coordination: Evidence from the HIV/AIDS Health Improvement for Re-Entering Ex-Offenders (HIRE) initiative
Providing Care to Pediatric Patients in EMS: Are We Improving as a Nation?
Community level data capacity building: Supporting Community Based Organizations to Access and Utilize Data
Education Materials on Multiple Chronic Conditions for the Healthcare Workforce: What Exists and What is Needed?
Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Health Interview Study Project: Community Engagement Strategies to Educate Stakeholders and Promote the Project
Promoting positive health outcomes among justice-involved individuals through timely care coordination: Evidence from the HIV/AIDS Health Improvement for Re-Entering Ex-Offenders (HIRE) initiative
Providing Care to Pediatric Patients in EMS: Are We Improving as a Nation?
Community level data capacity building: Supporting Community Based Organizations to Access and Utilize Data
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Assistant Secretary for Health
Department of Health Behavior
Patient navigator and physician champion as partners in addressing racial equity issues in cancer care
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Healthcare Equity Training: An anti-racism tool for enhancing accountability for cancer care equity
Power analysis: An anti-racism tool for mapping pressure point encounters in cancer care inequities
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes
Department of Health Science, The University of Okayama
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part2: Public Health Nurses' Confidence in Their Skills and Simulated Patients' Readiness to Change
Exploring Patterns of the Body Mass Index Trajectory in Japanese Children
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part1: Perceptions of Public Health Nurses -
Exploring Patterns of the Body Mass Index Trajectory in Japanese Children
Effects of a Reflection-Based Health Guidance Skills Training Program, Part1: Perceptions of Public Health Nurses -
Department of Health Systems Management
Department of Health Systems Science
Exploring the role of hospice nursing in a surgical center for civilian victims of war
From theory to practice: Public health practitioners, academics, and advocates in relation to armed conflict and war
Integrating competencies for the prevention of war into public health curricula: Primary prevention of war work group roundtable
From theory to practice: Public health practitioners, academics, and advocates in relation to armed conflict and war
Integrating competencies for the prevention of war into public health curricula: Primary prevention of war work group roundtable
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
Department of Medicine
Do Young Indian Girls Have a Nutritional Disadvantage Compared with Boys? Regression Models Examining Disparities in Breastfeeding and Food Consumption among Indian Siblings
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Financing universal health coverage: Effects of alternative tax structures on public health systems in 89 low- and middle-income countries
What do Indian children drink when they do not receive water? Prevalence of water and alternative beverage consumption from the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey
Financing universal health coverage: Effects of alternative tax structures on public health systems in 89 low- and middle-income countries
Department of Physical Therapy
Department of Population Health Sciences
Using grades to effectively communicate health and health disparity in Wisconsin
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Preconception and Prenatal Substance Use in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events
Infant Birth Weight in the United States: The Role of Preconception Stressful Life Events and Poor Health Behaviors
Department of Psychology
Department of Public Health and Human Services
Department of Public Health, Temple University
A Multifaceted Culturally Appropriate Intervention to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Vietnamese Americans
Health beliefs mediate the effects of a cervical cancer screening intervention on uptake of the Pap smear among Vietnamese American women
Evaluation of A Randomized Controlled Intervention Trial to Increase hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination Among Underserved Vietnamese Americans
Health beliefs mediate the effects of a cervical cancer screening intervention on uptake of the Pap smear among Vietnamese American women
Evaluation of A Randomized Controlled Intervention Trial to Increase hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination Among Underserved Vietnamese Americans
Department of Veteran Affairs
Department of Veteran Affairs - VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Department of Veterans Affairs
More things they carried: Adverse childhood experiences and mental health indicators among current and former military men
Gay Acres: Urban and rural differences in health indicators among sexual minority individuals
Changes in Total and Mechanism Specific Veteran Suicide Rates by Age Group in 23 US States, 2001-2010
Measuring the Associations Between Public Education Campaigns and Use of Crisis Support Services
Gay Acres: Urban and rural differences in health indicators among sexual minority individuals
Changes in Total and Mechanism Specific Veteran Suicide Rates by Age Group in 23 US States, 2001-2010
Measuring the Associations Between Public Education Campaigns and Use of Crisis Support Services
Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Public Health (10P3A)
Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Department of Veterans Affairs, War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center
