Affiliation Index: I
Affiliation Index: I

i-think Group
IAWG Coordinator
Ibis Reproductive Health
Abortion at the state level
International issues in abortion care
Conducting evidence-based advocacy to improve abortion access: Lessons from the field
Assessing the acute impact of new abortion restrictions in Texas: A qualitative policy evaluation
Documenting the impact of the Hyde Amendment on women's abortion access
Perspectives on an age restriction for over-the-counter access to oral contraceptives among women in the United States
International issues in abortion care
Conducting evidence-based advocacy to improve abortion access: Lessons from the field
Assessing the acute impact of new abortion restrictions in Texas: A qualitative policy evaluation
Documenting the impact of the Hyde Amendment on women's abortion access
Perspectives on an age restriction for over-the-counter access to oral contraceptives among women in the United States
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Sex Workers Making Selections: An SMS-based needs assessment and resource referral system
Enhancing Research Readiness of a Grassroot Community-Based Service Provider Organization through Individualized Coaching By Experienced CBPR Practitioners in EAST Harlem, New York City
Pediatric Mental Health in East Harlem Schools: Mapping An Uneven Playing Field
New York City Green Carts: Who really uses them?
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
New York City Green Carts: Is the program alleviating food deserts?
Feasibility of Implementing a Decision Support and Integrated Record-Keeping Tool in the Nurse Management of Hypertension in Rural Western Kenya
Physical activity, fruit & vegetable intake, and health related quality of life among older Chinese, Hispanics, and Blacks in New York City
Improving pregnancy outcomes in the underserved: An assessment of the impact of prenatal skilled nursing home visits in a predominantly Latino population
Enhancing Research Readiness of a Grassroot Community-Based Service Provider Organization through Individualized Coaching By Experienced CBPR Practitioners in EAST Harlem, New York City
Pediatric Mental Health in East Harlem Schools: Mapping An Uneven Playing Field
New York City Green Carts: Who really uses them?
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
New York City Green Carts: Is the program alleviating food deserts?
Feasibility of Implementing a Decision Support and Integrated Record-Keeping Tool in the Nurse Management of Hypertension in Rural Western Kenya
Physical activity, fruit & vegetable intake, and health related quality of life among older Chinese, Hispanics, and Blacks in New York City
Improving pregnancy outcomes in the underserved: An assessment of the impact of prenatal skilled nursing home visits in a predominantly Latino population
Icahn-Mount Sinai School of Medicine
ICAN Associates
ICAN National Center on Child Fatality Review
ICF International
Consistency between published results and protocols: A systematic review of HIV medication adherence interventions, 2009-2013
Is it working?:Creating a Facebook audit tool to improve communication outcomes
Collaborating with USAID to End Preventable Maternal and Child Deaths
Incorporating the Perspectives of Youth: The Role of Youth Evaluation Partners in Study Design and Implementation
Interstate 10: How place predicts birth rates
Evidence that a Smoke-free Policy at a Tribal Casino could Increase Patronage and Improve the Health of American Indians
Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) at Farmers Markets
Building the capacity of community health workers to deliver eye health information: Results of a national training effort
Insightful Visualizations: Leveraging SmokefreeTXT Data to Inform Text Based Health Programs
In the news: Bringing eye health information to mainstream media
Strategies for Retaining Youth in Longitudinal Research
Impact of a federally funded prevention program on youth suicide mortality by county
Glaucoma “en español:” Adapting educational resources for use with Hispanics/Latinos
Using Social Media To Estimate Reach and Assess Response to an HIV Television Drama in Zambia With Limited Internet Access
Saving Mothers, Giving Life Birth Plan: A Cost-Effective Option for Reducing Maternal Mortality
Is it working?:Creating a Facebook audit tool to improve communication outcomes
Collaborating with USAID to End Preventable Maternal and Child Deaths
Incorporating the Perspectives of Youth: The Role of Youth Evaluation Partners in Study Design and Implementation
Interstate 10: How place predicts birth rates
Evidence that a Smoke-free Policy at a Tribal Casino could Increase Patronage and Improve the Health of American Indians
Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) at Farmers Markets
Building the capacity of community health workers to deliver eye health information: Results of a national training effort
Insightful Visualizations: Leveraging SmokefreeTXT Data to Inform Text Based Health Programs
In the news: Bringing eye health information to mainstream media
Strategies for Retaining Youth in Longitudinal Research
Impact of a federally funded prevention program on youth suicide mortality by county
Glaucoma “en español:” Adapting educational resources for use with Hispanics/Latinos
Using Social Media To Estimate Reach and Assess Response to an HIV Television Drama in Zambia With Limited Internet Access
Saving Mothers, Giving Life Birth Plan: A Cost-Effective Option for Reducing Maternal Mortality
ICF International/MCHIP
Idaho State University
Idaho State University-Meridian Health Science Center
IH section APHA
Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois College
Illinois College of Optometry
Illinois Department of Human Services
Illinois Department of Public Health
Achieving Health Equity in a Hostile Environment
