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Author Index: P
Pabon-Cruz, K.
Factors associated with smoking initiation among middle and high school students in Puerto Rico, 2002-2004
Pacheco, G.
BackPack and CLAS-ACT: Eliminating disparities in clinical trials
Improving health communication for LEP patients: The Health Care Language Services Implementation Guide
Pacheco, I.
Community of wellness: A coalition impacting social, political and economic contributors to health disparities in one community
Pacheco, J. R.
Implications of elevated temperatures in health surveillance
Paciello, S.
Identification of critical control points and risk factors during preparation of ‘Chicken and Salad' meal by low-income latina meal preparers
Paciotti, B.
A geographical analysis of ambulatory care sensitive conditions among racial/ethnic groups within California counties
Day for night: Hospital admissions for day surgery patients
Pack, R.
Criminology and Public Health: Toward Common Ground
Perceived racial misclassification: Implications for health
Substance Use, Age of Initiation, and Suicidal Behaviors: A Multi-Substance Comparison of Risk
Pack, R.
Mechanisms for prescription drug abuse in Appalachia: Preliminary data from inpatient prescription drug abusers
Paddock, G. L.
Best Practices in a Latent Tuberculosis Infection Program
Padgett, D.
Community assets as protective factors for preventing youth violence
Padierne, A.
A qualitative analysis of reasons associated with the initiation of injection among a cohort of Hispanic injectors in South Florida
Padilla-Frausto, D. I.
Will the real economic security please stand up? The Elder Standard versus the federal poverty line in California
Padilla, K.
Defending against abortion restrictions across borders: Fighting the abortion ban in Nicaragua
Padilla, L. F.
Advanced Access: Implementation and Outcomes in an Urban Community Health Center
Padilla, S. K.
Oregon's public/private partnership for breast and cervical cancer screening
Pagán, J. A.
Health-related quality of life and success in chronic disease prevention programs
Pagano, M.
Large Country – Lot Quality Assurance Sampling: Health surveys for local and regional program management
Page, C.
Impairment and abuse of older adults in long-term care in Michigan: Evidence from structural equation modeling
Page, J. B.
Effects of Service Learning Strategies on Developing the Overtown Cookbook
Implementing the Chronic Care Model of Mental Health in Primary Care: The Mental Healthcare Improvement Project (MHIP)
Mental Healthcare Improvement Project: A Case Study of Implementation Science in Primary Care
Page, M. C.
Mapping physical activity opportunities and fruit and vegetable outlets to area-level characteristics
Pahl, A. S.
Improving access to health care for all Vermonters: Assessing knowledge about Catamount Health
Paice, P.
Adherence to antiretroviral therapy among patients participating in a graduated cost recovery program at an HIV clinic in South India
Paige, D. M.
Breastfeeding Peer Counseling: The occurrence of Non Initiation and minimal duration
Relationship between income distribution and breastfeeding initiation rates in a “Low Income” population: A 3-year comparative analysis
Beyond ‘breast is best': Breastfeeding peer counselors and WIC clients' economic assessments of infant feeding options
Paik, D. I.
Is workplace able to be a center for health promotion program?
Paik, H.
Relative influences of church denominations toward drinking alcohol among Korean American females living in California
Painter, D.
Influence of question type, reference period and sensitivity on item reliability in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Painter, J.
Experience of workplace harassment and sexual health outcomes among young adult African American women
Cigarette smoking, STI/HIV risk behaviors, and psychosocial mediators among African American adolescent females
Educational attainment has protective value against incident STIs among young adult African-American women
Contextual factors associated with having older sexual partners among African American female adolescents
Painter, J.
Using the Health Belief Model to identify predictors of consistent condom use and incident STIs among African American adolescent females
Pais, M.
Developing quality measures for mother and child Care centers
Public health nurse for mothers and infants at risk: Health promotion project in a multi-disciplinary day care center
Pajewski, N. M.
Effect of Parental Language Spoken at Home on Children's Preventive and Regular Dental Services Utilization in the United States
Pajimula, F.
Developing an educational campaign to remove tobacco from pharmacies in King County, Washington
Palacio-Mejía, L. S.
Acceptability of HPV testing and stages-of-change in Papanicolaou test use among disadvantaged, indigenous and non-indigenous women in Mexico: Policy recommendations for adherence to screening
Palacio, H.
Hurricane Katrina-Related Injuries and Immunizations among Gulf Coast Evacuees Sheltered in Houston, Texas, September 2005
Palacio, M.
Community of wellness: A coalition impacting social, political and economic contributors to health disparities in one community
Palacios, C.
Developing a Latino health agenda through a community-based participatory process: The experience of the Latino Health Initiative in Montgomery County, Maryland
Palafox, N.
Pacific cancer projects performance management plan
Palakiko, D. M.
Working with Native Hawaiian communities to implement research
Cancer needs assessment in a Hawaiian Homes community
Palaniappan, L.
Experience from a Physician Pay for Performance Experiment in Outpatient Settings in Northern California
Palar, K.
Exploring urban congregations' capacity for HIV prevention & care: A case study analysis
Palermo, A. S.
Are attitudes and beliefs about the HPV vaccine specific to that vaccine?
Influences on decision making for the HPV vaccine among Blacks and Hispanics in New York City
Palermo, P.
Lead Safe Babies: A primary prevention program
Prevalence of Environmental Health & Safety Hazards Found in Home-Based Childcare Settings: Results from three years of Healthy Homes for Childcare
Targeting Foster/Kinship care families and placement agencies for primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning
Palermo, T. M.
Polarization of abortion opinions in Mexico
Palinkas, L. A.
Influence of education, socioeconomic status, insurance status and acculturation on the functional status of Latino primary care patients
Pallavicini, M. G.
Student-led services to reduce health disparities due to access: A Case study of community-university efforts through the newly founded UC Merced
Palma-Davis, L.
Implementing Project Healthy Schools (PHS) in a diverse, underserved student population: Lessons learned
Palma-Davis, L. M.
Effect of team competitions on participation and adherence to an Internet-mediated physical activity program
Palma-Martinez, J.
Comprehensive approach to herpes and hepatitis prevention among transgender people in Puerto Rico
Palmer, K.
Simulation: Preparing health providers to care for populations with disabilities
Simulation: Preparing students to care for diverse populations in the community
Palmer, L. C.
Delivering maternity services to women at risk for poor pregnancy outcomes: Comparing different service delivery models in Washington D.C
Impact of the Healthy Kids program on access to and use of health services for children ineligible for SCHIP or Medicaid
Coverage is Not Enough: Lessons from the Covering Kids and Families Access Initiative
Impact of Enrolling in Health Insurance on Low-Income Children with Medical Needs
Palmersheim, K. A.
Cheers! Breathing easier and smoking less: One year later
“Do you smoke?” Trends in Wisconsin physician's advice on smoking cessation, 1995 to 2002
Healthcare intervention for preventable risk behaviors: Physicians' advice on smoking cessation in the U.S., 1995 to 2002
Palmetto, N.
Methodological issues in school surveys of adolescent dating violence
Dating violence in New York City high school males: Aggression, victimization, and reciprocal violence
Palmisano, G.
Building strategic capacity for community-partnered policy change to achieve health equity in Detroit
Outcomes from a Randomized Community Health Worker Intervention for African Americans and Latinos with Diabetes in Detroit
Paloma, M.
Empowering advocates: Public health advocacy from the lens of tobacco advocacy
Palombo, R.
SESSION ABSTRACT - Beyond poverty - The Elder Economic Security Standard™ as a new approach to identifying basic needs
Palomino, L.
Promotoras' Role in Improving the Built Environment: Implications of an Environmental Health/Home safety Intervention on the New Mexico-Mexico Border
Pamuk, E. R.
A cross-national assessment of gender differences in self-assessed health:Results from SHARE
Income inequality in obesity among women and men by gender and race/ethnicity, 1988-1994 to 1999-2004
Panajyan, G.
Improving healthcare in rural communities of Armenia through nurse training and community partnership: Results of Project NOVA evaluation
Panapasa, S.
Economic Hardship Among Elderly Pacific Islanders in the United States
Projected Incidence of Cancer Among Pacific Islanders Living in California
Mortality Patterns among U.S. Pacific Islanders: 1992-2005
Panayotov, J. G.
Ethics and Health Inequalities: Are Preferences of Those Who Finance Health Expenditure Collectively Taken Into Account?
Panchanadeswaran, S.
Health Care Needs of Abused Immigrant South Asian Women: Challenges for Social Work Practice and Policy
Pan, C.
Current Situation and Prospect of Health Information Development in Taiwan
Pande, S.
A methodology for geocoding California collision data
Pandey, M.
NHLBI's SNP Health Association Resource (SHARe) Project: A New Model for Access to Genetic Epidemiology Data
Pandey, R. M.
Prevalence and risk factors for needle stick injuries in India: IndiaCLEN Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) study
Assessment of injection practices in India: IndiaCLEN Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) study
Pandita, M.
Pneumonia and influenza outcomes in elderly with dementia: The effect of proximity to healthcare facilities
Pandit, Y.
Health by the people: The control of tuberculosis using a community-based primary health care approach in Jamkhed, India
Pandya, S.
AMBER- Arab American Breast Cancer Education and Referral Program
Pang, K.
Partnering in a colorectal cancer awareness, education and screening campaign for the Pacific Islander community
Pang, K.
Partnering in a colorectal cancer awareness, education and screening campaign for the Pacific Islander community
Casting Our Health Net to Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Populations Across The Nation
Pang, K.
Casting Our Health Net to Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Populations Across The Nation
Panissidi, P.
Developing Health Communication Tools for Hispanic/Latino Audiences: The Fotonovela
Communicating about Risky Behaviors: African American and Hispanic/Latino Parents and Daughters
Panjamapirom, A.
Effects of beliefs, trust and satisfaction on medication compliance among hypertensive patients
Pan, S. W.
Sexual mixing patterns among social networks of HIV-infected Beijing men who have sex with men: A sociocentric study
Pantell, M. S.