DePaul University
Sex-stratified and age-adjusted social gradients in tobacco in Argentina and Uruguay: Evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)
Multiple Health Needs of Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and Transgender Women in Western Kenya: Initial Findings and Future Directions
Criteria 2.7 and a Small, Cohort-Based MPH Program: Tales from the First Self-Study
Partnerships to Improve Research Literacy & Engagement by, for, and with Latino Communities
Developing wound care centers of excellence in Haiti through virtual clustering
Understanding the acculturative process of Latinos: The intersectionality between acculturation, Latino health, and obesity predictors
Multiple Health Needs of Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and Transgender Women in Western Kenya: Initial Findings and Future Directions
Criteria 2.7 and a Small, Cohort-Based MPH Program: Tales from the First Self-Study
Partnerships to Improve Research Literacy & Engagement by, for, and with Latino Communities
Developing wound care centers of excellence in Haiti through virtual clustering
Understanding the acculturative process of Latinos: The intersectionality between acculturation, Latino health, and obesity predictors
Dept of Behavioral Sciences, UT School of Public Health and MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dept of Global Health University Of Washington Seattle
Dept of Labor and Industries
Dept. of Behavioral Sciences,University of Kentucky
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Dept. of Nebraska Health and Human Services
Deputy Director
Deputy Diretor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Des Moines University
DeSales University
Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
"Don't [B]other These People": The Influence of Post-9/11 Public Policies and Practices on the Social Determinants of Health for Latinas and Their Families - Findings from Detroit, MI
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Experiences of Discrimination against Latinos in a Border Community Following September 11th: Implications for the Mental Health of Latinos in Detroit, MI
Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit?: Implications for reducing health inequities
Transportation Policy as Health Policy: Implications of Michigan's Driver's License Policy for Latinas in Detroit, MI
Translation and dissemination of the Walk Your Heart to Health intervention: Sustaining an evidence-based walking group intervention to promote physical activity and cardiovascular health
Detroit Medical Center
Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital
Diaspora Community Services
Dickinson College
Dignity Health, St. John's Hospitals
Dillard University
Direct clinical measures detect significant reductions in body fat in obese adolescent African American females after intensive, culturally-relevant, nutrition and behavioral intervention
Environmental and health inequities in the Lower Mississippi River Industrial Corridor
Food Access, consumption and shopping patterns in two low income neighborhoods in New Orleans
Environmental and health inequities in the Lower Mississippi River Industrial Corridor
Food Access, consumption and shopping patterns in two low income neighborhoods in New Orleans
Dillard University Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
Direct Relief
Direction de santé publique de l'Estrie
Direction de santé publique de l'Estrie (Université de Sherbrooke)
Director of Public Health Toxicology for Environment and Human Health, Inc.,
Directorate of Health
Directors of Health Promotion and Education
disAbility Research Associates, LLC
Disease Control and Epidemiology,Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services
District Health Officer
District of Columbia Department of Health
District of Columbia Department of Healthcare Finance
Diverse and Resilient, Inc.
Division of HIV and STD Programs, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Division of Infectious Diseases and Program in Global Health
Division of Intramural Population Health Research, NICHD, NIH (Retired)
Division of MCH, Maternal and CHild Health Bureau
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Bureau of Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Umeå University
Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Division of Rehabilitation Sciences
Division of Reproductive Health
Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente
Doctors for Global Health
Dongduk Women's University
Dorothy Mann Center at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
Dougherty County Health Department
Douglas County Health Department
Comparison of opt-in versus opt-out screening for sexually transmitted infections among jail inmates in a county correctional facility
Rapid HIV screening in a jail setting: Addressing perceived barriers through a pilot project
Healthy Food Purchases among Healthy Neighborhood Store customers in low income urban neighborhoods
Promoting healthy food options among Latinos: Challenges and opportunities of a corner store intervention
Rapid HIV screening in a jail setting: Addressing perceived barriers through a pilot project
Healthy Food Purchases among Healthy Neighborhood Store customers in low income urban neighborhoods
Promoting healthy food options among Latinos: Challenges and opportunities of a corner store intervention
Douglas County Public Health
Douglas County, Nebraska
Downstate Medical Center, SUNY School of Public Health
Dr. Johnny Johnson & Associates
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine at Rosalind Franklin University
DREAM Project Coalition
