Monday, December 12, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon |
| 3014.0 | Academic Partnerships Working with Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3015.0 | Applying Evidence-based Findings to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3019.0 | Making Health A Priority In Environmental Protection (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3020.0 | Tools for Assessing Exposure to Metals (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3021.0 | Local Area Health Survey Data (Oral) |
| 3023.0 | Syndromic Surveillance and Bioterrorism (Oral) |
| 3024.0 | Environmental Health Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3025.0 | Psychiatric Epidemiology (Oral) |
| 3031.0 | Intimate Partner Violence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3041.0 | Does Maternal Risk Predict Pregnancy Outcomes? (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3042.0 | Listening to Women to Improve their Health, Mental Health and Quality of Life (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3059.0 | Statistical and Modeling Techniques for Health Outcomes Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
10:30 AM-11:30 AM Mon |
| 3072.1 | Late Breaker Poster I (Poster) |
| 3072.2 | Late Breaker Poster II (Poster) |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3096.0 | Applying Outcome-based Evaluations and Innovative Approaches to Improve Prenatal Care (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3098.0 | Building Diverse Constituencies and Environmental Public Health Tracking (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3099.0 | Practical Science: Why Community-Driven Research Initiatives Are More Effective (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3100.0 | Methods to Consider For An Effective Environmental Health Practice (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3101.0 | Development and Utilization of Applied Epidemiology Competencies (Panel Discussion)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3102.0 | Cancer Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3103.0 | Integrating Collection of Biophysical Measures with Questionnaire- Based Health Research in the Population setting: Experiences from the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project (Oral) |
| 3112.0 | HIV Prevention Research: A Focus on Bisexual Men (Oral) |
| 3137.0 | Measurement Issues: Race and Ethnicity (Oral) |
| 3138.0 | Sex Workers: Voluntary and Forced (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Mon |
| 3149.0 | Injury and Violence Prevention Programs Posters (Poster) |
| 3150.0 | Transportation and Other Unintentional Injuries Posters (Poster) |
| 3151.0 | Violence Studies Posters (Poster) |
| 3152.0 | Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence Posters (Poster) |
| 3153.0 | Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (Poster) |
| 3160.1 | Public Health Nursing and Global Health (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3186.0 | Disaster Preparedness: Bioterrorism and Natural Disaster (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3187.0 | Evaluation and Implementation of State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans: Evolving Lessons (Panel Discussion)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3188.0 | Diabetes Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3189.0 | Unhealthy Populations: Obesity and Lack of Physical Activity are Key Factors (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3191.0 | Women and Family Health Care Issues: Programs, Policies and Data Resources, Sponsored by the Aetna Award (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3195.0 | Sex for Sale: Global Implications for HIV/AIDS (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3225.0 | Healthy People 2010: 2005 Midcourse Review Data Results and Methodological Issues (Oral) |
| 3225.1 | Design and Analysis of Community-Randomized Intervention Studies (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Mon |
| 3229.0 | APHA Student Assembly Poster Session I (Poster) |
| 3231.0 | Environment Section Student Poster Session (Poster) |
| 3232.0 | Pathways Of Environmental Exposure (Poster) |
| 3233.0 | Health Investigations And Assessments Across The Map (Poster) |
| 3235.0 | Clinical Issues in Aging (Poster) |
| 3242.0 | Current Issues in HIV Counseling and Testing (Poster) |
| 3243.0 | Global Perspectives on HIV/AIDS (Poster) |
| 3245.0 | Injecting Drug Use and HIV: Findings from Research and Practice (Poster) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3270.0 | Bioterrorism: In Rural Communities and Family Preparedness (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3273.0 | Healthier Meat & Milk, Fish and Families: Getting Beneficial Fats from Sustainable, Less Toxic Sources (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3274.0 | Health At The Border (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3275.0 | Special Session - Epidemiology Education in grades 6-12 (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3276.0 | Influenza Prevention and Control in the Twenty first Century (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3277.0 | Anatomy of Chronic Disease (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3278.0 | Maternal, Infant and Child Health Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3287.0 | HIV/AIDS: Sex and Condoms in Early Adulthood (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3293.0 | Evidence Based Interventions in International MCH (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3295.0 | Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3296.0 | Violence Prevention in Families and Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3296.1 | Evidence Based Topics in Maternal Child Health (Roundtable) |
| 3312.0 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Health of Female Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3317.0 | Innovations in Biostatistical Methods and Applications (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3319.0 | Health and Public Health in Vietnam I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Mon |
| 3334.0 | Our Healthcare Workforce and Infrastructure: Is it Doing the Job? (Poster) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3356.0 | Diabetes and Obesity: The New Epidemic of the 21st Century (Roundtable) |
| 3362.0 | Asthma: Environmental Triggers And Lessons Learned (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3363.0 | Community Health Assessment: Methods And Applications (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3364.0 | Neurotoxicants and Children's Health: The Interplay of Policy, Economics, Research and Education (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3365.0 | Epidemiology Awards (Oral) |
| 3371.0 | Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3375.0 | Who's Left to Catch the Baby? (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3386.0 | Survey Research and Quantitative Methods for Health Care Services and Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 3387.0 | Health and Public Health in Vietnam II (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4020.0 | Reaching Out Of The Box: The Collaboration of Environmental Health Programs With Communities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4021.0 | Building Environmental Capacity: From Automotive Repair Shops to Vector Control (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4022.0 | Manipulating Evidence: Safeguarding the Integrity of Science (Oral) |