Disparities in Low-Cost Preventive Cardiovascular Disease Screening: The Interaction between Health Insurance Status and Blood Pressure Measurement
Pantin, H.
Familias Unidas: A program of research aimed at preventing substance use and HIV risk behaviors in Hispanic youth
Pantin, M. A.
HIV risk patterns among high school girls in Trinidad and Tobago
Pant, K. P.
Climate change, cook stoves, and coughs & colds: Evidence from rural Nepal on thinking global, and acting local
Panzer, V.
Does Alignment between Balance Confidence and Fall-Risk Predict Future Falls in Older Adults?
Papachristou, T.
A cost-effective strategy to create a stimulating cognitive, physical, and social environment in a multi-ethnic older adult housing complex
How to include a race/ethnic diverse hard-to-reach adult population into the planning process of health education programs
Papanicolaou, G.
NHLBI's SNP Health Association Resource (SHARe) Project: A New Model for Access to Genetic Epidemiology Data
Pape, J. W.
Instituting assent for minors in a local IRB within a developing country
Pappas, G.
Community Partnerships to Improve Public Health: A case study of a slum in the megacity of Karachi, Pakistan
Politics, governance and the health system in Pakistan
Paquin, S.
Promoting sustainable development in Montreal in order to diminish the health impact of climate change
Paradeshi, S.
GIS Technology and Lead Poisoning Prevention in Mississippi
Paradise, H. L.
HIV Knowledge and Risk among Deaf Adolescents: Preliminary Findings
Increasing Scientific Literacy about Addiction for Deaf High School Students
Paradis, G.
Correlates of multiple chronic disease behavioral risk factors in Canadian children and adolescents
Parascandola, M.
Characteristics of current and recent former smokers associated with the use of new potential reduced-exposure tobacco products (PREPs)
Parashar, U.
Status of implementation of rotavirus vaccination in the Americas
Parcesepe, A.
What the Fragile Families Study Tells Us About Maternal and Child Health, Material Hardship, and Welfare Participation
Pardilla, M.
Using community workshops to develop a culturally tailored obesity and diabetes intervention program for the Navajo Nation
Food environment on the Navajo Nation: Availability of healthy foods by food source
Paredes, M.
Impact of cardiovascular risk factors and education on the relationship between income and mortality in a Chilean prospective cohort study: Outlining a "pauper rich paradox" in Latin American countries
Pare, J.
Barriers to completing colonoscopy screenings
Parham, C.
A geographical analysis of ambulatory care sensitive conditions among racial/ethnic groups within California counties
Parikh, A.
Challenges in intervening to improve diet: Do inaccurate perceptions of diet limit the ability to tailor therapy?
Management of hypertensive US adults with stroke versus those with myocardial infarction: Gaps in care and opportunities for intervention
Do hypertensive post-stroke patients receive and act upon treatment recommendations to reduce recurrent stroke risk?
Parisi, S. M.
Pneumonia and influenza hospitalizations in elderly patients with comorbidities
Pneumonia and influenza outcomes in elderly with dementia: The effect of proximity to healthcare facilities
Family Matters: A Mentor Parent Intervention to Promote Health and Wellness of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Paris, R.
Symptom reduction among women enrolled in a dyadic home-based therapeutic intervention for postpartum depression
Park, A.
Using the American Indian and Alaska Native oral tradition to record family health history
Park, B.
Testing for Coccidioidomycosis Among Community-Acquired Pneumonia Patients in Emergency Departments
Park, B.
Comparative Analysis of Lead Poisoning Prevention and Management in the Mid-Atlantic Cities
Park, C.
Promoting Physical Activity through Community Interventions: The U.S.A National Blueprint Mini-Grants
Parker, A. A.
Global measles control: Current status and implications for measles control in the United States
Parker, D.
In their own voices: Using CBPR to inform the design and implementation of a community-based HIV prevention intervention for rural African American adolescents
Using CBPR to explore rural, African American adolescents' knowledge, perceptions, and beliefs about adolescent dating violence: Implications for risky sexual behavior and mental health
Parker, E.
Building strategic capacity for community-partnered policy change to achieve health equity in Detroit
Communities working in partnership: Building capacity for public health advocacy
Relationship between perceived neighborhood conditions and health among Detroit caregivers of children with asthma
Parker, K. M.
Within Walking Distance: Characteristics of individuals who say they can walk to local features
Forming public and private partnerships for community based participatory research: The St Roch walking path
Parker, L. H.
A standards based information infrastructure for rare bleeding and clotting disorders
Parker, L.
Mobilizing Extension as a Partner in Translational Prevention Research
Parker, L.
Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Schools – Are We There Yet?
Parker, R.
PLAY Fit-Stay Fit: A Comprehensive Community-based Wellness Program for Childhood Survivors of Cancer and Family
Parker, R. K.
Pott's disease in rural, western Kenya: Challenging the status quo to provide exceptional care
Feasibility of geographic information systems (GIS) technology for esophageal cancer research in western Kenya
Park, E.
Low rates of breast cancer screening in Korean women compared with Korean American women
Park, G.
A Study on Actual Nutrient Intake in different Sasang Constitutional Types
Park, H.
Relative influences of church denominations toward drinking alcohol among Korean American females living in California
Park, H.
Influences on adolescent use of the California helpline
Parkington, S. R.
Analysis of the barriers to breast cancer screening in an HMO population in San Diego including a segmentation by stage of change, ethnicity, and region of San Diego county
Parkin, R. T.
Advancing the protection of subpopulations vulnerable to microbial pathogen risks
Park, J.
Effect of Health Education through an E-mail on Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation Program of Adolescents
Park, J.
Hearing loss, frequent ear infections, speech-language development and therapy, and use of other services in preschool-aged children in the United States
Park, J. J.
Developing a Social Marketing Campaign to Raise Awareness of Hepatitis B-related Disparities in Korean Immigrants of New York City
B Free CEED: A collaborative approach to reducing hepatitis B health disparities among Asian Pacific Islanders
Park, J. M.
Predicting residential care placement among youth in state custody who experienced psychiatric crisis
Park, K. H.
Religiosity and opinions about smoking policies
Park, P.
Reconstructing Medical Service Trips as a Means for Establishing Primary Care Infrastructure and Accessibility
Adaptations in Management for Ensuring Security and Quality of Care in a Ugandan Refugee Camp
Parla, J. S.
Ayurvedic management of Uterine Polyp: A case study
Psycho-somatic outlook of tastes in weight loss and health promotion
Janu Basti an Ayurvedic therapy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Parlanti, T. M.
Meeting the Goal of Healthy People 2010: The Dental Hygienist as Child Advocate
Parmelee, P. A.
Caregiver Burden and Recruitment among Caregivers of Older Adults
Parmer, J.
Do you want to quit smoking cigarettes? Correlates of intent to quit smoking in an adolescent population
Parental conversations in an African-American community: Effect on attitudes toward tobacco use
Public Health Workforce: Linking Academic Programs and Practice Needs in Georgia
Exploring the association between breast cancer mammography, co-morbid conditions & perceived risk
Parng, I.
Impact of drug-eluting stents balance billing on Recipients and Treatment Outcome
Parra-Medina, D.
A Community-Based Partnership Approach to Access to Care Barriers among Limited-English-Proficient Latinas
Parra, J.
Public perception and behavior change in relationship to hot weather and air pollution
Parrino, T.
HIV and Domestic Violence: Training to Improve HIV Risk Reduction Counseling, Testing, and Sexual Safety Planning with DV Survivors
Parry, C.
Teens on Tik: Methamphetamine use and sexual risk behaviors among female school drop-outs in South Africa
Parry, G. J.
Cost and efficiency of a community-based asthma case management intervention program
Parry, M.
A Role for Exhibitions: “Making a Difference in Global Heath”
Parsi, T.
Finding peaceful resolution to the US-Iran standoff
Parsons, J. T.
Exploring HIV Prevention Communication and HIV Testing Among Black MSM in New York City: From Pilot Study to Major Study
Serosorting, disclosure stigma, and physical/mental health outcomes among HIV-positive adults
Parthasarathy, P.
Creating a Paradigm Shift in Maternal and Child Health: Advancing the Life Course Perspective
Leveraging Opportunities for Prevention Across the Lifecourse Case Study: Training the Public Health Work Force at California's Contra Costa Health Services
Partida, Y.
"Translation Brief: A Simple and Effective Tool for Developing Quality Non-English Materials"
Recommendations and Practical Steps to Ensuring the Development of Non-English Materials
Partika, N. S.
A Hawaii Case Study on Interconception Care for Women on Quest/Medicaid
Assessment of disaster training needs for physicians and other health professionals serving vulnerable populations in Hawai`i
Partovi, S. M.
Evaluation of a comprehensive overdose prevention and response training program for injection drug users in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles, California
Partridge, C.
Regional collaboration on a Shigellosis issue
Partridge, E.
Advancing local cancer disparities-related health policy via CBPR strategies, partnerships, and advocacy training
Partridge, E. E.
Smoking and Cancer: A Population-based Study
Parvanta, I.
A Decade of Folic Acid Fortification: Time to Reassess Strategies?
A global effort to fortify flour and other cereal grains with folic acid and other important micronutrients
Paschal, A. M.
Assessing barriers and motivators for Hispanics to seek mental health services and treatment: A mixed method approach
Pasha, D. L.
Public Health Nursing Practice: Finding Evidence to Apply to Environmental Health Issues
Pasi, F.
Objectively assessed physical activity among Tongans living in the US: A preliminary investigation
Paskett, E. D.
Development of a Patient Satisfaction with Cancer-Related Care (PSCC) measure for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and American Cancer Society (ACS) funded Patient Navigation Research Program
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance in Ohio Appalachia
Socioeconomic Barriers to Pap smear utilization among Ohio Appalachian women
Smoking status and social and health-related characteristics among Ohio Appalachian women
Appalachian self-identity and its effects on cervical cancer screening and risky sexual behavior among women in Ohio Appalachia
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine knowledge and attitudes among women in Appalachia Ohio
Development, implementation, and evaluation of the “Get Behind Your Health!” colorectal cancer screening media campaign
Paskowsky, M.