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi Community
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Understanding Barriers to and Facilitators of Physical Activity and Stress Management among Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City Using Qualitative Methods
Dresden Medical School, University of Dresden
Drexel University College of Medicine
Drexel School of Public Health
Drexel Univeristy School of Public Health
Drexel University
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolic Risk Factors (Chronic Disease Epidemiology)
The role of providers in sexual and reproductive health service delivery
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Adolescent and Adult Prenatal Case Management Clients: Differences in Problems and Interventions Received
More than Just Bus Fare: Critical Theory and GIS to Deconstruct Prenatal Care Travel among Low-income Urban Mothers
Translational Health Disparities Research Group: How One Nurse Practitioner Faculty Makes a difference Locally and Globally
How Public Health Institutes play a critical role in successful health policy development: A review of relevant literature and case studies
Expecting the unexpected: Assaults to EMTs/Paramedics
Occupational Hazards and Access to Health Care among Latino, Immigrant Restaurant Workers in Philadelphia
Understanding How to Support and Build Resilience within Community Leaders
Psychosocial implications of uncertainty in genomic testing of children with autism
Sexual Transmitted Infections Training: Peer Role Playing Exceeds Standardized Patient Simulation for Learning Communication Skills
A comparison of the “Fuzzy Dwyer” matching algorithm and a probabilistic matching algorithm for data linkage
Development of leadership confidence and valuing of skills: Outcomes of a national leadership program for senior academic women
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
YouthHaven: A community based approach to youth violence prevention
Motivations associated with prescription drug misuse among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Role of accessibility and affordability to healthy foods and impact on weight loss for African Americans enrolled in a pre-diabetes program
Behavioral and Social Sciences Roundtable
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Utility of systems approaches in population health and health disparities research
MEN Count: Pilot Evaluation of a Structural and Behavioral HIV Risk Reduction Program for Black Men
Healthography and Black Heterosexual Men's Sexual HIV Risk: The Role of Neighborhood Context
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Gender as an effect modifier in firefighter safety climate
Best practices for increasing dietary self-monitoring among getting people in sync (GPS) prediabetes program participants
Comparing the long-term effects of a Health At Every Size approach versus a traditional dieting intervention on disordered eating among large women
User-centered participatory design with at-risk teens of a psycho-educational mHealth interactive story to reduce risky sexual behavior
Childhood abuse, discrimination, and mental distress as risk factors for high levels of substance use and sexual risk behaviors among substance using YMSM
The role of providers in sexual and reproductive health service delivery
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Adolescent and Adult Prenatal Case Management Clients: Differences in Problems and Interventions Received
More than Just Bus Fare: Critical Theory and GIS to Deconstruct Prenatal Care Travel among Low-income Urban Mothers
Translational Health Disparities Research Group: How One Nurse Practitioner Faculty Makes a difference Locally and Globally
How Public Health Institutes play a critical role in successful health policy development: A review of relevant literature and case studies
Expecting the unexpected: Assaults to EMTs/Paramedics
Occupational Hazards and Access to Health Care among Latino, Immigrant Restaurant Workers in Philadelphia
Understanding How to Support and Build Resilience within Community Leaders
Psychosocial implications of uncertainty in genomic testing of children with autism
Sexual Transmitted Infections Training: Peer Role Playing Exceeds Standardized Patient Simulation for Learning Communication Skills
A comparison of the “Fuzzy Dwyer” matching algorithm and a probabilistic matching algorithm for data linkage
Development of leadership confidence and valuing of skills: Outcomes of a national leadership program for senior academic women
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
YouthHaven: A community based approach to youth violence prevention
Motivations associated with prescription drug misuse among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Role of accessibility and affordability to healthy foods and impact on weight loss for African Americans enrolled in a pre-diabetes program
Behavioral and Social Sciences Roundtable
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Utility of systems approaches in population health and health disparities research
MEN Count: Pilot Evaluation of a Structural and Behavioral HIV Risk Reduction Program for Black Men
Healthography and Black Heterosexual Men's Sexual HIV Risk: The Role of Neighborhood Context
Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis & Windshield Tours to Select Neighborhoods for a Neighborhood-Based Study of Black Men's Sexual HIV Risk and Protective Behaviors
Safe or Unsafe Motherhood: The Invisibility of Foreign-born Mothers in Philadelphia
Socio-ecological Determinants of Hepatitis B Screening Behavior Among Asians and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
Gender as an effect modifier in firefighter safety climate