Aligning Perspective to Eliminate Health Inequity - Faith and Public Health Collaboration
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Statewide collaborative to reduce early elective deliveries
Bringing together Faith and Public Health Leaders to Eliminate Health Disparities
Comparison of birth certificate and hospital discharge data to identify early elective deliveries
Aligning Perspective to Eliminate Health Inequity - Faith and Public Health Collaboration
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program: The role and value of public-private partnerships
Statewide collaborative to reduce early elective deliveries
Bringing together Faith and Public Health Leaders to Eliminate Health Disparities
Comparison of birth certificate and hospital discharge data to identify early elective deliveries
Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition
Illinois Public Health Institute
Illinois State Museum
Illinois State University
IMA World Health
Community Involvement in Mass Drug Administration: Haiti's Key to Reaching Neglected Tropical Disease Elimination by 2020
Community Integrated Child HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Clinic: The Experience of Lushoto District Hospital in Tanzania
Strengthening local health systems to address Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) morbidity in a resource limited setting: A morbidity management project in the Lindi region of Tanzania
Using VIA to screen for cervical cancer among HIV-infected women in Tanzania
Community Integrated Child HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Clinic: The Experience of Lushoto District Hospital in Tanzania
Strengthening local health systems to address Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) morbidity in a resource limited setting: A morbidity management project in the Lindi region of Tanzania
Using VIA to screen for cervical cancer among HIV-infected women in Tanzania
Immediate Past-President, World Federation of Public Health Associations
Impacto y estrategias en Salud Comunitaria
IMPAQ International
IMPAQ International, LLC
In Black Print, Inc
Independant Consultant
Independent (Consultant) and Tufts University (Adjunct Faculty)
Independent Consultant
Health in All Policies (HiAP) Public Health Approaches
Lifecourse Trajectories of Health and Wellbeing for African American Males
Providing comprehensive and standardized breast health training in reproductive health centers: Results from a Planned Parenthood train-the-trainer program
Louisiana Charity (LSU) Hospital System and the Impact of Privatization on Cost, Access and Quality
IUC for EC: Beliefs and practices among reproductive health center staff
Strategies to Improve Access to LARC: Focus on Advocacy for Appropriate Reimbursement
Ten Years Later: Results from a Performance Evaluation of the USAID/Mali health portfolio (2003 to 2013)
Peer Review Processes in Health Impact Assessments: A Survey of Practitioners and Development of a Framework
Lifecourse Trajectories of Health and Wellbeing for African American Males
Providing comprehensive and standardized breast health training in reproductive health centers: Results from a Planned Parenthood train-the-trainer program
Louisiana Charity (LSU) Hospital System and the Impact of Privatization on Cost, Access and Quality
IUC for EC: Beliefs and practices among reproductive health center staff
Strategies to Improve Access to LARC: Focus on Advocacy for Appropriate Reimbursement
Ten Years Later: Results from a Performance Evaluation of the USAID/Mali health portfolio (2003 to 2013)
Peer Review Processes in Health Impact Assessments: A Survey of Practitioners and Development of a Framework
Independent evaluation consultant
Independent Health Systems/Health Reform Consultant
Independent healthcare consultant
Indian Health Service
AIANNH Caucus Executive Board Meeting
AIANNH Caucus General Business & Membership Meeting
By the Numbers: Integrating Culture, Context, & Data to Improve Indigenous Health
Weaving Tradition with Data: Public Health Strategies to Advance Indigenous Health
Sacred Spaces & Health: Strengthening Public Health Prevention with Culture & Tradition
Indigenous Solutions in Public Health: Using Research, Practice, & Theory to Build Resilient Communities
Longitudinal patterns of stages of change for exercise and lifestyle intervention outcomes
Bringing Baby-Friendly to the Indian Health Service: A Systemwide Approach to Implementation
AIANNH Caucus General Business & Membership Meeting
By the Numbers: Integrating Culture, Context, & Data to Improve Indigenous Health
Weaving Tradition with Data: Public Health Strategies to Advance Indigenous Health
Sacred Spaces & Health: Strengthening Public Health Prevention with Culture & Tradition
Indigenous Solutions in Public Health: Using Research, Practice, & Theory to Build Resilient Communities
Longitudinal patterns of stages of change for exercise and lifestyle intervention outcomes
Bringing Baby-Friendly to the Indian Health Service: A Systemwide Approach to Implementation
Indian Health Services
Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology-Gandhinagar
Indian Nursing Council
Indian Society for Lead Awareness and Research (INSLAR)
Indiana Minority Health Coalition
Understanding STD Screening and Management in Indiana Community Health Centers
An examination of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors related to vaccination and testing practices for seasonal influenza and viral hepatitis B & C in Native American populations residing in Indiana
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
An examination of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors related to vaccination and testing practices for seasonal influenza and viral hepatitis B & C in Native American populations residing in Indiana