Implementing a New Medicaid Cessation Benefit: The Massachusetts Experience
Passano, P.
Skilled birth attendance and maternal mortality: The Conundrum
Prevention of Maternal Mortality in Resource Poor Settings
Passman, D. B.
Trends in Foodborne Illness in the District of Columbia 2003-2007
Passmore, S. R.
Relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and clinical outcomes within a Veterans Affairs medical center chiropractic clinic
Pastakia, S.
Adaptations in Management for Ensuring Security and Quality of Care in a Ugandan Refugee Camp
Pastore, P. A.
Title: Changing Children's Lives: Overcoming Systemic Barriers in Education Administration to Address Childhood Obesity in an Urban Community
Pastore, V.
Role of academic and other community organizations in reducing immigrant deaths along the U.S.-Mexico border
Pastor, P. N.
Outside school activity participation and behavioral outcomes in middle childhood
Pastrana, E.
Religiosity, self-efficacy, acculturation, and social support correlate higher physical activity among church going Latinas
Caminando con Fe (Walking with Faith): A church-based Multi-Level Intervention Promoting Physical Activity in Latinas
Patel, B.
A lot on their plate: Senior nutrition programs
Patel, M.
Religiosity and acculturation affect tobacco use among California's Asian Indians
Patel, N.
Florida incidence of invasive cervical cancer varies by race and ethnicity: Cervical Cancer Research Project
Patel, P. H.
Outcomes of the 2006 International Radiological Dispersal Incident: Examining the Radiological Emergency Response Capabilities in the United States
Patel, R.
Impact of student pharmacist interventions on Medicare Part D beneficiaries' out-of-pocket prescription drug plan costs
Patel, R.
Demographic and Clinical Correlates of Police-Involved Admissions to Psychiatric Emergency Services
Race/Ethnicity and Family Involvement in Pathways to Psychiatric Emergency Services
Patel, S. N.
HIV Prevention among People Living with HIV: The Effect of Motivational Interviewing on on Safer Sex Self-efficacy
Using the Health Belief Model to identify predictors of consistent condom use and incident STIs among African American adolescent females
Patel, U.
How surgical experts evaluate patients with clinical evidence of recurrence of rectal carcinoma: No consensus
Patel, Z.
In-vehicle levels of air pollution recorded inside cars commuting across the US-Mexico border at the San Diego/Tijuana border crossing
Pate, R.
Cardiovascular STEMI Receiving Center System in a Large Metropolitan County
Patierno, S. R.
Multi-Sector Prostate Cancer Prevention Mass-Media Messaging and Community-Based Outreach Campaign in African American Males
Development of a Patient Satisfaction with Cancer-Related Care (PSCC) measure for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and American Cancer Society (ACS) funded Patient Navigation Research Program
Patil, S. R.
Three years later: Environmental health impacts of a community-demand-driven water and sanitation program in rural Maharashtra, India
Patrick, K.
An analysis of physician initiated communication and its impact on behavioral steps and physical activity among Latina women
Screening seniors for age related driving disorders
Neighborhood safety, community perceptions, and satisfaction with community resources among Latinas from a U.S.-Mexico border community
Patrick, R.
State Legislative Efforts to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities Among Limited English Proficient Populations
Patris, D.
Education and community resource building through the New York City Healthy Homes Hardware Store Campaign
Pattanayak, S. K.
Three years later: Environmental health impacts of a community-demand-driven water and sanitation program in rural Maharashtra, India
Taps, toilets and nets: Impact of micro-finance and social interactions on prevention behaviors in rural India
Climate change, cook stoves, and coughs & colds: Evidence from rural Nepal on thinking global, and acting local
Mediating health impacts of climate change: Evidence from regressions and CGE modeling of forest conservation in Brazil
Patterson, M.
Massachusetts health reform: An opportunity for eliminating disparities and creating health equity
Patterson, P.
Reproductive Health communication between Parents and Adolescents falls short
An innovative method used to improve birh disparities among women of color
Patterson, S. S.
Changing the Environment by Offering Healthy Restaurant Choices: A Public Health and Business Perspective
Patterson, S.
Addressing the Social Context of Hypertension Management among African Americans using Photovoice methodology
Patterson, T.
Differences in HIV/STI-risk behavior among male and female HIV(-), heterosexual methamphetamine users in San Diego
Correlates of early initiation into sex work in two Mexico-U.S. border cities
Established vs. new migrant status as a correlate of sexually transmitted infections and HIV risk behaviors among female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico
Abuse by clients among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.S. border cities
Patterns of methamphetamine use by gender among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico
Patz, J. A.
Geographical patterns of malaria - can climate alter malaria patterns in the Amazon?
Bridging the Gap between Health and the Built Environment: The Triple Win Biking Project
Research strategies for climate change and human health
Paulavicius, I. N.
Student attitudes toward wellness competencies
Healthy People 2010: Reaching goals through proper behavior modification for overweight and obese patients
Paul, D. R.
Inactivity and Obesity -a National Epidemic in Adults and Children (Organized Jointly by PHN & SHES)
Paul, J. M.
SESSION ABSTRACT - A Qualitative Approach to Inform Practice: Innovative Supports for Alzheimer's Caregivers
Adressing the challenges of Alzheimer's disease by creating community based participatory rsearch oportunities: An examination of a faith based, academic and governmental collaboration in Houston, TX
Paul, M.
+CLICK: Usability study of a web-based, self-management program for HIV+ youth
Paulozzi, L. J.
Pharmaceutical and illicit drug mortality in the United.States: Trends and research issues
Unintentional strangulation deaths among children and adolescents: The “choking game”
Paul, R. C.
Quality makes a difference: Experiences from family planning services for the urban slum population in Bangladesh
Paul, S. M.
Laboratory Validation of a Proposed CDC/APHL Rapid Testing Algorithm
Pauls, J. L.
Built Environment Standards and Law
Paulson, A. C.
Factors affecting sustained enrollment in Virginia's SCHIP/Medicaid programs for children at annual redetermination
Pavao, J.
Barriers to lifetime and recent mammography screening among Latinas
Burden of mental illness associated with military sexual trauma among veterans deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
Pavey, D. A.
Strategic planning and treatment of childhood obesity: STEPS towards fitness
Pavlinac, P. B.
Three Years into Legalization of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Syringe Sales in California (SB1159): Where are we now?
Pavuk, M.
Recent Health Findings From the Ranch Hand Studies
Pawlenko, N.
Promoting collaboration across boundaries: New Jersey's Governmental Public Health Partnerships
Presentation -- Natalie Pawlenko
Paxton, A. E.
Local Foods in School Nutrition Programs: Strategies and Solutions with Farm to School
Farm to School: Addressing obesity and school nutrition through local food systems
Paxton, A. E.
Farm to school across the nation: What do we know about potential impacts?
Payne-Sturges, D.
Environmentally-mediated health disparities: Selected case studies related to Asian and Pacific Islander Americans
Payne, D. L.
Family routines as a protective factor for adolescents affected by maternal HIV/AIDS
Payne, J. R.
Descriptive epidemiology of infant botulism in the United States, 1976-2006
Payne, R.
You want me to do what? Formative research to develop messages about the DHHS Physical Activity Guidelines
Developing Clear, Simple, and Useful Messages about the DHHS Physical Activity Guidelines for Audiences with Limited Health Literacy
Payton, M.
Is annual household income an indicator of weight status in children and adolescents in the United States?
Documented Risk Factors and Less Documented Cultural Factors Contributing to African Americans Stroke in a Rural Mississippi County
GIS Technology and Lead Poisoning Prevention in Mississippi
Paz-Soldan, V.
What Do Women Know About Pap Smears in Peru, and Why They Don't Get Them
Paz, M. G.
Developing effective sexual violence referral information for youth: The P-process in action
Peachy, L.
Encouraging Women By Means of Referrals, Access, Coordination and Education: An Interconception Intervention to Improve Birth Outcomes
Peacock, N.
Shared stories as needs assessment data: The lives of women encountered in an outreach program
Peake-Godin, H.
Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Community Health Nursing Curriculum
Peaper, A. L.
Creation of a data collection tool to allow analysis of prevalence and predictors of sexual assault in the Indianapolis metro-area
Pearlman, D. N.
Self-reported experience of racism when seeking medical care and adherence to mammography or Pap test screening
Pearman, S.
Policy adoption for a tobacco-free family entertainment venue: No smoking at the zoo
Patron support for tobacco-free policies at Wild Waters Adventures Park
Support for tobacco retail licensing policies in Fresno County, California
Pearsol, J.
System Changes and Solutions in State Public Health
Pearson, C. A.
Making contraception easier and promoting women's health: What is the role of the Rx requirement for the Pill?
Raising women's voices: Health care for women, health care for all
Pearson, T. A.
International collaboration and research opportunities
Peavy, K. M.
Motivation for substance abuse treatment among offenders who have committed drug-related crimes
An analysis of factors related to hypothetical substance abuse treatment preference within an incarcerated sample: Abstinence versus harm reduction
Peavy, M. J.
Utility of the theory of planned behavior for adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention behavior
Pebley, A. R.
Does social status predict adult smoking and obesity? Results from the Mexican National Health Survey
Pechtel, J.
Omaha System Solutions: Frontline staff as critical participants in selecting an automated system
Peckham, E.
Discontinuous Health Insurance and Its Effects on Access to Physician Services
Peck, J. A.
Voucher-based Reinforcement Therapy (VBRT) for Homeless, Out of Treatment, Substance-dependent Men who have Sex with Men
Peek-Asa, C.
Hospitalizations for sport-related concussions in US children aged 5 to 18 years during 2000-2004
Young athletes with disabilities: What are their risks for injury?
Peek, C. W.
Bisexuality and condom use among men: The importance of multiple sexual orientation measures
Peek, M. E.
Race and shared decision-making: Perspectives of African-American patients with diabetes
Peisen, H.