Best practices for increasing dietary self-monitoring among getting people in sync (GPS) prediabetes program participants
Comparing the long-term effects of a Health At Every Size approach versus a traditional dieting intervention on disordered eating among large women
User-centered participatory design with at-risk teens of a psycho-educational mHealth interactive story to reduce risky sexual behavior
Childhood abuse, discrimination, and mental distress as risk factors for high levels of substance use and sexual risk behaviors among substance using YMSM
Drexel University College of Medicine
Author lessons from "Maternal stress is associated with bacterial vaginosis in human pregnancy"
Assessing the role of gender differences in dementia caregiver risk
A Cost-Benefit Analysis Simulation of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Using a Gender Analysis Framework to Explore the Role of Social Media in Health Education for Teens
Development of leadership confidence and valuing of skills: Outcomes of a national leadership program for senior academic women
Assessing the role of gender differences in dementia caregiver risk
A Cost-Benefit Analysis Simulation of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Using a Gender Analysis Framework to Explore the Role of Social Media in Health Education for Teens
Development of leadership confidence and valuing of skills: Outcomes of a national leadership program for senior academic women
Drexel University Hospital
Drexel University School of Public Health
Understanding and Building Resilience for Healthier Communities
Childhood stress: The impact of adverse childhood experiences on educational attainment among food insecure families
Preparing for Smoke-Free Policy Implementation in Public Housing Communities
Media Advocacy: Breaking through the Crowded News Cycle
Understanding How to Support and Build Resilience within Community Leaders
A systematic cross-disciplinary review of resilience at the individual, organizational, and community levels: Developing a framework for public health
A Cost-Benefit Analysis Simulation of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Discursive Representations of the Meaning of Finitude in 'Cancer Survivorship'
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
What is a Healthful Diet? – Cancer Survivors' Interpretations of Their Own Dietary Recall Data
Impact of SNAP Benefits on Outcomes of Care and Healthcare Use for Persons with Type II Diabetes
Motivations associated with prescription drug misuse among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Healthcare Providers Formative Experiences with Race and their potential influence on experiences with Black Male Patients in an Urban Hospital Environment
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Promoting healthy diet among long-term cancer survivors: Examining cancer salience and identity
Health hazard scenarios and dermal exposure risk during Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing activity
Vaccination Mandates for Healthcare Professionals - An Evaluation of How Ethical Concerns Impact Implementation
Childhood abuse, discrimination, and mental distress as risk factors for high levels of substance use and sexual risk behaviors among substance using YMSM
Childhood stress: The impact of adverse childhood experiences on educational attainment among food insecure families
Preparing for Smoke-Free Policy Implementation in Public Housing Communities
Media Advocacy: Breaking through the Crowded News Cycle
Understanding How to Support and Build Resilience within Community Leaders
A systematic cross-disciplinary review of resilience at the individual, organizational, and community levels: Developing a framework for public health
A Cost-Benefit Analysis Simulation of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Discursive Representations of the Meaning of Finitude in 'Cancer Survivorship'
Opening the Doors for Diverse Populations to Health Disparities Research: Reducing Asian Health Disparities through Research Training, Practice, and Community Partnerships
What is a Healthful Diet? – Cancer Survivors' Interpretations of Their Own Dietary Recall Data
Impact of SNAP Benefits on Outcomes of Care and Healthcare Use for Persons with Type II Diabetes
Motivations associated with prescription drug misuse among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
Using GIS mapping to inform community-based hepatitis B screening strategies
Healthcare Providers Formative Experiences with Race and their potential influence on experiences with Black Male Patients in an Urban Hospital Environment
Opening The Doors For Diverse Populations To Health Disparities Research: Reducing Health Disparities Through Research Training, Practice, And Community Partnerships with the Faith Community
Promoting healthy diet among long-term cancer survivors: Examining cancer salience and identity
Health hazard scenarios and dermal exposure risk during Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing activity
Vaccination Mandates for Healthcare Professionals - An Evaluation of How Ethical Concerns Impact Implementation
Childhood abuse, discrimination, and mental distress as risk factors for high levels of substance use and sexual risk behaviors among substance using YMSM
Drexel University School of Public Health, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Drexel University, College of Medicine
Drexel University, College of Nursing & Health Professions
Drexel University, School of Public Health
Drexel Universty
Dreyfus Health Foundation of The Rosogin Institute
Drug and Alcohol Policy Research
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
Duke & Associates, Inc.