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Indiana Prevention Resource Center
Indiana Public Health Association
Indiana State Department of Health
Indiana State University
Indiana Univeresity, Bloomington
Indiana University
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
PHN/ACHNE Board Meeting
Health Impact Assessment
PHN Education Bridging the Divide
Role of travel in the lives of people after spinal cord injury
Pharmacy-based HIV Testing vs Over-the-counter HIV Tests: Preferences of Gay and Bisexual Men
Intimate partner violence among delivery-related discharges in the United States and its impact on maternal-fetal pregnancy outcomes. HCUP (NIS), 2002-2009
Investing in Doulas: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Which benefit should we emphasize? Health or energy? An analysis of perceived advantages of eating fruit and vegetables
Examining patient/provider communication among a national sample of young men who have sex with men
NICHD Global Network Antenatal Corticosteroids Trials (ACT)
Entry Level Baccalaureate Nursing Students as Health Coaches
A High-Fidelity Training Simulation in Disaster Triage for Undergraduate Community Health Nursing Students
Engaging Entry Level Undergraduate Nursing Students in Population Health
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
Effectiveness of the State Legislation on School Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity:The Case of Mississippi
Geographic Variation in the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) of US Counties
Associated Characteristics of Serious Leisure among National Senior Games Participants
Gender Differences in a Social Stress Model Predicting Addiction Severity after Substance Abuse Treatment
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
A comparison of health science and non-health science college majors regarding indoor and outdoor tanning based on health belief model constructs
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Consideration of Employee Mental Health in Worksite Wellness Programs: Findings at a Large, Midwestern University
Suicidal ideation in medical undergraduates: Do gender and where you grew up matter?
Using social determinants of health to visualize comparative “lived experience” in urban neighborhoods
Impact of environmental factors on participation of people with mobility impairments in travel: A self-determination perspective
Screening scores and clinical markers: A step toward integration of behavioral health and primary care
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Pharmacological treatment for diabetes and cognitive impairment in older diabetic adults
Impact of Gender, Individual/Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status (SES), and Race/Ethnicity on Body Mass Index Trajectories among the U.S. Middle-aged and Older Adults
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
Utilizing photo elicitation to investigate determinants influencing nutritional behaviors in college students
What's happening in the middle and high school sexuality education classroom in a “generally” sex-positive rural community: Where you live impacts what students learn
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Neighborhood brownfield redevelopment: A health impact assessment in Indianapolis
Feasibility of generating community health measures based on geospatially-enabled electronic health records
Investigating the Beliefs and Knowledge of Female Midwestern College Students Regarding the HPV Vaccine
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
Chasing the monkey: Fighting prescription opioid abuse in the Midwest
Health Impact Assessment Education Programs and Standarized Curriculum
Patient and Clinician Characteristics That Predict the Likelihood of Chlamydia Screening among Women in the US
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
Public Health Nursing Section Business Meeting
PHN/ACHNE Board Meeting
Health Impact Assessment
PHN Education Bridging the Divide
Role of travel in the lives of people after spinal cord injury
Pharmacy-based HIV Testing vs Over-the-counter HIV Tests: Preferences of Gay and Bisexual Men
Intimate partner violence among delivery-related discharges in the United States and its impact on maternal-fetal pregnancy outcomes. HCUP (NIS), 2002-2009
Investing in Doulas: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Which benefit should we emphasize? Health or energy? An analysis of perceived advantages of eating fruit and vegetables
Examining patient/provider communication among a national sample of young men who have sex with men
NICHD Global Network Antenatal Corticosteroids Trials (ACT)
Entry Level Baccalaureate Nursing Students as Health Coaches
A High-Fidelity Training Simulation in Disaster Triage for Undergraduate Community Health Nursing Students
Engaging Entry Level Undergraduate Nursing Students in Population Health
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
Effectiveness of the State Legislation on School Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity:The Case of Mississippi
Geographic Variation in the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) of US Counties
Associated Characteristics of Serious Leisure among National Senior Games Participants
Gender Differences in a Social Stress Model Predicting Addiction Severity after Substance Abuse Treatment
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
A comparison of health science and non-health science college majors regarding indoor and outdoor tanning based on health belief model constructs
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Consideration of Employee Mental Health in Worksite Wellness Programs: Findings at a Large, Midwestern University
Suicidal ideation in medical undergraduates: Do gender and where you grew up matter?