Alcohol expectancies, Cultural Orientation and Self-efficacy among Chinese Adolescence: A key to effective prevention programs
Peisinger, J.
HIV and AIDS prevention needs of Latinos and service providers in California
Pei, X.
How Do Self-reported Health Care Utilization and Absenteeism Measures Compare to Administrative Data?
Two Year Evaluation of a Public-Private Partnership for a Health Promotion Program at the Workplace
Pejavara, A.
Strategies for dissemination and diffusion of school health tools
Pekar, Z.
Measuring the effectiveness of the Air Quality Index: Two web-based studies
Pekmezaris, R.
Physicians' knowledge and attitude regarding the new American Heart Association's Guidelines for Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis
Assessing the subjective method of nursing observation to monitor pressure ulcer healing through the use of quantitative measurements (PUSH) in nursing home residents
Peleg-Oren, N.
Will methamphetamine become the new epidemic drug in Florida?
Early onset of alcohol drinking and development of risky behaviours in late adolescence
Pelletier, L. E.
Challenges and opportunities for physical activity among factory employees who are visually impaired
Pellow, D.
Reducing Tribal exposures to Superfund chemicals along the U.S.-Mexico border: Combining novel multidisciplinary collaborative approaches
Pelto-Wheeler, S. J.
Salient beliefs underlying willingness to participate in worksite wellness programs among rural employees
Pemberton, M.
Trends and Correlates of Tobacco Use in the Military: 1980-2005
Peña, A.
Human Papilloma Virus Infection & Epidemiological Risk Factors Associated with Developing Cervical Cancer Among Women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Penaflor, C.
Family Health History Intervention Among Hispanic Immigrants in Utah
Peña, F.
Development of a Bilingual Online Journal of Social Medicine/Desarrollo de una revista electrónica de medicina social
Peñaloza, L. J.
Youth Behaviors, Health, and Academic Achievement
Pena, S.
Costs of Caring: Community Health Workers/Promotores at the HEART of a Community-Based Randomized Trial
Penchansky, K.
Idaho Tobacco Cessation Program: Providing free cessation counseling to all Idahoans regardless of place of residence
Air quality and respiratory illness in youth living in Idaho's Treasure Valley
Idaho Milliennium Tobacco Cessation Program: State programs evaluation report
Pendragon, E.
Implementation of an Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance System at an American Indian Health Center and Indigenous Communities in the California-Baja California (Mexico) Border, Successes and Challenges
Peng, C.
Hepatitis B infection in Malaysian immigrants of New York City
Peng, E. Y.
Correlates of cigarette smoking among juvenile inmates in Taiwan
Association between cigarette smoking and illicit drug use among male inmates in Taiwan
Gender difference in response to new emerging diseases --- an example of the SARS outbreak
Pennel, C. L.
Uniting stakeholders in rural communities to engage in pandemic influenza response planning process
Pennel, S.
Direct mail marketing--a new way to empower moms: The Champions for Change Grassroots Initiative
Penner, L.
Trends in the utilization of healthcare services and cancer screenings for older African Americans in Detroit
Pennings, L.
Partnerships for improving worksite lactation
Improving breastfeeding support in Medi-Cal
Penny, M.
Riverside Fit Families: Breaking down silos leads to a successful public health collaboration
Utilization of law enforcement data to examine incidence and risk factors of motor vehicle crash: Riverside County, California
Penson, A. Y.
Using technology to communicate community change: A success story tool
Write it and rate it: A Web-based success story tool
Pentz, M. A.
Social Network and Organizational Performance: Effect of Community Coalitions on the Effectiveness in Delivering Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Peoples, L.
Emergency preparedness status of community mental health facilities before and after hurricanes katrina and rita
Assessing Community mental health facility needs and capacity before, during and after Hurricanes Katrina & Rita
Pepe-Martorana, R.
Staten Island Breast Cancer Project: Length of residence on Staten Island, occupation, socio-economic factors and mortality risk
Pepper, L.
Genetic Susceptibility Testing for Beryllium: For and against
Immunologic and genetic testing in beryllium disease
Peragallo, N. P.
Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) to Develop Community-Based, Cultural and Age-Appropriate HIV/AIDS Prevention for Adolescents
Perales, D. P.
Developing an MPH Health Education distance learning program: Expanding the borders of access to public health graduate education
Centering inclusion: Exploring and embracing the margins, the centers, the borders, and everything in between in an MPH health education program
Policy advocacy to eliminate smokeless tobacco sponsorship in five California rodeos: Results from a 3-year study
Perales, R. B.
STEER: An innovative environmental/public health education program; making the connection outside the classroom
Peranteau, J.
Mapping social determinants to enhance health inequities
Percy-Laurry, A. L.
Role of the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Data in Population-based Cancer Surveillance Research
Perea, F.
Step one: Assessing community readiness for disparities mobilization
Disparities Mobilization through Community-Based Participatory Research: An Asset-Based Approach for Fostering Public and Political Will to Effect Decision Making
Peretz, P.
Establishing a Community-Wide Network of Care to Reduce the Burden of Asthma in an Inner-City Community
Pérez-Cardona, C. M.
Association between increased body mass index and self-reported asthma in the Puerto Rican population
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and colorectal cancer risk in Hispanics: A pilot case-control study
Pérez-Escamilla, R.
Cross-cultural and diversity inclusiveness training to reduce "borders as barriers" to health and health care
Identification of critical control points and risk factors during preparation of ‘Chicken and Salad' meal by low-income latina meal preparers
Perez-Rivera, B.
Developing Tools to Evaluate a Community-Based Asthma Control Program-in-Development in East Harlem
East Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence: An innovative approach to improved health status for children with poorly controlled asthma
Pérez-Soto, D.
Listening to Latino families dealing with memory loss
Perez-Stable, E. J.
Beyond public health borders: A multi-site examination of Tobacco-Related Message and Media (TeRMM) exposure to the underserved
Understanding Filipina women's orientation toward colorectal cancer screening
Perez, A. M.
Prevalence of Genetic Cancer Testing among Community Health Fair Participants
Perez, A.
Teaming up with parents: A step-by-step guide to creating a parent peer education program that helps parents communicate with their children about sexuality
Perez, D.
Perceptions of Quality and Access to Health among Latinos: Cultural Factors and their impact
Perez, H. R.
Prevalence of Environmental Health & Safety Hazards Found in Home-Based Childcare Settings: Results from three years of Healthy Homes for Childcare
Perez, M.
Using GIS and WIC data to Facilitate Data Driven Planning and Policy Development
Perez, M. A.
A Pilot Investigation of Hmong Healthcare Practices in Fresno County
Academia and the Public Health Community: Partnerships Key to Creating a Diverse Competent Work Force
Primary Sources of health information among low-income pregnant women
Perez, N.
Exercise, perceived stress and environmental stressors in an ethnically diverse community
Perez, R.
VIIDAI: A binational approach to 21st century public health education, community impact, and research
Perez, R.
Protecting our Community by Talking our Stories: Culturally Appropriate HIV Capacity Building Among Pacific Islander Organizations in Southern California
Perez, R.
Urban Minority Children with Asthma: Substantial Morbidity, Compromised Access to Specialists, and the Importance of Poverty and Specialty Care
A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of Parent Mentors in Improving Asthma Outcomes in Minority Children
Perfas, F.
Culturally diverse barbershops serve as effective location for circulation of prevention information
Picture yourself alcohol and drug free
Perino, N. L.
Classroom without Walls
Perkins, B. B.
Building capital-intensive medicine, or, What's wrong with progressive health reform?
Perkins, D. W.
What is meant by “community representation” in CBPR? Lessons from the Healthy Environments Partnership
Perkins, J.
Lack of HIV/AIDS knowledge among school-age children and caregivers in an area of high HIV/AIDS prevalence: A descriptive analysis of a peri-urban population outside Lusaka, Zambia
An unexpected double burden: S. haematobium infection in the peri-urban setting outside Lusaka, Zambia
Perkins, J. M.
Falling between the cracks: Health challenges faced by peri-urban schoolchildren in Lusaka, Zambia
Perkins, J.
Evaluating school health services by academic outcomes and administrative data
Perkins, K.
Developing a strategy for health coverage for the working uninsured
Perkins, K. M.
Health risks of urban youth experiencing victimization, aggression or both
Perlman, T. S.
Internet-based streaming videos: Innovative health information tools for low literacy adults
Perloff, J.
Evaluation of telephone-based screenings for alcohol and other drug problems
Evaluation of a provider profiling intervention for substance abuse treatment programs in Connecticut
Perret-Gentil, M.
“The trouble with hospice is that they talk about death:” Why Latinos with cancer under use hospice
Perrin, J. M.
Does access to a medical home reduce the family impact of autism spectrum disorder? A national study of children with special health care needs, 2005-2006
Perrin, P. C.
A Multi-Country Assessment of Catholic Relief Services Home-based Care Programs
Perron, B.
Laws and Policies to Support Well Being of Children: An International Comparative Analysis
Perron, S.
Promoting sustainable development in Montreal in order to diminish the health impact of climate change
Perry, C.
Differences in tobacco use and related psychosocial risk factors among youth in urban India by grade level, socioeconomic status, gender, and city: Assessment of Project MYTRI follow-up surveys (2005 and 2006)
Perry, M. J.
Validation of self-reported occupational exposures in meatpacking workers
Perry, P.
Bridging the gap: Diabetes: A hands-on classroom guide for educators & schools
Enhancing school programs through community collaboration
Persad, M. D.
Food insecurity, dietary quality, & psychosocial factors among urban pregnant women
Persand, I.
Evaluation of telephone-based screenings for alcohol and other drug problems
Persky, S.
Testing innovative approaches for communicating with lay individuals about genetic concepts using virtual reality technology
Persse, D.
Investigation of a Potential Mass Rabies Exposure
Perugini, S. M.
Role of parental monitoring and peer influences on substance use with Caribbean Youth
Perveen, G.
Conceptual framework for communication: Schools and communities working together for healthier children
Pervilhac, C.