Duke Global Health Institute
Duke University
Propensity Score Matching Using R for Public Health Research -- Fee: $275
PSM: Concepts and Issues
Introduction to R Software and Its packages for PSM
Where everybody knows your name: Frequency of attendance at drinking venues, social support, and HIV-related sexual behavior in South Africa
Influence of Neighborhood Violence and Cohesion on Maternal Depression and Maternal and Child Weight
Which Came First? The Evidence or the Law: A Look at Recent Examples of Critical Opportunities in Public Health Law
Examining systematic biases in secondary commercial data sources of food and alcohol environments: Differences across neighborhood racial and socioeconomic characteristics
Using State-based Epidemiology Data to Target Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at a Community Level
Malaria and anemia prevalence and nutritional status in Tanzania's Mvomero District: Baseline results of a cluster-randomized health experiment
Engaging the Latino Community for Recruitment into a Large Population Registry and Biorepository
Diabetes Connect: African American men's perceptions of the community health worker model for diabetes care
More than a means to an end: Spatial data architecture for a complex field-based malaria intervention trial
Using spatial analysis to choose pilot neighborhoods for diabetes intervention in Durham, NC
Building a statewide HIV surveillance and care data warehouse in North Carolina: A collaborative approach
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
One size does not fit all: An assessment of HIV linkage, retention and re-engagement programs in Southern states
Family-Building Priorities for Couples Seeking Care for Infertility
PSM: Concepts and Issues
Introduction to R Software and Its packages for PSM
Where everybody knows your name: Frequency of attendance at drinking venues, social support, and HIV-related sexual behavior in South Africa
Influence of Neighborhood Violence and Cohesion on Maternal Depression and Maternal and Child Weight
Which Came First? The Evidence or the Law: A Look at Recent Examples of Critical Opportunities in Public Health Law
Examining systematic biases in secondary commercial data sources of food and alcohol environments: Differences across neighborhood racial and socioeconomic characteristics
Using State-based Epidemiology Data to Target Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at a Community Level
Malaria and anemia prevalence and nutritional status in Tanzania's Mvomero District: Baseline results of a cluster-randomized health experiment
Engaging the Latino Community for Recruitment into a Large Population Registry and Biorepository
Diabetes Connect: African American men's perceptions of the community health worker model for diabetes care
More than a means to an end: Spatial data architecture for a complex field-based malaria intervention trial
Using spatial analysis to choose pilot neighborhoods for diabetes intervention in Durham, NC
Building a statewide HIV surveillance and care data warehouse in North Carolina: A collaborative approach
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
One size does not fit all: An assessment of HIV linkage, retention and re-engagement programs in Southern states
Family-Building Priorities for Couples Seeking Care for Infertility
Duke University Medical Center
Real changes in construction safety or smoke and mirrors?
Engaging the Latino Community for Recruitment into a Large Population Registry and Biorepository
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
When violence is “part of the job:” Effects on workers, research approaches, and researchers
Contextual Considerations: What Gets Reported as Workplace Violence in Hospitals?
Engaging the Latino Community for Recruitment into a Large Population Registry and Biorepository
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
When violence is “part of the job:” Effects on workers, research approaches, and researchers
Contextual Considerations: What Gets Reported as Workplace Violence in Hospitals?
Duke University School of Medicine
Which Came First? The Evidence or the Law: A Look at Recent Examples of Critical Opportunities in Public Health Law
Malaria and anemia prevalence and nutritional status in Tanzania's Mvomero District: Baseline results of a cluster-randomized health experiment
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
Malaria and anemia prevalence and nutritional status in Tanzania's Mvomero District: Baseline results of a cluster-randomized health experiment
Criminal offending patterns in adults with serious mental illness: Clinical characteristics and gender as key risk factors
Duke University, Duke Translational Medicine Institute
Duke University, Global Health Institute
DuPage County Health Department
DuPage Health Coalition
Define it! Design it! Do it! A Community Action Model to Address Disparities, Promote Health, and Create Positive Social Experiences in Diverse Communities
Define it! Design it! Do it! A Community Action Model to Address Disparities, Promote Health and Create Positive Social Experiences in Diverse Communities
Define it! Design it! Do it! A Community Action Model to Address Disparities, Promote Health and Create Positive Social Experiences in Diverse Communities
Duquesne University
Duquesne University School of Nursing
Dynamics Research Corporation
Dynamics Research Corporation/Engility
Dzekedzeke Research & Consultancy
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Quality of care for three HIV prevention interventions: A multi-country study in Africa
Determinants of Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries
Assessing Technical Efficiency of HIV Prevention Interventions in four African Countries