Using social determinants of health to visualize comparative “lived experience” in urban neighborhoods
Impact of environmental factors on participation of people with mobility impairments in travel: A self-determination perspective
Screening scores and clinical markers: A step toward integration of behavioral health and primary care
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Pharmacological treatment for diabetes and cognitive impairment in older diabetic adults
Impact of Gender, Individual/Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status (SES), and Race/Ethnicity on Body Mass Index Trajectories among the U.S. Middle-aged and Older Adults
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
Utilizing photo elicitation to investigate determinants influencing nutritional behaviors in college students
What's happening in the middle and high school sexuality education classroom in a “generally” sex-positive rural community: Where you live impacts what students learn
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Neighborhood brownfield redevelopment: A health impact assessment in Indianapolis
Feasibility of generating community health measures based on geospatially-enabled electronic health records
Investigating the Beliefs and Knowledge of Female Midwestern College Students Regarding the HPV Vaccine
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
Chasing the monkey: Fighting prescription opioid abuse in the Midwest
Health Impact Assessment Education Programs and Standarized Curriculum
Patient and Clinician Characteristics That Predict the Likelihood of Chlamydia Screening among Women in the US
Indiana University at Bloomington
Indiana University Bloomington
Analytical Predictive Factors for Traffic Safety Consciousness of College Students in Thailand
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
Effectiveness of the State Legislation on School Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity:The Case of Mississippi
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
Effectiveness of the State Legislation on School Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity:The Case of Mississippi
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Indiana University Center for Sexual Health Promotion
Indiana University Fairbanks School of Public Health
Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
Health Impact Assessment
NEW! Rising Stars: Student Abstracts
Innovations in Population-Based Preventive Oral Health: Examples from State and Local Health Department’s Effort
Acculturative stress and depression among Latino adolescents living in a midwestern metropolitan area with an emerging Latino population
Assessing the health of a rural community: A community health assessment for Rush County, Indiana
Factors affecting survival in head-on vehicle collisions
Health Impact of Locating a Full Service Grocery in a Low Income Urban Neighborhood
Reducing health disparities for rural and urban communities via tools of implementation science and an innovative academic partnership focused on inter-professional education
Using the housing first model (HFM) fidelity index to evaluate the current supportive housing system in Indiana
Effect of automation of communicable disease reports on public health surveillance
Emergence of social determinants in conversations about health with an urban Latino population
Development of an evaluation protocol for NAMI's Connection facilitator training program: A class project
Public health campaigns and social marketing strategies: An academic-practice partnership
Latino immigrant parents of adolescents: Need for parenting support
NEW! Rising Stars: Student Abstracts
Innovations in Population-Based Preventive Oral Health: Examples from State and Local Health Department’s Effort
Acculturative stress and depression among Latino adolescents living in a midwestern metropolitan area with an emerging Latino population
Assessing the health of a rural community: A community health assessment for Rush County, Indiana
Factors affecting survival in head-on vehicle collisions
Health Impact of Locating a Full Service Grocery in a Low Income Urban Neighborhood
Reducing health disparities for rural and urban communities via tools of implementation science and an innovative academic partnership focused on inter-professional education
Using the housing first model (HFM) fidelity index to evaluate the current supportive housing system in Indiana
Effect of automation of communicable disease reports on public health surveillance
Emergence of social determinants in conversations about health with an urban Latino population
Development of an evaluation protocol for NAMI's Connection facilitator training program: A class project
Public health campaigns and social marketing strategies: An academic-practice partnership
Latino immigrant parents of adolescents: Need for parenting support
Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI
Acculturative stress and depression among Latino adolescents living in a midwestern metropolitan area with an emerging Latino population
Consideration of Employee Mental Health in Worksite Wellness Programs: Findings at a Large, Midwestern University
Using social determinants of health to visualize comparative “lived experience” in urban neighborhoods
Emergence of social determinants in conversations about health with an urban Latino population
Latino immigrant parents of adolescents: Need for parenting support
Consideration of Employee Mental Health in Worksite Wellness Programs: Findings at a Large, Midwestern University
Using social determinants of health to visualize comparative “lived experience” in urban neighborhoods
Emergence of social determinants in conversations about health with an urban Latino population
Latino immigrant parents of adolescents: Need for parenting support
Indiana University School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Indiana University School of Medicine