Improving Measurement Accuracy through Data Quality Assurance
Perzynski, K. L.
Achieving Student Diversity: Lessons Learned
Pesis-Katz, I.
Economic evaluation of palliative care at the end of life
Peskin, M.
When the LAN “party”, Virtual World Gaming Technology, and Middle School Classroom Collide: Will Sex Ed Ever Be The Same
Overcoming Challenges for the Delivery of HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Programs in Early Adolescents
Addressing Challenges in the Development of HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Programs for Middle School Students
An Innovative HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Program that Works: The “It's Your Game…Keep it Real Program” for Middle School Students
Early Initiation of Sexual-Risk Taking Behaviors among Urban Middle School Students: Prevalence and Protective Factors
Petering, D. H.
Public Health Nursing Practice: Finding Evidence to Apply to Environmental Health Issues
Peterman, A.
Incontinence and trauma: Sexual violence, female genital cutting and proxy measures of gynecological fistula
Peters, D. H.
Comparison of provider quality of care and caretaker's recall of care received for children under-five in Afghanistan
Peters, D.
Food insecurity and birth outcomes in Oregon women
Petersen, B.
A snapshot of state public health: Selected findings from a survey of state public health agencies
Peters, G. R.
Geographic and demographic disparities in survivor experiences of the Katrina response
Using mixed methods analysis to develop valid research tools for disaster survivors: The hurricane Katrina experience
Peters, K.
Formula freebies from the hospital: Patterns of sample pack distribution in 50 US states
Use of newborn screening infant feeding data to promote policy change in California hospitals
Improving community breastfeeding support for low-income women in California
Partnerships for improving worksite lactation
Peters, K. E.
Framing cardiovascular health in rural communities: Views on barriers and resources among older and younger Hispanics using photovoice
Barriers to accessing dental care among rural Latinos: Effects of length of residence
A Peer-Led, Popular Education-Based Oral Health Promotion Curriculum Targeting Latino and Migrant Communities
What needs to be included in ‘healthy heart' community programs? Programmatic recommendations from rural Hispanic immigrants
Peters, M.
Issues of oral health literacy: Assessing patient understanding of oral health and diabetes
Peterson, A. M.
Unusual Death Surveillance System (UDSS): Real-time monitoring of infectious disease related coroner's case deaths in Los Angeles County
Peterson, C. M.
Worksite: An Effective Approach for Delivering Statewide Tobacco Cessation Services
Peterson, D.
Expectancy effects in an open-label randomized trial of manual therapy for the care of cervicogenic headache
Peterson, E.
Master Goat Certification: To achieve community preparedness in disenfranchised Communities
Peterson, F.
Communication Skills- Risk & Learning in Action
Connecting the dots between global warming and youth health promotion
Peterson, J. J.
Community-based health promotion programs for people with disabilities: Mapping the literature landscape
Aerobic Walking among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Implications for Health Promotion Programs
Peterson, J. J.
Guidelines for the implementation of community-based health promotion programs for people with disabilities
Peterson, L.
Development of effective tools in teaching consumer skills for Hmong in California
Peterson, M. T.
Deployment Experience of US Health NGOs from International Public Health Missions in Partnership with the US Department of Defense
Peterson, N. A.
Risk prone or risk adverse: Sensation seeking and adolescent health risk behavior
Peterson, R. S.
Gender and ethnicity of underage decoys and tobacco merchants as predictors of illegal sale of tobacco in Riverside County, California
Peterson, T.
Blurring Borders to Eliminate Disparities: Integrating Tobacco Control and Chronic Disease Voices for a stronger public health infrastructure
Peters, S.
Fluoridation in California: Is San Diego fluoridated?
Peto, H.
Substance use patterns in a tuberculosis outbreak in Jackson County, MS, 2005 – 2007
Petosa, R. L.
Impact of an exercise intervention among Appalachian adolescents
Petralia, L.
A Comprehensive MODEL for Workforce Development in the Health Professions
Strategies for Meeting Future Nursing Workforce Needs
Petrini, S.
Community-based clinical prevention : Health as human capital
Petroni, S. D.
An ethical argument for making the “Population Growth-Climate Change” connection
Petruccio, C. L.
Encouraging family health history in African-American faith communities: A community-centered approach to family health history education
Pezo, E.
Developing a Latino health agenda through a community-based participatory process: The experience of the Latino Health Initiative in Montgomery County, Maryland
Pezzoli, K.
Reducing Tribal exposures to Superfund chemicals along the U.S.-Mexico border: Combining novel multidisciplinary collaborative approaches
Pfaffenberger, K.
Obesity, Morbidity, and Quality of Life within a Highly Active Population: An Examination of the Relationship Between Persistent Activity and Successful Aging
Pfau, E.
Changes in the Reportable Disease Surveillance Process in the US Army
Development of a Suicidal Thoughts Survey for Epidemiological Consultation Response
Pfefer, M.
An education campaign to increase hand and table sanitizing among chirorpactic interns
Pfefferkorn, B.
Humanitarian Licensing in Universities: Circumventing the Politics of International Trade Enforcement
Pfeiffer, D.
HPV Vaccination: African American Parents' Awareness and Concerns
Pfeiffer, J.
Integration of HIV/AIDS treatment into primary health care in Mozambique: A health system strengthening approach
A comparison of patient flow in vertical vs. integrated HIV care models in Central Mozambique
Pham, A.
Factors associated with cervical cancer screening compliance and noncompliance among Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Cambodian women
Pham, T. H.
Barriers to health care for vicitms of agent orange in the A Luoi District of Vietnam
Phancharoenworakul, K.
Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) to Develop Community-Based, Cultural and Age-Appropriate HIV/AIDS Prevention for Adolescents
Phan, H. T.
Second-hand Smoke Baseline Study and Monitoring in Vietnam
Phaup, T.
First Year College Students: What they know, believe, and think about HPV and their sexual health
Pheatt, N.
Developing a master plan for heart disease and stroke prevention and treatment: California's experience
Pheiffer, C.
Creation of an Interdisciplinary Family Focused Home Visitation Program (The Clinic at Kid's Place)
Phelan, B.
Implications of elevated temperatures in health surveillance
Implications of global climate change to persons with mental illness
Phelan, J. C.
Applying the Fundamental Cause Framework to the Examination of Disparities in HIV/AIDS Mortality in the United States (US)
Phelan, M. B.
Building a community-wide healthcare response to intimate partner violence
Phelan, P.
Implications of elevated temperatures in health surveillance
Implications of global climate change to persons with mental illness
Phelps, C. E.
Does influenza vaccine supply affect racial disparities in vaccination among Medicare elderly?
Phelps, C. L.
High-tech and low-Literacy: Appropriate technology for conveying a wellness intervention among Latina women
Phelps, M. C.
Helping medical schools prioritize CAM training and support: Lessons from the evaluation of a national initiative for curricula-change
Pheng, D.
Negotiating with agency: Towards an intersectional understanding of violence and resilience in young Southeast Asian men
Philen, R.
International collaborations to prevent transmission of diseases and improve immigrant and refugee health
Philip, D.
Legal hurdles, counseling needs, and support for pregnant teens, whether they carry to term or end the pregnancy
Philipneri, A.
Occupational disparities in smoking: An essential area for surveillance
Philipp, B.
Hospital Education in Lactation Practices (Project HELP): Does clinician education affect breastfeeding initiation and exclusivity in the hospital?
Philips, B.
A novel social assessment of cancer experiences in a rural county
Reducing breast cancer disparities through an academic-community partnership
Philis-Tsimikas, A.
Impact of Teen Peer Advocates on Elementary Students' Knowledge of Diabetes
Phillips, C.
Smoking control measures: Addressing health inequalities between Africa and the Developed countries
Phillips, C. V.
Tobacco harm reduction: Myths, misinformation and mudslinging in the Canadian press
Phillips, G.
Hospitalizations for sport-related concussions in US children aged 5 to 18 years during 2000-2004
Phillips, K.
Baseline Evaluation of the Purchaser's Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
Phillips, L. M.
Influences of a community-based intervention to promote physical activity among youth ages 9-13
Factors associated with tweens' intentions for sustaining participation in an innovative physical activity program
Phillips, M. M.
Engaging hard-to-reach communities in community health assessments: Can we do it better?
Phillips, M. M.
Evaluating the focus of statewide print media coverage of Arkansas obesity legislation
Differences in response to obesity prevention and control activities by weight status: Data from the evaluation of Arkansas Act 1220
Did We Get What We Expected? Measuring Body Mass Index in Schools
School beverage vending access and purchasing patterns among Arkansas adolescents
Parental knowledge and beliefs about childhood obesity-related co-morbidities
Phillips, R.
Impacts of the 2007 SCHIP Bill to reform the Medicare physician services payment method
Phillips, R. L.
Expanding the borders of community health: Putting GIS in the hands of safety-net health centers for community health planning
Philpott, S.
Balancing competing ethical and scientific demands on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment research
Philyaw Perez, A.
Evaluating the focus of statewide print media coverage of Arkansas obesity legislation
Differences in response to obesity prevention and control activities by weight status: Data from the evaluation of Arkansas Act 1220
Did We Get What We Expected? Measuring Body Mass Index in Schools
School beverage vending access and purchasing patterns among Arkansas adolescents
Phippard, A. E.
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding influenza prevention in California-Baja California border populations
Disease respects no borders: Conducting binational surveillance for influenza-like illness in the California-Baja California border region
Implementation of a binational reporting protocol to identify, investigate, and report binational cases in the California border counties, 2005-2007
Phipps, E. J.
GIS analysis of diabetes related community factors within discrete, urban neighborhoods
Phipps, K.
Dental services accessed by California's vulnerable children: Utilization and Policy implications
Phlong, I.
Holy Smoke: A Pilot Program to Address Tobacco and Related-disease disparities in a Cambodian Buddhist Temple
Phua, V. C.
Economic Hardship Among Elderly Pacific Islanders in the United States
Picart, E.
Student-led services to reduce health disparities due to access: A Case study of community-university efforts through the newly founded UC Merced
Pichon, L.