| 4023.0 | Infectious Disease Surveillance (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4024.0 | Epidemiologic Methods (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4025.0 | Community Based Surveillance (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4029.0 | The Social Environment of Older Adults (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4032.0 | HIV Prevention with Positives (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4035.0 | Preparing for and Responding to Disasters (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4044.0 | Reducing Infant Mortality and SIDS: The Role of Health Care Services and Safe Sleeping Practices (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4057.0 | Building Evidenced-based Practice for HIV Prevention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4059.0 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4062.0 | Evaluating Individual and Census Tract Characteristics on Birth Outcomes--a Multi-level Approach (Oral) |
| 4064.0 | Strategies for Addressing Cancer in Diverse Populations of Women (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Tue |
| 4089.0 | Injury Surveillance and Data Issues Posters (Poster) |
| 4094.0 | GIS Systems, Statistical Software, and Data Resources -- Posters I (Poster) |
| 4095.0 | Statistical Advances and Applications -- Posters II (Poster) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4119.0 | Built Environment Institute I: Improving Health by Fixing Our Everyday World - Built Environment Approaches to Preventing the Leading Causes of Death (Oral) |
| 4121.0 | Nutrition and Food Safety Beyond Bacteria: Toxicants in the Food Chain (Oral) |
| 4122.0 | Strategies for Integrating Environmental Health Into Nursing Education and Public Health Nursing (Oral) |
| 4123.0 | Measurement Issues: Prevalence and Enumeration (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4124.0 | Surveillance Issues and Methodology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4125.0 | Local, State and Federal Response - Katrina: Part I (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4126.0 | Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4135.0 | International HIV/AIDS Trends (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4136.0 | Managing HIV Infection: Treatment and Adherence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4215.0 | Built Environment Institute Roundtable: Physical and Social Environment's Impact on Health (Roundtable) |
| 4216.0 | Community Strategies To Address Environmental Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4217.0 | Effectiveness of Environmental Health Policy? (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4218.0 | Exposure Assessment And Compromised Air Quality (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4219.0 | Vaccine Preventable Disease Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4220.0 | Social Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4221.0 | Local, State and Federal Response- Katrina: Part II (Oral) |
| 4226.0 | International Aging Populations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4232.0 | Issues in Suicide Research (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4260.0 | Battered women are NOT helpless: Examining the complexity of how women cope with and survive intimate partner violence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Tue |
| 4261.0 | Studies in Environmental Health: New And Old Threats & Emerging Methods Using GIS (Poster) |
| 4262.0 | Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 4263.0 | Maternal, Infant and Child Health Epidemiology: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 4264.0 | Violence and Injury Epidemiology: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 4265.0 | Chronic Disease Epidemiology :Poster (Poster) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4306.0 | Built Environment Institute II: Assessing The Urban Built Environment To Promote Physical Activity & Health (Oral) |
| 4318.0 | HIV/AIDS Treatment: International Perspectives (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4319.0 | Mental Health and HIV/AIDS (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 4340.0 | Annual Statistical Methodology Session: Marginal Structural Models for Causal Inference (Oral) |
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |
8:30 AM-9:30 AM Wed |
| 5005.0 | Evaluating Effectiveness of Environmental Health Policies and Programs (Poster) |
| 5006.0 | How Environment Can Affect Health: A Selection of Health Outcomes (Poster) |
| 5007.0 | Academic and Public Health Partnerships Epidemiology : Poster Session (Poster) |
| 5008.0 | Survey Designs, Telephone Surveys and Results: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 5009.0 | Surviving Cancer and Chronic Disease: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 5010.0 | Other Potpourri: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 5013.0 | Race and Gender: HIV/AIDS within Vulnerable Communities (Poster) |
| 5014.0 | Topics in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Poster) |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed |
| 5041.0 | Environmental Health Preparedness and Emergency Response (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5044.0 | Health Policy and Aging (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5075.0 | Nutrition, Exercise and Lifestyle in Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5079.0 | Factor Analysis: Developments and Applications (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5080.0 | HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Women (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5097.0 | Built Environment Institute III: Building partnerships in land use and community design decision-making (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5098.0 | What and Who's Evidence Makes for Sound Policy? (Oral) |
| 5099.0 | Frameworks for Future Consideration (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5101.0 | Academic and Public Health Partnerships (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5102.0 | STD Prevention and Public Health Policy: Diverse Challenges, Diverse Opportunities (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5103.0 | Infectious Disease Late Breakers Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5104.0 | Tuberculosis Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5112.0 | Innovative Approaches to HIV/AIDS Intervention (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5114.0 | School Safety and Youth Violence (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5115.0 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Relationship with Injuries (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5121.0 | Evidence-based Models of Child Care Health Consultant Programs for the Prevention of Asthma, Child Maltreatment and Obesity (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5122.0 | Evidence-based Policy and Practice: New Directions for Improving Pregnancy Outcomes (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5141.0 | Measurement Issues: Validity and Reliability (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed |
| 5155.0 | Children: The First To Bear The Brunt Of Environmental Contamination (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5156.0 | It is about the Sex: STD Epidemiology (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5157.0 | Marketing Disease: Strategies for Countering Harmful Corporate Practices (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5158.0 | Outbreak Investigations (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5159.0 | Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology and Public Health (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5166.0 | HIV/AIDS among Gay Men and MSM: Trends, Outness, and Sense of Community (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5175.0 | The Future of MCH Research: Emergent Issues (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5193.1 | Statistical Software and Science (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |
| 5194.0 | Health of women in the community justice system and prison (Oral)![[ Recorded presentation ]](/static/img/filetypes/16x16/wrf.gif) |