Event-level analysis of factors associated with condom use during coitus among female sex workers
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Reducing health disparities for rural and urban communities via tools of implementation science and an innovative academic partnership focused on inter-professional education
Using the housing first model (HFM) fidelity index to evaluate the current supportive housing system in Indiana
Area-level incarceration and STI risk among a cohort of justice-involved adolescents and adults
Sex in the CBO: Community Based Organizations as Avenues for Addressing Sexual Health
Behaviorally Bisexual Women's Experiences of Perceived Discrimination from Heterosexual and Gay/Lesbian Individuals
Sexual Behaviors, Sex Toy and Condom Use Reported by Women who have Sex with Women and Men (WSWM)
Daily diary examination of internet use, sexual behavior, and sexual health among gay and bisexually identified men
Screening scores and clinical markers: A step toward integration of behavioral health and primary care
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
Feasibility of Implementing a Decision Support and Integrated Record-Keeping Tool in the Nurse Management of Hypertension in Rural Western Kenya
Feasibility of generating community health measures based on geospatially-enabled electronic health records
Experiences of Pleasure & Satisfaction in a Sample of Young Black Same-Gender Loving Men (YBSGLM)
Using GPS-enabled cell phones to examine adolescent travel patterns and exposure to alcohol outlets
Substance Use and First Same-sex Sexual Experiences (FSSSE) in Young Black Same Gender Loving Adolescents (YBSGLAs)
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Reducing health disparities for rural and urban communities via tools of implementation science and an innovative academic partnership focused on inter-professional education
Using the housing first model (HFM) fidelity index to evaluate the current supportive housing system in Indiana
Area-level incarceration and STI risk among a cohort of justice-involved adolescents and adults
Sex in the CBO: Community Based Organizations as Avenues for Addressing Sexual Health
Behaviorally Bisexual Women's Experiences of Perceived Discrimination from Heterosexual and Gay/Lesbian Individuals
Sexual Behaviors, Sex Toy and Condom Use Reported by Women who have Sex with Women and Men (WSWM)
Daily diary examination of internet use, sexual behavior, and sexual health among gay and bisexually identified men
Screening scores and clinical markers: A step toward integration of behavioral health and primary care
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Assessment Tool for Optimizing Linkage to Hypertension Care in Kenya: The LARK Study
Feasibility of Implementing a Decision Support and Integrated Record-Keeping Tool in the Nurse Management of Hypertension in Rural Western Kenya
Feasibility of generating community health measures based on geospatially-enabled electronic health records
Experiences of Pleasure & Satisfaction in a Sample of Young Black Same-Gender Loving Men (YBSGLM)
Using GPS-enabled cell phones to examine adolescent travel patterns and exposure to alcohol outlets
Substance Use and First Same-sex Sexual Experiences (FSSSE) in Young Black Same Gender Loving Adolescents (YBSGLAs)
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
Indiana University School of Medicine & Regenstrief Institute
Indiana University School of Nursing
Indiana University School of Public Health
Indiana University School of Public Health- Bloomington
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington
Pharmacy-based HIV Testing vs Over-the-counter HIV Tests: Preferences of Gay and Bisexual Men
Understanding STD Screening and Management in Indiana Community Health Centers
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
A comparison of health science and non-health science college majors regarding indoor and outdoor tanning based on health belief model constructs
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Comparing perceptions of how many peers' and friends' use alcohol: Associations with middle adolescents' own alcohol use
Measuring Accreditation Activity and Progress: Findings from a survey of Indiana local health departments
Influence of clinician counseling on contraceptive method choice among a sample of women initiating birth control
Understanding STD Screening and Management in Indiana Community Health Centers
Setting rules to improve healthy behavior: The relationship between family rules and children's demographics, dietary and sedentary activities, and weight status
Impact of multicomponent and multi-year school-based obesity prevention intervention on fruit and vegetable intake among elementary and secondary school children
A comparison of health science and non-health science college majors regarding indoor and outdoor tanning based on health belief model constructs
SuperFood HEROES: The impact of a school-based vegetable taste testing program on elementary school students' taste preferences
Implementing and evaluating a school-based childhood obesity prevention intervention with a community-university partnership: Lessons learned from the HEROES Initiative
Institutional and structural barriers to HIV testing: Elements for a theoretical framework
Comparing perceptions of how many peers' and friends' use alcohol: Associations with middle adolescents' own alcohol use
Measuring Accreditation Activity and Progress: Findings from a survey of Indiana local health departments
Influence of clinician counseling on contraceptive method choice among a sample of women initiating birth control
Indiana University School of Social Work
Indiana University Southeast
Indiana University SPH - Bloomington
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana University, Bloomington.