Correlates of indoor tanning among teens: Key findings from CITY100
Pickard, R. (. B.
Testing models for reducing "just in case" decisions by low literacy parents
Pickering, T. A.
Imputation strategies for child poverty level
Pickle, S.
U.S. medical student voice in international health education: Results and analysis from a national survey
Pickup, L.
Impact of increasing priority treatment populations on the treatment effectiveness among priority and nonpriority populations
Pierce, J. P.
Comparison of smoking prevalence trends between California and the rest of the United States
Pierce, K. L.
Palliative Care Policy Implications for Children with Special Needs
Pierre, A.
Intervention dose effects on outcomes of a group-level HIV prevention intervention for adjudicated adolescents
Pierre, I.
A Low-Cost HIV Education and Evaluation Program for Low Literacy Populations: An Example from Rural Haiti
Pierre, L.
Preventing Cervical Cancer in Little Haiti: A CBPR Success Story
Challenges to Community Based Participatory Research in Little Haiti: Lessons Learned
Pies, C.
Creating a Paradigm Shift in Maternal and Child Health: Advancing the Life Course Perspective
Oakland Asian Youth Envisioning Health through Photovoice
Leveraging Opportunities for Prevention Across the Lifecourse Case Study: Training the Public Health Work Force at California's Contra Costa Health Services
Building Trust Between Pregnant Substance-Using Women and Prenatal Care Providers in a California County
Pietersz, D.
Thinking beyond the borders: Food 4 Thought policy to promote healthy eating habits among college students
Pigg, R. M.
Social support and life purpose among graduate students: An investigation of personal development theory
Pike, K. J.
Effects of a lifestyle behaviors intervention among female cancer survivors
Telephone counseling with cognitive therapy for depression: Seven-month follow-up of effects on smokers with and without indicators of depression
Worksite Environment and Employee Health Strategies: A research study
Pillai, G.
Kyrgyz Republic makes strides toward MDGs in Maternal and Neonatal Health
Pillemer, K.
Evaluating the implementation of a community-based research program benefitting older people: The Cornell Institute for Translational Research on Aging
Pilolla, K.
Behavioral Approaches for Risk Reduction in Midlife Women with MetS: A Pilot Study
Pinder, E.
Burnout: The Risk of Physical Assault
Occupational Violence in the Schools: Impact of Environmental Factors
Do different job stressors predict burnout in teachers who were physically assaulted versus those who were not?
Pineda, C.
Operation Phoenix: So fresh, so clean, and so drug free
Piñedo, Y.
Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay for tuberculosis screening prior to isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-infected persons
Pinkerton, S. D.
Cost of Community-based Oral Fluid HIV Rapid Testing
Pinto, S. M.
Partnerships using simulation to enhance nursing students' understanding of relationships between poverty and health
Pinzon-Florez, C. E.
Prevalence and Predictors of Work-Related Injuries Among Children Laboring in the Streets of Latin America
Pinzon-Perez, H. L.
An Experience Using a Fotonovela for Health Education on Environmental Aspects of Obesity Prevention
Sustainability needs of promotores de salud programs in a rural area of California: Implications for community health planning and policy development
Pinzon-Rondon, A. M.
Prevalence and Predictors of Work-Related Injuries Among Children Laboring in the Streets of Latin America
Piotrowski, C. C.
A cross-national comparison of alcohol-related injury risk in Canadian & American college students
Piotrowski, H.
Using Evidence-Based Epidemiologic Indicators to Evaluate Impact of Abstinence Education Programs: For Example, Number Needed To Teach (NNTT)
Piper, C.
Development of a Pipeline Project to Increase Student Led Research Projects in Health Disparities
A Pipeline Project to Enhance Hbcu Student Led Research Projects
Association of Asthma Management and Insurance Type Among Children in the United States
Piper, L.
Influence of question type, reference period and sensitivity on item reliability in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Pirani, S.
A framework and methodology for understanding impact of community health assessments
Pirie, A.
Working towards social justice: Lessons learned in Somerville, Massachusetts
Pirkle, C. M.
Impact of an mDAART intervention on virological outcome in HIV-patients treated in Burkina Faso and Mali
Emergency obstetrical complications in a rural African setting (Kayes, Mali): The link between spatial access and in-hospital mortality
Piron, J.
Assessing staff readiness to implement the “Ask, Advise, Refer” (AAR) tobacco cessation brief intervention at five public health centers
Assessment of an initial implementation of a “Ask, Advise, Refer” (AAR) tobacco cessation brief intervention in the public health clinic setting
Does the public really want menu-labeling in fast food restaurants?
Pishori, A. Z.
HIV-related risk behaviors among Asian female sex workers in San Francisco
Pitkevits Houser, L.
Measuring institutional carbon “foodprints”
Pitre, C.
Building a community-wide healthcare response to intimate partner violence
Pitre, P.
Promoting sustainable development in Montreal in order to diminish the health impact of climate change
Pitt Barnes, S.
Evaluability assessments of 25 interventions to prevent childhood obesity: What we did and how we did it
Pitts, J.
Addressing ageism as a framework in an effective training curriculum for health promotion staff working with older adults
Pitts, J.
Community health stakeholder integration: The Columbus, Georgia model
A conceptual framework for the evaluation of health improvements programs
Pitzi, C.
Reaching Massachusetts Health Care Reform Goals: Effective Collaboration of a State Medicaid Program and Community Outreach Workers
MassHealth Training Forum: A Vehicle for Communicating Medicaid Policy Changes During Implementation of Massachusetts Health Care Reform Legislation
Pivonka-Jones, J.
Treatment Efficacy for Pediatric Obesity and Ethnic Disparities
Parental Readiness for Change and Involvement as a predictor of medical and psychosocial outcomes in children seeking treatment for Obesity
Piyathilake, C.
Relationship between aflatoxin B1 albumin adducts in plasma, aflatoxin M1 in urine and vitamin A and E concentrations in Ghanaians
Aflatoxin exposure and health characteristics associated with vitamin A and E levels in HIV positive individuals in the Southern Ghana, West Africa
Pizacani, B.
Evaluation of a smokefree policy in subsidized multi-unit housing complexes in the tri-county area of Portland, Oregon
Pizano, L.
Community Health Worker network meetings help improve health care access to immigrants and other underserved populations
Place, M. A.
Animal care professionals' perceived responsibilities in the evaluation and intervention of pet abuse and its connection to family violence
Plante, C.
Intra-urban variation of mortality as a function of high ambient temperatures
Plasai, V.
In the Wake of the Tsunami: Rebuilding an Island Community and Improving Public Health Infrastructure; a Thailand/United States Collaboration
Platner, J.
Immigrant workers in construction
Platt, J. E.
Missing voices: The lack of community perspectives in the pursuit of race-based medicine
Communities of color: Perspectives on race-based medicine
Parallel tracks in two faith-based genetic dialogue groups in the State of Michigan: Public health convergences
Platt, R. S.
Expanding Emergency Contraception Access — An Analysis of Plan B's Transition From Prescription Status to Over the Counter
Player, M.
Infection control breakdown in a pain management facility: An outbreak of invasive S. aureus infections associated with misused single dose vials and other breaches in infection control
Pleuss, E. S.
Testing water quality in conjunction with a household health survey and construction of community maps
Plichta, S. B.
Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunizations Among Virginia Elderly Aged 65 Years+
Emergency department use among men
Pliskin, J. S.
Developing a national framework for comparative performance evaluation of public general hospitals: Integrating clinical, financial and service-oriented dimensions of evaluation
Plough, A. L.
Does credentialing lead to improved quality and systems effectiveness in public health practice?
Plumb, J.
Development and Evaluation of a Diabetes Photonovella - Diabetes – More Than a Little Sugar
Plummer, M. L.
Pregnancy prevention and fertility enhancement in rural Tanzania: An ethnography of young people's beliefs and practices
Pluto, D.
Safe Routes to School: Attitudes and Concerns of School Leadership
Returning research findings to the community: Approaches for enhancing meaning and relevance
Poblador, A. M. C.
Improving the Level of Health Education and Outreach to Accommodate the Needs of the Diverse Asian American Community --- the Health Promoters Program
Pobutsky, A.
Teenagers Who Smoke are More Likely to Have Asthma
Poe, C.
“Walk Your Heart to Health”: Results From a Participatory Community Assessment, Planning and Pilot Project to Address Health Disparities
Lessons learned: Conducting a pilot intervention within a CBPR framework
Poehlman, J.
What causes carbon monoxide poisoning? Identifying scenarios, audience segments, and risk behaviors
Pogach, L.
Prevalence of Major and Non-major Depressive Disorders Among Women Veteran Clinic Users with Cardiovascular Conditions
Identifying prevalence of cardiovascular conditions in women vetrans with varying lengths of observation period
Pogreba-Brown, K.
Teaching MPH students 'shoe-leather epidemiology' through foodborne illness outbreaks, case investigations, and surveillance at the Super Bowl
Pointer, J. E.
Comparing seventh and tenth grade students' willingness to perform CPR after a CPR anytime™ program
Poirier, J.
Food and Beverage Environment in Neighborhood Stores: Baseline Findings from the Healthy Eating Active Communities Program (HEAC)
Polacek, G. N. L. J.
Socioeconomic status in health: Analysis of a local sample
Polak, K.
CARING: Taking cardiovascular risk reduction education to the fifth grade classroom and beyond
Polan, M. L.
Community mobilization for prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula in Eritrea
Polcin, D.
Three models of residential recovery houses for addiction: One year outcomes
Polhamus, B.
Getting the message right for tweens and their parents! Qualitative methods to inform development of strategies to communicate healthy eating messages
Policar, M.
Oral contraceptive pill dispensing policy and unintended pregnancy
Quality improvement and utilization management performance indicators: Does individualized feedback affect provider behavior?
Polisoto, T.
Re-assessing physical disability among US medical schools
Polivka, B. J.
Learning to Manage a "Flat World”: Advanced Public Health Nursing Education at the Edge
Polk, G.