Which benefit should we emphasize? Health or energy? An analysis of perceived advantages of eating fruit and vegetables
How do we engage health professionals in supporting exclusive breastfeeding by mothers of young infants? A behavior analysis using the Reasoned Action Approach
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
How do we engage health professionals in supporting exclusive breastfeeding by mothers of young infants? A behavior analysis using the Reasoned Action Approach
How do we know when we should tailor an intervention? Using the Reasoned Action Approach to compare adults to youth on their beliefs about eating fruits and vegetables
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization
Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing, Indianapolis, IN;
Indiana University, School of Public Health
Indiana University-Bloomington
Exploring careers in population, reproductive, and sexual health
Positive sex: Exploring the sexual lives and experiences of MSM living with HIV
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Behaviorally Bisexual Women's Experiences of Perceived Discrimination from Heterosexual and Gay/Lesbian Individuals
Sexual Behaviors, Sex Toy and Condom Use Reported by Women who have Sex with Women and Men (WSWM)
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Sexual Behaviors and Condom Use among Behaviorally Bisexual Men in Mumbai, India: Priorities for HIV/STI Prevention
What's happening in the middle and high school sexuality education classroom in a “generally” sex-positive rural community: Where you live impacts what students learn
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Positive sex: Exploring the sexual lives and experiences of MSM living with HIV
Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Health Practices, and Community Engagement Among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men living in Rural Areas of the United States
Sex and Pregnancy: A Descriptive Analysis of Partnered and Solo Sexual Activity among Two Samples of Women
Behaviorally Bisexual Women's Experiences of Perceived Discrimination from Heterosexual and Gay/Lesbian Individuals
Sexual Behaviors, Sex Toy and Condom Use Reported by Women who have Sex with Women and Men (WSWM)
Sexual Aggression and Victimization among a Sample of Puerto Rican IDU Women
Sexual Behaviors and Condom Use among Behaviorally Bisexual Men in Mumbai, India: Priorities for HIV/STI Prevention
What's happening in the middle and high school sexuality education classroom in a “generally” sex-positive rural community: Where you live impacts what students learn
Frequency, Reasons for, and Perceptions of Lubricant Use among a Nationally Representative Sample of Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States
STI testing practices: WSW compared to WSM and WSWM
Indiana Unvierstiy
Indigenous Wellness Research Institute National Center of Excellence
Indira Ghandi Medical School
Inflexxion, Inc
How Can Prescription Monitoring Programs Prevent Overdose?: A national survey of Prescription Monitoring and Injury Prevention Program Coordinators
Synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and illicitly synthesized opioids: Use prevalence, risk perception, and risk reduction behaviors among people who use internet drug discussion forums
Chronic pain disparities and addiction: Medical and nonmedical prescription opioid use among people with substance use disorder ageing with HIV, cancer, and diabetes
Synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and illicitly synthesized opioids: Use prevalence, risk perception, and risk reduction behaviors among people who use internet drug discussion forums
Chronic pain disparities and addiction: Medical and nonmedical prescription opioid use among people with substance use disorder ageing with HIV, cancer, and diabetes
Information Management Services, Inc
Information Management Services, Inc.
Overview of SEER*Stat
SEER*Stat Sessions, basics and case listing
SEER*Stat frequency analyses
SEER*Stat rates analyses, Overview of age-adjusted rates and rate sessions
County attributes, case listing and rate exercises
Health Disparities Calculator
SEER*Stat survival analyses
Limited-duration prevalence
Multiple primary standardized incidence ratios
SEER*Stat left-truncated life table analyses
SEER*Stat left-truncated life table analyses-Continued
SEER*Stat Sessions, basics and case listing
SEER*Stat frequency analyses
SEER*Stat rates analyses, Overview of age-adjusted rates and rate sessions
County attributes, case listing and rate exercises
Health Disparities Calculator
SEER*Stat survival analyses
Limited-duration prevalence
Multiple primary standardized incidence ratios
SEER*Stat left-truncated life table analyses
SEER*Stat left-truncated life table analyses-Continued
Inha University
Injury Prevention Research Center, College of Public Health, University of Iowa
Inland Empire Health Plan
InnVision Shelter Network
Inova Fairfax Hospital Women's Center
Inova Health System
Inova Translational Medicine Institute
Insight Policy Research
INSIGHT: Innovative Social Change in Global Health
Insights Consulting, Inc.