Collaborating for Success: Using Partnership Activities to Support the DHHS Physical Activity Guidelines
Getting the message right for tweens and their parents! Qualitative methods to inform development of strategies to communicate healthy eating messages
Pollack, H.
B Free CEED: A collaborative approach to reducing hepatitis B health disparities among Asian Pacific Islanders
An epidemiologic study of hepatitis B infection in Fujianese immigrants of New York City
Hepatitis B infection in Fujianese immigrants of New York City: Assessment of risk exposures, knowledge and practices
Hepatitis B infection in Malaysian immigrants of New York City
Pollack, K.
Childhood Body Mass Index and Injury from Motor Vehicle Crashes
Street outreach workers, youth violence prevention, and community health: What it takes to work for peace in Lowell, Massachusetts
Pollak Kahn, J.
Unprecedented Opportunity: Improving Collaboration between State Health Agencies and Medicaid through Transformation Grants
Pollak, T.
Developing effective sexual violence referral information for youth: The P-process in action
Pollard, S.
Access to healthy foods through partnerships with local corner stores
Pollard, W. E.
Examination of health content of consumer research surveys for use in health communication planning
Pollick, H. F.
Fluoridation in California: Is San Diego fluoridated?
Pollini, R. A.
Methamphetamine use and its impacts on health in San Diego County, California
Patterns of methamphetamine use by gender among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico
Pollio, D.
A comparison of addiction and transience among street youth: Los Angeles, California, Austin, Texas, and St Louis, Missouri
Financing cocaine use in a homeless population
Comparing last stable address parcel value versus neighborhood values for a random sample of homeless: An initial test of the “tenant of last resort” hypothesis
Pollock, L. C.
Growing up outside the lines: Experiences of gender among FTM transgender youth
Polonsky, M.
Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Tailored Interventions over Time
Are industry-sponsored alcohol responsibility messages responsible enough? An analysis of public service announcements and industry-sponsored responsibility messages in alcohol advertisements on national television in 2007
Pomales, T.
Formula freebies from the hospital: Patterns of sample pack distribution in 50 US states
Effect of legislation on breastfeeding initiation and duration in the US
Pomeranz, J. L.
University Public Health and Health Profession's Students Team up to Promote Tobacco Cessation among Middle School Students
Training Public Health Students to be Anti-Tobacco Advocates
Pon Méndez, A.
Disease respects no borders: Conducting binational surveillance for influenza-like illness in the California-Baja California border region
Implementation of a binational reporting protocol to identify, investigate, and report binational cases in the California border counties, 2005-2007
Ponce, N.
Racial Discrimination and the Health of Asian Americans: Findings from the California Health Interview Survey
Self-reported discrimination in the receipt of health care and cervical cancer screening among low-income women
Wealthier but not healthier: Latino enclave effects on cancer screening
Pontiggia, L.
Physician Characteristics, Efficiency, and Clinical Trial Participation
Poole, K.
Mommas on the Move: An evaluation of a pilot prenatal physical activity program
Poole, M.
Effect of Hurricane Katrina on citizen's levels of preparedness in the state of Mississippi
Poon, E.
An epidemiologic study of hepatitis B infection in Fujianese immigrants of New York City
Hepatitis B infection in Fujianese immigrants of New York City: Assessment of risk exposures, knowledge and practices
Hepatitis B infection in Malaysian immigrants of New York City
Pope, A.
Livin' in Your Body 4 Life: An innovative DVD mini-series developed by Chicago high school students and professionals to reduce health disparities
Poppell, C. F.
Has increased colorectal cancer screening in Maryland shifted CRC to earlier stage at diagnosis?
Popper, B.
Family Matters: A Mentor Parent Intervention to Promote Health and Wellness of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Popper, S. T.
Under- and Over-Nutrition among Refugees in San Diego County, California
Porat, G.
A review of legislation restricting firearm use while intoxicated
Portale, J. D.
Community health stakeholder integration: The Columbus, Georgia model
Porter, B.
Analyzing data from computerized medical records: Possibilities vs. limitations
Evaluating community pediatricians' performance by measuring parents' experiences: A tool for policymakers for assessing community pediatric care
Porter, J. B.
Supporting community health assessment with data dissemination
Porter, K. E.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Innovations in CAM
Porter, P. G.
Using CQI strategies, clinician champions, and asthma coordinators to improve asthma-related health outcomes among low-income, multi-ethnic children
Porter, V.
Heavy metal contamination of soil and dust in homes built on an active municipal solid waste landfill in Tijuana, Mexico
Portnoy, B.
Healthy People 2020: Strategies for Oral Health Visibility
Poschman, K.
Walk Across Arizona: The effects of a community-based walking program on maintaining physical activity in older adults
Pose, B.
Practical Application of Behavioral Change Theory in Ethiopia
Focussing on social exclusion – Public Health beyond borders
Posey, D.
International collaborations to prevent transmission of diseases and improve immigrant and refugee health
Post, D.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance in Ohio Appalachia
Socioeconomic Barriers to Pap smear utilization among Ohio Appalachian women
Post, L. A.
Application of multiple data sources for estimating prevalence of elder abuse
Impairment and abuse of older adults in long-term care in Michigan: Evidence from structural equation modeling
Potter, D.
A six month follow-up study to assess the sustainability of The Domestic Violence Shelter Screening Project
Potter, J.
A survey of smoke exposure during pregnancy in minority women
Potter, J. E.
Acculturation, Education and Breastfeeding Duration Along the US-Mexico Border
Cultural factors affecting the use of oral contraception on the US-Mexico Border
Contraindications to use among women in Texas who obtain combined hormonal contraceptives over-the-counter in Mexico
Potter, L. D.
Content analysis of news coverage on the HPV vaccine
Potter, R. H.
Jail Re-entry in Dallas: Achieving Public Health Goals through System Based Partnerships and Leadership
Potter, R. H.
Epidemiological Criminology and Criminological Epidemiology: Macro to Micro, with an emphasis on the Meso
Protection of vulnerable populations during an influenza pandemic
Potts, M.
Setting Priorities for Safe Motherhood Interventions in Resource Scarce Settings
Community based distribution of injectable contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia
Skilled birth attendance and maternal mortality: The Conundrum
Pouget, E. R.
Meta-regression of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in relation to time since onset of illicit drug injection
Poulos, C.
Three years later: Environmental health impacts of a community-demand-driven water and sanitation program in rural Maharashtra, India
Poulton, T. A.
Effect of team competitions on participation and adherence to an Internet-mediated physical activity program
Poupart, J.
American Indian Adolescent Secondhand Smoke Exposure
Pour, T. R.
Improving access to health care for all Vermonters: Assessing knowledge about Catamount Health
Powell-Sears, K.
Cross-cultural and diversity inclusiveness training to reduce "borders as barriers" to health and health care
Powell, A. L.
Impact of Health Disparity Awareness on the Health Behaviors of Students at Xavier University of Louisiana
Powell, B.
Exploring HIV Prevention Communication and HIV Testing Among Black MSM in New York City: From Pilot Study to Major Study
Powell, D.
Quality improvement and accreditation: Introducing the IHI Model for Improvement to public health departments in Florida
Powell, D.
Exploring HIV Prevention Communication and HIV Testing Among Black MSM in New York City: From Pilot Study to Major Study
Powell, L.
A grass-roots approach to develop a Hispanic wellness curriculum in rural Idaho
Powell, L.
Participation in physical education and physical activity in U.S. elementary schools
Food environment in elementary schools
Powell, R. L.
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network: Crossing Borders with Data
Powell, T. N.
Enhancing Influenza Surveillance and Information Exchange Between Public Health and Schools in North Texas Through the Development of a School-based Syndromic Surveillance System
Powe, N.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Primary Care and Community-Based Interventions to Reduce Emergency Room Visits over 24 Months among African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes
Power, C.
Academic-private foundation partnerships to promote community and population based public health initiatives: A Kansas model
Prachand, N.
Heterosexuals at high risk of HIV infection: Health disparities and preliminary results of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system in Chicago
Prada, N.
Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa: An Integrated Model in Mozambique and Namibia
Improving quality and assessing impact at the child level on an Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program in Africa using an adapted Child Status Index (CSI)
Serving Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Mozambique and Namibia: Partnerships to Strengthen Micro Credit and Health Education
Prado, B.
Human Rights violations against migrants on the U.S. México Border
Prado, E. D.
Costs of Caring: Community Health Workers/Promotores at the HEART of a Community-Based Randomized Trial
Prado, E. R. D.
Effect of a Promotor(a) heart disease prevention program on dietary behaviors related to weight management, sodium intake, and fat intake of Hispanics living in El Paso, Texas participating in a randomized controlled trial
Prado, G.
Familias Unidas: A program of research aimed at preventing substance use and HIV risk behaviors in Hispanic youth
Prakash, P.
Self-reported oral health problems among agricultural workers in rural California
Prakash, S.
Long-Term Care Services for Rural Veterans: An Assessment of Average Daily Census in Non-Institutionalized Settings for Veterans Residing in Rural Areas
Fee Basis Program in Rural Settings: Veterans Health Care Across Organizational Boundaries
Mobile Care Delivery Models: Improving Access to Counseling and Other Services
21st Century Telemedicine Strategies for Rural Veterans
Prakash, S. R.
Bay Area Freight Transportation Justice: Policy and Community-Based Initiatives
Pranian, K.
Developing a peer education model designed to reduce HIV risk among methamphetamine injection drug users: Lessons from a feasibility study
“Dopers” Talk about Needle Sharing: HIV/HCV Prevention at Syringe Exchange and Beyond
Prapasiri, S.
Determine the correlation between comprehensive non-smoking ordinances and incidence rates of AMI and asthma
Human Papilloma Virus Infection & Epidemiological Risk Factors Associated with Developing Cervical Cancer Among Women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Prasad, L.
Adherence to antiretroviral therapy among patients participating in a graduated cost recovery program at an HIV clinic in South India
Prata, N.