A quantitative analysis of beliefs and behaviors associated with Black adults' participation in cancer research
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Evaluating the effects of revised breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines on Black women's cancer screening behavior
Addressing Cancer Health Disparities through Community Assessment and Action: Impact of a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership in South Carolina
Institut National de Santé Publique
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Institute for Alternative Futures
Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
Institute for Community Health
Compass Project: A Community-Based Approach to Homeless Youth Prevention and Early Intervention
Developing effective primary care teams at an urban safety-net system: Predictors of operating as a real team and implications for PCMH development
Assessing stakeholder engagement: An evaluation of the Health and Medical Coordinating Coalitions Planning and Facilitation project
Developing effective primary care teams at an urban safety-net system: Predictors of operating as a real team and implications for PCMH development
Assessing stakeholder engagement: An evaluation of the Health and Medical Coordinating Coalitions Planning and Facilitation project
Institute for Community Research
Institute for Families in Society
Quality Improvement Strategies: Bridging Geographical Needs of Diverse Medicaid Recipients Served by CHW Primary Care Practice
Factors associated with prescription opiate use among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
A Healthography approach: Mapping maternal and child health data to more effectively target local needs
Lessons learned by a state Medicaid agency after reimbursement of SBIRT for pregnant clients
CHW HeART: South Carolina's Medicaid Response to Bridging Health and Geographical Disparities with Community Health Workers
Impact of a public-private partnership to improve the health of mothers and newborns by decreasing early elective deliveries
Factors associated with prescription opiate use among pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid
A Healthography approach: Mapping maternal and child health data to more effectively target local needs
Lessons learned by a state Medicaid agency after reimbursement of SBIRT for pregnant clients
CHW HeART: South Carolina's Medicaid Response to Bridging Health and Geographical Disparities with Community Health Workers
Impact of a public-private partnership to improve the health of mothers and newborns by decreasing early elective deliveries
Institute for Family Health
Institute for Family Health NY
Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well Being
Institute for Health and Environment
Institute for Health Research and Policy
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Medicine and Public Health, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Institute for Minority Health Research
Institute for Public Health Innovation
Community-based health workforce: Application of the Collective Impact framework
Community health worker peer-to-peer education: A method for addressing barriers to data collection utilization, improving data quality, and developing leadership
Total Health Partners: A pilot strategy facilitated by Community Health Workers to increase retention in medical care through the integration of training on mental health and wellness, housing, and financial capability
Community health worker peer-to-peer education: A method for addressing barriers to data collection utilization, improving data quality, and developing leadership
Total Health Partners: A pilot strategy facilitated by Community Health Workers to increase retention in medical care through the integration of training on mental health and wellness, housing, and financial capability
Institute of Alcohol Studies
Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Institute of Medicine
Institute of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Workshop
Place and Health, Policy and Partnerships: Highlights from the Workshops of the Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Population Health Improvement
ACA and implications for improving population health: Opportunities to move beyond the clinical
Applying a health lens to non-health policy-making: Building relationships and finding co-benefits
How social movements can inform and inspire the work of population health improvement
Paying for population health improvement: Health care and other private sector models
Place and Health, Policy and Partnerships: Highlights from the Workshops of the Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Population Health Improvement
ACA and implications for improving population health: Opportunities to move beyond the clinical
Applying a health lens to non-health policy-making: Building relationships and finding co-benefits
How social movements can inform and inspire the work of population health improvement
Paying for population health improvement: Health care and other private sector models
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Institute of Neurotoxicology & Neurological Disorders
Institute of Psychiatry IPq HCFMUSP
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London
Institute of Public Health - University of Porto
Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto
Rural and Urban Cape Verde: Differences in the prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk factors in an African country
Eligibility for PrEP among members of a HIV-negative MSM Portuguese Cohort
Effect of neighborhood socioeconomic context in prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in women delivering in Portugal
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: The 6-months results of a community-directed treatment intervention in Caxito, Angola
Forgone healthcare and intimate partner violence: A study in six European urban centres
Late HIV presentation in men who have sex with men in Portugal: Are there target groups for testing promotion?
Eligibility for PrEP among members of a HIV-negative MSM Portuguese Cohort
Effect of neighborhood socioeconomic context in prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in women delivering in Portugal
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: The 6-months results of a community-directed treatment intervention in Caxito, Angola
Forgone healthcare and intimate partner violence: A study in six European urban centres
Late HIV presentation in men who have sex with men in Portugal: Are there target groups for testing promotion?