Setting Priorities for Safe Motherhood Interventions in Resource Scarce Settings
Community based distribution of injectable contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia
Skilled birth attendance and maternal mortality: The Conundrum
Misoprostol at the community-level: A feasible postpartum hemorrhage treatment option over the long-term?
Prevention of Maternal Mortality in Resource Poor Settings
Will women pay to prevent maternal death: An assessment of willingness to pay for misoprostol
Prater, G.
Partner Notification of STI/HIV in the Republic Of Guinea: Distinguishing between verbal and non verbal behavior among women who reported having STI/HIV in the last 12 months
Preventing HIV transmission in resource-poor settings: Distinguishing between forms of behavior for partner notification in the Republic of Guinea
Crossroads of STI/HIV and Reproductive Health Education: Terminating the STI/HIV transmission chain in a resource poor setting
Prather, C.
Economic empowerment as an HIV prevention intervention among African American women
Pratt, A.
Health for Oakland, Its People and Environment (HOPE) Collaborative's participatory action research and planning process
Pray, J.
New roles for Nurse-Family Partnership public health nurse home visitors: Digital Video Disc (DVD) productions
Preciado, M.
An Ethnographic Portrait of Botanicas in San Bernardino, CA
Predictors of herbal use among a first- generation Mexican immigrants in San Bernardino, California
Precourt, M. A.
Chemical and radiological workforce readiness: Managing the interdepartmental collaboration, planning, development and implementation of chemical and radiological emergency preparedness online curricula for a large local public health department infrastructure
Prehn, A. W.
Ethics in the worst of times: Public engagement in Minnesota about rationing during a pandemic
Ethics in the worst of times: A critical review of ethical guidance for rationing resources in a severe influenza pandemic
Ethics in the worst of times: An ethical framework for rationing health resources in Minnesota during a severe pandemic
Preidis, G. A.
A Low-Cost HIV Education and Evaluation Program for Low Literacy Populations: An Example from Rural Haiti
Prejbeanu, I. M.
Statistical correlations between demographic events in a 75-year study
Prejean, J.
Regional collaboration on a Shigellosis issue
Preko, P.
COPE for ART – Improving patient quality at low cost
Breaking barriers: HIV/AIDS stigma in Ghana
Aflatoxin exposure and health characteristics associated with vitamin A and E levels in HIV positive individuals in the Southern Ghana, West Africa
Integrating Family Planning in HIV Clinical Care in Ghana
Prelip, M.
Enhancing Public Health Nursing Practice : A Collaboration in Utah
Prendergast, L.
Smoke-free workplace regulation in West Virginia: Local air quality testing in Monongalia County
Prengaman, M.
A grass-roots approach to develop a Hispanic wellness curriculum in rural Idaho
Prentice, B.
Building Local Public Health Capacity to Improve Food and Physical Activity Environments: Lessons from California
Prescott, B.
Modernizing the Public Vaccine Distribution System through a Successful Multi-Sector Partnership
Pressley, J. C.
Trends in death due to adverse effects of medical and surgical care in the elderly
Pressman, K.
Massachusett's experience with federal, state, and insurance funded SBIRT projects
Evaluation of telephone-based screenings for alcohol and other drug problems
Presson, C. C.
In a pickle: A longitudinal study exploring the association between membership in the sandwich generation and health behaviors
Preston, G.
Lessons Learned : Developing African-American Public Health Professionals and Health Disparities Researchers in South Carolina
Pretorius, G. C.
Glaucoma treatment compliance: Formative research findings
Price, E.
Tobacco use in context: Newport brand preference among young adult urban African Americans
Emerging phenomenon of Black & Mild brand cigars among young adult urban African Americans
Price, M. E.
Categorizing measures of health disparity by questions addressed, implicit assumptions, and data required
Price, S.
Planning County-wide Cancer Education: Using Geo-mapping to Identify Met and Unmet Need
Price, S.
Public Health Framing of Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities
Primomo, J.
Changes in political astuteness following a nurse legislative day
Primo, S.
Glaucoma treatment compliance: Formative research findings
Prince, D.
Impact of public sanitation on girl's health and education: A case study from rural Cameroon
Prince, M.
Assessing the HIV prevention capacity-building needs of health hepartment-based prevention program managers
Prine, L.
Oral versus buccal misoprostol for early abortion in the family medicine setting
Pring, L.
Role of academic and other community organizations in reducing immigrant deaths along the U.S.-Mexico border
Printz, N.
Making it happen with logistics data! Factors for high reporting rates
Prinz, T. S.
Medical homes for diverse underserved populations
Prior, A. M.
Factors affecting retention of adult Mexican-American participants in a longitudinal population-based study
Pritchard, M. C.
Tobacco-Free Communities: Theory to Practice
Probst, J. C.
Engagement in primary HIV-medical care:Retention in care issues in a Southern Rural State
Reasons why women do not breastfeed: A southeastern state study
Interactive Effects of Health Care Market Characteristics on the Relationship between Physicians' Perception and Use of Information Technology
Planning a curriculum in Hispanic Migration Studies: Lessons learned in Xalapa, Mexico
Impact of Workplace Environment on Job Satisfaction among Nursing Assistants
Prochaska, J.
Confronting the diabetes disparity: A look at best practices in the Texas-Mexico border region
A rural–urban comparison of older adults' physical activity in Central Texas
Procter, S. B.
Barriers: Reasons Kansas WIC clients identified for stopping breastfeeding
Proescholdbell, S.
Implementation and analysis of the Short Supplemental Youth Tobacco Survey focusing on North Carolina's American Indian youth (grades 6-12)
Prokhorov, A.
Impairment and abuse of older adults in long-term care in Michigan: Evidence from structural equation modeling
Pronovost, P.
Safety events during hospitalizations in a cohort of individuals with mental illness: A chart review pilot study
Prosper, M.
Healthy Opportunities for Physical Excellence (HOPE) for Kids
Prothrow-Stith, D.
Addressing the global epidemic of violence: Policy implications for supporting a public health agenda
UNITY: Preventing Violence within the Urban Context
Prout, M. N.
Role of community-institutional partnerships in setting policy agendas that improve access to cancer clinical trials
Provence, M.
Middle Eastern Wars and Humanitarian Catastrophes: The Role of US Middle East Policy in Recent History
Provencher, K.
Medical Access Program (MAP): Organizing and coordinating care for the uninsured through community collaboration
100% Access Healthcare Initiative: Strengthening community capacity to care for uninsured and underinsured residents through collaboration
Prue, C.
CDC's “Learn the Signs. Act Early” campaign: Applying health communication theory to move parents from fear to action
Pryce, D.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Prevalence of Tobacco Use among Somali Youth and Adults in Minnesota
Przybyla, S.
Serostatus disclosure to sexual partners among persons living with HIV/AIDS in North Carolina
Psmythe, A.
Congratulations: It's a consumer! Successful strategies for eliminating formula company marketing to new mothers in the hospital
Psoter, W. J.
Community Board: Essential component of community based research
Puccetti, K.
Overcoming barriers to reach Latino families: Low literacy newsletter series promoting a healthy lifestyle
Puckrein, G.
Statewide Estimates of Medical Expenditures for Diabetes Care
Puelle, R.
Residents' Perception of the Hunterdon County Health Department
Puenpatom, R. A.
Relative cost difference among head and neck cancer patients with and without associated oral mucositis
Puentes, F. A.
Cross-sectional analysis of Helicobacter pylori infection and growth in a cohort of children in the US/Mexico border
Demographic characteristics, acculturation and cardiovascular health in a high-risk Hispanic population in El Paso, TX
Costs of Caring: Community Health Workers/Promotores at the HEART of a Community-Based Randomized Trial
Effect of a Promotor(a) heart disease prevention program on dietary behaviors related to weight management, sodium intake, and fat intake of Hispanics living in El Paso, Texas participating in a randomized controlled trial
Puffer, M.
Bringing down barriers and crossing borders: Family planning partnerships with faith based organizations
Beyond the borders of disparity: Partnership of faith groups and health agencies in African American communities
Pukstas, K.
An Evaluation of Community Outreach and Training Efforts: Experiences from a National Multi-Site Project
Pulley, L.
Differences in response to obesity prevention and control activities by weight status: Data from the evaluation of Arkansas Act 1220
Did We Get What We Expected? Measuring Body Mass Index in Schools
School beverage vending access and purchasing patterns among Arkansas adolescents
Parental knowledge and beliefs about childhood obesity-related co-morbidities
Purciel, M.
Food environments of public schools in New York City
Purdie, L. A.
Exploring decision making: Why do Hispanics and African Americans participate in HIV/AIDS clinical research?
Puri, M.
Providers' Interpretations of Abortion Reform in Nepal
Post-Abortion Care in Nepal: Disclosure Between Patients and Providers after Legalization
Purpura, C. A.
Self-reported experience of racism when seeking medical care and adherence to mammography or Pap test screening
Pursch, S.
Public health nurses keeping seniors healthy: 2007 West Philadelphia Senior Community Center Initiative
Putenis, M.
A comparison of tobacco control policy in two newly independent states: Lessons Latvia can learn from Poland
Putnam, B. S.
Tobacco Use and Oral Cancer Risk Among Nevada Adolescent Females Over a Six Year Period
Puvanachandra, P.
Childhood Injuries in Asia and the Middle East: Results of a Pilot Study
Pyenson, B.
Medical care cost of Medicare beneficiaries with vision loss
Pyle, A. C.
American Indian and Alaska Native infant deaths in the Pacific Northwest: Identifying prevention areas using the Perinatal Periods of Risk Method (2000-2004)
Pyles, W.
Building partnerships for avian influenza preparedness in Nicaragua
Community-based surveillance models for avian influenza
Pynoos, J.
Symposium Title: Fall Prevalence Data and Three Intervention Models to Reduce Falls Among Older Adults
3. Expanding Community-Based Fall Prevention Activities: Lessons Learned from the California Senior Fall Prevention Projects
Pyrek, E.
Public Health Nursing Summit: Connecting Illinois' Population-focused Nursing Workforce