Institute of Social and Economic Research
Institute of Social Medicine - State University of Rio de Janeiro
Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies
Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies
Institute on Disability and Human Development
A comparison of health and behavioral outcomes of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) who moved to a Community Integrated Living Arrangement or remained at a State Operated Developmental Center
Development of a Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) for Measuring Accessibility and Inclusion of Physical Activity and Food Environments
Development of a Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) for Measuring Accessibility and Inclusion of Physical Activity and Food Environments
Instituto de Psiquiatría, Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz
Instituto do Cancer do Estado de Sao Paulo (ICESP)
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
Interventions to cut ambient and household air pollution could impact health inequities: The experience of the INSP, Mexico
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
HPV Co-infections Associated with Genital Warts: Machine Learning Approach
Accuracy of mother vs. child report of child food insecurity
Technical efficiency and its relation to health providers' competence and scale of production of HTC services in Africa: A multi-country cost and quality of care study
HPV Co-infections Associated with Genital Warts: Machine Learning Approach
Accuracy of mother vs. child report of child food insecurity
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Mexico
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Integrated Behavioral Health Project
Safety Net Partners: Collaborating to Create and Support Person-Centered Health Homes to Address the Needs of High Risk Community Members
Integration Highway: Bi-Directional Coordination and Integration at the Payor and Delivery System Levels
Can't We Just Talk to Each Other? Advancing Clinical Information Systems to Support Integrated Care
Managed Care as a Catalyst to Improvement: How Managed Care Plans Support Population Health, Integrated Care and Systems Change
Integration Highway: Bi-Directional Coordination and Integration at the Payor and Delivery System Levels
Can't We Just Talk to Each Other? Advancing Clinical Information Systems to Support Integrated Care
Managed Care as a Catalyst to Improvement: How Managed Care Plans Support Population Health, Integrated Care and Systems Change
Integrated Benefits Institute
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.
Interact for Health
Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association
Interim LSU Hospital
Internal Medicine Service and Gerontology Clinic
International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI)
International Center for Advanced Research and Applied Science | INCAAS
International Center for Child Health and Asset Development
International Center for Research on Women
Transforming Gender Norms, Roles, and Power Dynamics for Improving Maternal Health: A Systematic Review
Substance Use, Violence and Sexual Risk Taking Behaviour among Young Men of Urban Slum in India
Unpacking the linkages between school drop-out, pregnancy and gender inequality in the post-conflict setting of West Nile, Uganda
Substance Use, Violence and Sexual Risk Taking Behaviour among Young Men of Urban Slum in India
Unpacking the linkages between school drop-out, pregnancy and gender inequality in the post-conflict setting of West Nile, Uganda
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, icddrb
International Chemical Workers Union Council/UFCW
International Community Health Services
International Health Connection
International Health Organization (IHO)
International Labour Organization
International Lactation Consultant Association
International Medical Corps
International Potato Center
International Relief and Development
International Rescue Committee
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
International Society of Arboriculture
International Union, UAW
UAW Collaboration with the Blue -Green Alliance to Combat Occupational Breast Cancer
Application of New Exposure Assessment Measures and Hierarchy of Controls to Reduce Occupational Exposure to Carcinogens
Efforts to eliminate carcinogens at a UAW-represented workplace where a large number of cancer cases has been identified
Application of New Exposure Assessment Measures and Hierarchy of Controls to Reduce Occupational Exposure to Carcinogens
Efforts to eliminate carcinogens at a UAW-represented workplace where a large number of cancer cases has been identified
IntraHealth International
Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health
Invest in Kids
Iowa City VA Health Care Center
Iowa City VA Health Care System, Department of Internal Medicine- University of Iowa
Iowa City VAHealth Care Center, University of Iowa Department of Psychiatry
Iowa Public Health Association
Iowa State Univeristy
Iowa State University
Evaluation of the Youth Focused Social Network Initiative: A pilot project to improve young people's knowledge of and skills in accessing comprehensive abortion care in Nepal
Introduction and scale-up of legal abortion in Ethiopia: Strong results in under 10 years
Accreditation of private sector health facilities for provision of Comprehensive Abortion Care Services: A new initiative of the state government of Bihar, India
Engaging police to improve access to safe abortion
Introduction and scale-up of legal abortion in Ethiopia: Strong results in under 10 years
Accreditation of private sector health facilities for provision of Comprehensive Abortion Care Services: A new initiative of the state government of Bihar, India
Engaging police to improve access to safe abortion
Ipas Ethiopia
IQ Solutions
Iraq Veterans Against the War
IRET-SALTRA Universidsd Nacional (Costa Rica)
Israel Ministry of Health
Istanbul University
IU Fairbanks School of Public Health
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI
Using Law to Change the Way We Think About Advancing Health
Linguistic cues via the telephone and Black parents' access to well child visits
HIV/AIDS- related stigma and testing behavior among Nigerian college students
Psychosocial correlates of intention to receive seasonal influenza vaccination among African immigrants
Linguistic cues via the telephone and Black parents' access to well child visits
HIV/AIDS- related stigma and testing behavior among Nigerian college students
Psychosocial correlates of intention to receive seasonal influenza vaccination among African immigrants
IVO Addiction Research Institute / Erasmus Medical Centre
IVO Addiction Research Institute / Erasmus Medical Centre / Maastricht University Department of Health Promotion